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1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943

1943 Fredonia - Delaware Joint High School in Fredonia, Pennsylvania * The Fredonian 1943

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Digital download of 1943 Fredonia-Delaware Joint Junior and Senior High School yearbook in Fredonia, PA. This item is a scanned copy of the original yearbook. This yearbook has some photos of the school and students. The yearbook also has information about students and activities at the school. The yearbook has approximately 48 scanned pages.  Fredonia is a borough located in Mercer County, Pennsylvania. The name of the yearbook is The Fredonian 1943. ***DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ONLY (PDF Format File)*** Please review all of the sample photos. Send us a message if you want us to check to see if a name is in the book.  **There is original scanned handwriting in the yearbook.

Yearbook Name

The Fredonian 1943


Fredonia, Pennsylvania

Additional Information
Mr. Paul Paxton, Secretary
Mr. Jack Baer
Dr. Ross A. Kelly
Mr. Mont Hawthorn
Mr. James Taylor
Mr. T. A. Cressman, President
Mr. Frank Reichard
Mr. Edward Kremis
Mr. Claude Slater
Mr. Kenneth Beil
The Fredonian
Forces, who have attended the Fredonia
Delaware High School, we, the Class of
1943, proudly dedicate this edition
In honor of the boys in the Armed
Norman Wagner—........_..................................— J925
Claytori M or ford.......—........................—------192^
Willard Dye...........-............—...................-.1928
Janies Red foot......-.-...............................ex-1928
Elton Dye............-...-...—.....-.....................x93[
Robert Hittie..........................................-.!93l
Paul Leisher......_..—............................—......—1931
Gerald Huey...-....................................------I932
Leslie Marstellar........................................1933
Joe Buchanan.............................................1933
William Bollard..........................................—.1933
Donald Stoyer............................................—.1933
Everett English...... ....... ...........................1934
N orman R ed foot.-......................................1934
Marlon Barrett.........................................ex-1935
Paul Brunson........._...................................1935
Don Little—................. ..........................ex-1935
John Jamison............................_.....................1935
Wallace Mitcheltree......................................1935
Donald Waldorf............................................1935
Hol I is Baer............................................1936
Harry Rearick............________________________________1936
Stanley Bortz............................................. 1936
Roy Reichard.............................................1936
James Sunderlin..........................................1936
Howard Shingledecker.... _............................ .1937
Harold Lesh..............................................1937
Joseph McCann............................................IQ37
Frank Bower..............................................1937
Herbert Clingerman.......................................1937
Robert Hall..............................................-1937
Janies Amman................................................ex-1938
Clifford Burrows..-..................._....................................1938
Glenn Helstern....................................._... 1938
John Hogan.........................................._.....3938
Thomas Johnson......................................_ j^g
Don McCullough.........................................ex-1938
Clifford Schaller......................................
Don Stull.......................................... 1938
Homer Sturgin....................................... 1C),g
T/ic iq./j Frcdonian
Victor Buchanan..........._...........................1938
Robert Young..........„................................ ,yyj
Theodore Synowka.........................._...........[939
Carl Baer....................._..........._...........1940
Stanley Clark.........................................1940
Henry King........._..................................j94O
James Mathay........................................_.jy4o
Robert Nist.........................................ex-1940
Myron Stamm...........................................iy4o
Paul McGrath........................................ex-1940
David Sunder]in.....................................ex-1940
Wesley Baxter.........................................1941
Clifford Blake._......................................1941
Ervin Frantz.................._.....................ex-1941
Floyd Fritz......................................_..ex-1941
William Flause........................................1941
Harry Hazen...........................................1941
Axel Johnson___________________________________________ 1941
Francis Jordan..........._...............................1941
Max Little...—........................................1941
Robert McDonald........................................1941
Frank Meyer..............................................1941
Robert Reigleman......................................1941
David Reinhart—.............................-....—....1941
Carl Rose......_........-..........—................ex-1941
Fred Christy...—..........—......................—....—1942
Wa I ter H uey--------------................-.—.....ex-1942
Charles McDonald------------------....................1942
Stanley Reimold ..............._......................1942
Russel Rodemoyer..........................—...—.....-.-.1942
Henry Redzinak......................................ex-1942
Charles Ibbs.......-......-.........................ex-1942
Paul Ammann...........-.............................ex-1942
Don Flinn.............-..........-........-.........ex-1943
Junior Kremm.......—........................—.......-ex-1943
William McKenna.......-...-........-..-...-.........ex-1943
Earl Reash.......................—..........-.......ex-1943
Leon Reichard....................-..................ex-1943
Ralph Boger...............-...-...........-...-..-..ex-1944
This list is possibly not complete, and was made up as of March 31, 1943.
Any omission of names was entirely unintentional. The book is dedicated to all
the boys, whether listed or not.
The ig.JS Fredonian
Mr. George Hollibaugh
Supervising Principal
Mrs. Mary Willaman
Eighth Grade
Geography, History
Art, Physical Education
Mrs. LaVine Baird
Freshman Adviser
Mrs. Evelyn Leisher
Junior Adviser
Public Speaking
Miss Eleanor Smith
Seventh Grade
Fre-Del-Ian Adviser
Miss Rosina Lutsch
Miss Harriet Carson
Vocational Home Economics
Mr. Arthur Campbell
Senior Adviser
Science Club Adviser
F. F. A. Adviser
Vocational Agriculture
Mr. William Logan
Science Club Adviser
Science-Health Education
Miss Dorothy Jennings
Sophomore Adviser
Frcdonian Adviser
social Sciences
The 1933 Frcdonian
“To the memory of the man, first in war, first in peace, and
first in the hearts of his countrymen.”—Gen Henry Lee
3; Baseball ,, Preside.,. 4-
"Sometimes Jack is late or absent
But we don't mind
For he’s as nice a fellow
As you will find.”
Academic; Class Treasurer i; Class Secretary 2; Class Vice-President 4; Orchestra
1, 2. 4; Operetta 1, 3: Frc-Del-lan 3; Fredonian 4: Class Basketball 3. 4! Science Club
3, 4 ; Ensemble 3, 41 Mixed Chorus 4.
