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Class of 1925 Lancaster High School Yearbook in Fairfield County, OH

1925 Lancaster High School Yearbook in Lancaster, Ohio * The Mirage 1925

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Digital download of the 1925 Lancaster High School yearbook in Lancaster, OH. This item is a scanned copy of the original yearbook. This yearbook has photos of the school and students. The yearbook also has information about students and activities at the school. The yearbook has about 140 scanned pages. The name of the yearbook is The Mirage 1925. The City of Lancaster is located in Fairfield County, Ohio. ***DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ONLY (PDF Format File)*** Please review all of the sample photos. Send us a message if you want us to check to see if a name is in the year book.

Yearbook Name

The Mirage 1925


Lancaster, Ohio (Fairfield County)

Additional Information

J. F'rancis Kins:
Lancaster Johnson


____    __
9^) CHOO L    ______ ___
Superi ntenden t
Page Twelve


Pres iden t
Mentor 3ni>rx
College Preparatory Course
Football 4,
Class Basketball 3, 4,
Baseball 3. 4.
College Preparatory Course
Chorus 3, "Tweedies” 4.
Literary Society 3,
Science Club 1,
Latin Club 3, 4,
Glee Club -I,
“Tweedies” -I,
Triangular Debate 3
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 3,
Science Club 2, 3,
Football 2, 3.
Science Club 3.
Literary Society 2_ 3, 4,
Girls’ Glee Club 3, 4,
Basketball 3, “Tweedies” 4.
Commercial Course
College Preparatory Course
Girls’ Glee Club 4,
Literary Society 4,
Chorus 1, 2.
College Preparatory Course
Years 1, 2, 3 Ironton Hi.gh School
Literary Society 4.
College Preparatory Course
Band 3, 4 Orchestra 3, 4.
Commercial Course
“Miss Cherry Blossom” 1.
College Preparatory Course
Chorus 1, 3.
Commercial Course
College Preparatory Course
Commercial Course
“Miss Cherry Blossom” 1
Chorus 1.
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 1, 2, 3, 4,
Science Club,
Orchestra 1, 2, 3 I. Band 4.
“Second Annual Revue”.
College Preparatory Course
College Preparatory Course
Literary 1, 2, 3, 4.
Band 3, 4; Orchestra 3 4.
“First Annual Revue”
"Second Annual Revue”.
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 3
Glee Club 3
Chorus 2. 3.
Band 1, 2, 3, 4.
Orchestra 1, 2, 3. 4.
“First Annual Revue”
“Second Annual Revue".
College Preparatory Course
Technical Course
Track Manager 3
Football Manager 4
College Preparatory Course
Latin Club 3, 4.
Mirage 3, 4.
Secretary of Class 1
Vice President 2
Girls’ Glee Club 3, 4.
Orchestra 4
Chorus 12.
“My Maid on the Bamboo Screen -■>
Music Memory 2.
Pa'gc Thirty-four


College Preparatory Course
Chorus 1
College Preparatory Course
Hi-Y 3, 4.
Track 3, 4.
Baseball 3, 4.
Class Basketball 2, 3.
College Preparatory Course
Commercial Course
College Preparatory Course
College Preparatory Course
Chorus 1
Girls’ Glee Club 4
“Miss Cherry Blossom”.
Commercial Course
Basketball 1, 2, 3. 4.
Baseball 1, 3, 4.
Track 3.
Commercial Course
Chorus 1.
Vocational Agricultural Course
“Second Annual Revue".
College Preparatory Course
Science Club 3
Chorus 1, 2.
Girls' Glee Club 4
Commercial Course
Band 1, 2, 3, 4.
College Preparatory Course
Latin Club 3. 4.
Literary 3, 4.
Mirage 1, 4.
“My Maid on the Bamboo Screen"
Girls’ Glee Club 3, 4.
Chorus 1, 2.
Commercial Course
Football 1, 2, 3. 4.
Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.
Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4.
Track 3. 4.
College Preparatory Course
College Preparatory Course
Orchestra 1, 2. 3, 4.
Band 1, 2, 3, 4.
Glee Club 3, 4.
Class Basketball 3. 4.
“First Annual Revue”
"Second Annual Revue".
College Preparatory Course
Girls’ Glee Club 3, 4.
“My Maid on the Bamboo Screen
College Preparatory Course
Class Basketball 2, 3.
Varsity Basketball 3, 4.
Baseball 2, 3.
College Preparatory Course
Science Club 1, 2 3.
Literary Society 1, 2, 3, 4.
Girls’ Glee Club 1
Class Basketball 1, 2.
Orchestra 2, 3, 4.
Triangular Debate 3.
College Preparatory Course
Literary 2. 3, 4.
Science Club 1, 2, 3.
Band 2, 3, 4.
Orchestra 2, 3, 4.
Chorus 2, 3.
Mirage 3, 4.
Manager of Girls’ Glee Club 3 4
"The Wren”
“First Annual Revue”
Triangular Debate 3, 4.
Manager Purple Pepper 4.
Hi-\ Club 4.
Manager Boys’ Glee Club 3, 4.
"Within the Law”
College Preparatory Course
Latin Club 4.
Literary Society 1, 2, 3.
Girls’ Glee Club 4.
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 3, 4.
Hi-Y Club 3, 4.
Boys' Glee Club 3. 4.
“First Annual Revue”
“Second Annual Revue”.
Page Thi
Commercial Couise
Orchestra 1, 2, a, 4.
College Preparatory Course
Commercial Course
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 1, 2, 3, 4.
Science Club 1.
Band 1, 2, 3, 4.
Boys’ Glee Club 1. 3, 4.
Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4.
Cheer Leader 3, 4.
Football 2, 4.
President of Classs 1.
Treasurer of Class 2.
“First Annual Revue”
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 1, 2, 4.
Commercial Course
Girls’ Glee Club 4.
Class Basketball 1, 2,. 3.
Baseball 3.
College Preparatory Course
Commercial Course
College Preparatory Course
Commercial Course
Literary Society 1.
Science Club 2.
2, 4.
the Bamboo Screen”.
Commercial Course
Year 1, 2, 3. at Shawnee High School
College Preparatory Course
Orchestra 1, 2, 3.
Band 1.
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 1, 2, 3. 4.
Chorus 1, 2, 3.
Girls’ Glee Club 3, 4.
Cheer Leader
“Miss Cherry
“My Maid on
College Preparatory Course
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 1. 2, 3, 4.
Science Club 3.
Latin Club 3, 4.
Vice President of Class 1.
Mirage 4.
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 1, 2, 3, 4.
Girls’ Glee Club 4.
Science Club 1, 2, 3.
Basketball 1 2, 3, 4.
Treasurer-of Class 3.
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 1, 2 3 4
Hi-Y Club 3 4:
Triangular Debate 2, 3
"Second Annual Revue”
Boys’ Glee Club 4.
College Preparatory Course
Chorus 1, 2.
“Second Annual Revue”.
Commercial Course
Football 3.
McClanahan, helen cora
College Preparatory Course
College Preparatory Course
College Preparatory Course
Literary 1, 2, 3, 4.
Basketball 1, 2. 3, 4.
Track 2, 3.
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 3, 4.
College Preparatory Course
Bamboo Screen
College Preparatory Course
Band 3, 4.
Orchestra 3_ 4.
Football 1.
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 1, 2, 3, 4.
Science 1, 2, 3.
Chorus 1, 2, 3.
Girls’ Glee Club 3
Track 2
Treasurer of Class
“My Maid on the
Page Thirty-six
College Prep iratory Course
Music Memory 3.
College Preparatory Course
Band 1, 2, 3, 4.
Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4.
Literary' Society 1. 2, 3, 4.
Science Club 3.
Band Leader 4.
Class Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.
"First Annual Revue"
"Second Annual Revue”
Boys’ Glee Club 3, 4.
College Preparatory Course
Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4.
College Preparatory Course
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 3, 4.
Science Club 3.
Girls’ Glee Club 3, 4.
"My Maid on the Bamboo Screen”
College Preparatory Course
Literary' Society 1.
"Second Annual Review”
Boys’ Glee Club
Vice President of Class 4.
College Preparatory' Course ■
Class Basketball 3, 4.
Years 1, 2 at Sugar Grove.
College Preparatory Course
Literary' Society 3, 4.
Science Club 3.
Mirage 4.
"Myr Maid on the Bamboo Screen”
Girls’ Glee Club 3, 4.
College Preparatory Course
Orchestra 1. 2, 3.
Band 1, 2, 3.
"First Annual Revue”
"Second Annual Revue”
Boys’ Glee Club 3. 4.
College Preparatory Course
Literary' Society 1, 2, 3, 4
Science Club 3.
Chorus 1, 2.
Basketball 2, 3, 4.
College Preparatory Course / (A
College Preparatory Course jj
College Preparatory- Course A.g
Literary Society 1, 2, 3, 4
Hi-Y 3,’ 4. O
Science Club 1, 2, 3.
Latin Club 3, 4.
Triangular Debate 1, 2 3
"Second Annual Revue”
Boys’ Glee Club 4.
Commercial Course
Class Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.
Agriculture Course
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society' 3, 4.
Chorus 3.
Class Basketball 2
Commercial Course
College Preparatory Course
Chorus 3.
Treasurer of Class 4.
College Preparatory Course
Band 2, 3, 4.
Orchestra 2, 3, 4.
Class Basketball 1.
Commercial Course
Chorus 1 2, 3.
Girls’ Glee Club I.
"Miss Cherry' Blossom”.
Science Club 2, 3.
Girls' Glee Club 3, 4.
Chorus 1 2, 3.
Secretary' of Class 3.
"Miss Cherry Blossom”
"My Maid on the Bamboo Screen”.
College Preparatory Course
Literary’ Society 1, 2, 3, 4.
Science Club 2, 3.
Chorus 1, 2, 3.
Cheer Leader 3, 4.
Boys’ Glee Club 3. 4.
President of Class 3 and 4.
Mirage 1, 2, 3.
"Miss Cherry' Blossom”
"First Annual Revue”
■Page Thirty-seven

♦ College Preparatory Course
n U College Preparatory Course
College Preparatory Course
College Preparatory Course
Literary 1, 2, 3. 4.
Class Basketball 1.
•yy- Varsity Basketball 2, 3, 4.
fft Track 1. 2.
W Secretary of Class 2.
"Miss Cherry Blossom”.
Commercial Course
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 4.
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 1 2, 3, 4.
Science Club I, 2, 3.
Girls’ Glee Club 4.
College Preparatory Course
Chorus 2, 3.
College Preparatory Course
College Preparatory Course
Chorus 1, 2.
Class Basketball 2, 3. 4.
College Preparatory Course
Science Club 3.
Literary Society 3, 4.
Football 3, 4.
Class Baseball 2, 3.
President of Class 2.
\ V1T H AM, A N N A B E L L E
College Preparatory Course
College Preparatory Course
Girls’ Glee Club 3, 4.
Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4.
Chorus 3.
Class Basketball 2.
“My Maid on the Bamboo Screen”
College Preparatory Course
Latin Club 4.
College Preparatory Course
Commercial Course
Agriculture Course
College Preparatory Course
Literary Society 1, 2, 3, 4.
Hi-Y Club 3, 4.
Boys’ Glee Club 4.
Mirage 3, 4.
Commercial Course
Literary Societjr 1, 2 3, 4.
Chorus 3.
Class Basketball 2, 3, 4.
page Thirty-eight
In the Year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hun-
dred and Twenty-One, on the eighth day
of September, We, the Class of Nineteen
Hundred and Twenty-live, entered these
Portals of Knowledge. We entered as
most all Freshmen Classes have done from
year to year —that is, through the side
doors to escape the initiation due us from
the Honorable Upperclassmen. On that
morning we assembled in the auditorium
to find out the rooms to which we were
to be assigned and also to let the Upper-
classmen give us the "once-over”. We
were greeted in the auditorium by much
applause and jeers but took these with
a smile to show the Upperclassmen that
we were not the kind to be scared. 1
think many teachers and the other classes
have found out since that day that we
never have lost that characteristic.
After a talk by the Principal and the
Superintendent we were assigned to our
rooms, and from that time ’until about
two weeks later, it was a very funny scene
to see us freshmen looking behind doors
to find the numbers of the rooms or to
wonder absent-mindedly around until
some good-hearted Senioi would ask us

