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Class of 1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook
1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook in Indiana
1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook The Sargasso
1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook Faculty and Public School Teachers
Students in the Class of 1938 Kokomo High School Senior Graduates
1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook Senior Student Photos
1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook Juniors
1938 Kokomo High School Track and Field Team
1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook Orchestra Musical Band
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Class of 1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook in Indiana
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook The Sargasso
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook Faculty and Public School Teachers
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Students in the Class of 1938 Kokomo High School Senior Graduates
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook Senior Student Photos
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook Juniors
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1938 Kokomo High School Track and Field Team
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook Orchestra Musical Band

1938 Kokomo High School Yearbook in Kokomo, Indiana * The Sargasso 1938

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Digital download of 1938 Kokomo High School yearbook in Kokomo, IN. This item is a scanned copy of the original yearbook. This yearbook has some photos of the school and students. The yearbook also has information about students and activities at the school. The yearbook is about 88 scanned pages long. ***Blank Pages are sometimes not included in the PDF download. The name of the yearbook is The Sargasso 1938. Kokomo is a city located in Howard County, Indiana. DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ONLY (PDF Format File) Please review the sample photos form the yearbook. Send us a message if you want us to check to see if a name is in the year book. **There is original scanned handwriting in the yearbook.

Yearbook Name

The Sargasso 1938


Kokomo, Indiana (Howard County)

Additional Information
• To Neva M. Bourne, whose sixteen
years of service in the Principal's office were
filled with devotion to the best interests of
Kokomo High School, and whose sympa-
thetic and sincere friendship endeared her
to the student body, this volume of the
Sargasso is dedicated by the class of 1938.
Marjorie Ann Strode, Editor
JOHN Springer. Business Manager

Seniors 9
Juniors 27
Sophomores 53
Freshmen 40
Golf and Tennis 49
Football 50
Basketball 5 2
Track 54
Girls’ Athletics 56
Calendar 58
Organizations 60
Music 70
Publications 75
Dramatics 78
Published by the Senior Class


C. V. Haworth
Superintendent of Schools
C. E. Hinshaw
Kokomo High School appreciates the efficient and enthusiastic direction
of Mr. C. V. Haworth, who has been superintendent of the Kokomo
schools for twenty-five years, Mr. C. E. Hinshaw and the members
of the School Board.
H. M. Rhorer
C. V. Orr
Wanita Hughes
Cornelia Aaron
Robert Barngrover
Clara Edna Berry
Niva Bourne
Head of Commercial Department
Physical Training
Physteal Education
Ruth Campbell
John Caylor
Pauline Conaway
Home Economics
Gertrude Colescott
Head of Social Science Department
Jesse Couch
Wood Shop
Lee Dixon
Fay Cover
Waiter Cross
Bernice Doody
Cafeteria Manager
Home Economics
Mary Fausset
John R Dunbar
B O. Emmert
Social Science
Lilith Farlow
Dorothy Grau
Virgii Fleenor
Head of Vocational Department
Harold Freeland
Social Science
Joy Goyer
Charles Lester
Social Science
Page 6
Elizabeth Handley
Ray Harrison
General Shop
George Hartman
Olin Merritt
Chester Hill
Athletic Director
Willis Howell
John Meinzeri
Industrial Arts
Haven Jones
John Paul Jones
Cebren W. Joyner
Noel T. Myers
Industrial Arts
India Martz
Head of Latin Department
Everett Mason
Lester McCarty
Virginia McCune
Ada McDonnall
Health Education
Elizabeth McIntosh
Social Science
Bernice McKinley
Ralph Miller
Earl Utterback
Social Science
Barclay D. Morris
Fred Moss
Fred Mustard
Social Science
Page 7
Ray Newlon
Auto Mechanics
Dean of Girls Biology
Machine Shop
Edward W. Phillips
Social Science
Dorothea Pohlman
Joseph Powell
Social Science
Latin - French
George B. Reno
Dessie Rody
Forrest Roe
Social Science
Helen Ross
Head of English Department
Irene Rufty
Louise Scheidt
George Shewmon
Mary E. Stranburg
Latin - Mathematics -
Dorothy Thornburgh
Head of French Department
Anna B. Ward
Head of Mathematics D pai tment
Aileen Weiland
Mabel Wilkinson
School Nurse
Chestina Williams
Home Economics - Health
John W. Wilson
Social Science
Page 8
Bill Day
Morris Boyce
Nedra Seagrave
Garnet Irby
Kathleen Adams
Commercial Course
Entered from Tipton. Indiana. 3.
Rebecca Adams
Commercial Course
Frances Aerne
Commercial Course
Red and Blue Typist. 4 ; Monitor. 4.
Ralph Aldridge
Academic Course
Scholastic Honors. 1. 2. 3: National
Honor Society. 4: Rotary Repre-
sentative. 4; Student Council. 1 :
Red and Blue. 3. 4. Advertising
Manager. 4; Yell Leader. 3. 4;
Dramatic Club. 4: English Club.
3. 4. Vice-President, 4; Franklin
Club. 2. 3. 4: Freshman Forum. 1 :
Glee Club. 1. 2. 4. Operetta. 1.3;
Globe Trotters. 3; Monitor. 2. 3;
"Spring Fever."
Mary Marie Allen
General Course
Student Council. 1 : Red and Blue.
3. 4; Civic Club. 3. 4; English
Club. 3. 4: French Club. 4; Moni-
tor. 2. 3. 4.
George Anderson
General Course
Mary Lou Anderson
Commercial Course
Bird Club. 3. 4; English Club. 3,
4; K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4 ; Or-
chestra. 1, 2. 3: Monitor. 2; Moni-
tor Board, 4.
Robert Arrol
Academic Coursey
National Honor Society. 4. Presi-
dent. 4; Student Council. 1. 2. 4:
Red and Blue 2, 3, 4. Ass’t Editor.
4. English Club. 3. 4. President. 4;
Franklin Club, 2. 3. 4: Freshman
Forum. 1 ; Mehr Licht. 2. 3,4:
Band. 1. 2. 3. 4; "Spring; Fever^'
William Artis O\\J 1
Vocational Coursjb
Track. 3, 4.
Raymond Ashburn
Academic Course
Monitor, 3.
Robert Aughe
General Course
Chess Club. 3; Philatelic Club. 1:
Monitor, 3.
Keene Ausman
General Course
Red and Blue. 2. 3; Sargasso Snap-
shot Editor, 4; Civic Club. ?, 4;
G. A. A. 2. 3. 4; Outdoor Club. 1 ;
Monitor. 2. 3. 4.
Wanda Bagwell
Commercial Course
Civic Club. 3; Freshman Forum, 1 ;
G. A. A.. 2; Globe Trotters. 3;
Outdoor Club. 1. 2; Monitor, 2.
Marjorie Baker
Commercial Course
Red and Blue Typist, 4; Choir, 4;
Monitor, 4.
Harold Baldwin
Academic Course
Scholastic Honors. 1. 2: National
Honor Society. 4: Student Council.
2. 3. 4: Red and Blue. 3. 4: Civic
Club. 4. Vice-President. 4; English
Club. 4; Globe Trotters. 3. 4, Sec-
retary, 3, Vice-President. 4; Moni-
tor. 3. 4.
Robert Barry
General Course
Entered from Indianapolis. Indiana.
3: Track, 3, 4.
Rosemary Belt
Commercial Course
Biology Club. 2. 3. 4: Bird Club.
2. 3. 4; K. H. S. Seniority Club.
4 ; Monitor, 2.
Willis Bertram
Academic Course
Dramatic Club. 2. 3. 4; French
Club. 2, 3. 4; Monitor. 2.
Ruth Naomi Black
Genera/ Course
Red and Blue. 4; English Club. 4;
Home Economics Club. 2. 3. 4.
Earl Bliss
Vocational Course
Football, 1.
General Course
Entered from Noblesville. Indiana.
3; Chess Club, 4; Band. 3. 4;
Orchestra. 3, 4.
Page 1 o
General Couise
Philatelic Club. 1.
Morris Boyce
Academic Course
Entered from Fort Wayne. Indiana.
3; National Honor Society. 4;
Class Vice-President. 4; Student
Council. 4: Rotary Club Represen-
tative. 4; Red and Blue. 3. 4. Edit-
or-in-Chief. 4; Dramatic Club. 4;
English Club. 3, 4; Globe Trot-
ters 3. 4. President. 4.
General Course
Entered from On ward High School. 4.
Helene Ruth Brownlee
General Course
Girls’ League Council. 4; Glee
Club. 2.
Gerald Brooker
Vocational Course
Betty bugher
General Course
National Honor Society. 4; Student
Council. 1 : Red and Blue. 4 . Civic
Club. 4; Franklin Club. 3. 4;
Freshman Forum. I : Mehr Licht.
3, 4: Secretary. 4: "Spring Fever";
Carnival Queen. 4.
Karl Budd
General Course
Robert Buckner
Vocational Course
Philatelic Club. 1; Football, 1. 2.
3; Track. 2: Monitor, 3.
Mary Katherine Burt
Commercial Course
Biology Club. 3, 4; Bird Club. 1.
2. 3. 4: Civic Club. 3. 4: English
Club, 3. 4; K. H S. Seniority
Club. 4.
Bftty Carey
Commercial Course
Red and Blue Typist. 4; MoniQ
tor. 2.
Olive Jane Chaffin
General Course
National Honor Society. 4; Red
and Blue. 2. 3, 4; Civic Club. 4;
Franklin Club. 2: Freshman For
um. 1; Mehr Licht, 2, 3, 4;
"Spring Fever".
Phil Clark
General Course
Dramatic Club. 4: "K" Club. 3,
4, President. 4; Football, 1, 2. 3,
4. Major Letter. 3. 4; Monitor.
2. 4.
0'Cf'vf (7 Vocational Course'
Carl Co6le
General Course
Entered from Gays. Illinois. 4.
Academic Course
French Club. 2. 3. 4; Football,
1. 2.
Lawrence Coles
General Course
Red and Blue. 4.
Gilbert Collins
Academic Course
Entered from Harlingen, Texas. 1
Track, 2; Monitor. 3.
Maxine Comer
Commercial Couise
Glee Club. 2; Monitor. 2. 4.
William Cone
Vocational Course
"K" Club. 3, 4: Football. 3. 4.
Major Letters. 3. 4.
Betty Cooley
General Course
French Club. 2. 3. 4; K. H. S.
Seniority Club. 4; Band. 2. 3. 4:
Drum Major. 2, 3. 4.
Dorothy Coon
Commercial Course
Biology Club. 3. 4: K. H. S. Seni-
ority Club. 4.
Page 1 1
Bi=tty Cooper
General Course
Freshman Forum, 1 : Glee Club. 4;
Choir, 4; Seniority Club. 4; Band.
2. 3.
Q Genevieve Cross
Commercial Course
Harry R. Crownover
Vocational Course
Margaret Davis
General Course
Home Economics Club, 1. 2, 3, 4.
General Course
Scholastic Honors, 1. 2, 3; Na-
tional Flonor Society, 3, 4; Class
President. 3, 4; Student Council,
1, 2, 3, 4. Vice-President, 4; Red
and Blue. 3, 4; Handbook. 3;
Organization Board, 3, 4, Chair-
man. 4; Civic Club. 4; English
Club, 3, 4, Secretary, 4; Globe
Trotters, 3, 4; Track, 3. 4; Moni-
tor, 2.
Mary Jean Deegan
General Course
Bird Club, 3, 4: Glee Club, 2, 3.
Paul Deschamps
Vocational Course
"K" Club. 3. 4; Track. 2, 3. 4.
Wanita Dick
Commercial Course
National Honor Society, 4 : Student
Council. 1; Red and Blue Typist.
4; Freshman Forum, 1: G. A. A.
2. 3; Girls' League Council. 4.
Pauline Dieterly
Commercial Course
Red and Blue Typist. 4; Biology
Club, 2; K. H. S. Seniority Club.
4; Monitor, 4.
General Course
Civic Club. 4; Dramatic Club, 4;
Home Economics Club. 3, 4;
"Spring Fever".
Joseph Donoghue
Vocational Course
Dick Dotterer
Academic Course
Scholastic Honors, 1 ; Freshman
Forum, 1 ; Monitor, 2.
Catherine Dreyer
Commercial Course
Red and Blue Typist, 4; Monitor,
3, 4.
Junior Duckworth
General Course
Biology Club. 2, 3. 4. Vice-Presi-
dent. 3, President, 4: Bird Club,
2. 3, 4. Vice-President. 3, 4; Civic
Club, 3. 4: Glee Club. 2. 3, 4;
Operetta. 4; Radio Club, 2.
James Dudley
Vocational Course
General Course
Santa Claus Girls. 3. 4: Monitor.
2. 3, 4.
Ruth Duke
Commercial Course
Red and Blue. 3; Globe Trotters.
4: Mehr Licht, 4; "Spring Fever. "
Andrew Dunigan
Vocational Course
Elizabeth Dunkle
General Course
Red and Blue. 4; Chess Club. 3. 4;
Freshman Forum, 1. G. A. A.. 3;
Glee Club. 1 ; Home Economics
Club, 3, 4: Outdoor Club. 2;
Philatelic Club, 1 ; Santa Claus
Girls, 3. 4; Monitor. 3.
Frances Dupee
General Course
English Club. 4; French Club. 2.
3, 4.
Academic Course
Franklin Club. 3, 4. Vice-President,
4 ; Freshman Forum, 1 ; Mehr Licht.
3, 4.
Page 1 2
Betty Eades
General Course
Red and Blue. 3. Dramatic Club,
4; Monitor, 2, 3: "Spring Fever".
Doris Eby
General Course
Red and Blue. 4; Civic Club. 4;
Freshman Forum. 1 : Mehr Licht.
4; Monitor. 3.
Paul Eikenberry
Vocational Course
Student Council. 3; Glee Club. 3.
4 Operetta. 3; Philatelic Club. 3.
Radio Club. 3; Football. 2. 3:
Monitor. 3.
Rue England
Vocational Course
Charles Evans
General Course
"K” Club. 4; Basketball, 4.
Edwin Ewing
Academic Course
National Honor Society. 4; Red
and Blue. 4; Dramatic Club. 4;
French Club. 2, 3. 4; Globe Trot-
ters. 3. 4; "Spring Fever."
Betty Farley
Commercial Course
Red and Blue. 4; Biology Club.
2. 3; K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4:
Monitor. 3.
Rosamond Fierke
General Course
Santa Claus Girls. 3, 4; Monitor.
3 4.
Jean Fleming
Commercial Course
National Honor Society. 4. Hand-
book. 4; Girls League Council. 3.
4; Glee Club. 3; Globe Trotters.
3; Home Economics Club. 1 ;
Monitor. 2: "bpring Fever."
Kenneth Fowler
General Course
Red and Blue. 4.
George Frank
Vocational Course
Max Fridlin
Academic Course
Globe Trotters. 3.
