
Digital download of 1948 Spearfish Junior Senior High School yearbook in Spearfish, SD. This item is a scanned copy of the original yearbook. This yearbook has photos of the school and students. The yearbook also has information about students and activities at the school. The yearbook has about scanned 52 pages. The name of the yearbook is The Spartan 1948. The City of Sanford is located in Lawrence County, South Dakota. ***DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ONLY (PDF Format File)*** Send us an email if you want us to check to see if a name is in the year book.
Yearbook Name
The Spartan 1948
Spearfish, South Dakota (Lawrence County)
Additional Information
Published by
Senior Journalism Students
Spearfish Junior-Senior High School
Spearfish, South Dakota
Volume X
Spartan Editors
Marlys McKay, Bill Fassbender, Vern Backens, Dee Young, Norma Dodd,
Mrs. Hanson
As we go there is one thought which we,
the seniors of 1948. wish to leave with you.
We are all like the headlights of an oncoming
car at dusk. At first dimly seen, the light
grows in volume and brilliance until it blazes
at its height and illuminates the highway and
ditches. A flash, and the blaze has passed
on, leaving grey dusk and the faint glow of
other coming lights. The light is gone, and
only the memory of its intensity is left.
Estella J. Bennett
"Teachers are what you make them." But this time the teacher is what
she makes us.
Fun and merriment lurKed in all of her classes as we endeavored to learn
to balance equations or to understand the amoeba. Her disappointment when
we did wrong hurt us, and silently we resolved to get those papers in, or leave
that gum at home.
There was humor in those classes, and the moments of laughter will remain
with us a long time. But with each laugh a new lesson was learned to store
in our minds and weave into our lives.
Not just subject matter and book learning have we learned in her classes,
but also how to live in this tumbled world as we ought to live. How to live
so that we may add our brick to the slowly growing wall of understanding and
fellowship, and leave our footprints, faint or bold, in the world.
With deep appreciation and affection, we dedicate this annual to our
teacher, Estella Bennett.
The Administration Makes the Plans
E. C. Mikkelsen—B A. Yankton
College; M. A. University of
South Dakota; University of
Nebraska; Superintendent of
Ben B. Burris --B. A, Colorado
State College of Education,
Greeley; M. A. University of
South Dakota; Algebra, Aero-
nautics, Geometry
Frances C. Repass—B. S. Black
Hills Teachers College, Spear-
fish; M. A. Colorado State
College of Education, Greeley,
Colorado; Instructional Super-
visor; Social Science, Typing
The Faculty Guides the Students
Leonor Andrade Estella J. Bennett Darleen Furois Georgia Hanson
B. A. University of B. S., M. A. Colo- Associate in Com- A. B. University of
New Mexico; Uni-
versity of Wisconsin
Spanish, History
rado State College mercial Education Wisconsin
of Education, Gree- B. S. in Education Journalism. English,
ley, Colorado
Doris W. Larson ----------
A. B. Augsburg Col- B. S. South Dakota Conn’s, Conserva-
lege, Minneapolis,
English, Reading
University of Ne- History
braska, Commercial
Ethel Martin Charles McClung
Blanche Jones
B. S. Montana State
College, Bozeman
Physical Education,
Social Studies
State College,
tory of Music,
Elkhart, Indiana
Band, Orchestra
Mildred Menard
National Business
Training School,
Sioux City, Iowa
Croydon Art Insti-
tute, Chicago, Ill.
Art, Junior Busi-
Bertha Noren
B. S. Black Hills
Teachers College,
Helen Oitto
B. S. Black Hills
Teachers College,
English, Music
Willis Hall
B. A Yankton Col-
lege, Yankton,
South Dakota
General Science,
Joseoh S. Rygq
B. S. Concordia Col-
lege, Moorhead,
Colorado State Col-
lege of Education,
Greeley, Colorado
Science. Manual
Arts, Mathematics
Dorothy Stannus
B. S. in Education,
Black Hills Teach-
ers College. Spear-
Donald E. Young
B. S. in Education.
Black Hills Teach-
ers College, Spear-
Springfield College,
Soringfield, Massa-
Coach, Phvsical Ed-
ucation, Economics,
American History
Board of Advisers Represents Students
STANDING: Sandra Vaughn, Mr. Burris, Bobby Nelson, George Fassbender. Donlej
Harris, James Nelson, Gene Bauer, Mr. Mikkelsen, Billy Evans, Mrs. Hanson
SEATED: Thais Johnston, secretary; Jimmie Andersen, Jean Higashi, president;
George Opitz, vice-president; Shirley Blando
The Office Staff
The Custodian
“Charlie” Ullarich
Patricia Gillespie, Bernice Lindemann
Around the Clock Activities
On the basketball court, at a pep meeting down town, listening to speakers
at Career Day, and dancing at the Junior-Senior banquet, students of Spearfish
Junior-Senior high school work and play.
Senior Class Officers Are Leaders
Club 4; Mixed Chorus 4; Quartette
4; Boys’ Trio 4; Senior Choir 4;
Lookout Staff, Art Editor 4; Spar-
tan Staff, Associate Editor 4; Sen-
ior vice-president; "100 Club” 4;
Quill & Scroll 4; Junior Talent
Show 4; Press Conference 4; Sen-
ior Play
1-2-3-4; Mixed Chorus 1-2-4; Sex-
tette 3-4; Senior Choir 4; GAA
3-4; Lookout Staff, Co-Editor 4;
Spartan Staff 4; Class Secretary
4; Pep Club 3; Homemaking Club
3-4; Orchestra 1-2-3-4; Glee Club
2-3-4; Boys’ Trio 4; Quartette 4;
Senior Choir 4; Pep Band 3; Intra-
mural 1; Quill & Scroll 3-4; Pepsi-
Cola Scholarship 4; Lookout Staff
3; “100 Club” 3-4; Junior Play;
Senior Play; Senior Class Presi-
dent; Board of Advisers 7-2-3;
Black Hills Student Congress 3;
Declamation 2-3-4; Junior Talent
Show 3-4
Class History
Activities and accomplishments of wide variation have done much to
make the class of 1948 well remembered.