the High School Gymnasium. The Gym t-
was decorated very attractively in the class /A
colors, green .and white. Many games were Ajjj
played and fitting refreshments were serv- j..-’.
ed. making our first class spread a marked
success. -cl1
Day after day passed with the usual B
grind for those of the Freshman Class, and e
from the looks of a great many grade g
cards, it showed that our wonderful class A
was to be diminished greatly. To ask the -An
teachers of the High School the cause of . 'I
their failing, I am afraid would have
brought the following explanation: (1)
Too many pretty girls in the High School;
(2) Too many outside interests, and (last-
ly) Too slight a desire for study. To
all of the lower class men we wish to
leave this kindly remark: “If you expect
to graduate, expect to study.”
On a certain Friday after Easter, our
class was to hold a weiner roast so when
what the idea was and we would tell him first one.
we assembled at the High School to depart
for the place where the event was to be
held, we found that we would have to have
it in the Gymnasium, so our weiner roast
was turned into our second class spread.
This turned out to be even better than our
that we were looking for a certain room.
lie would tell us where to find it, but
when we entered we would find, much to
our surprise, that he had steered us to
the engine room. After the boys had re-
ceived their initiation and all the girls
Much enthusiasm had been shown in the
class for many weeks due to the fact that
had made friends with all the good-look-
ing Senior boys, they found out that this
was not going to be such a bad place after
We went through the first semester as
our class had its mind made up to win the
Field Meet, but when it was over, it look-
ed as though someone had changed our
minds for us. because we were last in the
well as could be expected of a freshmen
Field Meet, having a total of 22 points.
On May 25 we held a meeting to decide
whether our class would be represented
at the class picnic to be held at Buckeye
Lake on June'9. All were in favor of our
class and then we were told by Mr. Hick-
tw* son that we should assemble in the audi-
torium to elect our class officers. There
M-Pj were about two hundred freshmen as-
\vJ seinbled and the meeting was called to
rajn order. Miss Mary Margaret Lehew acting
as chairman. Those who were elected to
a- take charge of our wonderful class were:
ttx President, Francis King; Vice-President.
(Q\yl George Martin; Secretary. Dorothy DeLan-
cy an<l Treasurer, Virginia Radebaugh.
/k Mr. Marquis was chosen class advisor.
AZ/ On March 15 and 16 we held two other
HI meetings, in which we voted for our class
la I colors, our motto, and our class Hower.
Green and white were chosen for our class
"■jED colors, “We lead—other follow” was select-
9ed for our motto, and the sweet pea was
chosen as our class flower.
On the night of March 31 the class had
their first class spread which was held in
going so we decided to be out for the good
time. Raymond Roop was the chairman of
this picnic, and many thanks to Ray for
this was one of the class successes of the
year. Swimming, dancing, boat riding
and all the other amusements furnished at
this resort kept us all busy. Thus ended
our first year in Old Lancaster High.
On September 8, 1922, we, the class of
'25. came back to these Halls of Wisdom
to begin our second year of high school
work. Many of our old school chums were
here to greet us, but many of them had
left this place to make their own way in
this wide, wide world. Our class had
diminished in size, but many new students
came and entered into the roll of the Soph-
omore classs. We had a meeting on Octo-
ber 4 to see who should pilot the “Soph-
omore” through the rough seas of 1922.
Robert Veidt was chosen “captain” of the
ship, Dorothy DeLancy was chosen “first
Page Thirty-nine

made”, Harriet Trimble was chosen “sec-
ond mate”, and Brooks Maccracken was to
have charge of the fuel, in other words,
the money. Miss Portner was chosen to
advise us' upon which course our good
ship should go. These officers promised
to m ike our Sophomore year one oi our
best years in these Halls of Fame and it
surely was one of our best.
On Friday evening, November 10, the
class had their first parly of the year. At
this party we had as our guests, Professor
J. J. Phillips his wife and daughter. This
party was a huge success, due to the fact
of Mr. Phillip’s presence. We found out
at this party that our new superintendent
was a jolly good sport, and I’m sure that
Mr. Phillips found out that the class of ’25
was always backing him up in everything
that he undertook.
Our class was well represented in the
class basketball tournament, so that it
made the rest of the teams step fast to
win the championship. We also had sev-
eral representatives on the varsity basket-
ball squad.
Things went along as usual, with some
failures and some successes, but the class
as a whole was always on the top. On
February 21. the Class had a theatre party
at the Hippodrome theatre where they wit-
nessed “Silas Marner,” a book which at
that time was being studied in our Soph-
omore English classes. Following the play,
we enjoyed a “feed” at Antill’s. If you
don’t think this party was a howling suc-
cess ask the manager of the theatre.
Field Day came around the second time
for our class, but we had the usual jinx
with us and came out at the small end of
the score, but our boys and girls who had
entered, proved that they would show
great opposition to the other classes in
our next two years.
Nothing much happened during the re-
mainder of the year, except the usual ex-
citement that comes with the final exam-
inations, so that on the last day of school
our class had their annual picnic at Buck-
eye Lake, thus ending our second year in
dear old Lancaster High.
Again we are entered into these Halls
of Fame as the Junior Class Our Class is
still large in number, though many of our
old pals have left us. We held our first
Junior Class meeting a week after the
school work started, to elect the officers
for the Junior year. Jack Stover was
elected president; Raymond Roop, vice
president, Annabelle Witham, secretary
and Pauline Moody, treasurer. We had a
meeting later on to decide what kind of
pins and rings to have for our class, and
after much discussion, we found out what
kind we wanted and then got them about
the middle of November. Our class ad-
visor, Miss Portner, notified us that she
intended to resign. We tried to persuade
her to keep her exalted position, but she
refused and we got in her place “That
Red-headed Gal,” Miss Griffith.
We decided to have our first Junior class
party and on February 8 we assembled at
Frances Turner’s home where our party
was held and enjoyed immensely.
Our class selected as their first class
play "Esmeralda” and ibis was one of the
best plays ever produced by a Junior class,
and it showed that in the Senior year out-
class would be capable of putting across
plays that would attract attention.
On May 15, the Junior and Senior classes
assembled at the Elks’ Home where the
Junior-Senior Banquet was held. This was
our Class’s most successful event.
After our “exams” we all looked for-
ward to our last social function and on
May 30 we held our class picnic at Buck-
eye Lake, thus ending our third year.
At the beginning of our Senior year,
Jack Stover was again elected president of
our class, John Rauch vice president Ruth
Kneller secretary, Beulah Scott treasurer,
and Miss Vlerebome class advisor.
Nothing much has been going on in the
Senior Class this year, because everyone
is trying his best to graduate.
I am the first one who has ever had the
honor to write the class history of a class
that graduates in caps and gowns. It is
also the largest graduating class ever pass-
ing out of this Hall of Fame, where other
graduates who have made a name for them-
selves and their Alma Mater have received
their diplomas.
Our first Senior class play was a marked
success and we are sure that our last play
will be also. We wish to take this oppor-
tunity to thank Miss Portner for the hard
work she has given us in coaching our
Our boys won the interclasss basketball
championship and we had four boys and
five girls on the varsity teams who made
their letters this year.
After many years in this great school,
we have found that it is going to be hard
to leave it, but now our evolution through
these four years is completed and we shall
go forth to bring honor and praise upon
the name of our dead Alma Mater. We
have been taught that our best efforts is
all that life asks of us, so now we shall go
forth into this broader life.
The Class of '25 has put forth its best
efforts to get the best results so now we
bid adieu to all our associates in the lower
classes and to the faculty who have strug-
gled with us these four years. We hope
you all find in the class of 1926 a class
who will endeavor to follow in our re-
nowned footsteps.
—Ralph S. Hammitt

We, the members of the Senior Class of
1925, of the high school of Lancaster, in
the County of Eairfield and State of Ohio,
being in our twelfth year (or more) of
student training and therefore being of
sufficiently educated, developed, sane, and
supercilious minds and memories, and
wishing to dispose of all of our possessions
and chattels and desiring to transfer our
cares and responsibilities, do therefore
make, ordain, publish, and declare this to
be our last Will and Testament, hereby re-
voking and making null and void all oth-
er last Wills and Testaments by us made
First: We give, devise, and bequeath to
our Alma Mater our everlasting love and
fidelity, and do hope that in the years to
come sin may profit by the services which
we have rendered her in the past that our
standards of scholarship, our school loyal-
ty, our athletic ability, and our original-
ity and vim may not be lost to the school
through our graduation, but may be pass-
ed down to other classes as an example
of high class attainment.
Second: To the Juniors we devise such
of those possessions of ours as have made
us a successful Senior Class, namely: the
patience in study now possessed by Laur-
_ etta llalderman, the athletic prowess and
light of Genevieve Foreman, the musical
touch of Dorothy DeLancy, the Latin
€knowledge of George Martin the scientific
V. ability of Charles Pearce, the debating at-
Tn tack of Frank Johnson, and the labors of
John Work. We do also bestow upon
them all rights, privileges, and duties to
ZE our numerous beaus and sweethearts,
t i f (such of whom as shall continue to grace
\ , I these halls of beauty in the next year) be-
lieving that as dignified Seniors they may
sS better impress the pretty ones with their
importance. We do make, constitute, and
appoint the matrimonial experts of Lan-
, ..
eZX) \jjgH er^M^—
caster High, Miss Adale Aten. Miss Mar- E"
garet Zimmerman, and Mr. Harry Marquis
as a board of trustees with full powers,
and privileges for this particular clause, 1
subject only to the advice, consent, and
direction of our executrix hereinafter h!1'
named to see that all mating is done to
the best advantage of those concerned.
Third: To the Sophomores we bequeath
the dramatic ability of Helen Roby and
Darrell Crumley, in the belief that with
such aid and favor they may produce a
play worthy of our respectful esteem. We
do also donate to them the loud socks so
conspicuously adorning the extremities of
certain of our supposedly dignified Sen-
iors, as the material from which to make
their class banner, and the brililant dia-
mond so ostentatiously worn by Ralph
Hammitt in this year’s minstrel as an add-
ed adornment for their class pins.
Fourth: To the Freshmen we give such
of those possessions of ours as will aid
them upon arriving at the lofty position
of wise young Sophomores, namely: the
intelligence of Jacob Molar wherewith
they may increase their intellectual status,
the grandiloquent and pompous air of
Rosslyn Cline to properly adorn the intel-
ligence, and the wardrobe of the Rade-
baugh twins wherewith they may more
gloriously enter the sacred precincts of
polite society. Having bequeathed which
we extend to them our hearty good wishes
for a successful initiation of the incoming
Fifth: To the aforesaid incoming Fresh-
men we bequeath the camouflaged flivver
now possessed by the Stover-King corpor-
ation as a means whereby they may trans-
port themselves to their first weiner roast,
which we hope will be a howling success
in true Freshman fashion.
Sixth: To the Faculty we bequeath all
rights and privileges to the human dic-
Page Forty-one