William Frey
Academic Course
Entered from Howard. 3; Globe
Trotters. 3: "K” Club. 3. 4: Bas-
ketball. 3. 4; Football, 3; Track.
3, 4.
Roy Galloway
Vocational Course
Vivian Gasho
Commercial Course
K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4; Moni-
tor. 2, 3.
Harold Gentry
General Course
Entered from Carmel, 3.
Howard Gerhart
General Course
Entered from South Bend, Indi-
ana, 4.
John Gibbs
Academic Course
Entered from Cutler, Indiana. 4.
Rex Gilbreath
General Course
Entered 'rom Clay Township. 4.
Kenneth Givens
Vocational Course
Velda Godlove
Commercial Couise
Red and Blue Typist, 4 : Glee Club.
1.2: Choir, 4.
Page 1J

Lewis Gordon
Vocational Course
John Graf
General Course
Norwood Grainger
Commercial Course
Red and Blue. 2; Monitor. 4.
Winifred Griffin
Commercial Course
Loren Guge
General Course
Carl Gunnell
General Course
Mary Kathryn Hale
Commercial Course
Don Hall
Academic Course
National Honor Society. 4: Student
Council, 1. 3; Red and Blue. 4.
Business Manager. 4; Editor of
Handbook. 4; Civic Club. 3. 4;
English Club. 3: Freshman Forum.
1: Globe Trotters. 3: Philatelic
Club. 1 ; Monitor. 3.
Martha Hance
Commercial Course
K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4.
Robert Hardesty
Academic Course
Harry Hardy
Academic Course
National Honor Society. 4 ; L'Aide
Francais, 3; Red and Blue. 4;
Dramatic Club. 2. 3. 4: Franklin
Club. 3. 4; French Club. 2. 3. 4.
Vice-President. 4 ; Freshman Forum.
1: Band. 2, 3: Monitor. 2.
Mary Harness
General Course
Home Economics Club, 4.
Russell Harness
Academic Course
Freshman Forum. 1 ; Globe Trot-
ters. 3; "K" Club. 4; Basketball.
2: Football, 1, 2, 3; Track. 3. 4.
Willa Marie Harrell
Commercial Course
Biology Club,3. 4; K. H. S. Seni-
ority Club. 4.
Hyldred Harris
General Course
Red and Blue, 3: Sargasso. 4 . Biology
Club. 2. 3. 4 Bird Club, 3. 4. English
Cub. 3, 4. Freshman Forum. I; Glee Club,
I. 2. 3. Choir. 4. Good Citizenship League.
2; Band, 2. 4 Monitor. 3. 4
Helen Hartley
General Course
Biology Club. 2. 3. 4; Home Economics
Club. I. 4: K H S Seniority Club. 4.
Eugena Hehmann
Commercial Course
Red and Blue Typist, 4 Bird Club. 3, 4
Monitor, 4
Louise Henry
General Course
National Honor Society. 4; Sargasso, 4
Red and Blue, 3, 4. Civic Club. 4 English
C’ub. 3. 4. Freshman Forum. 1. G A A
2. 3. 4. Outdoor Club, 2; Monitor. 2, 3.
4; ‘ Spring Fever."
William Hensler
Academic Course
Scholastic Honors. 2. National Honor So-
ciety. 4; Student Council. 1. 2. 3. Red
and Blue. 2. 4; L’Aide Francais. 4, Co-
Editor, 4; Dramatic Club. 4; French Club.
3. 4. Radio Club. 3. Secretary. 3.
Bennie Hewitt
Vocational Course
K Club, 3. 4; Basketball. 2. 3. 4. Goll.
1. 2. 3. 4: Track. 2.
Betty Hiatt
Commercial Course
K. H. S Seniority Club. 4
Page 1 4
Academic Course
Scholastic Honors. 1. 2; National
Honor Society. 3. 4; Student Coun-
cil. 4; Red and Blue. 3: Sargasso
Ass't. Business Manager. 4: Frank-
lin Club. 2. 3. 4. President. 4;
Freshman Forum. 1 ; Mehr Licht,
2, 3. 4. Vice-President. 3. 4;
Track. 3. 4: Band. 1. 2. 4.
Mabel Hinds
Commercial Course
Biology Club. 2. 3. 4; Bird Club.
3: Freshman Forum. 1.
Lawrence Hintz
Academic Course
Entered frpm East Detroit. 4.
General Course
Maurice Hite
General Course
Betty Hoffman
Commercial Course
Howard Holler
Vocational Course
"K” Club. 4. Secretary, 4; Basket-
ball, 3, 4.
Jerral Holliday
General Course
Charlotte Hollingsworth
General Course
Entered from Tipton. Indiana. 4;
Choir, 4: Globe Trotters. 4; Home
Economics Club. 4; Monitor. 4;
"Spring Fever."
Loreto Hooker
General Course
Entered from ’ Scottsburg. 4; Seni-
ority Club. 4.
Betty Householder
Commercial Course
K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4; Moni-
tor. 2, 4.
Eileen Hunley
General Course
Entered from Indianapolis. Indi-
ana. 4.
Ruth Lee Hunley
General Course
Entered from Indianapolis. Indi-
ana. 4.
Madelyn Hunt
Commercial Course
Biology Club. 1; Glee Club. 1. 2,
3; Monitor, 2.
George Hunter
General Course
Glee Club, 1. 2, 3. 4; Football,
2, 3.
Margaret Hurt
Commercial Course
Red and Blue Typist, 4; K. H. S.
Seniority Club. 4.
Wayne Hutchins
General Course
Biology Club, 2. 3, 4: Bird Club.
3. 4: Glee Club. 3: Operetta. 3;
Globe Trotters. 4; Band, 1. 2. 3.
4; Orchestra. 3; "Spring Fever "
Merle Ice
Vocational Course
Robert Ingels
Academic Course
Red and Blue. 4. Civic Club. 4:
English Club. 4. Globe Trotters.
3. 4: Monitor. 2.
Garnet Irby
Commercial Course
Scholastic Honors 1. 2. 3: National
Honor Society. 3. 4: Student
Council. 1. 2. 3: Red and Blue.
2. 3. 4; English Club, 3. 4; Fresh-
man Forum. 1 : Home Economics
Club. 1, 2. 3. 4. Secretary, 3;
Monitor, 2, 4.
Edward Jacoutot
Commercial Course
Football, 3, 4.
Page 1 5

Agnes James
Commercial Course
Red and Blue, 3.
Jesse E. James
Commercial Course
Philatelic Club, 2: Radio Club. 2,
3, 4, Secretary. 4: Track. 2; Moni-
tor. 2, 3, 4.
Clifford Jester
General Course
Red and Blue. 4; French Club, 2,
3. 4; Football, 2, 3, 4; Track, 3.
Commercial Course
Biology Club, 2. 3. 4; Bird Club,
3, 4; K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4;
Monitor. 3.
Mary Kain
Commercial Course
Howard Kaufman
Vocational Course
Francis Keen
Academic Course
Red and Blue. 2; Chess Club. 3. 4;
Civic Club, 4: Glee Club, 3, 4;
Latin Club. 4: Philatelic Club. 1.
Academic Course
Biology Club. 3; Bird Club. 3;
Globe Trotters. 4; Track. 3: Foot-
ball. 4; "Spring Fever."
Eleanor Keisling
General Course
French Club. 3, 4, Secretary, 4.
William Kellar
Academic Course
Civic Club. 3. 4: Globe Trotters.
3, 4; "K" Club. 4: Football. 2. j
3, 4.
Ethel Kerlin
General Course
Scholastic Honors. 1. 2, 3; Na-
tional Honor Society. 4: Sargasso, u.
4: French Club. 2; Globe Trotters.
4; Latin Club, 4, Vice-President. 4.
Hilda Mae Kessler x
Commercial Course '
K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4; Moni-
tor. 2, 4.
Richard Keyes
General Course
Marjorie Johnson
General Course
Monitor, 3.
Patricia Louise Johnson
Commercial Course
Entered from Chicago, 2.
Thomas Joyce
General Course
Red and Blue, 1, 2.
Wayne Keisling
General Course
National Honor Society, 4; Civic
Club. 3. 4, Vice-President. 3. 4.
Freshman Forum. 1 : Band. 2, 3,
4; Orchestra. 3: Operetta. 3; Foot-
ball, 3: Student Manager. 4: Moni-
tor, 2, 3.
Margaret Esther Kellar
Commercial Course
Sargasso. 4.
Ernest Kirk
Commercial Course
Ann Kistner
General Course
Civic Club. 4; Glee Club. 1 ; Moni-
tor, 4.
Thomas Kistner
Academic Course
Radio Club, 2,
Page I 6
Wayne Klingerman
Academic Course
Scholastic Honors, 2: National
Honor Society. 4: Civic Club, 3.
4; Globe Trotters, 3; "K” Club.
4: Football. 3. 4; Basketball. 2.
Betty Jeanne Kollmar
Commercial Course
Anna Marie Korba
Commercial Course
Juanita Lacey
General Course
French Club. 3. 4; Freshman For-
um. 1 : Outdoor Girls Club. 1 ;
Home Economics Club. 4.
Richard Long
Academic Course
Radio Club. 3. 4: Chess Club.
3. 4, President. 3.
Robert A. Long
Academic Course
Civic Club. 3. 4, President. 4;
English Club. 3.4;
um. 1 ; Football. 3.
Freshman For-
4 ; Sargasso. 4.
Track. Radio Club.
La Donna Lorenz
Commercial Course
Monitor Board, 4: Red and Blue
Typist. 4; Choir, 4.
Virginia Lung
General Course
Freshman Forum 1 : Mehr Licht.
2. 3. 4; Civic Club. 4; Dramatic
Club, 4: Sargasso. 4; Red and
Blue. 4; National Honor Society. 4.
James Lynch
Vocational Course
Margaret McCarthy
Home Economics Course
Home Economics Club. 3. Presi-
dent. 4: Choir, 4.
Stella McCarty
Commercial Course
Bird Club. 3. 4; English Club. 3.
4; K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4.
John McClure
General Course
Annabelle Law
Commercial Course
Biology Club. 3. 4; Monitor
Board. 4; K. H. S. Seniority
Club. 4.
Virginia Lee
General Course
Joseph Lindley
Academic Course
Chess Club. 3. 4; Radio Club. 4.
Hubert Lucas
General Couise
Track. 3, 4.
James Lucas
Academic Course
Bird Club. 2; Latin Club. 3. 4.
Treasurer. 4; Scholastic Honors. 1.
2. 3.
Chris Luecke
Academic Course
Entered from North Side High
School. Fort Wayne. 4; ' Spring
Robert McClure
Academic Course
Freshman Forum. 1 ; Scholastic
Honors. 1. 2: Red and Blue. 2:
Mehr Licht. 2. 3. 4; Dramatic
Club. 3. 4; Yell Leader. 3. 4;
Handbook Business Staff. 3: Sar-
gasso, 4; National Honor Society.
3. 4. Vice - President: "Spring
William McGlone
Academic Course
Freshman Forum. 1; Glee Club. 1.
2; Track. 2, 3: Student Council.
1.2; Golf, 3.
Page 1 7
Phyllis McHale
Commercial Course
Florence McDonald
General Course
Victor McDowell
General Course
General Course
William Maggiore
Commercial Course
Entered from Tech of Indianapolis,
William Maroney
Academic Course
Bird Club. 2: Latin Club. 3. 4;
Red and Blue, 4: National Honor
Society, 4.
Gladys Martin
Commercial Course
Bird Club. 3. 4; English Club, 3.
4; Globe Trotters. 3; K. H. S.
Seniority Club, 4.
Junior Miller
Academic Course
Civic Club. 3. 4; Dramatic Club.
3. 4: "K" Club. 3. 4; Football.
2. 3. 4; Red and Blue. 4; Mehr
Licht. 4; Freshman Forum. 1: Na-
tional Honor Society. 4; "Spring
Walter Miller
General Course
"Spring Fever."
Mary Mitchel
Commercial Course
Glee Club. 4.
George Mohr
Academic Course
"K” Club. 3. 4: Dramatic Club.
3, 4: Globe Trotters. 3: Freshman
Forum, 1; Football. 1. 2. 3, 4;
Basketball, 1, 2. 3, 4.
Peggy Morrison
Academic Course
Band 2. 3. 4: Orchestra. 2. 3. 4;
Civic Club. 4: National Honor So-
ciety, 4.
Nancy Morrow
General Course
Freshman Forum. 1 : Civic Club. 4 :
Mehr Licht. 4; Student Council. 1 ;
Girls League Council. 3; Red and
Blue, 4.
Ralph Morrow
Academic Course
Football. 1, 2, 3. 4: Basketball.
1. 2. 3; Red and Blue, 3, 4; "K"
Club. 4.
Mary Moss
General Course
Civic Club. 4; English Club. 3. 4.
Harry Moulder
Academic Course
Franklin Club. 2. 3. 4; Freshman
Forum. 1.
James Myers
Vocational Course
Red and Blue. 2. 3.
Frederick Neal
General Course
Bernice Newton
General Course
G. A. A.. 2: Bird Club. 2. 3;
Biology Club. 2. 3, 4; K. H. S.
Seniority Club. 4.
Karlene Nixon
General Course
G. A. A.. 2: Glee Club. 1. 2:
Globe Trotters. 3. 4. Secretary. 4:
Red and Blue. 4; Choir. 4: Oper-
etta, 1 ; National Honor Society. 4.
Virginia Oakes
General Course
French Club, 2; Civic Club. 4;
Red and Blue. 4.
Pigc 18
Mary Lou Prickett
General Course
Globe Trotters, 3.4; Home Econ-
omics Club, 4; "Spring Fever."
Robert Priest
Academic Course
English Club. 3. 4: Civic Club.
3, 4; Globe Trotters Club. 3, 4;
Red and Blue. 3, 4.
Charles Ormsby
Vocational Course
George Ormsby
Vocational Course
Ethel Overman
Academic Course
Latin Club, 3, 4. Secretary, 4.
Dave Patterson
General Course
Glee Club. 3, 4.
Charlotte Pavey
Commercial Course
Charles Payne
General Course
Ralph Peck
Academic Course
Globe Trotters, 3, 4: Monitor
Board. 4; Student Council. 3, 4;
Civic Club, 3. 4; Band. 4; Sar-
gasso, 4 ; Choir. 4 ; National Honor
Society, 4; "Spring Fever."
Rebecca Phelps
General Course
Freshman Forum, 1 ; Biology Club.
2; Mehr Licht, 3. 4; Civic Club.
4; Red and Blue. 4.
Naomi Phillips
Commercial Course
Red and Blue Typist. 4. K. H. S.
Seniority Club, 4.
Marjorie Pickering
Commercial Course
K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4.
Winifred Pierce
Commercial Course
Laveta Oyler
Commercial Course
Globe Trotters, 3; Red and Blue
Typist. 4.
Betty Lou Parker
Commercial Course
Freshman Forum, 1 ; Student
Council. 1. 2; Franklin Club, 2,
3. 4; Office Scout. 1 : English Club,
3, 4; Globe Trotters, 3; Hand-
book, Ass't. Business Manager, 3;
Red and Blue, 3, 4; Girls League
Secretary, 3; Dramatic Club, 4;
National Honor Society. 3, 4;
"Spring Fever."