Jo Anne has ambition which not everyone can duplicate.
Vocational; Operetta 1. 2. 3; Ensemble 1. 2, 3, 4 : Class Secretary 3. 4 1 Cheerleader
1, 2, 3, 4; Fredonian n; Mixed Chorus 4.
“Bertie” is a good Home Economic student and will make a good wife for “you
know who.”
Academic; Operetta 1. 3; “The Jinx” 3; Science Club 3, 4; Ensemble 4;
Mixed Chorus 4; Class Treasurer 4; Class Basketball 4; Frc-Del-lan 3; Fre-
donian 4.
“A bright and happy lass.
Who has always added beauty to our class.”
/vXtoT '■ 2- 1 4: '■ * 3- 4i Science Club a. 3. 4i
“Loves many, hates few,
And we hope that all her dreams come true.”
Academic ; Operetta i o • o i "
Ensemble 4; Mixed Chorus 4; F>e-DeH„!,\3' 41 “Adve,ltures of Tom Sawyer" 3;
There is never a dull moment, but always light
\\ hen in the presence of this little Bright* ” S
Academic; Fre-Del-lan ? • ri
Betty’s noted for her good bJhavioNn schoj1' ’’,2’ 3’ 4’
The Z9./3 Fredonian
Vocational. F. F. A. i, 2. 3, 4; Fre-Del-lan 3; Fredonia 4.
Dave is our class poet.
Don’t need to say so. for you all know it.
Academic, Operetta 1, 2, 3; Minstrel 2; Ensemble 2. 3, 4; Mixed Chorus 4; Science
Club 2, 3, 4; “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” 3; Fre-Del-lan 3.
“She is sensible, sincere and true;
And when it comes to friends—they are not few.”
Academic. Operetta 3; Class Basketball 1, 2, 3. 4; Fre-Del-lan 3: Fredonian 4;
Mixed Chorus 4.
“A friend to all. a foe to none."
Academic, Orchestra 1; Class Vice President 2; “The Jinx” 3: Fre-Del-lan 3;
Mixed Chorus 4; Fredonian 4.
“Al—the class fashion plate
With one boy seems to rate.”
F. F. A. 4.
Vocational. “The Jinx” 3; Fre-Del-lan 3; Mixed Chorus 4;
"Bus is everybody’s pal
But he saves his love for a girl named Al.”
Vocational. Class Basketball 3. 4: Mixed Chorus 4.
Margie is a sweet and quiet lass.
Ready to help those who by her pass.”
Vocational, Operetta 3; Class Basketball 3. 4; Mixed Chorus 4.
You mav meet many Kings during a walk
But Wilmette’s the one that can make a basketball talk.
The 1943 Fredonian
i, 2, 3 : Ensemble
1. 2, 3, 4;
Academic, Class Secretary i; Class Treasurer 2. 3, Operetta
Minstrel 2; Mixed Chorus 4; Fre-Del-lan 3! Frcdonian 4.
“There was a star danced
And under that I was born. ’
Vocational, Mixed Chorus 4 > Frcdonian 4-
Ginny’s been with us for just one year but what was
Transfer’s loss
was Fredonia’s
Academic, Operetta 1, 3> Mixed Chorus 4.
Beverly doesn’t seem to have much to say.
But what she says ain’t “hay.”
Academic. Science Club 2, 3, 4; Frcdonian 4.
“Ginny” is one of the intelligent members of our class. One look at the
honor roll will prove the point.
Academic, Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; “Adventures of Tom Sawyer” 3; Baseball 3.
The boys in our class are limited in their lots.
But we couldn’t get along without Tommy and his “long shots.”
Cam^aaemic4°rcllestruai2’ 3',4: Ensemble 3. 4! Class Basketball 4; Mixed Chorus 4-
Garnet doesn t say much but she can make her trumpet talk.
Vocational. Basketball 3. 4; Baseball 3; Soccer 3; F. F. A. 1 2 3 4.
in both111 5 axorlte sPorts are basketball and baseball and he really does well
The 194J Fredonian
Vocational. Class Basketball 3, 4; Mixed Chorus 4.
Although Leah doesn’t say much
We know all about her basketball and “such."
JEAN SMITH—"Sniitty"
Vocational. Class President 1; Ensemble 1, 2, 4; Operetta 1, 3; Mixed Chorus 4;
“Dying to Live” 1; “The Man in the Green Shirt” 2: “The Jinx” 3; Class Basketball
1, 2, 3, 4; Fre-Dcl-Ian 3; Frcdonian 4; Librarian 2. 3. 4.
Jean doesn't let any grass grow under her feet.
Vocational. F. F. A. 1, 2. 3, 4; Soccer 3; Baseball 3; Basketball 3, 4.
Chauncey, the “atlas” of the classes
Is also noted for his classy passes.
Vocational, President of F. F. A. 4; F. F. A. 1, 2, 3. 4; Class Basketball 3. 4.
“When I’m in school 1 get some sleep
Until around the corner those teachers have to peek.”
Acedemic. Minstrel 2; Operetta 2, 3; Ensemble 2, 3. 4; Orchestra I, 2. 4; Mixed Chorus 4:
Class Basketball 2, 3, 4; "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" 3; Class Vice-President 3; Science
Club 4; Fre-Dcl-Ian 3; Frcdonian 4.
Always laughing, always gay.
Always willing to show the way.
Vocational, F. F. A. 1, 2, 3- 4> Class Basketball 3- 4-
Charles is a quiet little lad
But in F. F. A. we hear he isn’t bad.
Academic Class Vice-President 1; Class President 2. 3; Operetta 3: Orchestra
1. 3. 4; Mixed Chorus 4; “Bits O’ Blarney 2; Basketball 3. 4; Baseball 3; Science
Club 4’: Fre-Dcl-Ian 3. „
Although in school Willy has to "walk the chalk
Believe me. when he’s out. he makes bis clarinet talk."