tionary and encyclopedia, Wilber Scott
) Stammler by the use of which they may
the more easily solve their cross word
fi puzzles.
Seventh: To our patient janitors, Mr.
White and Mr. Franklin, we give our sin-
sQ cere thanks for keeping us clean, warm,
and healthy during our stay in these halls,
for we may truthfully say that the dirt
was efficiently scooped up every day, that
Q. the temperature of the building was never
7X below freezing, and that at no time were
W more than half the student body absent
because of sickness.
copy of the volume entitled “Perfect Be-
Eleventh: To each of the younger mem-
bers of Hickson, Smart and Johnson fam-
ilies respectively, we bequeath one rubber
shooter in the belief that through the free
use of which their affectionate parents
may return to school more hardened to the
attacks of paper wads, erasers, and chalk,
and more skilled in the arts of punish-
Twelfth: To Miss McCoy, the friend of
the Seniors, we bequeath the playthings
of John Rauch which se as so wistfully
Eighth: To the Board of Education we
bequeath the onetime plans of a new high
school as a memento of that sweet dream,
while we do earnestly hope that some day
the dream may become a reality.
Ninth: To Supt. Phillips. vulgarly
known as “Soupy” we bequeath the ban-
ner which formerly advertised our supreme
opertta, “The Maid and the Middy” as a
belt wherewith to uphold his balloon
Tenth- To Paul Unks we leave two dol-
lars ($2.00) with which to purchase one
admired in her F section, and we hope that
as a competent judge of the Senior classes
of the past years she may place us high
in her recollections.
Lastly: We make, constitute, and ap-
point our esteemed Minerva, the perpetual
overseer of these halls of learning, to be
executrix of this, our last Will and Testa-
In testimony whereof we have hereunto
set our hand and seal this 21st day of
May in the year of Our Lord, One Thous-
and and Twenty-five.
(Signed) The Class of 1925
—Brooks Maccracken
Page Forty-two
ffiluss -priipljery
Dorothy DeLancy
Helen Roby
Guy Rockey
John Work
Rosslyn Cline
(John W. and D. D. entering).
Alice H. Do come in and sit down.
just seems ages since I've seen you
we must have lots to tell each other. Just
think Dorothy—I suppose we may still
call yuo Dorothy?
John W.
the most <
Oh, yes, even though she is
celebrated pianist of two con-
li). Oh, John—for a secretary
limit! Won't you ever get over
that annoying habit of answering for oth-
ers? I remember how you got that habit
in Miss Lawrence’s History Class—to A. M.
H.—Of course yuo must call me Dorothy
it really isn’t my fault that I’m advertised
so much.
Alice H. Of course not; but we’re all
surely proud of you. When you mention
Miss Lawrence's History Class it reminded
me have you seen Eileen and Verle late-
ly? She was m that class and I received
ago saying that they
It’s just too bad!
Well, perhaps
they suited each
a letter sometime
quarreled terribly!
Dorothy D. Too bad?
but I never did think
other! Talk about quarreling—have you
heard about Mary and Darrell?
Alice H. No, why? D. D. starts to answer.
John W. That’s all they do—I mean
quarrel. Mary has become a star pitcher
of rolling pins and Darrel is better at
dodging than the artful Dodger in Oliver
Twist! Why they’re actually been separ-
three times. The first lawyer was
gave too much to Dar-
was Wayne Mil.er but
a ted
and he made both of
rell, _ .
he gave too much to Mary, the third was
Wilbur Stammler
them so made at him that they went back
together again very peacefully!
Alice H. How terrible—but they never
agreed very long, however, it was Mary
who obtained Dolly a place as a model
at Wiseman’s.
Dorothy D. Yes, I guess she’s quite a
success too—she struts out ass though the
world belonged to her and I. understand
that he has quite captivated the new man-
ager who, by the way was also a member
of the class of ’25, John Van Dyke.
Alice H. Yes, and Oliver Yoder has re-
tired as a bachelor farmer—won’t have any
girls around. Good idea in my estimat-
ing. Fine!
Dorothy D. (scathingthy). Thanks! It
seems we have lots of farmers from our
class there’s Verlin Mowery and Ray Steel
and William Schwcikcrt all have taken up
that work and just imagine! Virginia
Radebaugh has become a farmerette!
Alice H. Oh, no! But I thought she in-
tended to cultivate her voice?
John W. It was too awful. Her folks
got so they wouldn’t let her practice and
Venie was so sorry about it that she wor-
ried until she was thin then she got a place
at Keith’s playing the part of a fairy spir-
Rose Borgia
to see who
through the most classes and
almost all Rose does except
knitting hose for poor chil-
We have lots of friends in
Why Cloise Bay and Neil
Dorothy D. Oh, there are quite a few
on the stage. Ralph Hammitt has a per-
manent part as a clown for a circus and
in one of the side shows Vergene Wolfe
has a display of some of the finest woolly
worms in the U. S.
Alice H. Really? Then she must be
with the same company that Beulah Scott
is in. You know Beulah always tended to
corpulence and I understand she hasn't
lost a pound'
John W. Yes, she and Eddy Cowden are
in the same booth to show the difference
I suppose, but Eddy goes to sleep so much
that he's about to be fired.
Dorothy D. Poor fellow—I
er liked Eddy, but he and
Thimines almost had a race
John W.
that good work.
Shouting hold regular duets on the trom-
bone and clarinet for the benefit of the
Salvation Army. They make sometimes as
much as $5.00 a month.
Alice H. Piffle! That's nothing Helen
McClanahan and Grace Ulmer tell a series
of short stories every month to grandmoth-
ers and grandfathers who are in their sec-
ond childhood and they give all the money
they make to the poor.
Dorothy D. That surely is a fine work,
but it is no better than that taken up by
Midge Grimm and Midge Dittmar. They
are both nurses out at the hospital and
don’t even know the difference between
castor oil and arsenic. However, when
they smile so sweetly and everything, no
better medicine is needed.
John W. Is that so? Heaven help us1
Why only last week Charlie Pearce was
almost blown to pieces in his laboratory
trying to invent a non-lickablc lip-stick
and they sent him out there for those two
Page Forty-three

\ were both to care for him and didn’t they
CM completely forget him?
r > ' Dorothy D. Not really?
r? ; John W. Yes really, Midge Grimm had
nt- gone to the movie to see a picture of Jack
ly'y Stover called "Wild and Woolly’’ or soinc-
Mn thing like that and Midge Dittmar was
xj spending all her time with Ray Markwood
and Paul Blume who had been run over by
X* a train due to reckless driving.
>i Alice H. Why John! What happened
u to them?
C- John W. They recovered.
Q. Alice IT They were almost as unfortu-
yr nate as Boyd Boerstler and Elson Pickering
>1') who were chased for five miles by an angry
V'!J' steer before Boyd discovered that his red
bandana handkerchief was flapping out of
his pocket. They had a hard time at the
hospital. Oh! Who’s coming? Why a
whole crowd—Helen Roby of all people
and Rosslyn, why Hattie and Guy. Do
come in. all of you. I’m so glad to see
you brought your cornet.
Helen R. Yes, hello everybody. We ex-
pected to be here sooner but we were
stopped by an airplane wreck’.
Hattie Z. Yes, you see Ray Roop tried
to do a fancy dive as a lesson to his avation
students and well, it didn’t work.
Rosslyn C. I’ll say it didn’t work. His
whole class including Leo Woeher, Jake
Molar, Alice Myers and Mary Schneider
all went out to watch him and after he
got up so high they all rushed to their
airplanes and followed him.
Guy R. You sec, there was a bunch of
’em on their honey moons hiding in the
planes. In one Scotty Foreman and Nor-
man went on their way to married bliss
and all the rest.
Helen R. But did you see who was in
the other two? In one there was Doyle
and Lillian and in the other Georgia and
Merrill stood up and waved at each other.
Alice H. Really? We’re sure they suit
each other but did you know that Harriet
and Shromme couldn’t hit it off together.
Hattie Z. Yes. we saw them on opposite
sides of the street and looking as mad as
Alice H. Oh. well, enough for that.
Let s have some music. Dorothy, won’t
you play something for us?
All Oh, do play something.
Dorothy D. Plays.
Alice H. Oh Dorothy, that was fine!”
John. W. “I'll say it was fine!”
Hattie Z, "How do you know? I don’t
believe you know the difference between
music and plain noise, besides what is it
to you that Dorothy plays well?”
John W. “Nothing more than that I’ve
hat a gieat deal to do with her success.
i on see. I re practically trained her1”
Dorothy D. “Yes, you have! But do
stop arguing about that and let s hcai
from Guv.
Helen R. "Yes, Guy, you promised us
vou’ed play for us. And just think, he
now has the position of directing Sousa’s
Alice H. "How fine' Dorothy won t
you accompany him?”
Dorothy D. “Surely. What shall it be? ’
Guy R. Gives name. They play.
John W. “Pretty good, Guy, pretty
good. You accompanied very well Doro-
Dorothy D. "Thanks!”
Rosslyn "Yes and that’s only half of
it. That’s what I call great!”
Hattie “Since we’re on the subject of
music-—did you know that Rachel Belle
Ricketts is a second Galli Curci?”
Rosslyn “Huh?”
Helen R. “Yes, I’ve heard her sing and
she is good too. You see Edwin Davies
got the job of being her business manager.
I guess she treats him awfully.”
Guy “Without a doubt! Did you know
that Ruth Kindler and Lucille Walters
had formed a company of musicians?”
Rosslyn “Yes, and they have a regular
show too! Joe Rockey and Bob Acton are
end men with solo parts and Edna Risch
and Annabel Mills play the part of vamps.
They’re good too!”
Guy “Well who’s telling about this, you
or me?”
Rosslyn “Me!”
Guy “I thought so.”
Hattie “Calm yourselves. I heard them
and thought they were punk. Of all things
having Mary Margaret Lehew as leading
lady when she can’t sing any better than
I can!”
Rosslyn "She’s good! i
Long makes a most heroic
deny that!”
Alice H. “Let’s forget it.
fine, at least we hope so.”
Dorothy D. “Yes, so do
time I have a chance I
John W. “Dorothy, why don’t you
about your trip to Europe.”
All “Trip to Europe? Recently?”
Dorothy D. “Yes, we just got back
it surely was wonderful. I think the
And Minard De-
: hero, you can't
They must be
me. The next
intend to hear
“Poor fellow. How was he to
"He wasn’t—Don’t you see?”
X “Well—we also met Mary
---- - .......... fun-
niest thing that I saw and heard was John
Rauch trying to learn a French song about
donkeys and he thought it was about love!”
Helen R. “Well—-what happened?”
Dorothy D, “Since the girl was French
she sent him about his business.”
Alice H.
John W.
Dorothy D.
Andrews and Relva Boyer running a cab-
Page Forty-four