Grayce Pemberton
Commercial Course
Chess Club. 4.
Elsie Pennington
Commercial Course
Bird Club, 3: K. H. S. Seniority
Club. 4.
Bert Peterson
General Course
Basketball. 2. 3; Track, 2; Civic
Club. 4; Bowling League. 4.
K. H. S. Seniority Club, 4.
Jeanne Pearson
Home Economics Course
Entered from Tampa Florida. 4;
K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4.
Kathleen Plunkett
General Course
Latin Club. 3; Red and Blue. 4.
Elizabeth Politz
Commercial Course
Glee Club, 1. 2.
Page 1 9
William Powlll
Vocuttona/ Course
Football. 1.
Elizabeth Pushcash
Commercial Course
Jean Pyanowski
Commercial Course
Marion Radabaugh
General Course
Max Randolph
General Course
Globe Trotters. 4; Basketball, 3;
Football. 2. 3; Track. 2. 3. 4.
Hilda Rayl
General Course
Entered from St. Petersburg, Flor-
ida, 1 : Freshman Forum. 1 ; Biol-
ogy Club. 2: Civic Club. 4: Girls
League Council. 4: Red and Blue.
4; Mehr Licht. 4.
Mary Jane Rayl
General Course
Virginia Reed
General Course
Orchestra. 1. 2. 3: Band. 1. 2. 3;
Student Council. I : Dramatic
Club. 2. 3. 4; Bird Club. 4.
Sally Rees
General Course
Mildred Reeves
General Course
Wanda Grant
Home Economics Course
Entered from Terre Haute. Indi-
ana. 4.
Josephine Remus
Commercial Course
Robert Ricketts
General Course
Basketball. 1. 2. 3. 4. Varsity. 3.
4: Football. 1. 2. 3. 4. Varsity.
2. 3. 4; Red and Blue. 4: Civic
Club. 3. 4; Glee Club. 4: Dra-
matic Club. 4: Mehr Licht. 4;
"K” Club. 3. 4. Vice-President. 4.
Harry Ridenour
Vocational Course
Stamp Club. 1 . Radio Club. 4.
William Ripberger
Commercial Course
Student Council. 2.
General Course
Civic Club. 4. Home Economics
Club. 4. Bowling League. 4.
Spring Fever.”
Helen Ritchie
General Course
English Club. 3. 4: Civic Club.
3. 4. Secretary. 4; Globe Trotters.
4: Red and Blue. 3: Handbook
Typist. 3: Mehr Licht. 4.
Earl Robson
General Course
Harrietts Rockwell
Commercial Course
Freshman Forum. 1 : Biology Club.
2. 3. 4: Civic Club. 3: K. H. S.
Seniority Club. 4.
Lola Bell Roe
General Course
Home Economics Club. 4.
Clifton Russell
General Course
Page -0
Jay Ruth
General Course
Joe Salvo
Vocational Course
Harold Sapp
Vocational Course
Mary Schafer
Commercial Course
Freshman Forum, 1 ; Red and Blue.
2; Biology Club. 2, 3. 4; Bowling
League. 4.
Mary Schwartz
General Course
Miriam Schraeder
Commercial Course
Bird Club. 2. 3. 4; Tennis, 4;
K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4. Treas-
urer. 4.
Mary Louise Schwierman
General Course
Nedra Seagrave
General Course
Freshman Forum. 1 ; Franklin
Club, 2. 3. 4. Secretary. 4; English
Club. 3, 4; Dramatic Club. 3, 4:
Girls League Council. 3: Red and
Blue. 2. 3, 4; Handbook Staff. 3;
Student Council, 3; National Hon-
or Society, 3. 4. Secretary. 4;
Treasurer of Junior Class. 3.
Jean Sence
Academic Course
French Club. 2. 3. 4.
Joe Seymour
Academic Course
Red and Blue. 2. 3. 4; English
Club. 3, 4; Globe Trotters, 3, 4:
Student Council. 2: Monitor Board.
3; National Honor Society. 4:
"Spring Fever.”
Retha Shelby
General Course
Glee Club. 2. 3; Home Economics
Club. 1, 2, 3.
Betty Sherman
General Course
French Club. 3. 4.
Mary Louise Shigley
Commercial Course
Louise Shimer
Commercial Course
Freshman Forum. 1 ; Globe Trot-
ters, 3, 4.
Richard Shutters
Vocational Course
Clyde Siefers
Vocational Course
Freshman Forum. 1.
Dan Siktberg
Academic Course
Entered from Clay Township. 3.
Dramatic Club. 3 4; English Club.
3, 4; Globe Trotters. 3, 4.
Morlene Skinner
Commercial Course
Red and Blue, 3; English Club. 3;
Civic Club. 4: French Club. 2. 3;
Globe Trotters. 3. 4; Sargasso. 4:
Girls League President. 4; National
Honor Society. 4; "Spring Fever."
Bessie Smith
Commercial Course
Carlyle Smith
Commercial Course
Edythe Smith
General Course
Entered from Greentown High
School, 3; Glee Club. 3; Civic
Club. 4. Red and Blue. 4.
Page 21

Ronald Smith
General Course
Football, 3, 4. Varsity, 4.
Thelma Smith
Commercial Course
Freshman Forum, 1; Home Econ
omics Club. 1. 2. 3. 4; Glee Club.
2, 3; Choir, 4. i
Velma Smith
Academic Course
Outdoor Club. 1: Glee Club. 2;
Monitor Board. 3 : English Club.
4 ; Red and Blue, 4.
Elizabeth Snider
Academic Course
Monitor Board, 3. 4. Secretary. 3. 4 Dra-
matic Club. 3. 4. Secretary Treasurer. 4.
Latin Club. 3. 4. Vice-President, 3, Prest
dent, 4. English Club. 3. 4 Ass t Editor
of Sargasso. 4 . Vice-President of Girls
League. 4 . Glee Club. 3. Operetta, 3.
Choir. 4 Student Council Honorary Mem
ber. 3, 4; Scholastic Honors. I. 2. 3. Na
tional Honor Society. 3, 4. All-Around
Girl. 4.
John Springer
Academic Course
Freshman Forum. 1 , Dramatic Club, 2. 3,
4. Vice President, 3. President. 4. Mehr
Licht. 2, 3. 4. Franklin Club. 2. 3, 4
National Honor Society, 3, 4. Student
Council. 1. 4, President. 4. Sargasso Busi
ness Manager. 4 . Handbook Business Man
ager, 4. Red and Blue, 2, Ass t Editor. 3;
Junior Class Secretary’. 3 , Scholastic Hon-
ors, 2.
Dorothy Stanley
Commercial Course
Biology Club. 1, 2, 3; Glee Club. 2
Robert Stanley
General Course
Nanzleen Stemler
Commercial Course
Home Economics Club, 1. 2. 3. 4.
Sergeant at Arms, 4.
Firmin Stine^r
Betty Stone
General Course
Red and Blue. 3. 4; Orchestra. 2.
3. 4; Bowling League. 4; Girls
League Council. 3.
Doris Stonecipher
Commercial Course
K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4.
Frank Stouse
General Course
Marjorie Ann Strode
Academic Course
French Club. 2. 3.4; English Club.
3. 4: Dramatic Club. 2. 3. 4; Co-
Editor of L'/\ide Francais. 3. Red
and Blue. 2. 3; Sargasso Editor-in-
chief. 4; Scholastic Honors, 1. 2.
3: National Honor Society. 4.
Gerald Swing
Academic Course
Franklin Club. 2.
Yvonne Taber
General Course
Bernice Talbert
General Course
G. A A.. 2: Freshman Forum. 1.
Bird Club. 3. 4: Civic Club. 3, 4.
Red and Blue, 3. 4, Monitor Board.
4; K. H S. Seniority Club. 4;
Chess Club. 4.
Thomas Taubensee
Academic Course
Red and Blue. 2. 3. 4. Golf. 1. 2.
3. 4; “K Club. 4; "Spring
Dorothy Taylor
Commercial Course
Bird Club. 3.
Commercial Course
Red and Blue. 4.
Fred Woodward
Academic Course
Track. 2. 4.
Charles Thompson
General Course
Radio Club. 3. 4.
Page 22
Mary Tolley
Civic Club. 4;
General Course
Red and Blue, 4
Delbert Winslow
Vocational Course
Track, 2.
Caroline Wegmann
Commercial Course
Robert Tucker
Josephine Ulerich
Commercial Course
Home Economics Club, 1. 2.
Shirley Van Denbark
General Course
Band, 1, 2. 3. 4: Home Economics
Club. 3. 4; Santa Claus Girls, 3;
Student Council, 1.
Dorothy Wiltse
Academic Course
Globe Trotters, 3, 4; Civic Club.
3; Monitor Board, 3; Outdoor
Club. 1 ; English Club, 4.
William Whitley
General Course
Freshman Forum, 1 , ited and Blue,
Ruth Webb
Commercial Course
Jesse Weaver
General Course
John Wattles
General Course
Glee Club, 1, 2, 3, 4. President, 4;
Band. 4.
Mary Lou Vandenbosch
Commercial Course
Maurice Vitale
Academic Course
Scholastic Honors. 1. 2; French
Club, 2, 3. 4, President, 4; Globe
Trotters. 3. 4; Civic Club. 4; Sar-
gasso, 4: Tennis, 1. 2, 3. 4: "K”
Club, 4 ; National Honor Society, 4.
Vincent Woodward
Vocational Course
Red and Blue. 2, 3, 4; Track. 2.
Wayne Whitacre
General Course
Band, 1. 2. 3; Football. 2. 3, 4.
Mazie Wetzel
Commercial Course
Red and Blue, 4; Franklin Club. 4.
Pauline Westfall
Commercial Course
Louise Weida
General Course
Mary Walsh
Commercial Course
Civic Club. 4.
Ralph Walker
General Course
Mehr Licht. 3. 4.
Eileen Walker
Commercial Course
Red and Blue Typist, 4.
Page 23
Imogene woodward
General Course
Monitor Board. 4; Glee Club. 1. 2
3; Choir. 4; Operetta. 3.
General Course
Entered from Frankfort. Indiana. 1
Glee Club 1. 2. 3; Santa Claus
Girls Club. 4; Operetta, 1, 3
1 dome Economics Club. 4; K. H S
Seniority Club. 4.
William Wrightsman
General Course
Civic Club 2. 3 4. Student Coun
cil. 2. 3; Football. I
Florence Wyatt
Commercial Course
Monitor Board. 4 Santa Claus
Girls Club. 4 Biology Club. 2. 3,
4. Sargasso Typist. 4; Chess Club'
4; K. H. S. Seniority Club. 4.
Frederick Wyrick
Vocational Course
Frank Yenna
General Course
Red and Blue. 4; Scholastic Honors.
1 ; Vice-President of Junior Class.
3: Globe Trotters. 3, 4, Vice-
President. 3 ; Organization Board.
4: Student Council. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Red and Blue. 4; National Honor
Society, 4.
Dorothy Zugelder
General Course
Helen Butcher
Commercial Course
Home Economics Club. 2. 3.
JAMES Custer
Vocational Course
William Powell
Vocational Course
3n liHemnriam
Marjorie Trout
November 22. 1919—April 24, 1 935
Lorraine Risher
June 2. 1919 —July 2. 1935
Page 24
Mary Tolley
Elizabeth Snider
Betty Bugher
The crown of Prom Queen of the class of 1938” has been placed upon
the head of Mary Tolley. Because of the grace and charm of her personality,
Mary well deserved this distinction- This honor was given to her by a popular
vote of the 1938 seniors. Accompanied by the president of the senior class, she
reigned at the DeMolay and the Phi Delta Kappa Proms.
T he All-Around Girl contest was initiated to choose and honor the girl
who most closely fits the position of a four-square girl. To achieve this honor,
a girl must be well developed physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually.
The 1937-38 All-Around Girl is an A student; a conscientious attendant;
assistant editor of the Sargasso; a member of the choir. Student Council. Dra-
matic Club, National Honor Society, English Club, and Latin Club. Elizabeth
was vice-president of the Girls League last semester, and has since served on
many committees. She is a leader in class, club, and home-room organizations;
a regular and active church member: the possessor of a friendly, cheerful, help-
ful disposition and a pleasing personality—a real ALL-AROUND GIRL.
—Estella G. Pearce, Dean of Girls.
The Carnival Queen was elected to reign over the first annual school carnival.
Candidates were chosen by each home room, and election was based entirely upon
popularity. The Coronation was a spectacular and beautiful performance, held in
Haworth Gymnasium as the culminating event of the huge indoor carnival.
Betty Bugher was chosen queen The ten runners up. in order of rank, were:
Beverly Moore, Virginia Walker, Shirley Minnix, Madonna Robertson. Betty
Thomas, Annabelle Alexander, Jeanne Roarty, Donna Jean Gordon, Mary
Florence Koerner, and Kathleen Hicks.
Page 25
L IkJK r W
Top Row: -Ears” Hill. "Babs" Cooper. Brass Buttons Levan. Red Eby. Playboy’
McClure. Beanie” Arrol.
Second Row: Queen” Betty. Happy” Whitley. Giggles” Lung. Shoulders Ricketts.
"Chubby” Moulder. "Blondie” Shawhan.
Queen of the proms Boraxers Industrious Maidens Study of
Studious Stranburg Standing High School s Candidate Hufty Rufty
Who causes car?? Trouble Sweet Sixteen, but Mustard Medi-
tates B. B. and Dede In K. H. S. ? surely not!