In 1936 eleven of this year’s seniors entered the first grade at the
Spearfish Public School. At that time the class numbered 33. In the fresh-
man year the class had 74 members. Fifty-three students will receive
diplomas this year.
As seventh graders, the class of ’48 topped all war stamp and bond
sales conducted in twelve grades of the Spearfish school system.
A decided interest has been shown by the majority of the class in all
high school sports, declamation, and music. The Junior Class play was
Through the Keyhole, a mystery-comedy. The class sponsored a talent
night and organized a Junior Pep Band that year, also. A Mexican theme
was used for the banquet.
As seniors, the class is even more represented in school activities. Jean
Higashi is serving as the first girl president of the Board of Advisers. Five
boys lettered in football; three students lettered in declamation. Vern
Backens, Jack Ingraham, and Marvin Kallenberger were members of the
basketball team which took the District 32 Championship, and went on to
take runners-up honors for District 8 at Philip. The school’s male quartet
and the girls’ sextet are composed of seniors. Serving as class presidents
for the four years were: freshman, Miriam Kramer; sophomore, Jack Car-
penter; junior, Vern Backens; senior, Bill Frawley.
Representatives of the community of Spearfish have been: Jack
Carpenter, Boys’ State 1947; Bill Frawley, State 4-H Radio Speaking
Scholarship 1947; Jean Higashi, DAR representative 1948; Milton Mitchell,
National 4-H Club Congress 1948; Donna Twombley, 4-H Demonstrator at
the State Fair 1948
The Seniors Reach the Top
WALTIE BEILAGE Glen Ulin, North Dakota 1-2;
Glee Club 4; Lookout Staff 4; Pep Club 3; Press
Conference 4 ROBERT BRYANT Lookout Staff
4; Junior Play; Mechanics Course 1; Football 4;
Track 3 VERN BACKENS Concordia Academy,
St. Paul, Minnesota 2; Football 4; Basketball
1-3-4; Track 3; Lookout Staff, Sports Editor 4;
Spartan Staff, Associate Editor 4; Class Presi-
dent 3; Lettermen's Club 4; Senior Play; "100
Club" 4; Quill 6 Scroll 4; Press Conference 4
ANGELEE CASH Sturgis 1-2
DWAINE DODDS Band 1-2-3-4; Glee Club 3-4;
Football 4 MARION J. DIMICK Band 1-2-3-4;
Orchestra 2-3-4; Glee Club 2-3-4; Mixed Chorus
1-4; Sextet 3-4; Majorette 1-2-3; Senior Choir;
Junior Talent Show 3; GAA 1-4; Quill & Scroll
4; Lookout Staff, Exchange Editor 4; Spartan
Staff 4; All-School Play 1; Junior Play; Senior
Play; Pep Band 3; Declam 1-3; Press Conference
3 NAN CONROY Saint Mary's Hall, San
Antonio, Texas 1; All Saints' Episcopal College,
Vicksburg, Mississippi, Lamar High, Houston,
Texas 2; Alhambra High, Alhambra, California
2-3; Glee Club 4; Mixed Chorus 4; Lookout Staff
4; Spartan Staff 4; Senior Play; Quill & Scroll 4
JACK CARPENTER Band 7-8-1-2-3-4; Orchestra
2-3-4; Prompter, Junior Play; Class President 2;
Black Hills Student Congress 3; Declam 2-3-4;
Boys' State 3; Pep Band 3; Senior Play; Junior
Talent Show 3: Citizenship Award 4
Class of '48
NORMA DODD Band 8-1-2-3-4; Orchestra 1-2-3-
4; Glee Club 1-2-3-4; Mixed Chorus 1-2-4; Sextet
4; Pep Band 3; Junior Talent Show 3-4; Senior
Choir; GAA 1-3-4; Cheerleader 4; Lookout Staff,
Business Manager 4; Spartan Staff, Associate
Editor 4; President, Pep Club 3; Homemaking
Club 1; Declam 3; Press Conference 4 LeROY
FARRELL Band 8-1-2-3-4; Orchestra 2-3-4; Glee
Club 3-4; Quartet 3-4; Boys Trio 4; Senior Choir
4; National Honor Society 3-4; Quill & Scroll
3-4; Lookout Staff, Business Manager 4; Pep
Band 3; Spartan Staff, Business Manager 4;
Senior Play; Vice President of class 2-3; Tennis
Tournament 4; Junior Talent Show 3-4 ROBERT
GATES Bennett County High School 1-3; Custer
2; Prompter, Senior Play LEONA GILLESPIE
DAR Candidate 4; Secretary to Principal 3
Heights, Minnesota 1-2-3; Northfield, Minnesota
3; Football 4; Basketball 4; Lettermen's Club 4;
"100 Club" 4 DOLORES HAIR Glee Club 2-3-4;
Mixed Chorus 2-4; Sextet 3-4; National Honor
Society 3-4; Quill 6 Scroll 3-4; Lookout Staff,
Associate Editor 3, Editor 4; "100 Club" 3-4;
Black Hills Student Congress 3; Pep Club 3;
President, Homemaking Club 1; Declam 2-3;
GAA 1-3-4; Senior Play; Senior Choir; Press
Conference 3-4 JOAN HARVEY GAA 1-2-3;