aret. Regular dancers and everything, it
was an awful place.”
Hattie “Those girls surely must have
changed then.”
Dorothy D. "They have—they don’t care
much anymore what they do just so they
make money and ave a big crowd.”
John W. “They had some orchestra
too George Martin was the leader and had
learned to jazz it on the piano. He sure
was fast.”
Helen R. “Not George? Why how dread-
ful1 You didn’t know any of the rest did
you ?”
Dorothy D. "Lloyd Await played the
mouth harp and Bob Durain kept time
with an accorina!”
Rosslyn “1 can imagine that! It must
be a good place.”
Guy R. "1 think I’ll drop in on them
sometime. Do you suppose 1 could get a
job f"”
John W. “Oh without a doubt. Their
Turner and she’s line. She’ll go out into
the arena with him and attract the bull
then run back anti patch him up when he’s
Dorothy D. I wouldn't like that!
Helen R. Here either! By crackie!
Rosslyn C. Then what do you say to
doing as Francis King did—Just leave
everything and everybody and go live as a
hermit- eat berries and shrubs and herbs
and wear rags!
Alice H. How on earth did that ever
come about?
Rosslyn C. Oh, he proposed to one girl
after another and they all refused him and
he was so shocked he hasn't recovered!
Helen R. Well he’s a nut! Thai’s all!
Hattie Z. 1 agree! 1 cl rather be like
Ruth Kneller and her kindergarden teacher
of pickannies.
Alice H. Is Ruth a teacher? 1 thought
Laureta 1 lalderman had that job!
Hattie Z. Laureta does have a class but
cornel player was almost as bad as you so
you wouldn't have a great dealof trouble!”
Hattie Z. "I didn’t tell you but I visited
Europe two years ago and there 1 saw
Maurice Ostrofsky al the head of a band
of Bolsheviks. He was lecturing to beat
the band with his hair all wild and every-
thing. 1 got so scared 1 left pretty quick!”
John W. “Fraid cat!”
Hattie Z. Oh don’t be so sarcastic! I
only those that Ruth can’t manage.
Rosslyn C. 1’11 bet that’s some bunch!
Guy R. So do I! That would be about
as much fun as what Alice Griffith is
doing'. She’s a soap-box orator and stands
on a corner in-a black dress handing out
literature to show how benefical it is for
children to wash with soap and water.
Dorothy D. That's not half bad. She
means well.
guess that isn’t all I saw!
John W. No?
Hattie No!
Helen R. Oh. Hattie don’t let him both-
er you—he does’nt
else did you see?
had the chance to
and there was Loren Graham siltin
bunch of grass as the Sultan!
Guy "Hattie! How could you? You
didn’t really see him doing that?”
Hattie Yes, and he had
know any better. Who
Well, it just happened that w<3
take a trip into Turkey
on a
a whole bunch
was something
of a shiek at High School.
Alice 1 know he was but
ed to be-well-awful like that!
Hattie I know it. You see he had Letha
Bloomingdale and Forest Beal near him to
help him remember the names of his wives.
Rosslyn C. Well I think he’s a big nut!
He doesn't know what he’s missing, that’s
he never seem-
R. I’ll say he doesn’t! Why didn’t
to Spain and be a bull fighter like
Maccracken. Why Brooks makes lots
of money, fights at least one bull a day
and has his nurse right with him so when
Alice H. Who is the nurse?
Guy R. Last one was Annabelle Witham
but she got religious and didn't believe in
bull fights so she quit. Now he has Frances

so! Mebbe
a doubt! I
Ruff or
of child-
Rossslyn C. Mebbe
1 have my doubts.
Alice H. Without
you want to be a second Mary
Nora Engle who are both matrons
rens’ homes teaching children to appreciate
their blesssings.
Rosslyn C. Is zat so? Well I guess not!
If they want to do that, all right, but I
can imagine myself making fifty kids mind
John W, 1 can too! I understand Anne
Murtaugh has an orphans home and spends
all her time giving the gymnastics.
Alice H. How did she and Moody ever
seperate? They were almost inseparable
at school.
Helen R. They didn’t separate Pauline
looks out for the cooking and care of the
children and let’s Anne do the rest.
well—I'm glad I’m not one of the orphans
Guy R.
Dorothy D. Well, I suppose we could
sit here and talk forever but I really must
go. Regular hours for me!
John W. Yes, Dorothy it’s time you
practice some, or rest—which is it?
Dorothy D. It doesn't matter. I’m glad
to have seen all of you and do please come
to my home the first chance you get.
All Thanks.
Z. I
Here too!
that works very
Page Forty-five

\ Alice H. You must come again and
7'\\ give us some more music soon.
M 1 John W. All right, we will. So long.
”7 / All Goodbye.
' t> Rosslyn C. Au revoir.
Guy R. You big simp! Do you know
JA what that means?
\'J Rosslyn C. Sure—God bless you. Why.
to Guy R. 1 just wandered. You must be
taking French lessons from Mildred Van
; Gundy. She teaches them on S. Broad St.
Rosslyn C. Glad to hear it. Thanks!
Alice II. Now don’t start a fuss again,
fs we just had enough of that.
£ Hattie Z. I’ll say we did. One would
H think you fellows had signed up with the
u." prize fight manageress, Adalene Reef, who
takes care of all of that.
Helen R. Let’s have things peaceful and
remember that we had some preachers in
our class as well as fight managers!
All Who?
Helen R. Well, one is Robert Veidt, of
the Presbyterian Church.
Rosslyn C. Gosh!
Helen R. Another is Russell Miesse of
Africa now hunting’ diamonds. Ida Lutz
found a diamond ring all ready made and
Nada Martin just has diamonds in every-
Helen R. Pretty soft—il you believe
that1 It sounds like Frank alright. Evi-
dently he hasn’t changed a particle.”
Hattie Z. He hasn’t! The last time they
were home he rode on the street car and
bawled out Leo Klisc who was the con-
ductor, for not speeding up the car for
him. , .
Guy R. “Well, there are worse thing’s
than that imagine being like Ellen Friend
just because she married a rich man she
can’t even smell things as others do."
Alice H. “That is pretty bad, as a con-
trast just think how sweet both Mabel
Green and Marjorie are. They both mar-
ried wealthy men but you’d never know
Helen R. “That’s the idea! Don’t let
them pull any rough stuff or they’ll come
to the same place Marguerite Thrush and
Oleta Rider came to."
Alice H. “How is that?”
the Holy Rollers.
Alice H. That’s enough!
Hattie Z. Yes, and Violet Cush and Ruth
Hudson arc both high deoconesses in
churches. They can make the hardest
sinners relent by looking at them.
Guy R. I don’t doubt that! I’d relent
too. rather than let them get hold of me!
Alice H. Compliments thick and fast!
Did you know that Ruth Fishbaugh and
Goldie White had recently entered the
movie contest to win beauty prizes?
Fine! There’s room
Helen R. “Fine!
for me yet! No one around here has ever
gotten in the movies yet so what’s the use
of trying?”
Hattie Z. "Oh, yes they have, you forget
that Belva Spurgeon has taken Gloria
Swanson’s place and that Dwight Kane
is a second Thomas Meighan.
Rosslyn C. That’s all right too, but vou
seldom hear of them do you’ I feel
sometimes like doing as Frank Johnson did,
just grab your girl and-drag her off to the
ends of the earth and make her walk the
Alice H. *...
now? The last time it
pick up gold nuggets.”
Rosslyn C. “Well
“}yh-ere ,las lle dragged her to
was to California
Guy R. “'They both lost their heads and
ran into bankruptcy and now they take
contracts for scrubbing sidewalks when it
Hattie Z. “That’s what I call hard luck.
Why didn’t they go with Ireta Blazer and
Mary Thrush as missionaries to the Eski-
mos? It isn’t so very cold up there and
anything would be better than that."
Guy R. “But they’re satisfied, so why
Alice H, “You folks would be almost as
hard to please as Irene Tucker and Marie
Darling. They didn't know what they
wanted to do and they- had so many sug-
gestions that they had to hire Elizabeth
Rees to be their secretary and keep an
account of them."
Rosslyn C. "Well 1 guess I’m satisfied
and all 1 want is plenty of room and com-
Helen R.
Hattie Z,
Alice H. ______________________
mont as fire chief and Stanford Ballmer
ringing the bell! Let’s go see it”
All “Let’s”
They rush out as curtain drops.
—Alice M. Hewetson.
they are down
Of all things! Carmen Du-
“Fire! Fire! Where is it?”
I don’t know! Run to the
Page Forty-six
(Ulasa ^llefren (Skirls
Adams, Mary Ruth
Beatty, Mabel
Birch, Eloise
Bischoff, Mary
Black, Lolabel
Boley, Blanche
Bolenbaugh, Gertrude
Bowland, Margaret
Bumgardner. Margaret
Carpenter, Irene
C h i 1 co te. Fa n c h i o n
Cline, Pauline
Clover, Josephine
Coss, Florence
Crampton, Mildred
Cruit, Garnet
Crumley, Marguerite
Cunningham, Ruth
Daughtery. Catherine
Dennis, Dorothy
Dickson. Mary
Eisele, Mabel
El linger, 1 heresa
Eslinger, Helen
Gray, Josephine
Grimm. Martha
I lade. 1 >orothy
I lammock, Gert rude
Harbison, Anna Louise
I [arris. Erma
Hilyard, Edna
Jinks. Donna
Robb, Evelyn
Schleich, Dorothv
S i 111 e r.
Mills, Bessie
Kistler, Frances
Kohler. Julia
Marshall. Thelma
Wol fe,
McClintock. Pauline
McLaughlin. Gladys
I lelen
Mumford, Lois
Neely, Dorothy
North, Helen
Poling, Winnie
Poole, Faye
Purcell, Lillian
Reid. Lucy
Reynolds, Frances
Steel, Ruth
Stoneburner, Bessie
Stuckey. Cecelia
Stuckey. Vonda
Synder, Kathleen
Terry, Ive.ne
Thimines, Martha Bell
Page Forty-eight
(Class 3£kfren ^wus
C c s
Anneshansley, Harold
Barrow, Wayne
Behrens, Charles
Bigham, Donald
Boerstler, Glenn
Brown, Joe
Henry. Brandt
Kneller, Frederick
1 loshor. Lester
Hoffman, Tracey
Hummel, Paul
Oberdorfer, Walter
Prather, William
Rabe, George
Raybourn. Harry
Crutcher, James
Denton, Herbert
Dilger, Lowel
Du''ant, Paul
Morehart. Wayne
Myers, Harold
Neff, Clyde
Brown, Clarence
Bumgardner, Howard
Clover, Harry
Cloud, Clinton
Conrad, Donald
Graf, Richard
Guyton, Russell
Hedges, Harry
Heft, Donald
Henry, Paul
Reed, Frank
Reed, Francis
Reef, John
Rider, Carl
Rohrbaugh, Ralph
Roland, Ralph
Ruble, James
Schmidt, August
Schleich, Walter
Secoy, Austin
Scuff, Richard
Sites, Walter
Six, Hubert
Steininger, Fred
Strait, William
Timberlake. Charles
Williamson, John
Wilson, Hiram
Wray, Howard
Yantes, Harold
Zeisler, Richard
Page Forty-nine
Presiden t
(Ulass '(Hen Qiirls
Acton, Laura Marie
Alspach. Pauline
Armstrong, Elsie
Aucreman, Pauline
Baumgardner, Alberta
Bloom, Relva
Bass, Mary
Bookman, Miriam
Branum, Twila
Brown, Dorothy
Blosser, Ethel
Blosser, Dorothy
Brunney, Hoe
Bush, Sarah
Beck, Martha Bell
Cole, Lorheta
Crook, Ruth
Crumley, Jessie
Dyarman, Mary Cather
Davis, Olive
Darbyshire, Irene
C< irdelia
Loomis. Clara
Nolze. Ellen
North. Mary Agnes
Neff, Marie
Pairan. Winfred
Fisher, Mabel
Fritz, Mildred
Giesy, Roberta
Goll, Frances
Graham, Pauline
Green. Carrie Lena
Gravett, Mary Jane
XI ice
Hooker, Frances
Horseman, Mae
Hutsler. Mary
Hyde, Elizabeth
Hummel, Maiy
Kane, Irene
Kane, Olga Frances
Kern, Mildred Louise
Kiley, Idora
Kern, Ruth Adel
Kreitz, Emma
rinc Miller,
Mohler, Vhelma
Prather, Donna
Palm. Gretchen
Rauch. Margaret
Rife, Hazel
Samsel, Viola
Schneider. Marie
Schlesinger. Lillian
Silver. Katherine
Silver, Rose
Silbaugh, Betty
Smith. Florence
Spurlock. Gerti tide
Strait. Myrtle
Smeck. Mae
Stoughton. Virgie
Saunders, Ethel
Strickler. Catherine
Sites, Alice
Thomas, Amelia
Thomas, Dorothy
Turban, Ida May
Vincent. Ruth
Weaver, Clara
Webb, Margaret
Whiley, Catherine
Williamson, Wilma
Witham, Marie
Wilson, Ethel
Woods, Helen
Wolfe, Charlotte
Wyman. Gladys
Ziesler, Mary
Page Fifty-one
(Class Wim ^Brrgs
Behrens, Harold
Brenner, William
Bright. Homer
Baker, Kenneth
Bowland, Kenneth
Boucher, Louis
Brown, Earl
Bauman, Carl
Berry, Emerson
Crook. Carrol
Gadd, Wayne
Darling, Herbert
Derbyshire, James
Dittmar, Fred
Everett, Theodore
Gunion, Herman
Hutchinson, Eminitt
Heft, Frank
Kachel, Clarence
King. Burdette
Kuhn. Earl
Kessler, Leo
Lake, George
Leui, William
Lynch, Marvin
Marburger, Harold
McGrath, Kenneth
Motsch, Frederick
Miller. Frederick-
Martin, Ralph
Pannabecker, John
Pence, Lee
Reynolds, Miles
Ruble, George
Ruble, Marion
Radebaugh, William
Rockey, Leonard
Raymond, Glenn
Ridenour. William
Richardson, Bradley
Rider. Wayne
Schweikert, Pai
Shipley, Harold
Smith, Emile
Schmidt, Angus
Stump, Paul
Sherwood, Coral
Todd, Dayton
Ulmer. Richard
Ulmer, Paul
White, 1
Wai tcr,
Wil 1 lam
Weaver. Mcrvii
Wiseman, Gil be
Young, Russell
Page Fifty-two
Vice President
1S A B E L LI < M c C L A N A11A \
(Hurls’ ^ixer
Under the supervision of the Y. W. C. A. officials a Girls Mixer
Meeting was held on September 18th, 1924. About two hundred girls
attended this meeting. The purpose was to make the Ereshman girls
acquainted with L. H. S. and all of its good times. The welcome was
given by Mr. Hickson. The new teachers in L. H. S. for the year ’24 to ’25.
Miss Clark and Miss Richards were introduced by Miss Perfect. The
t'heers and songs were led by Miss Howey of the Y. W. C. A.