Academic. Orchestra 3; Mixed Chorus 4; Fre-Dcl-Ian 3; Basketball 3;
Frcdonian 4.
Dave is the quiet efficient type.
The 1943 Frcdonian
The class of “43" will never forget September 7. >939. "'hen we entered
Fredonia-Delaware High School as forty-eight frightened "peeps. After we
became acquainted with the ways and customs of high school we elected class
officers. They were: President, Jean Smith; Vice-President, Owen Willaman;
Secretary, Mary Kremis; Treasurer, Jo Anne Marstellar, and Historian for the
four years, Nancy Beatty. We had a party in November and one in March.
They were both very successful. Mr. Engle was our home-room teacher.
When we came back for our Sophomore year we only had thirty-eight mem-
bers in our class. Mr. Engle was our home-room teacher again. We had an
all-school skating party at the Hadley Rink in February. Our class officers were.
President, Owen Willaman; Vice-President. Alice Hays; Secretary, JoAnne
Marstellar, and Treasurer, Mary Kremis.
After vacation we entered our Junior year with forty-three classmates. We
elected the following officers: President, Owen Willaman; Vice-President,
Jean Taylor ; Secretary, Roberta Tait, and Treasurer, Mary Kremis. I his year
it was our privilege to publish the school paper, the Frc-Del-Ian, with Miss Lally
as our faculty adviser. Mr. Campbell was our home-room teacher this year.
With him as our adviser we sponsored the Junior-Senior Prom at the Greenville
Country Club on May 16. As upper classmen we shared our responsibilities in
the school activities. We attended the school picnic at Camp Perry.
We came back to school in our Senior year with thirty-three members. Virginia
Love was a new member from Transfer. Paul Stoyer, Agnes Hogan and Bill
McKenna quit. Earl Reash, Leon Reichard and Junior Kremni had left during
the summer. This year we entered the new Fredonia-Delaware High School and,
with pride, will be the first class to graduate from. it. Because the gym wras not
finished, we could not sponsor the Halloween and Christmas parties this year.
We elected these officers for our last year: President, Jack Craig; Vice-President,
JoAnne Marstellar ; Secretary, Roberta Tait, and Treasurer, Georgie Armstrong.
With the publication of the Fredonian and having had our graduation pictures
taken, our announcements chosen and our Commencement plans made we are
prepanng to graduate from Fredonia-Delaware High School and carry with us
always pleasant memories from there.
Nancy Beatty.
The rp./j Fredonian
Thus far in life our ship we have sailed
O’er many a wild tempestuous sea
We have had our troubles as we sailed
Yet safely landed each time were we.
Compared are we to a ship at sea
A ship that has braved each storm
A part of our voyage we have seen
The rest of it we all must form.
We go through life like a ship at sea
A ship that’s been pushed and tossed.
Not knowing what our future will be
Or when our ship will be lost.
Until this time our course has been planned
By those who are older than we
Our thanks be to them as life is scanned
For guiding us through the rough sea.
And now as we leave our fair school
We feel like a ship leaving port.
“Victorious in what’s right.” our rule.
From this goal we shall never fall short.
Dave Croskcy.
The ;<?./.? Fredonian
I had the ker-az-iest dream last night. In my dream I saw all my old
classmates, in the year of i953- 1 lost track of sonie °f them a"d "ly
dream proved very interesting although it cannot he verified. Would you
like to hear about it ?
1 saw Jack Craig as athletic coach at F. D. H. S. and under his super-
vision the Vocals were invincible.
Virginia Mecklem was a private secretary and in my dream she was
sitting on the boss’ knee. Be careful, Virginia I 11 tell \ irgil.
“The mail must go through —lorn McDonald was seeing to that,
for now he was piloting a mail plane.
The boys were no longer whistling at Nancy Beatty but were sticking
their tongues out at her. She was now a nurse in St. Francis Hospital in
Charles Wasser was kept busy treating cows, horses, etc.; he was
a busy veterinarian.
In my dream I saw a shop labeled "May’s Sizzling Hamburger Shop,”
and who should be operating it but Margaret King. When I noticed the
cute little bungalow next door, Margaret told me that the former Shirley
Goodrick was settled there. She wasn’t living there alone, but I’ll men-
tion no names.
Making lovely, giddy, fantastically priced hats was the job of Vir-
ginia Love.
1 wondered what had happened to Hays and Hittie. Then I saw-
in my dream of course—Alice Marie posed on a three-legged stool
milking a cow, while Leo looked admiringly on.
JoAnne operated a beauty shop and her specialty was manicures for
I saw Johnny Reimold in an Indian outfit, but he wasn’t making a
living doing war dances—no sir—he was with the Cleveland Indians and
doing a swell job.
After Georgie Armstrong graduated she had joined the W. A A C’s
Do you know why? Well, I do. Jean Smith had joined, not the
W. A. A. C.’s but the W. A. V. E.’s and both girls had done their part
back in World War II.
T/ic rp./; Fredonian
I saw approximately 99 children running after Betty Clinefelter.
Oh, don t get excited she was a kindergarten teacher.
Dave Croskey owned a large dairy farm and was doing a prosperous
I seemed to hear strange noises and then I saw Garnet Red foot
“swinging it out’’ on her trumpet.
Beverly Mathay was writing a column in a newspaper. What column ?
“Advice to the Lovelorn.”
Dave Willaman and Jean Taylor couldn’t bear to leave F. D. H. S.
for long, so several years after graduation they came back to their Alma
Mater disguised as teachers. Jean was a music teacher and Dave was
an instructor of Science and Math.
I saw Leah Schaller telling fortunes in a little “Tea Shop.” She read
palms, tea leaves, crystal balls, and glass eyes.
Wilmette King was in California as a post-war riveter at Lockheed.
I then saw a dancing team gliding around. It was the famous team of
Bis and Mickey. The female partner was Mary Elizabeth Kremis.
Chauncey Stoyer was operating a large department store at the corner
of Main and East Fifth Street in Fredonia. Flow a small town can grow
in the course of ten years!