Homemaking Club 1-2-3 LYLE GINSBACH
Track 1
Class of '48
JEAN HIGASHI Glee Club 1-2; GA A, Secretary
1; National Honor Society 3-4; DAR Candidate
4; Class Secretary 2; Board of Advisers, Presi-
dent 4; Black Hills Student Congress 4; Lookout
Glee Club 1-2-3; Mixed Chorus 1-2; Girls Trio
2-3; GAA 1-2; Pep Club 3; Homemaking Club 1-2
JACK INGRAHAM Whitewood 1; Sturgis 2-3;
Football 4; Basketball 4; Track 4; Lettermen's
Club 4; Lookout Staff 4; "100 Club", president
4; Quill & Scroll 4; Junior Talent Show 4; Press
Club 1-3; GAA 1-2; Lookout Staff 4; Home-
making Club 2; Quill & Scroll 4 ROSIE JONES
Glee Club 1-2-3-4; Mixed Chorus 3-4; Sextet 4;
GAA 1-2; Pep Club 3; Senior Choir; Home-
making Club 1-2-3; FTA 4 PAT MACE Glee
Club 4; Mixed Chorus 4; Football 3-4; Basket-
ball 2; Track 2-3-4; Intra-mural 7-8-9; Lettermen's
Club 3; Lookout Staff 4; Junior Talent Show 4
Class of '48
ETHEL V. VIRKULA Band 6-7-8-1-2-3-4; Orch-
estra 1-2-3-4; Glee Club 1-2; GA A 1; Home-
making Club 1; Pep Band 3; Junior Talent Show
3-4 WESLEY MORGAN Sturgis 1; Lookout
Staff 4; "100 Club" 4 MILTON MITCHELL Glee
Club 1-3-4; Mixed Chorus 1-4; Mechanics Course
1 BERNICE LINDEMANN Glee Club 1-2-3-4;
Mixed Chorus 1; Sextet 4; Senior Choir 4; GAA
1-3-4; Quill & Scroll 4; Lookout Staff, Co-Editor
4; Spartan Staff 4; "100 Club", Secretary 4;
Junior Play; Pep Club 3; Homemaking Club 2;
Senior Play; FT A 4; Secretary to principal 4;
Press Conference 4
GEORGE OPITZ Football 2-3-4; Basketball 1-2-3;
Track 1-2; Lettermen's Club 4; Lookout Staff,
Assistant Sports Editor 4; Board of Advisers 3,
Vice-president 4 LAURIE MATTHIESEN Glee
Club 1-2-3; Quill & Scroll 4; Lookout Staff 4;
"100 Club" 4; Homemaking Club 1; Press Con-
ference 4 MARLYS M. McKAY Glee Club
1-2-3; Mixed Chorus 1-2; Trio 2-3; GAA 1; Look-
out Staff 4; Spartan Staff, Associate Editor 4;
Pep Club 3; Homemaking Club 1-2; Declam 1
LEON REINECKE Band 1-20-4; Orchestra 1-2-3-
4; Glee Club 2; Mixed Chorus 2, Intra-mural 1;
Quill & Scroll 3; Lookout Staff 3; Junior Play;
Pep Band 3; Tennis Tournament 4
Class of '48
DELORES OLSON Guernsey, Wyoming 1-2-3;
1-2-3; Mixed Chorus 1-2; Girls Trio 2-3; GAA
1-2; Pep Club 3; Homemaking Club 1-2
ROBERT TURGEON Glee Club 4; Quartette 4;
Mixed Chorus 4; Junior Talent Show 4; Lookout
Staff 3 ZONA SHERRARD Indianapolis, In-
diana 1; Newcastle, Wyoming 2; Glee Club 4
ELLEN SEELEY Band 7-8-1-2-3-4; Orchestra 1-2-
3-4; Pep Band 3; Junior Talent Show 3; GAA 1;
Junior Play; Board of Advisers 7-8-1-2; Black
Hills Student Congress 3; Homemaking Club,
Treasurer 1 CORAL SEYMOUR Hettinger,
North Dakota 1; Belle Fourche 2; Lookout Staff 4
Class of '48
COILA MAE SMITH Band 1-2-3; Orchestra 1-2-
3; Glee Club 1-2-3; Pep Band 3; Majorette 2-3;
Junior Talent Show 3; Junior Play; Class Sec-
retary 3; Declam 1-2-3 JOHN M. VAINIO
Lead 1-2; Sturgis 3 MYRON STEARNS Foot-
ball 1-2-3-4; Track 1-2; Letermen's Club 3-4;
Stage manager, Junior <& Senior Play; Tennis
Tournament 4 MARILYN L. STEARNS Band
1; Glee Club 4; Majorette 2-3-4; GAA 1 -2-3-4;
Pep Club 3; Homemaking Club 1-2; Senior Play
ARNOLD WALTER Granite High School, Salt
Lake City, Utah 1-2; Band 3-4; Lookout Staff 4;
Track 3-4; Pep Band 3; Basketball 3 DONNA
TWOMBLEY Glee Club 1-2-4; Mixed Chorus 4;
DAR Candidate 4; Declam 2-3-4; GAA 1; FTA 4
MARGARET SMITH Newell 1; Belle Fourche
2-3; Lookout Staff 4 WAYNE WALLACE
Tonopah, Nevada 1-2; Tennis Tournament 4
Class of '48
DARLENE URBAN Bartram High, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania 1; Lead 2-3; Glee Club 4; Mixed
Chorus 4; Lookout Staff 4; Declam 4; Senior
Play; Quill & Scroll 4 AUSTIN WILLIAMS
Glee Club 1-3-4; Mixed Chorus 1-4; Mechanics
Course 1 MAX OLDS Lookout Staff 4; Senior
Play DOLORES "DEE" YOUNG Custer 1;
Band 2-3-4; Glee Club 2-3; Junior Talent Show
3; Pep Band 3; Cheerleader 4; Lookout Staff,
Exchange Editor 3, Associate Editor 4; Spartan
Staff, Editor 4; junior Play, Business Manager;
Pep Club 3; Black Hills Student Congress 3;
Majorette 2-3-4; Quill & Scroll 3; Board of Di-
rectors 4; "100 Club" 4; Senior Play; Press Con-
ference 4
Glimpses of Seniors ... Now and Then
Senior Play Cast; Donna Twombley; Coral Seymour; Herbert’s dilemma; Moon-