p'or the purpose of furthering good fellowship among the freshman
and the upper classmen a boys mixer meeting was conducted by the Hi-Y
on September Sth, 1924. Two hundred boys attended this meeting. The
chairman was Brooks Maccracken who proved himself worthy as he al-
ways does. Mr. Hickson gave the welcome address. Mr. Wallace and
Mr. Wilson both gave line talks to the boys. The boys sang high school
songs and gave yells and so made themselves thoroughly acquainted with
L. 11. S. But what they liked most of all, and I guess none of us arc ex-
ceptions, were the good eats that followed.
Page Fifty-three
Abdalla, Marie
Allen, Reina
Arnold, Maxine
Barnes, Dorothy
Bender, Caroline
Black, Lulu
Blackman, Marguerite
Bloom, Fiora
B-aines, Agnes
B igl t, Katherine
Butler, Eleanor
Buzzard, Helen
Butcher, Mabel
Bauman. Priscilla
Blume, Mabel
Born, Marie
Branum, Frances
Cable, Mary E.
Conrad. Elsie
Crampton, Dorothy
Cunningham, Harriet
Christy, Phyllis
Creider, Mary May
Dunkle, Edith
Dumm, Mary
Davis, Lucille
Durain, Ella
Elder, Betty
Eslinger, Mary
Eaby, Rosalie
Ewing. Florence E.
England, Mary
' Fetters, Dorothy
Fisher, Clarenda
Flood. Viola
Fresch. Hazel
Funk, Lillian
(Hlass /Nhw ®trls
Forsythe. Esther
Freisner, Blanche
Getz. Catherine
Gri filth, Dorothy
Griffith, Ruth
Gurkin. Mae
Gordy, Ruth
Grimm, Myrtle
G-ove, Rosemary
Gunion, Catherine
Hartman, Lucille
Haas, Eileen
Hammack, Helen
Hansel, Fera
Hewetson, Dorothy
Hoyman, Dorothy
Hulkenberg, Mary
Kuhn, Mary Agnes
Ugh, Ruth
Logue, Marx-
Lloyd, Alice
Metcalf, Guelda
McClanahan, Isabelle
Mooney, Gladys
McCleery, LaVerne
McLaughlin. Faye
Murtaugh, Helen
Nicola, Rosel la
Noice, Ada
Nutter, Ruth
Peachc, Clarissa
Peck, Beatrice
Rubles, Zarina
Pfeiffer, Clara
Harper, Virginia
Haynes, Ruth
Herman, Dorothy
Strode, Isabelle
Shaumaker, Bernadinc
Spurrier, Pansy
Will iarns
Ward. M;
Wolfe, (
Phillips, Lucille
Pratt. Virginia
Pritchard, Emma
Rohrer, Katherine
Saunders, Georgcne
Shaffer, Helen Mac
Smith. Dorothy
Smith. Rora
Smith, Mabel
Spangler, \ io'et
Sterner, G ace
Sleininger. Louise
Stoneburner, Edith
Seeshol tz.
Sch ri n er,
Thom as,
Valen tine
Page Fifty-four
Adams, Archie
Beavers. Arthur
Bloom. William
Boley, Willis
Bontrager, Loren
Bowling, Donald
Brink. Franklin
Brown, Carl
Brown, Leslie
Brown, Clement
Bender, John
Boerstler, Richard
Conrad, Maxwell
Cunningham, Donald
Daubenmire, Walter
Deeds, Lewis
Drenning, Paul
Drenning, Pearl
Duffield, Ralph
Darling, Herbert
Denton, Webb
Dtun, Francis
Feigley, Ralph
Fecnian, William
Fetters, Donald
Fisher, Paul
Fisher, Charles
Garrett, Alva
Garrett, Thomas
Grove, John
Gunsinger, Joseph
Gardner. Frederick
Hampshire, Floyd
Hazelton, Perrin
Hartman, Edward
Henry, Boyd
Hostler, Paul
Hine. Orrin
Hunter, Harold
Herman, Donald
Jones, Arthur
Jones, Edward
Karcher, Ernest
Knell er, Herschel
Littrel. Russell
Lloyd, Edwin
McKittrick. Charle
Ma; shall. Robert
Moore. Wail
Mithoff, Theodore
Murphy, Robert
Morgan, Carl
Markwood. Hugh
Pairan, Morton
Pfeiffer. Kenneth
Palm, Kenneth
Pool, Darrell
Ray. Edward
Reynolds, Raymond
Richardson. Thomas
Ricketts, Herbert
Rose, T. G.
Ridenor, Clifford
Rhoades, Theodore
Selby, Donald
Shekly, Clarence
Smith, Jacob
Noice, Arthur
Stonebarger, Charles
Stoneburner, Edgar
Stump, Raymond
Swecly, James
Schumaker. Morton
Scott, Floyd
Simons, Theodore
Smith, Robert
Shumaker, George
Seymore, Wesley
Smith, Milan
Thomas, Wayne
Thrush, Richard
Tucker, Lloyd
Tolliver, Roland
Unks, Paid
Van Gundy. Frank
Vermilliar, Elmer
Wagner. Walter
Waldeck, Edward
Ward, Mark
Wharton, Richard
Wilson. Howard
Woltz, Robert
Young, Guy
Zimmerman, George

Page. Fifty-five
^Ijermatt Ipb a fine organizing anb
abministratibe ability, folpcty I]e exljibit-
eb not only in Ips foonberful composition
anb preparation of bast armies, but also
in birecting municipal affairs in several
conquereb cities like (dHHcmpIps, ^ilanta,
anb JBabannalp £s>a it is in our 34fgby
^cljool life, foe must select competent
leabers anb officials io pilot our organ-
izations, realizing tljat tips plpise of
stubent activity is necessary to reliefie
tfje sombreness of tlje baity routine.


Business Manager
Mirage ^taff
John L. Work
Art and Photography
11 umor
George A. Neff --------
Darrell D. Crumley
Dorothy DeLancy
Helen E. Roby
Alice Griffith
George D. Martin
Amelia Thomas
Page Fifty-eight
r.Jv\i -—------- ■—
Business Manager
Slit IJurplf ^ppprr
The Purple Pepper was founded in October 1924 by John A. Stover
and Frank Lancaster Johnson.
The aim of this weekly has been to place before the student, body all
the news of the school, all incidents of interest and clean humor.
These subjects have been worked out in various ways with the hope
of producing greater interest in the paper and we think that to a certain
extent we have succeeded. However we have not been as successful as we
might have wished because our aim was high; we wanted everyone in
L. H. S. to be a regular purchaser of this paper but such is not the case.
However we fully appreciate the fact that this year’s work has made
Purple Pepper an integral part of this school, and as such we want it
to continue.
The staff has worked exceedingly well each one being vital Iy interes-
ted in each isue of the paper and desiring improvement for the next. The
faculty also has shown great interest in this work.
The Class of 2o can lightly be proud of having been the pioneers of
this successful enterprise.


Page Sixty
___ Lf
Page Sixty-one

1 JI
Eileen Bemiller
Howard Bumgardner
Rosslyn Cline
Edward Cowden
Clinton Cloud
Alice Hewetson
Frank Johnson
Irene Kane
Pauline Moody
Jacob Molar
Ann Murtaugh
Brooks Maccracken
Evelyn Robb
Billy Radebaugh
Margaret Sittier
Wilber Stammler
Frances Turner
John Work
Catherine Daugherty
Morris Ostrofsky
Frances Goll
Alice Griffith
Edward Waldeck
Roberta Giesy
Mary Margaret Lehew
Betty Elder
Helen Roby
Frances Kistler
Robert Veidt
Relva Boyer
Anna Louise Harbison
Joe Eisz
Billy Gesling
Guy Rockey
Hattie Zimmerman
Helen Smith
Grace Ulmer
Paul Ulmer
Perrin Hazelton
Mary Jane Mattox
Howard Wilson
Helen Murtaugh
Idora Kiley
Leonard Rockey
Viola Samsel
Clara Molar
Dorothy Hewetson
Donald Bigham
Pauline Graham
Pauline Vitti
Paul Blume
Wayne Morehart
Dorothy Barnes
Gladys Wyman
Ruth Kindler
George Rabe
Lolabel BlacL
Lorheta Cole
Martha Belle Thomas
Annabel Witham
Rachel Belle Ricketts
John A. Stover
Dorothy Griffith
Loren Graham
Page Sixty-two
I he well known Major Wockle of Lancaster has stated that anyone
who goes through L. H. S. without becoming a Member of Literary has
been a failure. We agree with the Major for at Literary, under the guide
(4 Mi. I I ic kson, t\ e hear both sense and nonsense a nd s< >me of it is bound
to remain with us. But along with the training in public speaking that
we receive we cannot forget the good times we have there at "Lit"
laughing at the other fellow. Literary has just ended its most successful
year but it may ever grow larger and wiser.
I'he officers for the year 1924-1925 were:—
President----------------------------^-Brooks Maccracken
Vice President............................Eileen Berni Iler
Secretary....................................Frances Goll
The follow ing is the program given on November 17th, 1924:
Current Events..........................Dorothy Hoyman
Henry Cabot Lodge......................... John Rauch
The Life and Teachings of Confucius..........Evelyn Robb
Marco Polo’s Visit to China..................Mice Griffith
Jcrghiz Khan............................Wayne Morehart
Tie Chinese Theatre_______________________Frank Johnson
Anecdotes______________________________Walter (Iberdorfer
‘(LL^e ‘JHatin (Ulub
The Latin Club has just ended the most successful year of its history.
The Club, the past year proved, that the study of Latin was not a dead
subject, and that the students who took Latin were not book-worms. With
their careful study under the supervision of Miss Grace Griffith, they also
had some very good times and made themselves known in L. H. S. The
officers for the year 1924-1925 were:
Vice President
Secretary .....
Class Advisor
Dorothy DeLancy
....Clinton Cloud
-----Alice Griffith
......Miss Griffith
One of the most interesting programs was held on October 14th, 1924.
Cicero, Revealed in his Letters    ...........
2 E Pluribus Unum.............
Putting Troy in
a Sack    ..............
---Margaret Sit tier
----George Martin
Brooks Maccracken
Dorothy DeLancy
Margaret Sittier
Brooks Maccracken
George Martin
Wilber Stammler
Clinton Cloud
Catherine Daugherty
Martha Belle Thomas
Howard Wray
Frances Kistler
Dorothy B. Schleich
Dorothy Dennis
Mary Ruth Adams
Margaret Baumgardner
Paul Henry
Guy Rockey
Ruth Kindler
Belva Boyer
Beulah Scott
Alice Griffith
Cecilia Stuckey
Lucile Walters
Dona Jenks
Ray Marl <\vood