When Roberta Tait graduated, she didn’t know whether to become
a model or a sheep rancher. She decided upon the latter and operated a
large ranch in Montana. Roberta was chaperoned out there by a certain
1 saw a fellow with a grease smudge here, a grease smudge there.
here a smudge, there a smudge, well anyway it was Ralph Sykes. Ralph
was a garage mechanic.
Margaret Ann Bright was up in the air again. Oh. don’t get the wrong
idea—she was an air hostess.
What about the faculty? Oh. they were all retired, and were leading
luxurious lives.
Did I say I had a crazy dream? Any likeness to real life is purely
coincidental, I assure you. Maybe it was a crazy dream but nevertheless
it portrayed an all-around class. Don t you agree.
Mary Ellen Gilson.
The rp£? Fredonian
We, the members of the Class of 1943. being of bright mind, sound
school spirit, and lofty class pride, do hereby make our last will and
testament. To our undergraduate friends, we will bequeath the following.
To those who by the hand of fate were so unfortunate as to enter
these ivy-covered walls approximately 365 days too late, we do give,
devise and bequeath our most valuable possession the long-coveted,
highly honored, rare, most dignified title of Senior. Gentle Juniors,
may you swagger and make full use of it, even as we have done. Display
it on all occasions and ostentatiously hurl it aloft at all social affairs
for unto you do we give it, yourselves, your heirs and your assigns,
forever and ever—and then some.
Georgie Armstrong leaves her faith in Army boys to Virginia Buckley.
Nancy Beatty wills her front seat on Mr. Conn’s bus to Vincent Mc-
Margaret Ann Bright leaves her address in care of the Greenville
Dry Cleaning Company.
Jack Craig leaves Edith Carter to Dick McDougall.
David Croskey leaves his poetic ability to “Ike” Reimold.
Betty Ciinefelter leaves her love of the Army to Miss Smith.
Shirley Goodrick wills her power for public speeches to Bob McCann.
Mary Ellen Gilson leaves her contralto voice to the alto section of the
Leo Hittie—Casinova Leo leaves his love for the women to Bill
Munnell. Alice Marie says he’d better keep it.
Alice Hays leaves her good taste in clothes to the Junior High Girls.
Margaret King donates her quietness to Edwin Ball.
Wilmette King leles the Lincoln Zephyr to anyone who can afford
to run it.
The 194 j Fredonian
Mary Kremis leaves her sympathy for boys in the Army to Shirley
Hause (she’s luckier).
Virginia Love wills her sewing talent to the Swartz twins.
Virginia Mecklem leaves her industriousness to Teresa Resek.
Tom McDonald hopes he can leave the name “Dominick.”
JoAnne Marstellar leaves her love for a town boy to Betty Miller.
Beverly Mathay leaves her slacks to Shirley Slater.
John Reimold leaves his love for Dottie Wheaton to Sammy Steele.
Garnet Redfoot wills her position as trumpet player in the orchestra
to Jim Nist.
Leah Schaller leaves her ability in Chemistry Class to Bob Willaman.
Ralph Sykes leaves his drowsiness to Ray McCullough.
Jean Smith wills her position in the library to Virginia Buckley.
Chauncey Stoyer wills his position on the basketball team to Dave
Roberta Tait leaves her cheerleader’s place to Shirley Hause.
Jean Taylor leaves her love for the Junior Boys to all the Junior Girls.
Dave Willaman—(known as Homer)—just leaves.
Owen Willaman leaves his love for Uncle George to \ ernie.
Charles Wasser leaves his position in the F. F. A. to Floyd Ryhal.
Owen IVillaiiian.
The 1043 Frcdonian
First row— Shirley Hanse, Phyllis Beatty, Anna Louise Bower, Esther Rodemoycr,
Annie Shafer, Loma Anderson and Jane Ringer.
Second row—Mrs. Evelyn Leisher, Adviser; Harold Jamison, James Hoovler, James
Nist, Robert Willaman, Frank McCann, Edwin Ball.
Third row—David Love, Alyce Miller, Lois Trezona, Virginia Buckley, Jean Little,
Betty Jo Moon, Theresa Aubel.
Fourth row— William Clinefelter, Richard Slater, Richard McDougall, Raymond Mc-
Cullough, Joseph Frkonja, William Munnell.
Not in picture—Bessie Carter.
Presient..___ ..
.... . Shirley ITause
________James Nist
.....Betty Jo Moon
............ Anna Louise Bower
The 19 Fredonian
As We See the Juniors
Loma Anderson______________............................_.......Laughter and glee, that’s she.
I heresa Aubel.........................„.......By her snij]e ye sha|| j<now |ier
Edwin Ball__________....._____..........—__—__Argument is his main ambition.
1 hyllis Beatty_____ .............._______.......................Sends her love to the Navy.
Anna Louise Bower...._________...........................___________Persistent in study.
Virginia Buckley_______________—______________________________________________..“High” minded.
Bessie Carter__________..................._________________................Prim and trim.
William Clinefelter________________________________Willie’s always on the job.
Joseph Frkonja_______________________________________The chemist of our class.
Shirley Hause..... ..— —_________________“Cheer’io—that’s what Shirley does.
James Hoovler________—_______________________ His dreams will come true.
Harold Jamison________________—__- Just plain Butch to us and we like him.
Jean Little_________________________........................___....____There’s someone who cares.
David Love. __..._____________.....__________A newcomer to our class but we’re glad.
Frank McCann...-____________-___________-_______Wit and pun provide his fun.
Raymond McCullough___________________—..Goes to school because he likes it.
Richard McDougall______- ____________We feel that Dick is “high” in our class.
Alyce Miller______......._______-__________Will truly be a dignified Senior next year.
Betty Jo Moon..__________________..........-..........................A friend to all who know her.
William Munnell_______________________. .Lives in luxury—he drives to school.
James Nist _.. -___-__________________________-___-__Jim’s always on his toes.
Jane Ringer. ____....____—____-_______-___-___-_____________Frank but sincere.
Esther Rodemoyer_________-____—__-_____..Happy and gay through every day.