light for Herbert; Spearfish vs. Belle Fourche; Jack; our senior president; Jean and
Dolores; Bernice, Marion, and Norma; the editor; Journalism class; Bernice and
Marion with Betsy Land
Many Seniors Win Honors
1. D.A.R. candidates: Leona Gillespie, Jean Higashi, Donna Twombly
2. National Honor Society (elected in Junior year) Dolores Hair, LeRoy Farrell,
Jean Higashi
3. Pepsi Cola Scholarship Candidates: Bill Frawley, Jean Higashi, LeRoy Farrell
4. Senior lettermen: Pat Mace, Vern Backens, “Kai” Kallenberger, Jack Ingraham,
Myron Stearns, George Opitz
Class of 1949
TOP ROW. Jimmie Andersen, Harold Masker, Warren Harris, Lee Thomas, Bruce
Hurd, Roger Andersen, Jess Driskill
SECOND ROW: Jack Keifert, Iona Stoller, Patsye Noren, Bonnie Gustafson, Miss
Herman, Patty Cundy, Mary Lou Comes, Myrle Hanson
FRONT ROW: Valjean Julius, Carol Smith, Idelette Ellington, Patsy Barker,
Wendell Cathey, Ruth Wolf, Shirley bears, Becky Samuelson, Gloria Schmeltzer
TOP ROW: Floyd Dahl, James Corean, Gene Bauer, Walt Henwood, Paul Dingeman,
Dean Walker, Boyd Williams, Edwin Hendrickson
SECOND ROW: Betty Gene Willey, Mary Belle Rittberger, Florence Dandurand,
Mrs. Bever, Jane Ann Harwood, Dorothy Addison, Helen Baker
FRONT ROW: Geraldine Good, Marjorie Douse, Carol Harvey, Ann Smith, Elaine
Vance, Donna DuBois, Betty Pascoe, Mary Wing
— 18-
The Juniors Take Part in Many Activities
1. The production staff of the Junior Class Play “Kid Colby” get in the picture.
Standing: Valjean Julius, Carol Smith, Mary Lou Comes, Shirley Sears
Seated: Jane Ann Harwood, Iona Stoller, Helen Baker, Patsye Noren
2. Elaine Vance stops a moment between classes
3. The ambitious Juniors add a great deal to Journalism
4. Donna DuBois gives a big yell at the game
5. The Big Leaguers, Myrle Hanson and Gene Bauer, before a game
6. Patsye Noren putting the art work on a stencil
7. Dean Walker, Carol Harvey, and Myrle Hanson, vice-president, secretary, and
president, respectively, of the Junior Class enjoying a “spot in the sun”
8. Boyd Williams relaxes
The Sophomores
TOP ROW: Darrel Mueller, Loren Dodds, Gene Smith, Roger Creamer, Robert
Banning, Robert Olds, Wayne Bryant, Clifford Caffrey, Tom Driskill
SECOND ROW: Harold Crane, Beverly Cornell, Irvadean Green, Helen Trebelcock,
Mr. Young, Ida Mae Brandeberry, Ruby Steen, Mary Jane Dingeman, Lorraine
Wing, Billy Evans
FIRST ROW: Joyce Blando, Helen Jane Henwood, Joanne Seeley, Shirley Stevens,
Virginia Trussell, Lily Higashi, Betty Andersen, Gracie Keifert, Iola Kerwin
TOP ROW: Lyle Matson, Gene Russell, Marvin A. Erickson, Bob LaVoy, Lois Larson,
Junior Dorsett, Donald Bassett, Marvin J. Erickson, Bob Christofferson
SECOND ROW: Clayton Strampher, Mary Frawley, Pat McAmis, Marilyn Miller,
Mrs. Hanson, Marjorie Oudin, Thais Johnston, Dorothy Burnham, Deloris Eller-
man, Donald Moorhead
FIRST ROW: Shirley Ashley, Verla Twombley, Betty Tibbs, Catherine Furois,
Rosemary Reddick, Darlene Koski, Gertrude Frawley, Jessie Cadwell, Camilla
NOT PICTURED: James Furois, Marjorie Guenther, Richard Smith
The Freshmen
TOP ROW: Gilbert Stoller, William McClelland, Stephen Salem, Kari Jensen, Billy
Bob Leeper, Vernon Cash, Roger Allan, Jack Olds
SECOND ROW: James Chandler, George Fassbender, Earl Waterson, Doris Daniels,
J. S. Rygg, Cherie Mitchell, Gerald Day, Mabron McAlpin, George Heimrick
FIRST ROW: Frieda Shuck, Naoda DeRosier, Avelda Scheuttpelz, Marian Olsen,
Dorothy Orr, Joan Hammond, Verla Crago, Dorothy Lynn
TOP ROW: Lonnie Urban, Grant Olsen, Roland Bassett, Don Ward, Kenneth
Burnham, Dick Christofferson
SECOND ROW: Paul Gillespie, Andy Comes, Pat Sears, Miss Jones, Wilma Moberg,
Jimmy May, Walter Cundy
FIRST ROW: Theresa Dingeman, JoAnn Cadwell, Norma Willey, Alice Larive,
Beverly Olsen, Geraldine McNeill, Katherine McNeill, Shirley Blando
NOT PICTURED: Bruce Bade, Carol Cathey, Virginia Eggum, Eloise Ellington,
Elizabeth King, Irma Stanley, Billie June Wagner
—21 —
Eighth Grade
TOP ROW: Clifford Larive, Fred Alleman, Guy Virkula, Larry Farrell, Raymond
Nilles, Don Jones, Kenneth Adair
SECOND ROW: Peter Keifert, Herbert Julius, Marston Holben, Ardis Scott, Miss
Furois, Evelyn Walter, Dale Elmore, Thomas Koski
FIRST ROW: Marian Willey, Bonnie Willard, Cora Lou Crane, Jean Lindstad,