Page Sixty-four
£Rabe J?eff
Jiauclj ^Blume
'Qllje ^Researclj Society
to take the
The1 Research Club of L. Id. S. was organized this year
place of the old Science Club. The members must be either Juniors or
Seniors and a. student of some science. The purpose is to study scientific
problems and do research work. This is a fine organization and anyone
should feel proud to be a member of the Research Club.
The officers for the year 24 to 25 were:—
Vice President
Secretary ------------------------
The members of the Research Club aie.
Margaret Sit tier
George Rabe
John Rauch
Paul Blume
____John Work
__George Pa be
Margaret Sittier
Charles Pearce
Maurice Ostrofsky
Brooks Maccracken
John Work

Page Sixty-five
The Hi-Y Club has become one of the most nationally known organi-
zations of today. The club of L. H. S. is under the supervision of Mr. R.
C. Smart and it has done some very fine thing’s the past year. The Hi-Y
had charge of the First Annual Father and Sons Banquet and the Boys’
Mixer Meeting. The most worth while accomplishment of the club during
the past year was the conducting of the Vocational Guidance Campaign
through which the students heard many educational talk's and the boys
received the privilege to have an interview with any of the speakers who
were:—Rev. Clayton Robertson, ministry; L. G. Silbaugh, law; W. W.
Graf, engineering; R. A. Walkey, manufacturing; Adrian Fuller, jour-
nalism; Phil Peters, bank; Dr. Mondhank, medicine: J. J. Phillips, teaclr-
ing; Clarence Johnson, salesmanship. The officers for the year 1924-1925
President---------------------------------------Edwin Davies
Vice President----------------------------------George Rabe
Secretary------------------------------------Wilber Stamm lor
Treasurer---------------------------------------Vernon Kistler
John Work
Edwin Davies
1 Irooks Maccracken
John Stover
Frank Johnson
Billy Radebaugh
Robert Durain
Frank Heft
Walter Sites
George Martin
Clinton Cloud
Paul Blume
George Rabe
Wilber Stammler
Vernon Kistler
Edward Cowden
Walter Oberdorfer
Ralph Rohrbaugli
Page Sixty-six
personnel of (Brcfyestra
Piano...................................................Dorothy DeLancy
Assistant ....................................................Mary Zeisler
Donald Bowling
Mabel Butcher
Nan Kindler
Walter Oberdorfer
King Edward Cowden
Harold Shipley
Clinton Cloud
Walter Schleich
Ralph Hammitt
Alice Ilewetson
Clement Brown
Florence Mae Moore
Frances Reynolds
Theodore Rhoade
Black Howard Wilson
Bradley Richardson
John Bender
Hoe Bruney
Theodore Everett
Emmett Hutchinson
Emma Kreitz
Mark Ward
Earle Kuhn
Burdette King
Theodore Mithoff
Roland White
Frederick Kneller Harold Myers
Charles Timberlake
Elmer Pratt
Each vear more and mon* inteiest is >< m.-, ■< an
men/of our school. .hie to the ellorts ol our Super.
Serov, and the orchestra of the past year has indeed
In addition
the school.
Ml 'Sic
have been added to the orchestra
M various entertainments given by the school, the orchestra
i‘ I'm-nishr I its services and the concert given on May 5th, at

the City Hall Auditorium was a rare treat I
Following is the program for the concert:—
“Light Cavalrv Overture”------------------------------------on Suppe
“O Sole Mio”__________________________________________________dl Capua
(a) “Invitation of the Bells,” from “Chimes of Normandy”----Pla.nquctte
fb) “Narcissus”................................................Nevin
(c) “Sine- Me to Sleep”........................................Greene
(d) “Ma Curly-Headed Babby”---------------------------------Clutsam
Junior-Senior Girls’ Glee Club
“Prairie Sketches"............................................Cadman
Part I Dawn
Part II Yuccas
Part III Legend of the Plains.
Vocal ( L’Retire Exquise................................. Poldowski
Solo 1 Sapphic Ode-----------------------------------------Brahms.........................................
Miss Sara Long
“Folk Tunes” -------------------------------------------------Maddy
For Liberty March __________________________________ _______Morris
Fear is
Mac Dowell
— Jacobs-Bond
“Winter Carnival”______________________
Selection from opera “Carmen”
(a) “Girl with a Curl"
fb) “Mighty Lak a Rose’
(c) “'To a Wild Rose”
..t , P 1‘reshman-Sophoinoro Girls’Glee C’lnb
Intermezzo’ from “Arlesienne Suite”______
i Orchestra
><ixaphone Solo, \ alse Erica”
Selections by _ Raymond Roop
Homo Sweet Home Un- World Over’" Hoys’ Vocal Quartette
Orchestra b;lmp0
personnel of JBanb
Clement Brown
Richaid Barnecut
Harry Hedges
Mark Ward
Hiram Wilson
Guy Rockey, Director
Elmer Pratt
Earl Kuhn
Rosslyn Cline
Waller Sehleicii
Cloise Bay
Donald Bigham
Harry Clover
Russell Guyton
Bradley Richardson
aides Timberlake
B-FLAT tuba
George Rabe
Doyle Gardner
Myles Reynolds
Clinton Cloud
Brandt Henry
Frederick Knell er
Harold Myers
Edwaid Cowden
Harold Shipley
Howard Wray
Darrell Crumley
Louis Bowsher
Theodore Mithoff
Arthur Denman
Donald Selby
Harry Raybournc
Billy Radcbaugh
Page Sixty-nine
Page Seventy

With (my Rockey, Jr. as Student Director, the Lancaster High
School Band has had a splendid season. It has rendered stirring music
for all of the “’thuse meetings” and athletic events of the past year, and
in the Second Annual Rex tie presented a program of several fine numbers
A much-deserved honor was accorded the band when Mr. Wainwright
of Fostoria, Ohio, chose six of its members to play in his All-State Band
at Memorial Hall on December 30th, 1924.
Mr. Wainwright was director of the Fostoria High School Band which
won the National High School-Band Contest at Chicago in 1923. Fol-
lowing are the members chosen to play and the part each took in the
Guy Rockey____2____________________________________Cornet Solo
Russell Guyton...............................Clarinet Solo
Earl Kuhn......................................Alto Horn
Austin Secoy..................................Clarinet Solo
Charles Timberlake ............................... Bassoon
George Rabe__________________________________________ I aba
Sherman’s speech was quick and
decided; his words loud and distinct.

Page Seventy-one
__________    _______
3|untar~J§>£nttJr ®irls CLLIub
Forest Beal
Eileen Bemiller
Georgia Black
Lolabel Black
Ireta Blazer
Blanche Boley
Relva Boyer
Marguerite Crumley
Ruth Cunningham
Violet Cush
Anna L. Harbison
Gertrude Hammack
Alice Hewetson
Dorothy Hooper
Mary Huston
Ruth Kindler
Ruth Kneller
Alberta Kiger
Mary M. Lehew
Ann Murtaugh
Virginia Radebaugh
Venia Radebaugh
Rachel Belle Ricketts
Evelyn Robb
Helen Roby
Dorothy Schleich
Jeanette Shcnker
Margaret Sittier
Dolly Spangler
Ruth Steele
Catherine Daugherty
Dorothy DeLancy
Carmen Dumont
Ruth Fishbaugh
Ellen Friend
Alice Griffith
Mabel Green
Martha Grimm
Pauline Moody
Edith Miesse
Annabel Mills
Gretchen Mowery
Florence Mae Moore
Alice Myers
Winnie Poling
Lillian Purcell
Martha Belle Thimines
Frances Turner
Frances Kistler
Grace Ulmer
Marie Wiley
Annabel Witham
Vergene Wolfe
Hattie Zimmerman
Dorothy DeLancy
Because of the great number of girls wishing to take part in the
Girls’ Glee Club this year, Miss Secoy was forced to divide the club into
two groups, namely, the Junior-Senior and the Freshman-Sophomore
Clubs. 1 he Junior-Senior group has studied music entirely different from
that studied by the Freshman-Sophomore girls, and great praise is due
Miss Secoy for her untiring efforts with both organizations.
Page Seven ty-two

^r£sfyman~JBnpl|nnujre (Birls’ ®lee (Elnb
Laura Marie Acton
Pauline Alspach
Elsie Armstrong
Glenna Aumock
Dorothy Barnes
Mabel Blume
Margaret Blackman
Ethel Blosser
Belva Blume
Twila Branum
Katherine Butcher
Helen Buzzard
Lauretta Cole
Jessie Crumley
Harriet Cunningham
Edith Dunkle
Betty Elder
Dorothy Fetters
Mabel Fisher
Clarinda Fisher
Roberta Giesy
Frances Goll
Pauline Graham
Maiy Jane Gravett
Marv Zeisler
Accompanist-------------- . . . . ti can
The t>-irls of the lower classes haveMuch
sin- fully as well as the upper c ass”^^ Girls’ <-iee Club
line material is to be found in the ■■ nnusjcal work next yeai.
and we wish them streat success in then music.
Ruth Griffith
Eileen Haas
Ruth Haines
Fern Hansel
Dorothy Herman
Dorothy Hewetson
Frances Hooker
Dorothy Hoyman
Mary Hutsler
Mary Hummel
Irene Kane
Edna Letch
Alice Lloyd
Mary Jane Mattox
Isabelle McClanahan
Esther McCoy
Violet Morehart
Gladys Mooney
Helen Murtaugh
Ellen Nolze
Mary Agnes North
Winifred Pai ran
Zarina Peebles
Beatrice Peck
Lucille Phillips
Virginia Pratt
Margaret Rauch
Doris Rhoades
Dora Smith
Viola Samsel
Dorothy Smith
Betty Silbaugh
Catherine Silver
Gertrude Spurlock
Georgette Saunders
Mary Storandt
Isabel Strode
Dorothy Thomas
Amelia Thomas
Edith Vandegrift
Frances Vlerebome
Beryl Wahn
Bessie White
Catherine Whiley
Charlotta Wolfe
Flora Woods
Glady Wyman


Charles Austin
Howard Baumgardner
John Bender
Donald Bowling
Cloise Bay
Donald Bigham
Kenneth Bowland
Rosslyn Cline
Clinton Cloud
Edward Cowden
Edwin Davies
Joseph Eisz
Theodore Everett
Billy Gesling
David Godown
Loren Graham
Ralph Hammitt
Perrin Hazelton
Orwin Hine
Frank Heft
Frank Johnson
Burdette King
Francis King
Frederick Kneller
Herschel Kneller
Harold Marburger
Seymour Marshall
Brooks Maccracken
Wayne Miller
Earl Moore
Wayne Morehart
Walter Oberdorfer
Howard Peters
Claude Poling
George Rabe
Billy Radebaugh
John Rauch
Bradley Richardson
Leonard Rockey
Gayle Rose
Guy Rockey
Austin Secoy
Floyd Scott
Milan Smith
Wilber Stammler
John Stover
Paul Ulmer
Paul Unks
Robert Veidt
Edward Waldeck-
Harry White
Roland White
John Work
Hirani Wilson
Edmund Wilson
Dorothy DeLancy
was tX ->7.^ a“°" t,C material for the Second Annual Revue
he Re n"'X,n ?e VCry hnC W°,k “complied. The orchestra for
the Revue was made up ent,rely of members from this group of boys.
Page Seventy-four
(JJlflaU (Quartette
One of the new and unusual musical organizations of the past year in
Lancaster High School was the Boys’ Vocal Quartette which met with
great success in its career. This quartette, organized early in the year,
was composed of Walter Obcrdorfer, 2nd bass; Loren Graham, Istbass,
Clinton Cloud, 2nd tenor, and Guy Rockey, 1st tenor. Their initial ap-
pearance was made at the Second Annual Revue given b\ the Bojs G
Club and their numbers were greeted with great applause.
After this the quartette was in great demand not only for school
activities but for various club entertainments and they were '«> P l
during the entire year. They sang numbers varymg from class-cat to
those in negro dialect and popular sonDs.
Crumley took Guy Rockey’s place in the quart
S. will have a successful quartette next year.
in the year Darrell
We hope that L. H.
After tlic full of ^icksburg, (general
JBljerman infriteb tlje families of Ips
officers, to come io tire J^oitflj to speub
tlje (winter.^/ ^Reunions, social functions,
music anb laughter reigneb supreme in
tip former southern stronqliolb. 0 ©he
social life of tfje stubent is recognizeb
by tlje abministration as paramount to
tlje Vigorous healtl] anb spirit of the boy
anb girl of tobay.
T WITIES    __
i^nnntary Bvbating