Annie Shafer _________.............................Silence is golden—just ask Annie
Richard Slater..................-......-.-.....-.......Faith is his true virtue-
Lois Trezona__-_________-_______________...........................__________Love shines in her e>'es‘
........ ............. ......
Robert Willaman..........................-...-..-..-...-......-Slow but sure‘
The 1943 Fredonian
First row—Betty Miller, Dorothy Wheaton, Ilene Robinson, Myrtle King, Della Anthony,
and Gloria Rutter.
Second row—Samuel Steele, Catherine Knauf, Margery Nagel, Virginia Uhrey, Marilyn
Rose, Shirley Slater, James Black.
Third row—Robert McCann, Peter Resek, Charles Fisher, Floyd Ryhal, Bert Thompson,
George McCullough, Frank Aubel.
Fourth row—Vincent Hanse, Lyle McCullough, Fred Lucas, Harry Harpst, Ivan Reimold,
Jack Stoyer and Howard McCullough.
Not in picture—Miss Jennings, Adviser, and Teresa Resek.
___Ivan Reimold
Robert McCann
...Margery Nagel
...Marilyn Rose
The 1943 Fredonian
Sophomores as We See Them in the Comics
Della Anthony.........................................__......... ... Rosie
Frank Aubel.....................................................-Dagwood
Janies Black........................—------------------------Snuffy Smith
Charles Fisher............._................................._joe paiooka
Harry Harpst........................................................Wimpy
Vincent Hause....................................................Tim Tyler
Myrtle King..................................................,„_Ella Cinders
Catherine Knauf.........._....................................Apple Mary
Fred Lucas...................................................Moon Mullins
Robert McCann.—.................................................Dick Tracy
George McCullough..._____„__________________________________________Archie
Howard McCullough___________________________________________________Casper
Lyle McCullough............................................—.Captain Easy
Betty Miller.............................................—......—Blondie
Margery Nagel.............................1............................Lil
Ivan Reimold....._..............................................Flash Gordon
Peter Resek_________________________________________________________Pop-eye
Teresa Resek......................................-...-..-.............Olive
Ilene Robinson....................................................—Maggie
Marilyn Rose..._....—-----------—...-.............—--------------—...Tillie
Gloria Rutter.................................—....-..Little Orphan Annie
Floyd Ryhal............................-..—...—.......-..—Prince Valiant
Shirley Slater..............................-.----------------------Frizzie
Samuel Steele.....................................-.............-...-Henry-
Jack Stoyer...............-.....-.................-.-....-...-Smilin’ Jack
Bert Thompson............-...-................-...---------..Harold Teen
Virginia Uhrey-------....--..-......-...........................—Big Sister
Dorothy Wheaton........................—......—..............Mary Mixup
The 1943 Fredonian
First row—Mary Black, Helen Froman, Joan Baer, Jessie Swartz. Ina Anderson, Bessie
Swartz, Janet Snyder, Janet Stoyer, Dorothy Martin, Lois Reichard, Edith Carter and
Mary Resek.
Second row—Mrs. Baird, Adviser; Mae Clinefeller, Ruth Qualk, Virginia Conn, Julia
McEwen, Mary Thompson, Elsie Willaman, Esther Gabor, Florence Uhrey, Annetta Morris,
Estella King and Amber Montgomery.
Third row—Richard Hays. Clarence King, Walter Black, Donald Mitcheltree, Arthur
Jordan, Garnet Harpst, Christine Studebaker. Edwin McElheny, Duane Gilson, Francis
Shafer, Stanley Wagner and James Munnell.
Fourth row—James Gilson, Verne Willaman. Eugene Black, Charles Steele, William
Frkonja, James Boykan, George Frkonja, James Herrington, Robert Miller and Harold Hause.
Not in picture—Lloyd Bennett and Robert Flinn.
President - _
Vice-President -Lois Reichard
Secretary Treasurer - - Edith Carter
The /p./,? Frcdonian
Radio Characters of the
Freshman Class
Ina Anderson_______________________________..The Singing Lady
Joan Baer__.....—...m„................Ma Perkins
Janies Boykan_____........__________________........................Jack Armstrong
Lloyd Bennett_____1.J_________..................................„__Phil Harris
Mary Black_______________..........___„______.........................Stella Dallas
Eugene Black.. _____________________...................______________Dennis Day
Walter Black.....______..........._____________________........Fred Allen
Edith Carter_________________.......................................Kate Smith
Mae Clinefelter________..._________________________Catherine Gray
Virginia Conn.—________—____________________.__Peggy Young
Robert Flinn—____ ______________________________Jack Benny
George Frkonja---------------------------------------Major Bowes..
William Frkonja_______________________________................................____Shep Fields
Helen Froman_________________.............................._____Evelyn Gardner
Esther Gabor______........................................Mary Marlin
Duane Gilson........______________________________Uncle Ezra
James Gilson____......___~___——__....__-____-____—-------------------Bob Hope
Harold Hause...._.........-.............................-—.......Kay Kyser
Garnet Harpst.................-______-______-__________.....Joan Davis
Richard Hays...________-—___-_______-___-_________.Gildersleeve
James Herrington __.........-...-______-_____-_________Pec' Skelton
Arthur Jordan__________-__-____________________..Edgar Bergen
Radio Characters of the
Freshman Class
Kstella Mae King...
.....Belle Jones
Clarence King.
Charley McCarthy
Dorothy Martin-
Grade Allen
Edwin McElheny.
Blue Baron and his clarinet
Julia McEwen
Donald Mitcheltree.