LaDonna Sasse, Bette Christensen, Sonya Bell
TOP ROW: Donley Harris, Lester Holben, Dick Jones, Dick Miller, LeRoy Cook,
Edward Kaiser, Dick Solaas, Jerry Willard
SECOND ROW: David Bonato, James Nelson, Dorothy Corean, Miss Stannus, Connie
Erickson, Larry Portwood, James Voorhees
FIRST ROW: Myrtle Gurnsey, Janice Roberts, Betty Weaver, Doris Harwood,
Delores Andersen, Myrtle Moses, Joan McCain, Dorothy Staigle
NOT PICTURED: Dorthy Harwood, Marie Jipp, Joan Kaiser
Seventh Grade
TOP ROW: Bobby Nelson, Ike Alleman, Win Goodell, Delano Gallivan, Noel
Matthiesen, Larry Noren, David Kirkpatrick, Larry Anderson
SECOND ROW: Keith Williams, Jimmy Seals, Sandra Vaughn, Mrs. Noren, Gail
Morris, Robert Gillespie, Martin Staigle
FIRST ROW: JoAnn Willey, Nadine Cushing, Dorothea Parker, Cellesteen Mikkel-
sen, Julia Larive, LaDonna Green, Patty Yanzick, Phyllis Jones
TOP ROW: Clifford McClelland, Roger Noss, Leslie Wigand, Joseph Wigand,
William Thomas, Victor Pratt
SECOND ROW: Albert Daniels, Joe Troyer, Tommie Jo Stapp, Mrs. Oitto, Luann
Hovland, Catherine Repass, David Sturgeon
FIRST ROW: Juanita McAlpin, Jean Dobruck, Daisy Thomas, Delphine Stoller,
Guyla Marchiando, Bessie Lyons
NOT PICTURED: Edice Blue, Eleanor Compton, George Miller, Thomas Pentilla
Underclassmen at Work and Play
B. Olsen, Leeper, M. Olsen, freshmen executives; Moorhead, Oudin, Mueller, sopho-
more officers; Cushing, Blue, Yanzick head the seventh grade; Prop-Busters; Nilles,
McCain, Virkula, eighth grade officers; winter in St. Onge; waiting for the bell; Pat;
catching up on the news; Twombley, Oudin, Johnston
Activities Popular with Students and Public
In Spearfish High School are many extra curricular activities. Of these,
perhaps music, sports, and declamation appear most often before the public
In four of the above pictures the scene of action is in the high school gym.
The Spartans are playing an action filled game against Belle Fourche and the
band and cheerleaders add much to the thrill of an important game.
The top picture shows the local declamation winners for 1947-48. Left to
right: Donna Twombley, poetry; Bill Frawley, oratory; Darlene Urban, humor-
ous; Florence Dandurand, dramatic.
Inexperienced Squad Takes Field
TOP ROW: Strampher, Bauer, Hanson, Erickson, Russell, Salem, Copas, Henwood,
Ingraham, Coach Don Young
SECOND ROW: Opitz, Hurd, Cathey, Thomas. Dingeman, Kallenberger, Stearns,
R. Andersen, Backens, J. Andersen
FRONT ROW: Bryant, Dodds, Evans, Mueller, Keifert
The Spartan grid machine failed to click effectively and ended the season
with two wins, over Sundance and Custer, and six defeats.
Consisting of eleven juniors, six sophomores and six seniors, the squad
made up for lack of experience with fighting spirit.
Roger Andersen, tackle, was chosen captain of the '47 SHS squad.
Five Lettermen Return
For Track
With five returning lettermen, Jim Andersen,
Roger Andersen, Gene Bauer, Myrle Hanson,
and Pat Mace, the '48 SHS track squad will
participate in the following track meets:
Hill City Relays April 10
West River Relays April 17
Northern Hills Meet April 23
Conference Meet May 1
Regional Meet May 7
State Meet May 14-15
Action on the Home Gridiron
SHS Football Schedule
Spearfish 21 Sundance 0
Spearfish 7 Sturgis 18
Spearfish 12 Deadwood 33
Spearfish 6 Hot Springs 19
Spearfish 0 Belle Fourche 38
Spearfish 13 Custer 6
Spearfish 13 Rapid City- 26
Spearfish 6 Lead 13
Burning of the ”S" takes place between halves of the Deadwood game.
Spartans Are Runners-up in Region 8
BACK ROW: Myrle Hanson, Wendell Cathey, Bruce Hurd, Roger Andersen, Vern
Backens, Marvin Kallenberger, Jimmie Andersen
FRONT ROW: Darrell Mueller, Walter Hen wood, Gene Bauer, Jack Ingraham
Taking runners-up in the Region 8 tournament, the '48 SHS basketball
squad ended a fair season with a win-lose record of 15-10. To reach the
regional playoff the Spartans roared through the District 32 tournament by
defeating Newell, 31-24; Deadwood, 38-22; Buffalo 35-41 for the championship.
A week later the Spartan eagers traveled to Philip for the Regional tourney
where they dumped Hot Springs 41 to 35 in the first game but fell before the
rampaging Philip Scotties 46 to 34.