Through the efforts of this year’s debating teams an Honorary De-
bate Society was formed on the evening of April 23rd, 192o m Room 41.
The object is to have an Honorary Debating Society for L. H. S. with only
those members of teams which debate class A high schools being eleg.ble.
The charter members are the first debating teams of this year, composed
of Brooks Maccracken, Helen Roby, Frank Johnson, Wilbei Stammler,
Evelyn Robb, John Work, Paul Henry and Relva Boyer. This society
will hold an annual banquet at the end of each year that the old members
can become acquainted with the new debaters. We believe this is a good
step in advancing the prestige of debating and that this organization will
become a credit to our school. Much praise is due to Wilber Stammler
and Frank Johnson for originating this idea.
As this year’s debating teams have organized this society so they have
the honor of selecting the insignia of this society. They have chosen pins
as the honor. These pins will only be given to those students on the de-
bating teams who belong to the society and have debated class A high
schools. This pin has been selected as the standard and all of those who
are privileged to receive this honor in the following years will get the same
kind of pins. 1 hus the pin will be an honor anyone should want to
possess and we feel that this should persuade more students to go out for
debating next year. We have just ended the most successful year of de-
bating that L. H. S. has ever seen and feel proud of having won the
triangle. Through the excellent coaching of R. C. Smart we feel that L.
1-1. S. should produce another such good team next year and so retain the
laurels of debate in.-L. H. S.

Sherman’s ideas were clear and
fa?t fnC°’?/ng indeed almost too
brillium b’ dramatic,
’a.q-c- Seventy-eight
(Uln- <0Ofll-[i
Debating- Instructor
does not detract from the credit
to get a better coach than R. C.
Along with all the praises given to
the members of the debating teams,
who recently concluded the most
successful season in the history of
Lancaster High School, let us give a
certain amount of praise to R. C.
Smart who coached the teams. Al-
though he could not speak from the
platform yet he gave the teams no
inconsiderable aid. Let us remem-
ber that some credit must always go
io the man behind the scenes.
R. C. Smart this year had the most
successful teams that he ever put on
’he forensic platform, either at Gal-
ion or at Lancaster. This was due
to the fact that five of the eight de-
baters were veterans, namely, Wil-
ber Stammler, Brooks Maccracken,
Frank Johnson, Relva Boyer and
Evelyn Robb.
Nevertheless, the fact that he had
experienced material to work w ith
due the Coach. You will have to go far
—The Teams
©lie Qleame
Recently I read a beautiful poem, the first stanza of which I quote:
“Work, work, work,
Work, work,
Work, work, work.”
Such is the life of a debater. If there were but one term that I would
be permitted to use in characterizing the debaters of L. II. S. it would be.
The Ability and Inclination to Work.
In following- this principle two results are to be lh<- "J’
dividual members have received a training that wil ie x?n
in successfully meeting’ problems in the lutuie.
T . ’ . i c i i.,<tino-result in that the audiences who
In the second place we find a lasting ■ ,. t])e cffect
heard our teams learned much, lotr '? T . \mendment
that the Lancaster debaters knew the Ch.ld Labo Amendment
. • to most highly congratulate each
Therefore, I take this oppoituni „)inqfjon he or she has to do real
individual debater for the ability and mchnat.on he
work. — R. C. Smart

Page Seventy-nine
Wilber Stammler, Helen Roby and Brooks Maccracken with Rclvtt.
Boyer as alternate made up one of the best affirmative teams produced by
L. H. S. Their first debate was at home on February 13th, when they
defeated Circleville 3-0. The next debate, this being in the semi-finals
was at Portsmouth where this team journeyed on February 27th, and were
defeated. All of the members of this team 'were Seniors and no team ever
worked together better. Wilber had the fire, Helen the sob-sister stuff,
and Brooks the calmness. So without a doubt this team deserves much
praise in helping L. H. S. win the triangle for the year 1925.
Sherman was witty, eloqucttt, sar-
castic and logical, every attribute of
his person temper indicated
Page Eighty
Frank Johnson, Evelyn Robb and John Work with Paul Henry as
alternate composed a fine negative team, which did everything possible
to give L. H. S. honors in debating. The negative first debated at Wash-
ington C. II. on February 13 and won 2-1. Their other debate in the semi-
finals 'was at home when they defeated Athens 2-1. This team worked
together in a fine way and showed how by co-operation we can win. I he
question was, “Resolved, That the Federal Child Laboi Constitution
Amendment should be ratified by the State of Ohio. And thcj pi ox cd
K twice that it should not, so that is the reason Congress did not make n an
i 'io i- i 1- i-i- -md there were two Seniors on this team
amendment. I hey did hne \\ oi k and tnerc
Ay whom L. II. S. hates to lose.
.____\ ?a&e E>ghty-°ne
“Tweedies,” a comedy by
scion of the blue-blooded
Tweedie, daughter of the
The first Senior play given this year was
Booth Tarkington. It is the story of Julian,
Castleburvs, who falls in love with Winsoia
oldest family in a Maine village. ‘ The Tweedies esteem the name because
it has been rooted in the community for two hundred years, and they
look down on the “summer people” with the vigor that only summei
boarder” communities know. The Castleburvs are aghast at the possi-
bility of a match, and call on the Tweedies to urge how impossible such
an alliance would be. Mr. Castlebury laboriously explains the barrier of
social caste, and the elder Tweedies takes it that these unimportant sum-
mer folks are terrified at the social eminence of the Tweedies.
Tweedies generously agree to co-operate with the Castleburvs to pre-
vent the match. But Winsora brings her father to realize that in reality
the Castleburvs look upon them as inferiors. The old man is infuriated
and threatens vengeance, but is checkmated when |ulian unearths a num-
ber of family skeletons and argues that father isn’t a Tweedie, since the
blood has been so diluted that little remains. Also.
matter into her own hands and outfaces the old man.
go forth triumphant.
Miss Portner directed the play and deserves much praise for the line
manner in which it was presented. the cast, too, was an excellent one.
Mrt - "■ *inia Radcbaugh
Mrs. Albergone
Winsora ____ —Mary Andrews
Julian_______ ____va Boyer
Mrs. Castlebury —- John Rauch
Mr. Castlebury --Eileen Bern j Iler
Adam Tweedie ----I’rancis King
Ambrose____ -Ralph Hammitt
Philemon ----------------------------------John Work
—Frank Johnson
Page Eighty-two
“®urn to (Ebe I\iqht.”
j___^zicio>> selected tor its annua! play this 5ear “Turn to the
Kight,” a comedy in a prologue and three acts, which they presented on
the evenings of Thursday and Friday, March 5th and 6th. The story was
unusual and very interesting and was well portrayed by the members ol
the cast who were as follows:
Joe Bascom
Betty Bascom
Jessie Stromg —
Mrs. Bascom----
Sam Martin-----
Deacon Ti Hinger
Lester Morgan —
________Hany Clover
.....Charles Behrens
.......Clinton Cloud
..Charles Timberlake
_____Donald Bigham
.....Margaret Sittier
Catherine Daugherty
......Lolabel Black
.......George Babe
.__WaIter Oberdorfer
________Ted Rider
...._______Lulu Starmer
... ..............................Anna Louise Harbison
Elsie 1 ilhngei-------------- William Prather......................
I om Callahan neW teachers at Lancaster
Miss Elva Clark and Miss Sara ir spiendid work in coaching
High School, are to be commended lor 1 mana£rer3 and others tak-
the plav. In addition, we must not busv. Three cheers lor the
mg part "behind the scenes, who aj sfll| in their dramatics next
Junior Class and may they be fully as
(Act <©ne
The Boys’ Glee Club this year presented their Black and White Revue and at-
tained a marked triumph for the second time. The boys worked very hard on the
production and were forced to endure several misfortunes at the last minute, but in
spite of this, the success was unquestionable. The Revue was divided into three
parts, the first being entitled “The Frolic of the Jockeys.” As the curtain rose, there
appeared against a black background, a group of scarlet-clad jockeys seated on the
stage in ----s—' ‘ ’ ' ' ' ’ ~
were as
a semicircle. In the center, dressed in a white satin Tuxedo, stood the inter-
1 he effect was startling and gorgeous. Those taking part in this first act
Ralph Hammitt
Billy Radebaugh
Walter Oberdorfer
Harold Marburger
Loren Graham
Guy Rockey
Edwin Cowden
Leonard Rockey
Seymour Marshall
“Memory Lane"
“Land of My Sunset~D"reams”~
“Put Away a Little Ray of Golden"sLn'shTne”
How Come You Do Me Like You Do”
Interlocutor—Brooks Maccracken
Premier Ends
Darrell Crumley
Secondary Ends
Rosslyn Cline
Musical Numbers
---Vernon Kistlei
-Harold Marburger
------Guj’’ Rockey
—Billy Radebaugh
Gayl Rose
Perrin Hazelton
David Godown
John Work
John Rauch
Vernon Kistler
Clinton Cloud
Joe Eisz
Billy Gosling
Robert Veidt
Wilber Stammler
Earl Moore
Claude Poling
Page Eighty-four
(Annual ^Refrue.”
JXct (Lfun
"Where the Dreamy Wabash Flows"    ..............................
‘Somebody Lied” ...........................
"Dreamer of Dreams”.........................
“Dangerous Blues”...........................
“Ohio Home” ................___________________________________
"I Aint Got Enough to Pass Around”______________
“Too Tired” ..................................
---Ralph Hammitt
---Ralph Hammitt
---Loren Graham
----Rosslyn Cline
Walter Oberdoi fer
...Darrell Crumley
__Billy Radebaugh
Part 2, entitled “The Music Master’s Hour, ' displayed some of the best musical
talent of Lancaster High School. The Boys’ Vocal Quartette made its initial ap-
pearance in this act and received great applause. It was composed of the following
singers- Guy Rockey, Clinton Cloud, Loren Graham. Walter Obcrdorfer. Later in
the year Darrell Crumley took Guy Rockey’s place.
Saxaphone Duet, “Serenade” by Schubert------------------Ray Roop, Charles Timberlake
Vocal Solo, “The Bells of St. Mary’s"----------------------------------\‘.Tn°n Cj
Violin Solo, “Cavatina” by Raff----------------------------------r-----C,inton ouc
Cornet and Clarinet Duet. "Miserere” from “Il Trovatore by Verdi--------- ___
_______________Guy Rockey, Austin Secoy
..Loren Graham
Donald Bowling
.Boys’ Quartette
Gvpsy Trail" bv Galloway------    ................................
To a Wild Rose'” by MacDowell
Ship of State,” “Juanita”------
_ fnnrert which consisted of the following numbers.
Part 3 of the Revue was a Band Conce ___Fulton
“State Line” ----------------------------------------------Overture.............................
“Queen of the North”----------------------- -------------Vanderslot................................
“General Pershing" ----------<t7L”‘e7rnv'for' her splendid work in this produc-
Mticlt honor should be given to . i«> various managers who helped make the
tion, to the boys who took part, and to. tne w
Revue a success.