Irene Rich
Walter Winchell
Amber Montgomery-------------__-_____________-__Mary Foster
Annetta Morris__________________...................____________Betty Crocker
James Munnell....................-..-............Vaughn Monroe
Ruth Qualk__________________________-______.Betty Hutton
Lois Reichard________________............................___ Betty Lou
Mary Resek___________________________________Ruby Taylor
Francis Shafer......................___________________Fred Warner
Janet Snyder______________________________________Jane Ace
Charles Steele________________......................................Freddy Martin
Janet Stoyer_________.......................___________Ellen Brown
Christine Studebaker___________________________________Sade
Bessie Swartz___...____________......................-_________Aunt Jenny
Jessie Swartz___________-__............._________________.....Mrs. Whiggs
Mary Thompson__________________________________Mary Noble
Florence Uhrey.—___-__-________________________....Ginny Simms
Elsie Willaman.__.........__________________....Mary Livingston
Verne Willaman__________..........__.._______________....______Dave Minor
The IQ-13 Frcdonian
First rote—Elizabeth Moyer. Shirley Linn, Charlotta Morris, Margaret Diamond, Aleen
Heckman. Joan Fleet. Eileen McEwen, Mrs. Mary Willaman, Adviser.
Second roti1—Lois Blake. Rhoda Buckley. Alice Gilson. Alice Ball, Marion Gilliland,
Martha Kremis, Lois Flinn, Irene Bennett.
Third row—John Haller. Duane Reigleman, Victor Redfoot, Evan Patterson. Robert
Robinson, Leland Wasser. Lawrence Leighty, Richard Bright.
Fourth row—Charles Eckley, Regis McCann, Eddie Russell. Fred Wasser. Hollis Wasser.
Lamar McCartney, Richard Craig.
Not in picture—Vincent McCullough, Thelma Schell.
The 1943 Fredonian
First row—Joan McElheny, Doris Seeley. Emma Jean Hoover, Bertha Kitch, Phyllis
Slater. Mary Frantz, Norma Wheaton, Norma Love, Velma Wagner, Marcella Kosmowski
and Betty Wagner.
Second row—Patsy Anderson. Esther Belle Clark, Donna Jean Haas, Ada Pcttay, Mary
Reimold, Doris Reash, Betty Anthony, Betty Robinson, Marjorie McEwen, Louise McCann,
Miss Smith, Adviser.
Third row—Peggy Jean Moffett, George Leighty, Richard Robinson. Richard Conn.
James Loomis. Samuel Aubel. Richard Flinn, Donald Snodgrass, Glen Shollenberger, Anna
May Sulek.
Fourth row— Charles McCall, Kenneth Goodrich, Frank Frkonja, Leslie Cadman, John
Mohney. James Daye, George Hoover, Paul Cross. Dean Willaman and Rudolph Resek.
Not in picture—Albert Kremis, Leona Cramer.
The 1943 Fredonian
The /p./.? Fredonian
The Perambulations of Perky
A tiny fellow, having heard so much about F. D. H. S., was determined to find
out for himself. Upon coming in sight of the building, Pciky was astonished
at the size and beauty of the new school.
Our little friend hoisted himself to the door of one of the class rooms.
"Parlez-vous Francais”? “Oui, Oui, Mademoiselle,” echoed in his ears. Drills
of verbs and sentence structures followed the recitation, which made I eiky
sure he was in Mrs. Leisher’s French Class.
Next we find our little friend pulling himself up to a key hole of anothei door.
Here he saw Miss Smith teaching American Literature and Perky recognized
the names of Longfellow, Poe and Hawthorne. It was easy to see that the
appreciation of literature was emphasized.
The sound of buzz saws and hammers attracted “Perky’s attention and so he
decided to investigate. In the "shop” he found Mr. Campbell supervising a group
of boys who were working on Farm Projects.
“Perky” went to the Lab next, and saw Mr. Hollibaugh instructing a Biology
Class. On the blackboard the animal and plant phylums had been written, and
several specimens were being passed around the room.
Sitting on the globe of the world "Perky” listened while Mrs. Willaman
O O -J
instructed a class in geography.
Then, the little fellow followed his nose to the Home Economics’ Room where
the aroma was so inviting that he could not resist. There was Miss Carson helping
the girls prepare delicious foods.
With one big jump, “Perky” made it across the hall into Mrs. Baird’s room,
landing on the pencil sharpener. Equations, angles, theorems and logarithms
were almost too much for “Perky.”
Soon he heard the blending of voices in song. Bounding onto the stage, he
beheld Miss Lutsch, the music teacher, leading a group of singers.
Suddenly he was startled at the sound of a shrill whistle. Discovering the
cause of the noise he found Mr. Logan in the gym coaching the basketball team.
Entering the library “Perky” found Miss Jennings seated at the desk, checking
out books, and helping reference seekers.
“Perky’s” last visit was to the office where telephone calls were answered
excuses cleared, and records kept straight.
Leaving F. D. H. S. with
that the students were “Lear
of the Faculty.
hopes of coming back next year, “Perky” decided
ning to Live thanks to the successful guidance
1 he iq./j Frcdoniati
“We here highly resolve that these dead shall
not have died in vain,’’—Abraham Lincoln
Front row—John Reimold, Jack Craig, Chauncey Stoyer, Dick McDougall, Tom Mc-
Second rowA. Logan. Coach; Lyle McCullough, Jim Nist, Ivan Reimold, Bill
Clinefelter. Floyd Ryhal, Jim Herrington, Manager.
Third row— Owen Willaman, Harold Jamison, Bill Munnell.
John Reimold—The outstanding player on this year’s team was John. Good
anywhere on the floor, his great playing ability was a deciding factor in most of
our victories. He was our highest scorer and among the high twenty in the
county. We’ll miss him next year.
Tom McDonald—A snappy guard with an eagle eye on long shots. Tom was
also our most experienced guard. His playing helped us to victory in more than
one hard game. The thoughts of his leaving this year aren’t happy ones.
Jack Craig—A veteran with three years’ experience, Jack was an excellent shot
and played superb basketball all season. He could be expected to drop in several
baskets even when playing against the best of guards. He leaves this year, too.
Chauncey Stoyer—Brief, but brilliant, describes Chauncey’s career. Although
this was his first year of varsity work he played like a veteran and his faking
left opponents dizzy trying to stop him. This is Chauncey’s last year.
Owen IMillaman—Smallest man on the team. Owen proved that a basketball
player can be a good one without being a big one. Not a high scorer himself, his
team work accounted for baskets that without him would not have been made.
This is his last year.