In conference play the Spearfish crew tied with the Deadwood Bears for
fifth place with a conference record of seven wins and seven losses. The
Spartan cage schedule was as follows:
Spearfish Opponent
Dec. 2—Sundance here 38 22
5—Buffalo here 25 13
9—Deadwood* here 36 20
12—Rapid City* there 22 24
16—Gillette here 35 37
Invitational Tourney Sturgis 18—Rapid City 26 22 19—Sturgis 20 37
Jan. 2—Rapid City* here 26 30
13—Lead* there 24 32
16—Sturgis* there 31 32
20—Belle Fourche* here 29 45
22—Custer* there 51 32
23—Hot Springs* there 44 33
27—New Underwood here 62 32
Feb. 3—Belle Fourche* there 43 30
6—Sturgis* here 36 38
10—Lead* here 32 30
13—Custer* here 38 30
16—Deadwood* there 37 38
20—Hot Springs* * Indicates conference here 34 games 29
"B" Team Ends Season With Five Wins
BACK ROW: Lee Thomas, Marvin A. Erickson, Dick Miller, Don Moorhead
FRONT ROW: Billy Evans, Billy Bob Leeper, Don Ward, George Fassbender, Jerry
Willard, Jimmy Corean, Harold Crane, Kenneth Burnham, Stephen Salem
The Spartan "B" squad ended their season with 5 wins and 8 losses. They
chalked up wins over Belle Fourche "B", 23-22; Sturgis "B", 31-21; Rapid City
"B", 27-26; Lead "B", 29-27; and Deadwood "B", 19-16.
Leading scorer for the Spearfish second squad was Lee Thomas, lanky
pivot man, with 63.
Action in the Lead High School Gym
Lettermen's Club Honors Top Athletes
STANDING: Mr. Young, Jimmie Andersen, Gene Russell, Pat Mace. Vern Backens,
Lee Thomas, Roger Andersen, “Kai” Kallenberger, Marvin J. Erickson, George
Opitz, Wendell Cathey, Mr. Rygg
SEATED: Jack Ingraham, Walt Henwood, Darrel Mueller, Myrle Hanson, Myron
Stearns, Don Moorhead, Paul Dingeman, Gene Bauer, Clifford Caffrey
Twelve new lettermen have joined the '48
SHS Lettermen's Club, an honorary organiza-
tion of letter winners in at least one sport.
The officers elected were: Roger Andersen,
president; Myrle Hanson, secretary.
Clayton Strampher, a sophomore, has com-
pleted his second year as student manager of
the basketball, football, and track teams. Clay-
ton checks out equipment for the local athletes
and assists in keeping the athletic office in
Student Manager
The Cheerleaders
Dee Young, Donna DuBois, Idelette Ellington, Norma Dodd
Business Men Sponsor Athletic Banquet
On March 2 the SHS basketball team, Coach Don Young, and SHS cheer-
leaders were feted by the business men of Spearfish with a banquet served
at the Valley Cafe.
Talks were given by J. S. Rygg, SHS athletic director, and Myrle Hanson,
faculty athletic representative at BHTC. Edison Blue, president of the Chamber
of Commerce, served as toastmaster.
Trip to State
Through the cooperation and generosity of many of the citizens of Spearfish,
the members of the tournament team, Coach Don Young, and Athletic Director
J. S. Rygg, attended the state "B" basketball tournament at Mitchell. The boys
had missed playing in the state tournament when they dropped the final game
of the Region 8 Tourney to Philip.
Band and Glee Clubs Furnish Music
Dorothy Addison
Ike Alleman
Dorothy Burnham
Kenneth Burnham
Edice Blue
Bill Boint
Jack Carpenter
Mary Lou Comes
Betty Christensen
Mary Dingeman
Paul Dingeman
Norma Dodd
Dwaine Dodds
Marian Dimick
Donna DuBois
Larry Farrell
LeRoy Farrell
Bill Frawley
Mary Frawley
Bonnie Gustafson
Myrle Hanson
Edward Hendrickson
Melbourne Holben
Thais Johnston
Kay Kaiser
Bill Leeper
Joan McCain
Guyla Marchiando
Cellesteen Mikkelsen
Myrtle Moses
James Nelson
Bobby Nelson
Roger Noss
Dorothea Parker
Catherine Repass
Leon Reinecke
Mary Belle Rittberger
Becky Samuelson
Gloria Schmeltzer
Ellen Seeley
Joan Seeley
Iona Stoller
Gilbert Stoller
David Sturgeon
Sandra Vaughn
Ethel Virkula
Don Ward
Evelyn Walter
Arnold Walter
Dean Walker
Jerry Willard
Vonette Willard
Donnie Willard
Boyd Williams
Keith Williams
Raymond Winter
Dee Young
Under the direction of "Charlie" McClung the Spearfish High School Band
participated in many school and civic activities. With 57 members, the band
represented the school at football and basketball games, music concerts, pep
assemblies, and the West River Music Festival in Rapid City on April 24.
Girls' Glee Club
The Spearfish Senior high school girls glee club consists of 59 members,
and is directed by Mrs. Charles Oitto. The girls participated in concerts
throughout the year, and represented the school in the annual Music Festival
at Rapid City April 24.
Marilyn Stearns, Deloris Ellerman, Dee Young
In the past years twirling has become a part of the Music Department.
Marilyn Stearns and Dee Young have been majorettes for three years, while
Deloris Ellerman and Gertrude Frawwley have twirled with the SHS Band for
two years.