Ralph Helms
Bill Bannon
Helen Long
Secretary - Treasurer
Norma Addington
Joe Aerne
Betty Armstrong
Katherine Artij
Bill Asay
Yetive Ash
Betty Jane Baker
Bill Bakom
Bill Bannon
Dorothy Barker
Dortha Barlow
Mary Barlow
Arthur Barton
Max Beck
George Bender
Leon Bennett
Margaret Blazer
Jane Bobbitt
Helen Bogue
Charles Bond
Charles Bone
Marjorie Bowman
Ray Bowman
Orville Branch
Beulah Bridegroom
Bettie Briney
Kitty Lou Brohman
Esther Bromley
Mary Bruce
Rosemary Brunk
Phyllis Burge
Paul Busby
Helen Butcher
Donald Butler
Jimmy Buttice
George Cameron
Wayne Cannon
Virginia Cardwell
Hansell Carpenter
Mary Carter
Wilberta Chappell
Carl Clelland
Reynolds Clingenpecl
Morris Cochran
Don Coder
Russel Cole
Harold Coleman
Everett Collins
Janice Collins
Paul Commenator
Geraldine Conwell
Ida Cook
Mary Cook
Dick Cooley
Barbara Cooper
Harold Copp
Reuben Craig
Ruth Crawford
Jean Crist
Don Croddy
John Crume
Rex Crume
Dora Curran
Esther Currens
James Custer
William Darrough
Margaret Davison
Wanda Dean
Maxine Deschamps
Esta Devore
Joe Dewberry
Gilbert Donahue
Mary Ellen Douglas
Virginia Downhour
Mary Helen Druecker
Marthena Du Bois
Edna Mae Duddy
Ralph Dumoulin
Dwain Duncan
Katherine Dunn
Page 2 8
Ralph Dunn
Betty Durr
Glen Edwards
Dick Eikenberry
Martha Ellers
Albert Ellis
Betty Jo Ellis
Calvin Elyea
Louise Englert
Lawrence Ewing
Mary Jo Fague
Helen Faulkner
Tom Faulkner
Robert Feightner
Mane Fierke
Donald Fleenor
Gerald Fleenor
Merle Fortson
Bennett Foster
Shirley Fuller
Rosemary Gardner
Sam Gardner
Eugene Geiger
James Gerhart
Mary Margaret Gibson
Thyllis Gilbert
Joanna Glunt
Junior Golding
Jack Grace
Norma Jane Graham
Daisy Grant
Evelyn Graves
Mildred Graves
Mary Katharine Gray
Don Greene
Bob Griner
Barbara Grove
Maxine Grove
Paul Grove
Robert Grove
Marion Haas
Vernon Hamilton
Arthur Hamp
Betty Hancock
Arthur Hanesworth
Milan Hannah
Bob Harness
Wesley Harrell
Richard Harrison
Kent Hawkins
Clarence Hawn
Dorothy Hayes
David Heflin
Ralph Helms
Katherine Helshcy
Neil Hercules
Catherine Herron
Gladys Hesselman
Charles Hicks
Margaret Hillis
Alice Mac Hollahan
Dixie Lou Holloway
Roscllen Hollingsworth
Don Hooker
Ruth Hooker
Dick Hoover
Maurice Hollowell
Jack Hoppes
Sarah Hornbrook
Robert Hoss
Page 29
Charles Howell
Kenneth Hughes
Max Hullinger
Helen Hutchins
Margaret Hutchinson
Dorothy Inck
Tony Jannuzzo
Russell Job
Francis Jones
Melvin Jones
Sam Jones
James Jordan
Virginia Julian
Sophia Jurkewicz
Carmen Keishng
Juanita Kemp
Joan Kidder
Dick King
Mary Jane King
Mildred Kinsey
Kenneth Kitts
Lewis Kline
Edith Koeller
Marvis Kollmar
Elinor Kopelov
Bill La Dow
Eulalia Lambert
Joan Land
Myra Lane
Bobette Lantz
Charles Laudcrbaugh
Wayne Laughner
Harold Lees
Maxine Leonard
Wanda Liepse
Mary Ann Liggin
Beucellia Miley
Betty Liming
Herman Locke
Phyllis Logan
Helen Long
Thomas Lonz
Kathleen Lovejoy
Glen Lucas
Dorothy Luecke
Eugene Mang
Betty Manring
Francis Maple
John Marshall
Floyd Marrs
Virginia Marshall
Dons Martin
Clyde Matchette
Jim Matthews
Junior Mays
Solon Mays
Nancy McCain
Herschel McCaughan
Eleanor McCoy
Juanita McCreary
Scott McCurdy
Warren McFarland
Rosemary McKorkle
Arliene McPike
Carl McPike
Harold McPike
Bob Meranda
Howard Middleton
Dorothy Milburn
Ruth Miles
Page 30
William Miller
Jim Moffitt
Lucille Montgomery
Mary Jane Moore
Gordon Morgan
Lucille Morgan
Garnet Morris
Leon Morrison
Norma Morrison
Bob Morrow
Iva Monell Mugg
Daisy Mane Mullen
He’en Mane Murphy
Arthur Nash
Richard Mygrant
Bette Nash
Audrey Neal
Bob Nerenburg
Neil New
Bob Newby
Patricia Newman
Helen Newton
Marguerite Nicholson
Jean O'Neal
Mary Ottinger
John O Vadka
John Owens
William Owens
Helen Louise Parkes
Vida Parker
Raymond Parsons
Harold Peeler
Hollis Peeler
Alice Mae Peltier
Mary Carol Penn
Ruth Pepka
Britta Peterson
Clarence Pettay
Bill Phillips
Riley Pierson
Wanda Piper
Bob Pittenger
Dorothy Poppas
Rosanna Porter
William Poynter
Bonnie Price
John Price
Waneta Pritts
George Purvis
Dick Rasure
Robert Ray
Edgar Rayl
Edward Rayl
John Rayl
Allen Reed
Lowell Reed
Margaret Reed
Paul Reed
Lucy Remis
Marjorie Retter
Sophie Rezo
Florence Richey
Bud Rigdon
Jim Ritchie
Jean Roarty
Roy Robinson
Annabelle Roe
Robert Ronk
Wilbur Rush
Lena Mae Russell
Page 31
Ernest Sargarsee
Clare Saul
Betty Saunders
Luree Shrader
Dorothy Schwartz
Jo Schwartz
Beverly Shawhan
Mike Shearidan
Ruth Ann Shilling
Bessie Shively
Clifford Shockey
James C Smith
Juanita Simmons
John Slusher
Dorothy Smith
Dorothy Shockley
James R Smith
Philip Turner
Mary Jane Smith
Mary Katherine Smith
Winifred Smith
Bill Snyder
Anna Lou Snow
Frances Sosbe
Esther Speros
Ruth Spradling
Rosalie Stahl
Glee Stalnaker
Edward Stedry
Jack Stodgell
George Stokes
Gale Stouse
Betty Stout
Fredrick Stout
Thelma Strawback
Maxine Summers
Catherine Surface
Jean Taylor
Fern Templin
James Terry
Earl Thomas
Eugene Thomas
Jack Thompson
Mary Rose Tillett
Joan Tolle
Julia Trout
Julia Belle Troyer
Mary Louise Traycrs
Lois Smith
Dora Uitts
Martha Jane Waldon
Geraldine Waltman
Myrtle Waltrip
Joan Ward
Betty Warren
Charles Weaver
Harold Weaver
Kathryn Weir
Norvelia Westner
Martha White
Don Wiese
Joe Wildermuth
Madelyn Wilkinson
Max Wilson
Robert Wolfe
Evelyn Wood
Jack Woods
Warren Wooldridge
Katherine Wright
James Yerrigan
Page 3 2
Nina Abbott
Betty Abresch
Dale Aeschliman
Annabelle Alexander
Mary Jo Allderton
Charles /Xllen
Max Allison
Harry Amos
Ruth Amos
John Anderson
William Anderson
Lawrence Andrus
Dale Armstrong
Bill Arnest
Mary Ruth Arnett
William Arnett
Page 33
Iluguette /\shba
Mary Jane Ashburn
Mary Bagley
Carol Bailey
George Baldwin
Marline Baker
Mary Frances Baker
Laura Mae Barber
Evelyn Barnett
Jim Barnett
Mary Barnett
Betty Barron
Anna Bassett
Florence Baxter
Teddy Beahrs
Maxine Beatley
I awrence Beaver
Betty Grace Bennett
Wayne Berry
Ward Bess
Katherine Bireley
Margaret Bola
Clarence Bookmiller
Mary Bowen
Ralph Bowyer
Georgia Boyer
Ronald Branch
Robert Brauer
Maxine Brewer
Martha Bridges
Mary Kay Bringle
Martha Leah Britton
John Braun
Albert Buckner
Anna Mae Buechner
Merwin Bugher
Bob Burke
Donald Burkhart
Ruth .Mae Burnis
Le Roy Burtner
Gloria Burton
Leon Bussard
LcRoy Butcher
Wayne Byrd
Sarah Carroll
Alice Jean Carruth
Margaret Carter
La Rue Carver
Clarence Catt
Dick Cawthon
Mary Chase
George Clark
Gilbert Clark
Joe Clawson
June Click
Charles Cole
Maxine Coleman
Geneva Collins
Louise Comer
Pat Cone
Joseph Coop
Virginia Cooper
John Cornthwaite
Victor Couch
Dick Cru
Dick Cunningham
Frances Day
Peggy Delaplanc
John De Lon
Earl Denison
Junior Densborn
Geraldine Deschamps
Doris Dillman
Jimmie Dotterer
Tony Drago
Mary Jane Duddy
Mariana Duke
Jane Duncan
Martha Duncan
Audrey Dunn
Page 3 4
John Dunn
Jest* Dr*
Jack Ead*s
Harry Eb«r<
Eddie I dwards
Betty Elhott
Beverly Elli»
DonjId Ebon
Reuben Eby
Thelma Jean Ealy
Sarah Ervington
Bob Ewing
Georg* Federspill
Raymond Fewell
Bob Fish**
William Fish*r
Harold Fletcher
Richard Floyd
Betty Joan Ford
Dorothy Louise Ford
Dorothy May Ford
Helen Ford
Milburn Ford
Wanda Foreman
Jean Fowler
Bill Frame
James Frazier
Jean Fretz
Robert Fulk
Chester Gabriel
Pat Gammons
Helen Garbert
Bill Garrison
Phyllis Gentry
Lucille Giesler
Marjorie Gilbert
Albert Glover
Jean Gordner
Don Goudy
Sarah Grainger
Louise Greene
Marilyn Grecngard
Howard Greer
Richard Grimes
Helen Louise Grover
Alberta Gullion
Elmer Gunnell
Charles Gunnell
Wanita Hale
Bob Hall
Francis Hall
Helen Hall
Mary Halstead
Richard Hamilton
Barbara Hammond
Ralph Hansell
Pauline Hardacrc
Ruth Hardesty
Delores Hardie
.Melba Harlan
Eugene Harold
Eileen Harrell
Virginia Harrison
Robert Harshey
Barbara Hart
Meredith Hartsock
Billy Harvey
Marybelle Haslet
Mary Jane Hathaway
Ruby Hawk
Delons Hayes
Eugene Heathcoat
Edward Heflin
Julia Heinemann
Karlene Hess
Jack High
Ruth Hinty
Helen Hirst
Robert Hollis
Dempsey Holt
Page 3 5
Robert Hott
A Im 4 Howard
Richard Hubbard
Letter Hubert
Merwin Huffman
Frank Hughet
Mary Janr Hull ngcr
Dick Hunt
Eugene Hunt
I more Hunt
Marjorie Hunt
Robert Hyndt
Don Imbler
Fayron Imbler
Dallas Inck
Earl Ireland
Jim l*ham
May me Jack ton
Mildred Jackton
Mary Jane Jacobs
Clarice James
Frank Jamet
Haro'd James
Richard Jarrett
Rots Jarrett
I eon a rd Jarvis
Hope Johnson
James Johnton
Marjorie Johnson
Bill Joyce
Marguerite Joyce
Bob Kaublc
Carol Keirn
Kenneth Kellar
Mary Kellie
Bill Kelly
Bob Kerby
Doris Mae King
John King
Bruce Kingery
Marjorie Kirk
Velma Kitt*
Barbara Kline
Cecil Kline
Maxine Klingerman
Edna Knight
Mary Florence Koerner
Lucile Kohn
Goldie Krhm
Noel Knesher
Marge Knppenstapel
Carmel Kulow
Leroy Lacey
Joe LaFollette
James Lawson
Marie Lazenby
Naomi Leet
Robert Leicht
Arline Leonard
Joan Life
Mary Lindley
Frank Lindquist
John Lineberry
Bill Linskey
Roy Long
Geraldine Lorenz
Jean Lowell
Janet Lowery
George Lucas
Willard Lytic
Lewis Maddux
Roy Maines
Clifford Maith
Ralph Maith
Maurice .Mann
Kenneth Mapes
Laddie Marin
Rex Marks
Everett Marsh
Joe Marshall
Page 3 6
Bob Martin
Kathryn Martin
Kathleen Mason
Jane Massey
Dennis Matau
Ormal Matchett
Gene McCaughan
Marjorie McClain
Earl McCool
Warren McCormick
Marlin McHale
Eleanor Me In doo
Kathryn McKay
Arlowyne McKee
Berlyn McKee
Maa McKee
Delue McQueary
Virgil McQuiston
Norma Meador
Raymond Mehlig
Phillip Meinzer
Mary Mikalas
Clinton Miller
Nada Miller
Robert Miller
Thomas Miller
Velma .Miller
Charline Mills
Max Mills
Dennis Mitchell
Beverly Moore
Carol Moore
Lucille Morris
Betty Morrison
Erma Morrow
Robert Morrow
Charles Mumaw
Paul Mun sei I
Jean Nash
Franklin Nay
Charles Nelson
James Nelson
Janet Nelson
Benny Newburn
Mary Newkirk
Norman Newton
Betty Oaks
Gladys Oldaker
Jack Olson
Doris O Neal
Wayonetia Orem
Edward Ormsby
Betty Orr
Mildred Overman
Helen Oyler
Joe Page
Dorothy Palmer
Mary Palumbo
John Parsons
Richard Parsons
Anna Pearcy
Mary Pearson
Gerald Peeler
Max Pelgen
Joan Pepka
Clarence Perkins
Virginia Pettit
Barbara Phillips
Dorothea Phillips
Charles Pierce
Charles Pierce
Norma Jean Pierce
Ray Politz
Iva Porter
W B Porter
Ernest Powell
Junior Pritts
Dola Mae Pruitt
Frank Purcell
John Pyanowski
Page 3 7
Maxine Quakrnboih
Dorothy Radabaugh
Bob Ramsey
Ralph Rimwr
Kathleen Randolph
Robert Ray
Geraldine Rayl
Harold Rayl
Charles Reel
Belly Regan
Ivan Renfro
Jack Renthaw
Joan Renthaw
Ila Reynold!