Bill Munnell— Bill was one of the fightingest men on the team this season.
When the going got tough he was in the thick of things doing his share and more.
We expect some great playing from him next year.
Dick McDougall-Tallest player on the team and one of the tallest in the
county, Dick s work was one of the reasons we were so successful this season.
The jq./s Fredonian
1 le played some mighty fine games and we’re counting on a good center in him
next year.
Jim JI enington—Jim was our always-efficicnt manager. He kept things where
they belonged and when someone wanted something, he usually had it. The team
is grateful to him for his work, for he certainly made things easier.
Mr. Logan—If anyone thinks Mr. Logan isn't a good coach, tell him to look
at our improving record since he started coaching. Not only is he a good coach.
but he is one of the favorite faculty members of both team and student body.
We are the proud owners of that long, distinguished-looking title! and we have
reason to be proud. It is the first time since 1930 that a Fredonia team has taken
county honors. It was a tough season with war-time restrictions on so many things,
but it was worth it. We won't soon forget that last tournament game with Stone-
boro. Our team played some of the finest ball that has been seen in a Fredonia team
for several years.
Another big event in basketball this year was the completion of the new gym.
It is an excellent gym and we hope our good start in it will inspire the teams that
will pay in it for seasons to come.
Hadley . .
Sandy Lake
West Middlesex
Sandy Lake
West Middlesex
J amestown
♦Tournament games at Stoneboro.
♦♦Tournament games at Fredonia.
The 1943 Frcdonian

■aph. OfflCSKE...-
i 7 O '- ' - r ' -jCljaW
The rg./j Frcdonian
Seated—Roberta Tait, Shirley Goodrick, Alice Hays, JoAnne Marstcllar. Jean Smith
and David Willaman.
Standing—Mary E. Kremis, Virginia Love, David Croskcy, Georgie Armstrong, Virginia
Mecklem and Jean Taylor,
Not in pie lure—Miss Jennings, Faculty Adviser.
Fredonian Staff
Co-Editors—__________________JoAnne Marstellar, Alice Hays
Business Manager.________________________________Jean Smith
Sales Manager___________________________________Roberta Tait
Assistant Business Manager..........__________Shirley Goodrick
Sports Editor______-______________________David Willaman
Class Editor____
Feature Writers:
—____Jean Taylor
... ...Virginia Mecklem
Dave Croskey, Georgie Armstrong, Virginia Love, Mary E. Kremis
Faculty Adviser........................................
Miss Jennings
The iq./j Fredonian
Seated—Bill Clinefelter, Theresa Aubel, Virginia Buckley. Shirley Hause, James Nist,
and Miss Smith, Faculty Adviser.
Standing—Alyce Miller, Betty Jo Moon. Bob Willaman, Jean Little. Loma Anderson,
and Frank McCann.
Fre-Del-lan Staff
Editor.....__„__„________-__-.................................Shirley Hause
Assistant Editor__________-._______~_______—__Virginia Buckley
Exchange Editor_________-__-__-__.............................Lotna Anderson
Business Manager....-_______________—-___-________—__James Nist
Assistant Business Manager...................-......................Frank McCann
Sports Editor..............................................._________Bill Clinefelter
Art Editor..................-........................--_______-_____Theresa Aubel
Assistant Art Editor-__________-......................-___-____Bessie Carter
W riters:
Betty |o Moon, Jean Little, Alyce
Miller. Robert Willaman
..........._Miss Smith
The 1943 Fredonian
The 1943 Frcdoniaa
' Y °UI iqius’c c'asscs began this year, they were accompanied by a new instruc-
tor M’ss Rosma Lutsch of Youngstown, Ohio, and a graduate of Westminster
Co ege. s ume goes by we increase our appreciation of her and her ability. She
has introduced a wider variety of music groups than F. D. II. S. has ever known
before, and every student who is at all interested in Music has been given a chance
to participate in the group of his choice. The activities of the groups has of
necessity been restricted but it is hoped that this year’s work will prove to be the
foundation of bigger and better participation in out-of-school events in the years
to come.
Members of the groups are as follows:
Fiisl roto—JoAnne Marstcllar, Jean Smith. Roberta Tait. Mary Kremis and Margaret
Ann Bright.
Second rote—Miss Lutsch. Margery Nagel. Georgie Armstrong, Mary Ellen Gilson. Loma
Anderson and Virginia Uhrey.
Third row1—Garnet Redfoot, Jean Taylor, Marilyn Rose and Lois Trezona.
First row—Virginia Conn, Lois Trezona. Jean Smith, Margaret Ann Bright. JoAnne
Marstellar. .Alice Hays, Shirley Goodrick, Roberta Tait. Mary Kremis and Betty Miller.
Second row—Ina Anderson. Loma Anderson, Wilmette King, Leah Schaller. Marilyn
Rose. Georgie Armstrong. Beverly Matbay, Phyllis Beatty. Jeanne Little. Garnet Redfoot.
Florence Uhrey. Jean Taylor, Garret Harpst. Estclla King and Joan Baer.
Third row—Miss Lutsch. Edith Carter. Christine Studebaker. Mary Black, Virginia Love,
Margaret King, Mary Ellen Gilson. Anna Louise Bower. Esther Rodeinoycr. Margery Nagel.
Virginia Uhrey, Julia McEwen and Esther Gabor.
Fourth row—Robert Miller. Don Mitcheltree, Richard Hays. Edwin McElhcny, James
Munnell, Clarence King, Harold Jamison, Verne Willaman, James Herrington. James Gilson
and Harold Hause.
Fifth row—. Arthur Jordan. Owen Willaman, James Nist. David Willaman. Leo Hittie,
Robert Willaman. William Munnell. David Love and Prank McCann.
First roto—Norma Love, Mandolin; Garnet Redfoot. Trumpet; Margery Nagel. Flute;
Margaret Ann Bright, Violin; JoAnne Marstellar, Piano; Donna Jean Haas, Clarinet.