Dorothy Burnham
Jack Carpenter
Mary Jane Dingeman
Paul Dingeman
Marian Dimick
Norma Dodd
Donna DuBois
Larry Farrell
LeRoy Farrell
Bill Frawley
Gertrude Frawley
Mary Frawley
Gerry Good
Bonnie Gustafson
Edward Hendrickson
Lily Higashi
Leon Reinecke
Marybelle Rittberger
Gloria Schmeltzer
Ellen Seeley
Joan Seeley
Iona Stoller
Gilbert Stoller
Ethel Virkula
Boyd Williams
B" Twirlers Practice For Perfection
STANDING: Ardis Scott, Joan McCain, Betty Weaver, Doris Harwood, Connie
Erickson, Dorothy Corean, Gertrude Frawley, Verla Twombley, Ida Mae
KNEELING: Joan Willey, Sonya Bell, Dorthy Harwood, Gayle Morris, Bette
Christensen, Dorothea Parker, Nadine Cushing
Roger Allan
Dick Brandeberry
Carman Campman
Callie Christensen
Allan Clark
Andrew Comes
Jack Dimick
Joan Dimick
Win Goodell
Lyle Hines
Luann Hovland
Marie Jipp
Owen Kassin
Bessie Lyons
Harold Marchant
George Miller
Raymond Nilles
Catherine Repass
Victor Seals
Marcita Seheib
Mary Smith
Tommie Jo Stapp
Mary Sturgeon
Betty Ullarich
Patty Winter
Joe Wigand
Leslie Wigand
Many Girls Participate in Glee Club
TOP ROW. Idelette Ellington, Charlene Hebert, Marilyn Stearns, Nan Conroy, Lois
Larson, Beverly Scott, Marilyn Miller, Pasye Noren, Waltie Beilage, Becky
SECOND ROW: Norma Dodd, Dorothy Lynn, Naoda DeRosier, Shirley Sears, Mrs.
Oitto, Carol Smith, Camilla Virkula, Gertrude Frawley, Jane Harwood
FIRST ROW: Mary Wing, Marjorie Douse, Carol Harvey, Ann Smith, Wilma Moberg,
Patricia Sears, Ida Mae Brandeberry, Donna DuBois, Geraldine Good, Iola
Kerwin ,
LOWER PICTURE—TOP ROW: Betty Ann Tibbs, Chene Mitchell, Kan Jensen,
Patsy Barker, Donna Twombley, Patty Cundy, Bonnie Gustafson, Ruth Wolf,
Dolores Hair
SECOND ROW: Gloria Schmeltzer, Valjean Julius, Jessie Cadwell, Verla Crago,
Mrs. Oitto, Dorothy Orr, Marian Olsen, Verla Twombley, Helen Trebelcock,
Bernice Lindemann , . „ „ , „ , .
FIRST ROW: Betty Andersen, Beverly Olsen, Elame Vance, Helen Baker, Marion
Dimick, Darlene Urban, Betty Gene Willey, Betty Pascoe, Gracie Keifert
Boys' Glee Club
BACK ROW: Bob LaVoy, Dwaine Dodds, Bruce Hurd, Bob Turgeon, Pat Mace, Jess
Driskill, Gilbert Stoller, Lyle Matson
FRONT ROW: Geraldine Good, Accompanist, Gene Smith, Bill Fassbender, Bill
Frawley, Mrs. Oitto, Austin Williams, Myron Stearns, LeRoy Farrell
Quartet and Sextet Composed of Seniors
Billy Fassbender, Bob Turgeon, Bill
Frawley, LeRoy Farrell
BACK ROW: Dolores Hair, Norma Dodd
Bernice Lindemann
FIRST ROW: Rose Jones, Marion Dimick,
Charlene Hebert
Girls Sports Interest Many
TOP ROW: Valjean Julius, Joan Hammond, Jane Ann Harwood, Dorothy Burnham,
Deloris Ellerman, Thais Johnston, Marjorie Oudin, Betty King, Patsy Barker,
Ruth Wolf
FRONT ROW: Carol Cathey, Ida Mae Brandeberry, Carol Harvey, Joan Seeley,
Irvadean Green, Bernice Lindemann, Marion Dimick, Norma Dodd
Future Homemakers of America
STANDING: Irvadean Green, Dorothy Burnham, Jessie Cadwell, Virginia Eggum,
Mrs. Martin
SEATED: Gracie Keifert, Betty Anderson, Shirley Ashley, Verla Crago, Joan
Cadwell, Doris Daniels, Cherie Mitchell, Dorothy Orr, Wilma Moberg, Deloris
Ellerman, Lois Larson, Marion Olsen, Patty Sears, Beverly Olsen, Avelda Schutt-
pelz, Eloise Ellington, Joan Hammond
Future Teachers of America
TOP ROW: Marion Dimick, Miss Repass, Donna Twombly, Ruth Wolf, Patty Cundy,
Patsy Barker
SECOND ROW: Rose Jones, Carol Smith, Bernice Lindemann, Shirley Sears
FIRST ROW: Gloria Schmeltzer, Gerry Good, Carol Harvey
Quill and Scroll
STANDING: Jack Ingraham, Leon Reinecke, Bill Fassbender, LeRoy Farrell
SECOND ROW: Patsye Noren, Vern Backens, Dorelie Huff, Becky Samuelson, Elaine
Vance, Dolores Hair, Dee Young, Bill Frawley
FIRST ROW: Nan Conroy, Jean Higashi, Marion Dimick, Darlene Urban, Bernice
Lindemann, Laurie Matthiesen
Sixteen students became members of Quill and Scroll this year. There
were five holdover members from last year, Dolores Hair, Dee Young, LeRoy
Farrell, Leon Reinecke and Bill Frawley. The annual banquet and initiation
were held May 15 at the high school.