Jane Rhode*
Rote Marie Richard*
Jim Rickell*
Fannie Ridley
Eddie Ridoux
Delbert Riebe
Alberta Ripberger
Harry Rither
Robert Roach
Madonna Robertson
Verlon Rohrer
Eileen Mae Ronk
John Rote
Bob Rosen bn th
Martha Ross
Hobert Rost
Mark Rudolph
Curtis Russell
James Russell
Dominic Salvo
Charles Sanders
Betty Sandy
Margaret Savage
Joe Schembre
Betty Lou Schornstein
Dorthea Schuck
Nancy Schwartz
Marcella Scott
Robert Scott
Ned Seagrave
Raymond Sebree
Fred Secord
Bob Shaffer
Ora Sharp
Charles Shearer
Robert Shietze
Thomas Shufflebotham
Betty Shull
Joe Siler
Gene Simon
Jack Sims
Lawrence Sablotne
Virginia Small
Bob R Smith
Charles Smith
Eugene C. Smith
Gerald Smith
Jean Smith
Josephine Smith
Orville Snow
Thomas Snow
Roy Sablotne
Margaret Souers
Sharlot Stanley
Marjorie Starkey
Wilma Stedry
Paul Stine
James Stitt
Gene Stockdale
Richard Stone
Madalyn Stonebraker
Ray Storms
Jane Stout
Vonna Lou Streeter
Nick Stropulos
Mary Lou Sullivan
Page 3 8
Ronald Swot
John Taylor
Elden I rmplin
Mildred Terry
Marihelcn 1 batcher
Jimmie Then*
Anna Belle Tobia*
Betty Tochterman
John Tochterman
Eliie Tolley
Peggie Tomlinson
John Tranbargcr
Tdna Troyer
Clifford Tucker
Margaret Tucker
Bob Tudor
Die k Todor
Helen Turner
Louise Turrin
Rita Vandenbosh
Anthony Del Vecchio
Charles Vlad
Paul L Wagner
William Waldron
Albert Walker
Bob Walker
Bob Walker
Billy Walter
Thaddius Ward
William Ward
Arlean Weaver
Geraldine Weeks
Pauline Weeks
Alice Weir
Betty Lu Wenger
Clayton West
Francis West
Charles Westerman
Lorah Whitacre
Armand White
Cornelius White
Gilbert White
Lemuel White
Robert White
Willard White
William White
Howard Whitecotton
Betty Jean Whited
Ida Mac Whitehead
Helen Whitley
Mary Lee Wible
Delores Wiley
Clarence Williams
Helen Lucille Wilson
Maurine Wilson
Wilma Wilson
Mary Jane Wineingcr
Marie Wirick
Rosemary Wirick
Paul Wiseheart
Alvin Wolfe
Franklin Wolfe
Roscoe Woodring
Leonard Woods
Louise Woods
Dick Woodward
John Workman
Rebecca Worthington
Isabelle Wright
James Wright
Kathleen Wright
Mary Lu Wnghcsman
Faye Wyatt
Robert Wysong
Helen Yenna
Robert York
Joseph Young
Paul Zimmerman
Virgil Zollman
Louise Zugelder
Page 3 9
Harry Abrrtch
Ruth Abrrsch
G«nr Adams
Tom Adams
Betty Allan
Naomi Alley
Robert Alther
Joe Anderson
Ruth Anderton
Phy lit* Arrol
John Bagwell
Bob Bailey
.Mary Bailey
Clarabelle Baker
Evelyn Baker
Pauline Baker
Neal Barnett
Mary Jo Baron
William Bassett
Ruth Ann Baxter
Frank Beaman
Virginia Beaman
Viola Beatty
Louise Beatty
Louise Beek
Robert Becker
Dick Beechy
Elliott Beeler
Richard Beheler
Ralph Bence
Malcolm Bender
Winifred Bender
Geneva Benjamin
Charles Bennett
Charlotte Benson
Virginia Bergman
Daisy Berry
Richard Bireley
Mary Black
Mildred Blake
Dan Bock
I larry Bolen
Nina Bond
George Bookmiller
Robert Bourne
Jimmie Bowling
Lester Bowman
Glen Bozard
Margaret Bradley
Betty Branch
Horace Brewster
Martha Bridgewaters
Robert Bridwell
James Brown
Jeanette Brown
Paul Brown
Beauford Brownford
Omar Buckner
Betty Budd
Dorothy Budd
Alberta Buechner
Wilbur Burger
Gene Burgyt
Phillip Burk
Theresa Busby
Georgia Mae Butcher
Bob Butler
Rosie Buttice
Burlin Butts
Carl Campbell
Robert Campbell
Howard Cannon
Florence Carden
Adam Carter
Kenneth Carter
Melba Carter
Glen Cass
Betty Cassman
Roy Chaplin
Geraldine Chappells
Page 40
Virginia Chism
Ellen Clark
George Clark
I ounr Clark
Betty Clarke
Joyce Clevenger
Owen Clevenger
Earnestine Cole
Ozia Pearl Cole
Harry Collins
Mary Collins
L ewis Colter
Betty Colvin
Bill Colvin
Paul Colvin
Betty Ann Cone
Irian Conebern
Alfred Conner
Max Conwell
Robert Conwell
Mary Coon
Charles Coppock
Robert Cottingham
William Cox
Marjorie Creamer
Paul Critchlow
Evelyn Cross
Richard Crull
Roy Crume
Dick Culp
John Cummings
Evelyn Cunningham
Kenneth Currens
Thelma Currens
Lucille Curts
Max Dale
Kathleen Daly
Mary Sue Daugherty
Archie David
Charles Davidson
Mary Elizabeth Davis
Ruth Davis
Edward Day
Joan Day
Lucille Degler
William Dennis
Anthony Depalma
Doris De Witt
Maurice Dick
Grover Dieterly
Gene Downer
Mary Drago
Dorothy Dreyer
Russell Duffey
Jean Dumoulin
John Dunkin
Edith Dunn
La Vina Durham
Orvts Dutton
Mary Dwyer
Bob Early
Harry Early
Thelma Edwards
Don Elliott
Johnnie Ellis
Robert Ellis
Kenneth Elson
Ed Erickson
Abraham Evans
Charles Ewing
Richard Fague
James Farington
Charles Teightner
Betty Fellow
Elmer Fipps
Betty Fisher
James Fisher
Benny Fivecoats
Joan Fleming
Betty Florck
Page 4 1
Martin Florck
Dick Flynn
Harold Fortion
Robert Foster
John I ouit
Kenneth Fowler
Bob Francu
I dw in f reeland
Austin Frye
Bertha Fulk
Wayne Galloway
Helen Garling
Donald Geary
Betty Gerhard
Floyd Gerhart
Margaret Gerraid
Bob Getz
Adeline Gillam
Betty Gilson
Wilma Glassburn
Bill Glover
Donna Jean Gordon
Edgar Goyer
Gene Graham
Robert Graham
Elnora Green
Leonard Graves
Mary Graves
Virginia Grandner
Paul Greer
Robert Grimes
Robert Griner
Zane Griner
Maxine Grover
Betty Gunnell
Madeline Haas
Joe Hadley
Wayne Hadley
Dora Hagerman
Bill Hale
Thomas Hale
Harry Hamilton
Max Hamilton
James Hancock
Norman Hankins
Doris I lardebeck
Eulalia Hardy
Wallace Hardv
Betty Harrison
Richard Harrison
Mary Harshcy
John Hart
Wilda Hart
Naomi Harvey
Betty Hatfield
Glen Hatfield
James Hawkins
Mary Hawn
Jeanne Haworth
Doyle Hayes
Wesley Heath
Eleanor Heilman
Dick Helms
Norma Hendershot
Naomi Herrell
Virginia Herren
William Hess
Edith Hewitt
Kathleen Hicks
Vermon Hill
Betty Hinshaw
Hugh Holiday
Arthur Hollingsworth
Josephine I lollingsworth
Phyllis Hollingsworth
Glen Holt
Earl Hoover
Margaret Hoover
James Hoppes
Frank Hornbrook
Page 4 2
Helen Hoss
Joe Howell
I awrence Hubert
Billy Hudson
James Hughes
Donna Humble
Mary Ellen Hummel
Dorothy I lunneshagen
Arda Hunt
I mory Hunt
John Hunt
Doris Hunter
Vera Hutchinson
Melba Ice
Maryellyn Illgei
Eugene Ingcls
Elmer Ingle
Richard Ingels
Norma Irick
Mane Jackson
Thomas Jackson
Ellen Jacoutot
Helene Jarvis
Ruth Ann Job
Bob Johnson
Gayle Johnson
Genevieve Johnson
Juanita Johnson
Rose Mary Jones
Sarah Ann Joyner
John Jurkewicz
Dorothy Juvinall
Lawrence Keegan
Bertha Keene
Rosemary Keith
Ruby Keller
Patsy Kelvie
Edna Mae Kemp
Albert Kennedy
Charles Kennedy
Keith Kern
Robert Kiger
Margaret King
Gladys Kinney
Donald Kirkendall
Waldo Kirkendall
Wayne Kitts
Betty Knight
Kathleen Knight
Minnie Knight
Betty Kollmar
Fred Koontz
Karl Krebser
Chas. Krebser
Harrietta Kuhns
Bert Lambert
Enoz Lambert
Jim Land
Wilbert Lawson
Ralph Leavitt
Dorothy Lee
George Leep
Virginia Lcicht
William Leicht
Verla Lewis
Wayne Lewis
George Liggin
Dick Lindquist
1 illic Livingston
Mary Long
Ray Long
Theresa Long
Carl Lott
Suzie Love
George Lowery
Gail Lucy
Josephine Lucckc
Tom Lynch
Anne Maroney
Glenn Maggart
Page 4 3
Ruth Esther Maith
Marlin Mang
Barbara Manning
Margaret Maple
Jean Marley
Florence Maroney
Garland Martin
Joe Martin
Richard Martin
Virginia Martin
James Masalla
Maxine Massay
Genevieve Mason
Bob Mast
Helen Matan
Peggy O Matthews
Mary McCarty
Ralph McCaulay
Warren McClure
Willard McCoy
Barbara McCurdy
Bob McEntire
Harry McHale
Kendal McKain
Dorothy McKinley
Mary McManama
J L McNutt
Pat McQuillan
Mary Meador
Jean Mehlig
Elizabeth Meinzer
Betty Meyers
Charles Middleton
Anna Mikalas
G'endora Miles
Bob Millbern
Aldene Miller
Everett Miller
Fred Miller
Georgia Miller
Jim Miller
Joe Miller
Lee Miller
Johnny Mills
Margaret Mills
Wilma Mills
Shirley Minnix
Jack Minor
Sam Mitchell
Stan Mohr
Margaret Mooney
Catherine Moore
Betty Morey
Eber Morgan
Mary Morgan
Kathaleeu Morris
Mildred Morris
Jean Morrison
Betty Morrow
Winifred Moser
David Mote
Donna Lee Mumaw
Wm. Myers
Wm. L. Myers
Roy Nay
Nannie Newcomb
George Newton
Russell Nicholas
Ernest Nichols
Lois Nick
Charles Off
Kathryn Ogle
Maxine Ormsby
Verlin Ortman
Thomas Osborn
Eileen O’Vadka
Billy Oyler
Helen Ozmend
Norma Pacenza
Herman Parton
Page 44
Marianna Patterson
George Pearce
Mix Pearcy
Juanita Perkins
Margie Peterson
Jean Pettay
Louise Petti
Lucille Phillips
Louise Pier
George Poppas
Dale Porter
Emily Powell
Katherine Prater
Jack Prickett
France! Pruitt
Jean Pushcash
Loraine Pyke
Jean Ramseyer
Betty Ratcliff
Emma Ratcliff
Dorothy Ray
Gerald Rayl
Robert Rayl
Dale Rayls
Pauline Rayls
Bill Reed
Frances Reed
Howard Reitenour
Helen Reese
Jimmy Rezo
Anita Richards
Jack Richards
James Ridenour
John Ridenour
Mansel Riley
Mary Ritchey
Betty Ritchie
Sharlot Robertson
Leland Robinson
Rosalee Ronk
Robert Ropes
Helen Rosborough
Howard Rosborough
Helen Rudy
Wilma Rush
Mary Russell
Robert Russell
Wallace Russell
Blain Ruth
Dorothy Sablotne
James Sandifur
George Saylor
Mary Schlicter
Dorothy Schrader
Mary Sciortina
Isabel Scott
David Scudder
Etta Sebree
Margie Sence
Arka Shanks
Lorraine Sharp
Paul Sharp
Mary Shively
Barbara Sholty
Naomi Showalter
Kenneth Shuck
Margaret Shular
Max Shull
Bill Siktberg
Naomi Silvers
Mary Sites
Sylvia Skoglund
Lois Small
Anne Mae Smallwood
Wilbur Smeltzer
Alice Smith
Frances Smith
Glennis Smith
John Smith
Keith Smith
Page 4 5
Lois Smith
Lucille Smith
Marguerite Smith
Mary Elizabeth Smith
Naomi Smith
Russell Smith
Tom Smith
Yvonne Smith
James Snow
Roy Soblotne
Mary Joan Souplct
Maxine Spencer
Betty Jo Spradling
Mark Staggs
Markieta Stanley
Wayne Stewart
Jane Stitt
Kenneth Stodgell
Margie Stodgell
Leroy Stokes
William Stokes
Gayle Stonebreakcr
Henrietta Storms
Dorothy Stouse
Kenneth Summers
Lucille Summers
Pauline Surface
Mary Surley
Naomi Sweeney
George Swing
Jean Taylor
Joan Taylor
Jimmy Teegarden
Marjorie Thatcher
Mary Ann Thatcher
Helen Theiss
Betty Thomas
Laverne Thomas
Edith Lee Thomison
Ted Thompson
John Tompkins
Mary Joe Tompkins
Betty Jane Towles
Jim Townsend
Bob Tracy
Dan Troy
Everett Tucker
Roy Tucker
Whitney Van Clive
Juanit.a Van Denbark
Pete Vassel
John Vlad
Velma Voglcy
Ruth Wagner
Jack Walker
Virginia Walker
Jack Waltman
June Ward
Reece Warmoth
Jane Anne Watson
John Watson
Charles Weaver
Wanda Weaver
Joe Weida
Marcia Weiland
Bob West
Frances West
Rose West
Helen Westner
Junior Whaley
Mary Whited
Agnes Williams
Noah Williams
James Wilson
Bob Winkler
Charles Wood
Maxine Worden
Jack Wright
Lee Wright
Eleanor Yohn
Page 4 6
Chester Hill, who has served Kokomo High
School for ten years as athletic director, has
gained state-wide recognition for the fine track
teams that he has produced for Kokomo High
School. In his athletic program he strives to
build a firm foundation of character in the boys
he directs.
Alfred Campbell, well known as “Peedad”,
has served as basketball coach at Kokomo High
School four years. His success is well shown
by the records of the four teams he has produced.
Raymond Trobaugh, better known as
“Tubby”, a graduate of Kokomo High School,
succeeded Mr. Hill last fall as football coach.
"Tubby” was a coach at Logansport and at
Clinton before he decided to return to K. H. S.
Page 4 8
Top row: Bill Joyce, Scott McCurdy. Robert Priest.
2nd row: Maurice Vitale, George Mohr. David Heflin
tennis summary
The Kokomo Tennis Team, under the able direction of Mr. John Dunbar,
had a air season. Kokomo won one match, tied two and lost five. Kokomo
opened the tennis season by defeating Huntington by the score of 3-2. Kokomo
lost their next three matches. The Kats were next able to tie Rochester and
Wabash by the score of 3-3. Shortridge of Indianapolis and Burris of Muncie
defeated Kokomo in the last two matches of the season.
Kokomo ..........
3 Huntington z
2 Marion 3
0 Wabash
1 Central of Muncie 6
3 Rochester ..................... . . 3
3 Wabash 3
0 Shortridge of Indianapolis 5
3 Burris of Muncie 4
Robert Morrow, Tom Taubensce, George Bender. Bennie Hewitt.
The Kokomo Golf Team, coached by Mr. George Reno, had an excellent
season. They defeated Peru twice by the score of 12-0 In the Invitational
Tourney at Marion and at the Big Ten Meet, Bennie Hewitt won the low
score medal. He also placed third in the State Meet at Indianapolis.
Page 49
1st row: George Bender. Ralph Morrow. Phillip Clark. Robert Miller. Dick Tudor. Bill Kellar.