Second rE-Robert Miller. Clarinet: Frank McCann. Drums; Harold Jamison. Mando-
lin; Owen Willaman. Clarinet; Verne Willaman. Trombone; Victor Redfoot. Viokn.
Third rou-Miss Lutsch. David Love. Piano: David Willaman, Trumpet; James Nist.
Trumpet, and Jean Taylor, Violin.
Two other groups taken from the
JoAnne Marstcllar and Jean Taylor.
James Nist and Leo Hittie.
Mixed Chorus are: Girls' Trio—Mary Ellen Gilson.
Bovs' Quartette— Robert Willaman, Owen Willaman.
The 79./,,’ Fredonian
First row— Nancy Beatty. Alyce Miller. Shirley Hause, Betty Jo Moon, JoAnne Marstellar.
Second row—Mr. Campbell. Adviser; Virginia Mecklem, Georgie Armstrong, Ann Louise
Bower, Mary Ellen Gilson, Mr Logan, Adviser.
Third row—Frank McCann, James Nist. Richard Slater, Robert Willaman, Edwin Ball.
Not in picture—Jean Taylor and Owen Willaman.
Science Club
President_______.___________________________________...James Nist
Vice-President.._________________________________Mary Ellen Gilson
Secretary-Treasurer_____________________________JoAnne Marstellar
Advisers________________________________Mr. Campbell, Mr. Logan
1 he Science Club of the Fredonia-Delaware High School was organized in
1934 and has been active ever since. Its object is to increase the interest in
Science, and to help those students to further advance in its study who show a
particular interest in the subject. Membership is open to both boys and girls
who possess the required characteristics and who meet the academic requirements.
The ipjj Fredoniun
First rozv—James Herrington. Eugene Black. Francis Shafer, Janies Hoovler. Stanley
Wagner, Clarence King and James Gilson.
Second rote—Mr. Campbell, Adviser; Ralph Sykes, David Love, Peter Resek, Chauncey
Stoyer, Lyle McCullough. George McCullough and James Black.
Third rozo—James Munnell, Duane Gilson, Charles Fisher. Bert Thompson, Howard
McCullough. Jack Stoyer, William Munnell and Frank Aubel.
Fourth rozz'—Fred Lucas, David Croskey, Charles Wasser. John Reimold. Leo Hitlie.
Ray McCullough, Ivan Reimold and Floyd Ryhal.
F. F. A.
Activities in which the local chapter of the F. F. A. has participated arc:
i. Co-operative buying of seeds and plants.
2. Judging contests at local fairs.
3. Judging contests at Slippery Rock.
4. Prepared exhibits.
5. Prepared and gave radio programs.
6. Studied and repaired farm machinery.
The officers are:
President........................................................-___Ralph Sykes
Vice-President..................-...................................John Reimold
Secretary...............-........................................William Munnell
Treasurer__________________-_______-________-Chauncey Stoyer
Reporter......................-........-..-.....-..David Croske>'
Adviser..........-.....-.........-..-.....-........Mr‘ CamPbe11
The iq./j Frcdonian
The zp./j’ Fredonian
Miss Smith—“Well, Jack, what did
you do on your holidays?”
Jack Craig—“Oh, not much—not
enough to write an essay on, anyway.”
Johnny R. "Until 1 met you my life
had been a desert.”
Dotty W. “Well, that must explain
why I've been thinking of camels ever
since we’ve been dancing.”
Parachute instructor’s last words:
“And remember, if at first you don't
succeed, forget about it.”
Bill Munnell—“Can't you wait on
me? Two pounds of liver—I’m in a
Butcher—“Sorry, sir, but two or
three are ahead of you. You surely
don’t want your liver out of order.”
"My wife came from a large fam-
“My wife brought hers with her.”
Mrs. Baird—“An anonymous per-
son is one who does not wish to be
known.” (A few minutes later) : “Who
is that laughing?”
Voice—“An anonymous person.”
Driving Examiner—“What would
you do if the car brakes suddenly failed
to work?”
Jean Smith—“Hit something
It is now permissible to classify all
sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles
who live more than three gallons away
as distant relatives.”
Bride—“Do you sell dry goods
Virginia Mecklem—“No, this is a
grocery store.”
Bride—“Oh. T am so sorry. I
wanted to buy some dried apples.”
“Say, have you ever heard of a
person having three feet?”
“No, I haven’t. Why?”
“Well, I received a letter from my
aunt, and she said that I wouldn't know
my cousin Johnny, because he has
grown another foot."
Dave Croskey's mother had reluc-
tantly allowed her precious child to
attend public school. She gave the
teacher a long list of instructions.
“My Dave is so sensitive,” she ex-
plained. “Don’t ever punish him. Just
slap the boy next to him—that will
frighten Dave.”
Eddie Ball—"Mother, remember
our 25-piece dinner set?”
Mrs. Ball—“Yes."
Eddie—“Well, it's a 26-piece set
“Under a bunch of mistletoe
The homely maiden stands,
And stands and stands and stands and
And stands and stands, and stands.
Abbreviated college courses have
created their own problems. They are
telling a story down at Princeton of a
student who stepped out of the lab-
oratory for a few minutes and found
when he returned that he had missed
his entire Sophomore year.
The 1943 Fredonian
The 1943 Fredonian
Maple Grove Dairy, J. R. Marstellar, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
Mecklem’s Grocery, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
Golden Pheasant Bar-B-Q.
Freyermuth Mills, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
Magee’s Garage, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
Dr. Ross A. Kelly, Fredonia, Pennsylvania. '
L. Van Miller, Funeral Home, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
E. Bert Baker, Barber, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
Robert Jamison and Son, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
McEwen’s Beauty Shoppe, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
Greer’s Barber Shop, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
Cedar Drive Dairy, E. McElheny, Fredonia. Pennsylvania.
Buckley’s Bakery, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
Robins' Hardware, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
First National Bank, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
McCoy’s Hardware, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
Haas’ Store, Fredonia, Pennsylvania.
Clover Farm Store, McCullough, Fairview. Pennsylvania.
Cressman’s Garage, Greenville, Pennsylvania.
Fredonia Civic Association.