100 Club
The "100 Club" organized in 1947 by
Theodore Olsen, added eleven new
members in 1948. They accomplished
their goal of 100 inches and are now
the elite of the Journalism class. They
held their annual initiation and picnic
April 25, at Rim Rock Lodge in Spear-
fish Canyon. Dolores Hair is a hold-
over member, the only Junior to make
the "100 Club" in its first year.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Jean Higashi, Patsye
Noren, Bill Fassbender, Vern Backens,
Mrs. Hanson, Elaine Vance, Jack
Ingraham, Bernice Lindemann, Dolor-
es Hair, Dee Young, Laurie Matthiesen
-39 -
Lookout Staff
STANDING: LeRoy Farrell, Bill Fassbender, Norma Dodd, Jack Ingraham, Vern
“Backens, Carol Smith, Bernice Lindemann, Patsye Noren, Becky Samuelson,
Marion Dimick
SEATED: Charlene Hebert, Dolores Hair, editors
The Lookout
The members on the Lookout Staff and the Journalism Classes publish
twice a month a six to ten page paper. The Lookout is mimeographed and
contains complete coverage of all school activities and school members. It
offers opportunities for students to learn journalistic work under the careful and
friendly supervision of Mrs. Myrle Hanson.
The Spartan
The 1948 Spartan was written, made up and published through the efforts
of the annual staff under the sunervision of Mrs. Myrle Hanson. Members of
the staff are Dee Young, Editor, Marlys McKay, Bill Fassbender, Vern Backens,
and Norma Dodd, Co-editors. Other staff members include Charlene Hebert,
Marion Dimick, Bernice Lindemann, LeRoy Farrell, Dolores Hair and Nancy
Pictures were taken by the Black Hills Studio Inc.
—40 -
Journalism Students Work on the Lookout
Journalism Class works forever toward meeting the deadline
Spartan Staff
Charlene Hebert, Billy Fassbender, Marion Dimick, Bernice Lindeman, LeRoy Farrell,
Dee Young, Vern Backens, Dolores Hair, Nancy Conroy, Norma Dodd, Marlys McKay
Fifteen Students Try Declamation
STANDING: Theresa Dingeman. Verla Twombly, Doris Daniels, Bonnie Gustafson.
Paul Dingeman, James Chandler, Pat McAmis, Gertrude Frawley, Gloria
SEATED: Jack Carpenter, Darlene Urban, Florence Dandurand. Bill Frawley. Donna
Twombly, Miss Stannus, Director
NOT PICTURED: Marjorie Guenther
Class of '48 Entertains Class of '47
The Junior-Senior Banquet of 1947 sponsored by the class of '48, was held May
17. Students and guests ate and danced amid bright colors making up a Mexican
Juniors Present Comedy
"A different kind of play, an interesting comedy,r' seems to be the opinion
of those who attended the Junior play, "Kid Colby," which was presented
Thursday and Friday, January 8 and 9.
Portraying the longer roles on Thursday night were Bruce Hurd, Carol
Harvey, Warren Harris, Gene Bauer, and Gerry Good. On Friday night Jimmie
Andersen, Ruth Wolf, Roger Andersen, Dean Walker, and Bonnie Gustafson
played the major roles. Myrle Hanson, Walt Henwood, Boyd Williams, Donna
DuBois, Florence Dandurand, Marjorie Douse, Patsv Barker, Gloria Schmeltzer,
Helen Baker, and Paul Dingeman played both nights.
The production staff and ushers consisted of Patsye Noren, Betty Willey,
Iona Stoller, Mary Belle Rittberger, Mary Lou Comes, Valjean Julius, Shirley
Sears, Becky Samuelson, Elaine Vance, Carol Smith, and Dorothy Addison.
Learning by Study and Experiment
Combined study hall and library is used by students during their study
Physics class conducts experiments under instructor Joe Rvgg and student
instructor Levi Ironhawk.
Homemaking and Chemistry
Freshman and sophomore girls demonstrate cooking techniques.
Students learn chemistry through experimentation.
Juniors Sponsor Banquet
South end of gymnasium—Junior Senior banquet 1948
The juniors entertained the senior class and other guests at "Fairy Land",
the Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom May 8, 1948. Jimmie Andersen, toast-
master, introduced the speakers and entertainers, who presented a delightful
Speakers' table—Junior-Senior Banquet, 1948
National Honor Society
Dolores Hair*, Leroy Farrell*, Bernice Lindemann*, William Frawley*, Donna
Twombley*, Ruth Wolf**, Gene Bauer**, Dee Young*, William Fassbender*, Patsye
Noren**, Jean Higashi*, Student Body President; Jack Carpenter*, Citizenship
Award Winner
♦Class of 1948, "Class of 1949
National Athletic Scholarship Society
Myron Stearns*, Jimmie Andersen**, Vern Backens*, Dean Walker**
Jack Ingraham*, Myrle Hanson*’, Gene Bauer**, Roger Andersen* *
♦Class of 1948, "Class of 1949
Airport Cafe
Clarence Baker Service Station
Bell Motor Company
Black Hills Saddlery
Black Hills Service Station
Blake's Real Estate and
Brown's Rite-Way Cleaners
H. R. Christensen Real Estate
and Insurance
Dr. B. S. Clark
Clark's Friendly Service
Coast-to-Coast Stores
Collins' Modern Court
Craig Hardware
Dwight's Super-Valu Market
Gamble Store Dealers
Matson Brothers
Gorham Brothers
Harmon Motor Company
Hebert's Tydol Service
Hotel Coffee Shop
K & L Cleaners
Keene Construction Company
Kelly's Grocery
Lou's Barber Shop
Matson Shoe Shop
Myrlee Dress Shoppe
Open Air Market
Pearson's Toggery
J. C. Penney Company
Sleep's Service Station
Spearfish Cleaners
Spearfish Electric Company
Spearfish Home Laundry
Spearfish Implement Company
Spearfish Motor Company
Taxi Service
Vaughn's Shop
Queen City Mail
Wamsley's Furniture and
Seright Publication Bureau
School Service
Printed Annuals - Lithographed Annuals - Mimeograph
Annuals - Covers - Stencils - Invitations - Cards
Annual & Paper Staff Awards
Medals - Trophies