Don Green. Jaysee Frazier, Wane Lewis, Orville Branch, Clifford Jester. Wayne Klingerman.
2nd row: Jack Thompson. Jim Ricketts. Bill Waldon. George Mohr, Glen Edwards. Bob Rick-
ets, Joe Schrembre, Fred Woodward, Junior Miller. Joe Dewberry. Ralph Helms, Neil
Hercules, Coach Trobaugh.
3rd row: Student Manager. Wayne Keisling. Merle Ice. Mike Branch, Ronald Smith. George
Cameron, Bob Long. Jim Mathews. Bud Rigdon Raymond Sebree, Charles Howell. Jack
Kokomo 0
Kokomo 0
Kokomo 0
Kokomo 6
Kokomo . 2
Kokomo 6
Kokomo 12
Kokomo . . 0
Wabash .....................
Marion 6
Peru . 30
Muncie 20
Elwood 0
Frankfort 7
Logansport 7
Jeff of Lafayette 20
Page 50
The football squad of Koknn u
ever they were outclassed by ft Sch°o1 fouSbt hard all season; how-
that Kokomo had but one veterV f° ' t^ Opponents- Considering the fact
wins and six losses was not discoura r°m yCar S tcam' tbcir rccord of two
Kokomo opened the fonrh-iii
Apaches 7-0. In the next twoC— " ^-Wabash and was defcatcd b7
their opponents; hence they lost .
The Kats scored their fim touchd ? SC°re °f 6'° and tO P<?rU 3°'°'
defense cracked wide open The fi T °f SCaS°n aga‘nSt Muncie’ but the,r
losing the first four games of th sea K°k°m° 6
by a score of 2-0. Kokomo lost a r KatS dcfcated the E,wood Panthers
the score of 7-6. The Wildcats n tO Frankfort on October 15 by
Kats dug themselves out of ‘the NoL Cnt"ta,ncd ^he Logansport Eleven. The
defeated the Red Devils 12 7 K l ’ 5™^ Conference ccllar’ when they
Jeff of Lafavetre bv L ”k?m° lost thcir last gamc °f season to
games, the Wildcats were unable to score against
Page 51
1st row: Glen Edwards. Bill Waldon. Eugene Thomas. George Bender. Chet Gabriel. Bennie
Hewitt, Clyde Matchet. Jim Ricketts.
2nd row: Carl Campbell. Francis Hall. Bob Ricketts. Bill Frey. Howard Holler, Jaysie Frazier.
Ralph Dunn. Neil Hercules.
Kokomo 35 Flora 18
Kokomo 32 Jeff of Lafayette 29
Kokomo 21 Peru 19
Kokomo 31 Tech of Indianapolis 26
Kokomo 27 Marion (overtime) 26
Kokomo 30 Jeff of Lafayette 29
Kokomo 28 Central of Fort Wayne 26
Kokomo 21 Frankfort 19
Kokomo 30 Newcastle 15
Kokomo 30 Logansport 20
Kokomo 16 Muncie .27
Kokomo 26 Frankfort (overtime) 28
Kokomo 32 Richmond 52
Kokomo 30 Marion (overtime) 28
Kokomo 22 Anderson 27
Kokomo 32 Logansport 21
Kokomo 31 Shortridge of Indianapolis 39
Kokomo 32 Tipton 38
Kokomo 28 Wabash 33
Kokomo 22 Laporte 23
Kokomo 32 Froebel of Gary 30
Kokomo 43 West Middleton 21
Kokomo 54 Jackson Township 23
Kokomo 81 New London 23
Kokomo 42 Greentown 22
Kokomo 28 Sheridan .31
Page 52
t wnn°X °P<7ed tHe BaSkct baH Season by defeating Flora 35-18. The Wild
cats won the next seven games bv dim ™r r , fZ
I™ thM
wood. The Wildcats loTt theirHfirst^T Frankf°ft team °n thc bard'
in the Invitational Tourney at Fort Wn J ° SC3S°u f° LaP°rtC S
by defeating Froebel of dry in t^ f " tbey rcdcemed tbcmse,VeS
Fort Wayne, the Wildcat^hit a slum 4i ?" g3mc- After the tourney at
eleven starts. Four of these defeats gameS °Ut °f th° bSt
ference teams. f rC at the hands of North Central Con'
Jackson Township^New^London11'11^ defeating Wcst Middleton-
n-0K°^ ,ost
Page 53
1st row: Kent Hawkins, Joe Cherry. Jack Flynn, Jack Halstead. Bob Denny, Harold Lees.
Woodson Ritchie, Bill Frey, Paul Deschamps.
2nd row: John McClure. Bennett Foster. Bob Ross. Edward Rayls, Paul Graves, Lewis Cameron.
Bud Harness. Hubert Lucas, Ernest Templin. Max Randolph. Jim Gentry, Francis Hall.
3rd row: William Artis, Jaysie Frazier, Reuben Troyer. John Levenduski, Clyde Matchette,
Clyde West. Clifford Jester, William Day, Vaughan Hill. Clifford Maish. Bob Barry.
April 7—Dual Meet
North Side of Fort Wayne 49
Kokomo 32
April 9—Dual Meet
Shortridge of Indianapolis 70
Kokomo 49
April 1 6—Dual Meet
Technical of Indianapolis 72
Kokomo 63
April 24—Muncie Relays
Horace Mann of Gary 25
Kokomo 24
North Side of Fort Wayne 20
Central of Muncie 18 1/3
May 1—Kokomo Relays
Muncie 22
North Side of Fort Wayne 20
Froebel of Gary 1 9
Kokomo 1 8
May 8-—North Central Conference
Technical of Indianapolis 58}^
Kokomo 45
Muncie 41 */2
Marion 26
May 1 5—Sectional Meet
Kokomo 69
Anderson 28
Frankfort 20
May 22—State Meet
Kokomo 38
Horace Mann of Gary 3 1
Muncie 3 1
Technical of Indianapolis 18
Dual Meet—
Culver 62
Kokomo 5 3
Page 5 4
track summary
Although Kokomo did not win , i ■
won the State Track Meet for th lrack mCet ,n 19371 the WiIdcats
a few individual stars and w v *CVenth t,me> Kokomo was fortunate to have
and was able to win the state meet.
Kokomo opened th?
Side of Fort Wayne in a dual w ApH1 1' and ParticiPated with North
points, while Kokomo scored 32T0 t W°" by 49
to Shortridge and Technical of I d K.okorno lost thc next two dual mects
to Muncie and participated in th^ST150 ’n °n Apn’ 24' Kokomo travcled
second nlace with 74 • le ^uncie Relays. I he Wildcats finished in
place with 18 noi t PO’nt,S‘ In the Kokomo Relays, the Kats finished in fourth
North Central f ok°mo finished in second place with 45 points in the
meet by sco ' 69 erence Meet at Indianapolis. Kokomo won the sectional
T o n K?O,ntS’ At the State Mcctl the Wildcats finished first with
with 31 n ’ / unc,e and Horace Mann of Gary tied for second and third
with 31 points. Kokomo lost the last dual meet of the season to Culver.
Page 5 5
1st row: Dorothy Ford, captain.
2nd row: Ruth Pepka, Mary Ellen Douglas, Marvis Kollmar.
3rd row: Isabelle Wright, Glennis Smith, Geraldine Deschamps. Ruth Hintz. Mildred Blake.
1st row: Norma Addington. Maxine Summers, Margaret Davidson. Phyllis Arrol.
2nd row: Betty Shell. Helen Whitley. Velma Smith.
Bottom row: Betty Regan. Captain, (center): Betty Gilson. Louise Beck. Naomi Smith.
Top row: Sarah Joyner, Helen Matau. Kathleen Wright. Helen Westner.
Bottom row: Kathleen Wright. Naomi Smith. Betty Regan. Maxine Summers.
Top row: Pauline Westfall. Arleane Weaver. Norma Addington, captain. Glennis Smith. Helen
During the year 1 937-1938, the girls of K. H. S. have been very active in sports.
At the beginning of the first semester, the girls’ gym classes spent most of their time playing
When the weather no longer permitted outside recreation, the classes met in the gymnasium
and played deck-tennis. To finish the deck-tennis in preparation for the basketball season, a
tournament was held. For this tournament, the girls selected their teams, and. having drawn lots.
played off their contest in the gym during the ninth periods.
The girls started basketball at the same time the regular season came in. continuing until the
state tournament marked the season's finish. Only the advanced gym classes participated in this
sport. The freshman classes played kickpin ball and other games. The basketball season was also
terminated by an inter-class contest by which the school's best team was chosen.
Even though the basketball season had come to a close. Mrs. Overton and a group of girls
continued to play in the gym the tenth period, until the weather became such that they were
able to go down to the city tennis courts. They also took hikes and went swimming.
The spring season was spent in playing kitty-ball, track, and in taking hikes.
A favorite spot for the congregating of athletically inclined girls was the ping-pong room.
Girls who thought themselves skillful in this game, entered the ping-pong tournament.
This year has been one of the most successful the girls' gym classes have ever seen.
—Margaret Hillis.
Page 5 6
Alter swimming and sweating all summer through.
We started to school with some changes quite new.
Room three-o-eight was pinkishly painted;
The loss of our statue was greatly lamented.
Three-thirteen for Goyer and Stranburg was spaced;
Russell Bratton into a corner was chased.
To dedicate a court house, we were sent one half-day,
The musical Miss Fausset taught Wattles "Mandalay”
Mr. Trobaugh, the coach of football, was new,
And the Handbook told freshies what not to do.
This month was brightened by a rodeo grand
Where Reno and Bratton danced forth to the band.
Bill Day and Ralph Helms their classes now lead.
A new yell was written by Ginger Reed.
M. Boyce and M. Strode publications do edit
With Springer and Hall to establish their credit.
Neva Bourne moved down to Mr. Haworth’s room
But Mr. Hinshaw acquired Miss Maggie Phelps soon.
We faced Hi-Y spooks with plenty of spunk,
And all for a quarter got doughnuts to dunk-
The first annual carnival with Bugher as queen
Was harder work and more fun than ever we’d seen.
The underclass pictures were snapped in a trailer
While dignified seniors made Toby’s hair grayer.
The band brought a circus with lots of wild game
Those lions in the halls though were really quite tame.
To try out the hardwood, we won over Flora;
Those two-pointcr baskets we wish to make more of.
The Hussars wore costumes that matched the white snow
And played lots of music which made our eyes glow.
The Santa Claus Girls spread cheer to the needy.
A huge Red and Blue was enjoyed, yes, indeedy!
Some of the boys appeared wearing shirts that were red—
Advertising their financial standing, they said.
Vacation gifts aided each coffer.
Drama studes had a grand play to offer:
Ewing, it seems, was quite a great hit,
But each of the cast did quite well his own bit.
"Ten wins in ten games” was our victory song
After Logan, but Muncie gave us the gong.
Our exams had been changed, which all regretted:
Eight tests replaced four and my! how we fretted.
Enrollment increased to two thousand-fifty;
Page 58
So we acquired some more teachers who really were ni }
A ten-period day replaced the old nine.
Now two periods off we may have to dine.
Of how not to behave, there was no example
Till Strodie and “Dulcy” gave us a sample.
To top off that week-end we played over time;
The Marion fans thought our winning a crime.
The new system, we found, gave us our choice of leisure,
But the new chemistry class we would send back with p e*as
Cupid this year was too late getting around; ,
Bright diamonds had flashed since the snow hid the groun
Hillis turned over to Skinner the girls.
Cooley taught classes in baton twirls.
Hello Week was finished, but before we could rest.
Try-outs for the class play brought greater unrest.
Two Hundred had music to brighten each morning,
But the Yacht Club Boys had Three Hundred in mourning.
Mr- Haworth had served us for twenty-five years;
So he was toasted and given three lusty cheers.
Mary Tolley was chosen to reign at the prom;
Other girls counted All-Around girl votes for balm.
Our school is not slipping; it really advances.
Letting freshies and sophomores have their own dances.
The seniors and juniors came for their share;
The fancy steps done then, were really quite rare.
The new Mr. Dunbar took the place of the old.
Additions were taken in the honor group's fold.
The April Fool dance was more than a joke;
For Aldridge's swing was tres okey doke.
A pink Red and Blue made the whole school quite gay.
And Tubby was cautious the rest of the day.
Directors and students passed on their "Spring Fever.’’
A large audience proved a gleeful receiver.
The Track Schedule started proclaiming the season.
So April snow falls were considered high treason.
To lead off the banquets that end the school year,
Jill Edwards addressed daughters' mothers so dear.
The All-Around girl was presented a pin;
There isn’t another we'd rather see win.
The juniors’ reception excelled any seen.
The proms were perfection with Tolley as queen.
Exams were soon over; the ivy was planted;
In gray caps and gowns, the class song we chanted.
Baccalaureate first, then came the commencement;
Graduates left now; their farewells were permanent.
Page 59
First Row: Peck, Long, Sandifur, Tracy, Bannon, Theiss, Hercules, Aldridge, Workman.
Hall, Martin.
Second Row: Richards, Ford. Hagerman. Wenger, Granger, Burge. Alexander, Schwartz. Miller.
Hollingsworth. Davis. Miss Scheldt.
Third Row: Branch, Perkins. Snyder. Kohn. Leonard. Owens. Peeler. Arrol. Baldwin. Yenna.
Balcom. McCurdy. Day.
Fourth Row: Watson. Page. Wright. Bock. Wildermuth. Howitt. McCl ure. Kerby. Amos. Job.
Hicks. Springer. Hill.
T he Student Council is the legislative body of the high school. It is com-
posed of the home room presidents and other representatives elected by the stu-
dent body. This organization sponsors the monitor system, sanitation board.
organization board, hello week, handbook, and other worth while projects. This
governing body was organized in 1921 by Mr. Hinshaw. The council promotes
and directs activities for the betterment of the school and is under the very capable
direction of Miss Scheidt. The officers are president, John Springer: vice-presi-
dent, Bill Day; secretary-treasurer, Betty Lou Wenger.
First Row: Leonard. Mr. Morris. Miss McIntosh.
Second Row: Bannon. Mr. Phillips. Yenna. Day.
The Organization Board was created in 1929 by the Student Council for
the purpose of developing and regulating the clubs of Kokomo High School.
This organization makes out the club calendar, sets dates for meetings, grants
charters to new clubs, and performs other services that are very valuable to the
school. The Board consists of three teachers appointed by Mr. Hinshaw and
four students elected by the Student Council. The faculty members on the
board are Miss McIntosh, Mr. Morris, and Mr. Phillips. Bill Day is president
and Maxine Leonard is secretary.
Page 60
monitor board
First Row: Mr. Keisling. Ashburn i
Second Row: Oyler. Wvrirk T l eon^d. Warren SnvHrr c, i l c
Woodward. Vnck' Hu"‘. Dieterly. Deschac i i Sum™'S. , Hlrris
t-.- j Pnu, Tk.’ 7 ^scnamps, Gardner. Law, Talbert. Harris,
Third Row. Theiss. Hercules. Lorenz. \v„,
The Monitor Board is th, •' ’ D“""
was created in 1931 by the Stud^r^1'6 b°dy for the Monitor System, which
captains of the various periods of This board consists of the monitor
Council, and the secretary and adv' f ^lree representatives of the Student
the monitor system is to maintain *SCj °* mon'tor system. The purpose of
periods and to guide strangers n °r Cr,and Quietness in the halls during class
adviser and Elizabeth Snider is the secretary^ visitors’ Mr Kcis,ing is thc
r. rational honor society
Second Row: Hill'Dav^M- k>arl'er' Seagraves.
The Kokomo Chapter of h
May. 1930. Students are elected , tlonaJ Honor Society was organized in
faculty on a basis of scholarshir? i 3 membership in this organization by the
This year the club did some^re^ 'Tshrp, character, and service to the school.
former members after they endn Work .concerning the achievements of
chairman of the committee of idvi? ° -r?01 ^*6^ school. Miss Farlow is the
Mr. Wilson. Miss Stranburp Mk DS'ui ot^er advisers are Mr. Haven Jones,
president. Bob McClure; secretary r °hlman’ and Mr Phillips- The officers are
do not appear in the group picturereasurer’ ^e<ira Seagrave. The spring initiates
Page 61
First Row: Jannuzzo. Edwards. Gunnell.
Second Row: Morrow, Nash. King. Sholty. Thatcher. Wineinger. Rayl. Hullinger.
Third Row: Mr. Reno. Jacobs. Nelson. Peterson Peterson. Du Bois. Ropes. Hoover.
The Camera Club was organized in February, 1937 by Nancy Schwartz
and Peggy Delaplane. The purpose of the club is to teach each member the
fundamentals of taking, developing, and printing snapshots. Under the leader-
ship of Mr. Reno, the club has had an enjoyable year and many stimulating
programs have been given. The club held a contest in which the members took
their own pictures and developed them. The officers are: Tony Jannuzzo, presi-
dent; Mary Jane Wineinger, vice-president: Geraldine Rayl, secretary-treasurer.
First Row: Vitale. Branch. Taubensee. Helms. Deschamps. Hawkins. Hercules.
Second Row: Ricketts. Morrow. Rayle. Ricketts. Harness. Frey. Thomas. Groves. Edwards.
Third Row: Miller, Cone. Clarke. Klingerman. Keller. Gabriel. Matchett. Mohr.
Fourth Row: Schembre. Holler. Hewitt. Waldon. Evans. Greene. Bender. Miller.
The K Club was organized in 1 925 by Mr. Hill for the purpose of promot-
ing a higher standard of sportsmanship among its members. The members of
this organization have fought for the school in various forms of athletics. This
organization serves the school by ushering at the basket-ball games. This club
also sponsors the flag salute which has proved very impressive at the basket-ball
games. The advisers are Mr. Trobaugh and Mr. Campbell. The officers are:
Phil Clarke, president; Bob Ricketts, vice-president; Howard Holler, secretary-
treasurer; Ralph Morrow, sergeant-at-arms.
Page 62
bird club
First Row: Johnson. Reed. Kemp. Coles Rolr r, .. „
Second Row Graves. Martin. Harlan Mason TUh"'. l^5Carty Anderson
Third Row: Mr. Howell. Surface, Duddv Rnrt Mm Dcunn' L,cPse- Faguc, Marshall.
uurt’ r-lign. Summers. Harris.
leari/more about "the^abits^nd^charact Pf T°Se °f helPin8 its mcmbers
sponsors a bird-house contest. A F S" v°f Th? uC,ubv annUaHy
-zation and should prove verv valn/hu? £ ,.k ,s bc,n8 madc bV the orSan1'
a source of valuable information and eni± futUrC ThiVlub
the adviser. The officers are- Edm Mv D jj"' tO 'm members- Mr- Meritt is
president; Bernice Talbert, secmarrtreasurer7’ PrCS*dcnt: Juanita Kcmp- V*CC"
biology club
First Row: Kelley. Rishcr. Duckworth
Second Row: Stanley. Barker, Greene Mina"' rs F <“ross-, HlSh Dohner. Gunnell.
Deschamps. >nds. Druecker, Belt, Harris, Stalnaker. Deschamps.
Third Row: Krhin. Taylor, Moser Wv-.tr cn: D
Fourth Row: Pettay, Weeks Loren? m\ , tl!*s. Bert. Hartley. Johnson Renshaw.
Randolph. Clark. nardacre- Greengard. E rvington. Grover. Small. Matou.
Mr. Cross organized the Biology Club in 1Q7A ti, c u i u •
to give those interested in biological sub it T " PurPosc °f tbc cIub 1S
To be eligible for membership one mdst be . °pportunity for further study
binloov The stndenrc i P‘ j C must be a present or former student of
g ami-are under the direct n tO n\cmbcrsh>P bY the club members. Pro-
file adviser, the club has enjoyed ^u'ieTsfdrveV11'1!1'^' Leadership ?f Mr ^r°tS>
worth, president; Joan Re^,
Page 63
First Row: Wilson, Wyatt. Ellis. Pemberton. Talbert, Sholty, Vogly. Richards. Mapes.
Second Row: Mr. Dunbar. Graves. Bond. Dunkle. Lindley. Rasurc. Mays, Graves. Long, High.
The Chess Club was organized in April. 19 37. The purpose of this organi-
zation is to give the members an opportunity to play chess, and to develop their
minds for better foresight, imagination, resourcefulness, and concentration. T he
club sponsored a demonstration game of chess between Betty Jo Ellis and Mr.
Freeland. Some of their programs were based on the study of chess in other parts
of the world. The sponsors of the club are: Mr. Bratton and Mr. Utterback. J he
officers are: Betty Jo Ellis, president: Joe Lindley, vice-president: Elizabeth
Dunkle, secretary-treasurer.
First Row: Hardy. Moulder. Springer. Bannon. Aldridge. Owens. Peeler. Hercules.
Second Row: Kohn. Gray. Stalnaker. Milburn. Grainger. Wenger. Bugher. Barker. Haas. Oyler.
Third Row: Mr. Wilson. Long. Parker. Schwartz. Whitecotton. Schwartz. Hansell. Duret.
Fourth Row: Hill. Keisling. Seagraves. Smith. Starkey, Miles. Rctter. Leonard. Pittcnger. Swing.
Arrol. Hornbrook.
The Franklin Club was organized in 1930 by Mr. Wilson The purpose of
the club is to develop a conscientious desire for the best, the courage to stand by
principles, and an unfaltering faith in the future. An impressive candle-light
initiation service is held each semester. In February members of this organiza-
tion attended the stage production starring Helen Hayes in “Victoria Regina.”
The officers are: Vaughan Hill, president: John Duret, vice-president: Nedra
Seagrave, secretary; Betty Parker, treasurer. Mr. Wilson is the adviser.
Page 64
Radio club
First Row: Lindley R.ru
Second Row Thompson Jam^Uri JannDU77°- Bopes. Buttice.
T, p ,• . P ’ J‘,mcs' W,Ison R«ure Mays. Rayl. Mr. Morris.
1 he Radio Club is an owin'
are vitally interested in radio *zatlon made up of a small group of boys that
Morris and a group of interested st//? ?rga^Zcd about f,vc years aS° by M,r
the construction and operation c dint.s'. bc purpose of the club is to study
meetings, the members give talks -> jC^.CIVin2 and br°adcasting sets At their
radio. Mr. Morris is the adviser‘ n4\dern°nstratlons °n subjects pertaining to
Solon Mays, vice-president- i 1 he ofncers are: Leroy Burtner. president;
- uesse James, secretary-treasurer.
First Row Owen. Peck. Duckworth p, . .
Second Row Kistner. Risher. Bughcr Chdfin T^' 't/8' PeUrSOn Kfenc
Third Row Lambert. McPike R I n ” 0 cy- Druecker. Walsh Skinner. Ritchie
Lung. Morrow. Dohner ’ Y ’ Br,ney Talbert, Burt. Parks. Miss Colescott. Phelps.
Fourth Row. Keisling. Miller. Ingels Vii,u n .u
-p, ’ Baldwin, Grtner, Day. Kellar, Peeler. Eby. Hamp
1 he Civic Club was organized in ion f .
classmen interested in civic nrohf / tOr ■ PurPose °* uniting all upper
enjoyed by the club. Mr Hau/Tu' i?m,e very interesting programs have been
the local Red Cross Chapter snoJ 1 ta 1 d on his trip to Holland; the head of
scott reviewed the play “Yon r OI? wor^ *n Hood relief, and Miss Cole-
cracker-jack stand at the Girls' I 1 /akcJt With You." The club had a
The officers are: Robert Rick ' aRue Larnivab Miss Colescott is the adviser.
Helen Ritchie, secretary-treasurer P ent: HaroId B aidwin, vice-president;
Page 6 5
First Row; Asay. Nash. Turner. Hicks. Hansell. Hamp.
Second Row: Politz. Donahue. Hall. Workman. McCurdy.
The Contax Club was organized for the purpose of encouraging high school
students to keep informed on the latest developments in photography- This
organization entertained the Camera Club and the Globe Trotters with a moving
picture at the Y. M. C. A. At the Girls’ League Carnival, they gave a movie of
"Felix the Cat”, and "Mutt and Jeff.” Under the leadership of Mr. Fred
Mustard and Mr. Ralph Miller, the advisers, the Club has enjoyed a successful
year. The officers are: Arthur Hamp, president: Ray Politz, vice-president:
Helen Turner, secretary-treasurer.
First Row: Phillips. Pierce. Schraeder. Burt. Belt. McCarty. Martin. Anderson. Johnson.
Second Row: Mr. Reno. Pennington. Hunt. Pickering. Hiatt. Hance. Mr. Dunbar. Stonecipher.
Dieterley, Householder. Kessler.
Third Row: Cooley. Harrell. Pearson. Gasho. Hurt, Farley. Mr. Bratton. Talbert. Rockwell.
Cooper. Harris. Coon.
The K. H. S Seniority Club is a new club in the high school. It was organ-
ized last fall for the purpose of holding the girls of the senior class together
after graduation. During the year the girls have held many interesting meetings
and several parties which enabled them to become better acquainted. The club
is under the active leadership of Mr. Reno and Mr. Bratton. The officers are:
Dorothy Coon, president; Mary Kathryn Burt, secretary; Miriam Schraeder,
Page 66
Fi'“ J Row HLHdl“'DunK JKg' r ‘"t'”- eP"U T'»"' ‘™k Wyatt. Ca.dw.tl
SCC°nWrightsman. Collins. McClain ciscler- Snow. Van Denbosh. Stahl Thatcher. Porter.
Thif Chappell. F'erkC’ Sm'th Gilbm’ Smith' Wfightsman. Price. Stalnaker. Summers. Pruitt.
, nuSrSl!SJf unt Or^anizali°n formed within the Girls' League.
JC \.Up riothint? to the n«Jd , K-ring °t^lcrs- 1 hey send out Christmas baskets
an^ at Christmas as tbr bdpful work all through the year, and
nOJ j madecTnXboothsu8?ests- They sponsored the Follies and had
3 horUe'Srdfhe duVha^ the Carn«val. Under the leadership of Miss Pearce,
the adviser, the club has enjoyed a successful year. The officers are- president,
Glee Stalnaker: vice president. Dola Mae'Pruitt- , onicers arc. presto
\ ,__~ ■ d tviae i ruitt. secretary-treasurer, Mary Helen
&aRonw: D£k- Snydcr Ha«.
cond Row: Du Bois. Baker. Rayl, Kohn. Clarke.
^oa^izatio^of aH?bnCi- jS executive body for the Girls’ League, which
•S 311 unite the t?irls and C J ,n jbe high school. The purpose of the League
r niva and eave a Moth tteir mutuaI Problems. They sponsored the
Carnival and ga e a Mother-Daughter Banquet. Dean E. G. Pearce was the
organizer and is the adviser. Officers are elected every semester The officers
H'lliS and Morknc Skinner: vi“™ e den. Elizabeth
Wenger F'™'ng: secretary-treasurer. Lucille Kohn and Betty Lou
Page 67
First Row: Mohr. Ingcls. Sandifur. Prickett.
Second Row: Cross, Hagerman. Rosborough, Benjamin. Grover. Surface. Sholty.Weiland. Hinshaw.
Third Row: Mills. Denbosh. Hunter. Hollingsworth. Harshey. Hoss, Branch. Coon. Job. Clarke.
Fourth Row: Arrol. Richards, Howitt. Thompson. Faguc, McClure. McNutt. Bourne. Hicks.
The Freshman Forum was organized in 1934 to help freshmen become
familiar with high school extra-curricular activities so they might take an active
part in them later. At their meetings, they study the activities of various high
school clubs, college entrance requirements, standards for scholarships, and other
such valuable information. This organization encourages freshmen to become
extra-curricular leaders when they become upper classmen. Mr. Powell is the
sponsor. The officers are: Richard Fague. president: Warren McClure, vice-
president; Jack Richards, secretary-treasurer.
First Row: Walker. Nash. Harness. Aldridge. Springer. Hill. Wildcrmuth. McCurdy. Bender.
Second Row: Bobbitt. Lung, Shawhan. Barker. Cooper. Morrow. Jannuzzo. Burge. Chaffin.
Third Row: Miss Handley, Kellie, Ricketts. Miller. McClure. Arrol. Ritchie. Duke. Kopelov.
Fourth Row: Eby, Retter. Grainger. Wenger. Morrow, Rayl. Miles. Bughcr. Lantz. Dewberry.
Duret. Bannon.
Miss Elizabeth Handley, the present adviser, organized the Mehr Licht
League in 1934. This organization provides an opportunity for students inter-
ested in cultural subjects, such as music, art, and literature, to broaden their
knowledge of these topics. The members have enjoyed the discussions of cultural
subjects given by pupils and outside speakers. At the end of each school year,
the club has given a banquet in honor of its senior members. The officers are:
Ruth Miles, president; Vaughan Hill, vice-president; Betty Bughcr, secretary-
Page 6 8
c , Row McCarthy. Marley. Towles Jones. Robinson. Gardner. Miller. Butcher ^l,*c.’ur0 nci1,
s'cond Row: Helsley. Graham. Herron. Cone. Stemler. Wrightsman. Poppas.
6 Morrey. Hartley. Van Denbark. Woods. r Dunkle.
'Third Row Prickett. Dohner, Tompkins. Black Sebree. Ellis. Hollingsworth.
* Harness. Miss Williams.
In 1 926 the Home Econo ci
purpose is three-fold: to develop > Was organized by Miss Berry. Its
phases of home economics: to fosn aPPreC|iatl°n' *nterest> an<J knowledge in all
bers; and to be of service to the h f S°CIa. and intellectual development of mem-
carnival this club sponsored Puehln lhC SCIh°o1’ and the community. At the
burgers, chili, and coffee were serv ? 'rt’ w^cre bot tamales, hot dogs, ham-
dent; Dorothy Poppas, vice-president • ci • ,°m.c.ers arc: Pcggy McCarthy, presi-
Nanzleen Stemler, sergeant at arm NT an ^enbark. secretary-treasurer;
• Miss \\ ilhams is the sponsor.
globe trotters
First Row: Peck. Ingels. Boyce, Politz Mnh, v;. i r- ,
Second Row Smith. Leonard Duk<> kin i/t a e- Coles.
Third Row: Mr. Freeland. Leonard Kprlin Klmgerman. Duke. Skinner, Richey.
lingsworth. Wiltse. M n' Nixon. Peterson. Du Bois, Keishng. Shimer. Hol-
Fourth Row: Richards. Prickett r>,„ n ■
Through the efforts of Fran^Y*’ u’ S'^8' Kcirn Ke"a.r‘
the Globe Trotters Club wT Y$nna, Harold Baldwin, and Morris Boyce,
leadership of Mr. Freeland th >v r,8aniz^d ln thc .auturnn of 1936. Under the
political questions of foreign bceniistudying the manners, customs, and
club sponsored an interesting nr™ S 3S \VC af thosc of the United States. This
the Girls’ League Carnival8 gram which featured “The Harmony Four" at
under the leadership of the stl™u,ating programs have been enjoyed
Baldwin, vice-president- Karlen xrg °^lccrs: Morris Boyce, president; Harold
h cm. tvarlene Nixon, secretary-treasurer.
Page 60
First Row: Keene Maroney Whitecotton Bannon Newby Nerrnberg Marsh Mucuw Meinzer
Second Row Wible Tucker. Souers Peltier Snvder. Richards. Ford Hunt Kellie Fnctz
Third Row Miss Railsback Miss Martz Miss Rods Khngertnan Overman \X ngbtsman Mc-
Clain Giescler. Kohn. Ovler.
Fourth Row Lucas. Ridoux Du Bois Duke Leonard Mornson Ravi Hul'tnger Lindley Life
Mclndoo. Koerner. Smith
Clubs in our high school began in 1908 with the organization of the Latin
Club. Its purpose is to increase the knowledge of classical subjects and to pro-
mote discussion of topics pertaining to Latin. Each year the club has a Christmas
party at which the Roman Saturnalia is celebrated, and gives a tea in Mav in
honor of the seniors in the club The sponsors arc Miss Martz. Miss Rodv.
and Miss Railsback. The officers are: Elizabeth Snider. Senior Consul: Ethel
Kerlin. Junior Consul: Ethel Overman. Scriba James Lucas Quaestor.
First Row Greer. Vitale McFarland Coleman Bertram Clingenpecl Hercules.
Second Row Lacev Strode Miss Thornburgh Hcnsler Hard' Woolridge Miss Campbel:
Sherman Souers
Third Row Dupee. Gibson Tobias. Jester Fwing. Duddv Hancock Gras Sence
Le Club Francais was organized in 19’0 for the purpose of promoting a
keener interest in the customs, culture, and manners of the people of France.
Each year this club holds a Twelfth Night Partv and a banquet. One of the
most successful features of the carnival was Paris on Parade . which was pre
sented bv this organization. L’nder the guidance of the sponsors. Miss Thorn
burgh. Miss Campbell, and Miss Railsback, the club has had a successful year.
The officers are: Maurice Vitale, president; Harrv Hardy, vice-president Eleanor
Keisling. secretary: Bettv Jo Hancock, treasurer
MePike. Parker. Henry. Harris. Xviftse' SnuIer. Smith. Strode McCarty.
Black. Burt. Faulkner. Newman. Smith. Seagraves. Tague. Martin. Anderson
Dupee. Miss Pohlman Miss Rufty. Miss Farlow. Seymour. Long. Baldwin
First Row: Ingels Aldridge. Boyce Dlv A . c.,
Second Row; ~ ~ • • ■ Uay’ Arrol, Siktberg
Third Row:
Fourth Row.
Hicks. Balcom.
The English Club was organized i M
native writing and furthering interest ,n 1 9 H for ‘he purpose of encourag.ng
have been g e meetings. Toward the cl ,tfrature. Several interesting book reviews
booklet consis ng of hterary efforts by the student? r°u *h.V ycar ,his organization published a
consists o f iss o i nian- Miss Farlow. Miss Ruftv ° school. The advisory committee
Arrol. president; Ralph Aldridge. vice president nM,ss The officers are Robert
oui Day. secretary-treasurer.
First Row: Fleenor. Morrow. Aldridee <c
Second Row: Dohner Bobbitt. Lung. Shlwhan R^7' Hamp W°oldndge. Bender
Hathaway^ Rtchards. ^awhan Barger. Fades. Alexander. Cooper. Strode.
Third Row: Miss Stranburg. Miss
r MUw L'p M- L M°h'- Sea.rave.
Fourth Row: Ewing. Miss Thornburoh n
Siktberg. Snyder. Hillis, gh' Wenger. Bertram. Hensler. Lacey. Ricketts. Boyce.
The Dramatic Club was organiz d '
an<! dObvmtUhetHuhSrhWe11 as Of Iear"'"g ‘"he tradit^n?6 ?urposes of giving plays for the school
se ATish ' N?Hr?1SC yCar and their respective s Tiden'T r pr,nc,pIcs of drama The plays pre
and the Fish . Nedra Seagraves; A SignUnto u lrcctors arc -1* follows The Unicorn
S.nuuaVC My Chi>dHarry HvdJ V .Harry Hard>’- The Wi nner”, Elizabeth
‘ “UX ,ok S Du;“;“hn’;tupi>D"i<>- <o, k N'*hi t
‘E^U,:ndNw?.„S„CJL:'v? sV«l^^
dub .dvistrs; white tb° "fcts M'Cuhe. Miss S„a„bu'. ”™dMisP °r> '’’"b”"h “Th"
Ehz.bsib Snide., s.e.eu.y.S J°1- Sprin.ee. P.esidTT^b^J^'"
Page 71

Drum Majors: Hughes. Cooley.
First Row: Craig. Keisling. Hutchins Heflin Smirh
Second Row: Lacey. Ward. Baker. Ash Nav Kn' ' k bCrR'
T-W CoPP A„otVF^ P'Hm
Sixth Row: High. Hadley,
Seventh Row: Fleenor. A^ieon W^. ^ew ’
Eighth Row: Marsh. Rosenbush. Middleton
hieb school. They have nlF^FL^art *n ^e social and athletic activities of the
names and political and SU<?^ occas’°Ps as the football and basketball
concert which was eniovr, conimHnity gatherings. In May they gave a spring
grmatio^on SSfidi°ythdebmya”hU^IObrrJ 0LKSkomou ™‘h ‘h'"
rr^inec this vear Mr C->, i • a, in8 band added much color to the football
* MorrS?
r • vti-e presiaent, Betty Cooley, secretary-treasurer.
First Row: Leonard, Kitts. Mead Smith M..ir t,
Second Row: Gillam. Schwartz Penn I . ’ ger> Hanlmond, Rust. Hunt, Morrison. Leonard.
Kohn, Woolridge. mdquist, Mr. Caylor. Jones, Barber. Remis. Stone.
Third Row: Bond. High, Fleenor ,
Keisling, Hunt. r“’ t-acey. Hughes, McCurdy, Hicks. Hamp. Craig.
di rector ^Mn ^ayl^^Vhis^musFcaF^3 ’S duc.to the sPlendid leadership of the
which high school students □ lav.na0''8301^1011 proVldes an avenue through
talent This vear rbcv b,->, i P aJ’n6 musical instruments may exercise their
and 'be dass7 Schoolmasters’ Club, ”Duky”
The officers are: Reuben Craig president wIvn^K ’ 1°'"' concert .,.hls SI’ring
Morrison, secretary. 8 president. Wayne Keisling, vice-president; Betty
First Row: Davis. Kemp, McCarthy, Nixon, Miss Faussett, Wilev. Hathaway. Savage. Harris.
Second Row: Keisling. Smith. Diegan Taylor, Van Denbosh, Orr. Woodward, Baron. Lorenz.
Third Row: Baker. Wattles. Waldon. Snyder, Keene. Wooldridge. Duckworth. Ricketts. Sandi-
fur, Hawkins, Patterson, McCaughan.
In September, 1937, the Kokomo High School Choir was organized. It is
under the direction of Miss Mary A- Fausset. Through this organization, the
members are learning the fundamentals of good ensemble singing. The choir
participates in the singing of some of the world’s best music, both sacred and
secular. The choir has made a place for itself in the community by appearing on
various school and civic programs. This organization sponsored the cake-walk
at the carnival last fall. The officers are: John Wattles, president; Warren Wool-
dridge, vice-president; Mary Jane Hathaway, secretary-treasurer.
Other musical organizations of the high school include the Freshman chorus
and the High School Girls' Glee Club.
Page 7 3
istory of
Page 74
MarJ°r,£ Strode John Springer
Editor in•( hief Business Manager
SARGASSO --- 1938
The 1938 staff hopes that this Sargasso
view of the events of this school year. In the
reminder of memories, both happy and grave.
will give you a true panoramic
future, this book will serve as a
. ,^C needed to publish this book, the Dramatic Club
gave e p ay u cy. he Sargasso staff had a museum at the Girls’ League
Carnival and sponsored a dance at the Haworth Gym.
M1SS ^?SS M1SS Hand,Cy SCrVcd as editorial advisers. The business ad-
viser was Mr. Mason.
Top Row: Elizabeth Snider. Assistant Editor: Vaughan Hill. Business Assistant: Morlene
Skinner. Activities; Bob Long. Snapshots; Florence Wyatt. Typist: Louise Henry.
Identification: Maurice Vitale. Sports.
2nd Row: Nedra Seagrave. Feature: Bob McClure, Business: Ethel Kerlin. Activities;
Keene Ausman. Snapshots; Margaret Keller. Typist: Ralph Peck. Identification:
George Mohr. Sports Assistant. Page 75
Morris Boyce
Helen Long Ralph Aldridge
Circu'ation Manager Advertising Manager
Don Hall. Jr.
Business Manager
7 he Red and Blue Staff of this year has maintained the high standard of
former years in the weekly publication of the school paper. The special issues
published this year included the Thanksgiving, Christmas, April Fool, Easter,
and Commencement issues. The Red and Blue gains in popularity each year.
Miss Cover, teacher of Journalism, continued her service as editorial adviser
and Mr. Mustard served as business adviser. The printing was supervised by
Mr. Mason.
First Row: Wildermuth. Hall. Hardy. Hensler, Polit7. Aerne. Bannon. Nerenberg. Newby. Ald-
ridge, Whitecotton. Bender. Hercules. Miller.
Second Row: Parker, Kohn. Stalnaker. Long. Briney. Rayl. Cooper. Burge. Bugher. Barker.
Shawhan, Streeter, Bobbitt. Stanley. Boyce. Taylor, Walker.
Third Row: Pierce, Hullinger. Life. King, Warren. Smith. Hancock. Faulkner. Haas. Peltier.
Phelps. Ricketts. Kopelov, Lung. Eby, Schwartz, Ewing.
Fourth Row: Phillips, Dunkle. Godlove. Peterson, Du Bois, Black. Dick. Lorenz. McPike.
Miles, Retter, Woodward. Lantz. Stone, Hehman, Henry. Hollingsworth. Arrol.
Fifth Row: Irick, Maroney, Seymour. Day. Leonard. Surface, Oyler, Nixon. Baker. Aerne. Nash.
Baldwin. Yenna. Hurt. Arrol. Coles. Farley. Talbert.
Page 76
Don Hall. Jr.
John Springer
Business Manager
cerning all highVchooUctlv^tks ThV 3dh freshmcia- maY have information con-
cation is sponsored by the Student~dbook. 1S Published each year. This pubh-
This year the editorial e-nt Council which also selects the staff heads.
grave Ind Bill Day° “SXd, °f 1°" HalL =<«t°r-in-chief. Nedra Sea-
ager. selected as his assistants Bertv jd asDad,v,ser- John Springer, business man-
was the business adviser ' ^°U ar^er and Bob McClure. Mr. Mustard
L’AIDE francaise
co-editors this vea^Mi '^k*011, r -French Club. L’Aide Francaise, had as its
written nartlv in*P , * V Catharine Gray and William Hensler. The paper was
Thornburgh and RWnS printed *n tbe high school print shop. Miss
J nornburgh and Miss Campbell were the advisers.
Mary Katharine Gray William Hensler
Page 7 7
Spring Fever, a swift moving hilarious farce by Glen Hughes was chosen by
the faculty directors, Lilith Farlow, Lester McCarty, and Gertrude Colescott, for
the senior class play of 1938. The play was given April 7 and 8 by separate
casts, according to custom.
The action dealt with the rapidly moving situations in a boarding house at
Brookfield College, the day before commencement- Frequent explosions from
Ed Burns’ room, the “Stinkum Stinktorum” furnished several highlights in
the performance. Complications arose from mistaking Mr. Purcell, the million-
aire philanthropist, for a Bolshevik. In order to insure Howard’s graduation
and regain the millionaire’s favor, a death bed scene was staged and Aunt Maude.
who had come from California for the commencement, ensnared the zoology
professor, Virgil Bean. This last romance furnished quite a bit of amusement
for the audience. The play ended with Mr. Purcell’s donating a quarter of a
million dollars for a new science building, Aunt Maude’s marrying the zoology
professor, and Howard’s graduation.
Page 78
ED Burns, a chemistry student DALE KEIRN, RALPH ALDRIDGE
Howard Brant, a student at Brookfield Wayne Hutchins. Bob McClure
Vic Lewis, an art student Chris Luecke, Walter Miller
ANNE Purcell. Howard's heart interest
Mary Jean Deegan. Betty Bugher
Vivian George. Vic's heart interest Ruth Duke, Morlene Skinner
LOU HERRON, a student of journalism .........
Olive Jane Chaffin, Betty Parker
Mr. Purcell. Anne’s rich father...........Junior Miller. Edwin Ewing
Mrs. Purcell, Anne's mother Jean Fleming. June Dohner
Mrs. Spangler, the landlady Louise Henry, Ruth Risher
MAUDE COREY. Howard's spinster aunt
Charlottf Hollingsworth. Mary Lou Prickett
Virgil Bean, zoology professor Robert Arrol. Joe Seymour
Mr. DIXON, president of Brookfield College RALPH PECK, TOM TAUBENSEE
Page 79
Upset score Latin shark peeved, Margie?
watching the clock, Junior? Smilin’ Bill Bannon
Cooley! . Proud of that K, Jim? Cronies
get an eyeful Irish joke baby faces Book
Have a look
strike up the band,
school bound
of the Month. Jonsie
show off
friendly neighbors
Beverly, the Venus
. . . 300 nose
Hold that pose
Mary, Jake, and
Curly Ricketts
in a magazine
I spy Silent for once
Lenore no, girls, Harry?.
Pepsodent smile star gazing
Betty and her books Flash
Hawkins matching pennies “Freddie Bartholomew” Hamp
Enter the hero Barker cornered.
Page 8 0