Page Eighty-five
In presenting the annual operetta this year the Boys and (.iris’ Glee
m 1 nf thP HDh School combined the talents ol both organizations.
The operetta was° entitled, “The Maid and the Middy,” the bbretto being
written by David Stevens and the music by George L. Tiacy It w as giv-
en on Thursday and Friday, April 16th and 1 /th and was declared to have
been the best musical production ever presented at Lancastei High.
Following is the cast of characters who contributed to its great success:
Billy, the middy---------------------Loien Giaham
Dawson, a retired farmer------------Ralph Hammitt
The Count, a Spaniard--------------Darrell Crumley
Evans, master of ceremonies, Lakeville Boat Club—
....................................John Work
Fitz, of the House Committee, Lakeville Boat Club—
.....................................John Rauch
Captain Dasher.......................Edwin Davies
Bounder.............................Rosslyn Cline
Slimson.........................Walter Oberdorfer
Attendant of Lakeville Boat Club.......Burdette King
Valerie Vane, the maid...................Helen Roby
Mrs. Gaily, an attractive widow__Rachel Belle Ricketts
Maids, Friends of Valerie-------Virginia Radebaugh
Catherine Daugherty, Anna Louise Harbison
Chorus Amelia .Thomas, Dorothy .1 homas, Alargaret
Sittier, \ iola Samsel, Frances Goll, Lillian Bowland,
Bern i 11 er,
Sittier, Viola Samsel, Frances Goll, Lillian
Annabel Witham, Alice Hewetson, Eileen
Vergene Wolfe and Mary Margaret Lehew.
Young Men—Guy Rockey, Clinton Cloud, George Rabe
Middies—Harold Marburger, Billy Gesling, Bil?y Rade-
baugh, Wayne Barrows, Leonard Rockey.
Solo dances by Mary Jane Gravett and Isabel McClanahan added
greatly to the beauty of the operetta. The I ibertv Rrnmi
boys from the elementary schools brough? aboX^W^riX^cend
and Wmur^th“a^ey^Xet‘VVer- ,Ohn W°rk> John Rauch’
Miss Secoy, who spent so much time coachin'J the ‘.helr. work as does
Zeisler, who provided splendid accompaniment fi-JVe"'''0'1’ T° Mary
the orchestra assisting her, much credit should be ° °Pere«a ami to
Pape Eijzlity-six
Act I takes place in the grounds of th
occasion is the annual regatta of the r ;fkeville Boat Club. The
gay by the presence, as guests, of Captain IA i pC'.Ub 'nadc ""usually
naught” and a number of his middies ( S °f thc L-s-s-“Dread-
vivacious youth who very soon gets into iho 1 16 iatter is Billy, a
and seems to be in a fair way to become -eneraHvT °f,Va,erie Vane
appearance of the Count somewhat clouds h?- * 5 p°Pular> when the
uu bs Mrs. Gaiiy and Dawson,
ing charges against Billy involving what appears to be a cas^ab
duction of a certain mysterious Anita, evidently of Spanish origin Ci
cumstances prevent the Count from immediately confronting Billv who
it must be confessed, lends some color to the accusation by studiously
avoiding the Count. But eventually the latter arouses die suspicions'of
Evans and Fitz, two officials of the club, who undertake to look into'the
matter. Meanwhile the regatta has taken place, and a general assembly
of all the party to congratulate Valerie the unexpected winner of the race,
affords an opportunity for the Count to denounce Billy. Billy tries to
defend himself and promises an explanation, but sentiment is against
him and the scene closes with a display of bravado from Billy and a
feeling of distrust on the part of his new acquaintances, not to mention
the downright sorrow freely expressed by Valerie.
Act 11 takes place in the interior of the club house. Billy’s affairs
are not permitted to disturb the plans that have been made for enter-
taining Captain Dasher and the other guests. A vaudeville has been
arranged for the evening and under the capable direction oi Exans, is
carried through with success. Meanwhile, Valerie, who has appaiently
reflected on Billy’s predicament and decided that the matter cannot be so
serious as it as been represented, shows a tendency to put nunc tail i
him than the others do and even goes so far as to disguise herself as a
Spanish senorita with the idea of having some harmless
Billy. She deceives her friends by the disguise, )u • re_
once and they come to an understanding \ " This he promises
stored to favor if he will explain the m? stci> Dawson anti others,
to do and after various encounters wi i j he has somewhat
all curious to know his secret whici, o a beautiful poll parrot,
maliciously withheld, he finalh piocu^e:5 ;nsure cordial feeling by all
who is turned over to the Count >n order to
Page Eighty-seven

The final Senior play or ^’A^of' Monclav and'Tuesday, June first
/ High School Auditorium on the L- • throughout the United States
and second. This grea < ' a’\iao ^<rP,a^-eat hit. and everywhere trebling
i and many foreign eountiies When Miss Portner decided to give
its chances for return ; ( ‘ ’]av s])e set about to pick the best cast
this drama as the c..nu»cm nt !>?•>>■_ (>|. in t|)(? SchooL wjtl, a„
an-stmecast'seiecie:l. she started on intensive rehearsals eoverins- a period
oi seven weeks. . . . ,
, i fhP qendino- of an innocent girl to prison and her
The story deals \ ith theror the wrongs inflicted, after she is
determination to ,nakf‘ p]av embodies many scenes of intricate dram-
released from pus .1 . I. utmost vitality from each individual
atic situations, winch ‘a ' 'Xumbe l l e cast are practically veterans
™ecu2 p‘’schoil'SeStri’cMs. and they find that their previous
experience is an invaluable aid to them >n obtaining the desired erlccts
in this extremely difficult production. Some who have bar extensive
experience in this line of work are, Ra ph Hammitt, Frank Johnson.
Brooks Maccracken, John Work, Edwin Davies, Rachel Helle
and Rossiyn Cline.
Dorothy DeLancy, playing- the part of Miss Mary Turner,
tionally fine in her ro’le, adapting herself to dramatic situations, varying
in intensity from frivilous laughter to deep emotion. We are sure that
it would have been very hard to secure anyone to play this difficult role
more effectively.
The cast is as follows:
Sarah, Edward Gilder's private secretary.............Rachel Belle Ricketts
Smithson, floorwalker at “The Emporium’’....................Paul Blume
Richard Gilder, Edward Gilder’s son...........................John Work
Edward Gilder, proprietor of “The Emporium”...........Frank L. Johnson
George Demerest. Edward Gilder’s lawyer..................Edwin Davies
Helen Morris, a salesgirl in “The Emporium"_______________Vergene Wolfe
Detective Sergeant Cassidy of the New York police___________Rosslyn Cline
Maiy Turner, a saleswoman in “The Emporium”_______Dorothy G. DeLancy
Agnes Lynch, a confidence woman________________________Elizabeth Rees
Joe Garson, a forger------------------------------Brooks Maccracken
Fannie, a maid---------------------- AUrp Mvers
William Irwin, a lawyer---------------G^rge Martin
Eddie Griggs a crook known as “English Eddie"____________Ray Markwood
Ch Pu °r Burke of the New York police----------------Ralph Hammitt
Chicago Red, a crook__ _ 4__
. Tom Dacey, a c.ook_______ L,®° ,W°eher
Williams, a stenographer at Police Headqu’aHTrTALUlYJ”^
-md conmetent'1 ’ }ve.tk’nk tkat Miss Portner is the most efficient
coacheIY th.lt Lancai?h?r High has ever had. She has
she has made eve?y one of them a^nmTe w-p,‘esente\' an.d ?.ve feel d,at
mencement play, “Witin The I -iw ” \v C success> specially oui com-
Portner f.ir her tin e nd < L ’ ■ We want to ’’cariilv thank Miss
front in 1the fieldI of dr2n nHe PUttlTn^ the class °f 1925 to the
we also feel without question /rt,V itlGiS’ a> Lancaster High School, and
end. Question of a doubt that she has accomplished this
is excep-
Page Eighty-eight
en on October 3rd when the Sophomore
class had a weiner roast at Crystal Springs.
A large number of the class were present
for the party avhich was chaperoned by
Mr. Sands, Mr. Jackson and Mr. E. J. Wil-
son, the class advisor.
The fun consisted chiefly in having the
boys roast
weiners and marshmallows for
Sto.ies were told and games
played after which the merry
were also
party returned home.
ciass turned out to the
-music ami a'P '>lher thill-s going on.
, ’ °n tllls occasion Miss Griffith
was the chaperone.
freshman PARTY
The Freshman cl ss bad its first p ■ • ty
February 2-1. They attended the pictu <•
show ’Uncle Tom’s Cabin” ,t the .,
school Afte. the theat e the p. ty p
ceeded to AntiL’s whe e they enjoyed
music (which was furnished ostly by M
Sands nickels) and laughe
The Class of '26 enjoyed a Hallowe’en
Party on October 30, 192-1. The party was
held at Camp Ro and was chaperoned by
Miss Clark, Miss Long, Mr. Sands and Mr.
Wilson. Many games and contests were
played and about nine o’clock delicious re-
freshments were served. It was at this
time that Mr. Wilson received the nick-
Membe.s and guests of the Latin Club i
L. IL S. moto ed to Circleville Thu ,-d y
evening, April 23, 1925 and enjoyed a
movie. The picture was entitled "The
Devil’s Cargo” and the club was kept busy
trying to find out the cargo. Mr. Jackson
name of "Weine Wilson” and Mr. Sands
a little
“Cider Sands.” Bill Prather
buted to the fun by falling
After the refreshments had
the party returned home all worn out from
laughing but very happy.
i nto
On February 20th the class of 192b held
a spread in the high school gym.
The Sophomore Class of Lancaster High
School enjoyed a Hallowe'en party on Octo
her 30 at the old school near Crawfis. Ffty-
five members of the class attended and a
large part of the evening was spent in
guessing the masqueraders and playing
games. Delicious refreshments ol dough
nuts, candy and cider were served at th<
party which was chaperoned by Mr. Sam ..
Miss Clark, Miss Long and Mr. W ,lson-
proved more entertaining than the picture
show, by enlightening the party on the sub-
ject of “Matrimony.” On the return a
goose-chase was held in Amanda but no
one was seriously injured in running down
the elusive birds. After attending the
show the club proceeded to the ice cream
parlor and for some reason known only to
the members Mr. Jackson kept running
back and forth acrosss the street and was
hardly able to stop long enough to drink
his soda. The party was chaperoned by-
Miss G iffith, Miss Deffenbaugh and Mr.
Guy Jackson.
On May 8, 1925. L. II S. held a circus, the
first of its kind and it proved a great suc-
Every class, organization or club
able to participate. Each organiza-
put on a stunt and the best one was
the money taken in at the door. The
vere all fine and showed much hard
Much talent was shown by those
Page Eighty-nine
part icipn ling
Literary society held a weiner ro
May at Camp Ro.
a ____________ the st
our more talented school friends.
circus is the first of its kind in L. 11. S., but
having proved such a success we hope the
school may see fit to continue this annual
event in the coming years.
• roast in
We. all have a good
time at literary meetings yet we are sure
everyone had a better time at the socia'
affair. The society was well chaperoned
by members of the faculty. The eats were
especially good and much credit is due the
social committee composed of Frank John-
son, Helen Roby and Billy Radebaugh.
Let’s have some more weiner roasts, Liter-
his famous
out the show. Those who enjoyed the
event were: Brooks Mnccracken, \\ ilber
Stammler, Helen Roby, Relva Boyer. John
Work'. Frank Johnson, Evelyn Robb, I'anI
Henry, Paul Blume, Donna Prather, Paid
Ulmer'and Mr. R. C. Smart who assumed
the responsibility of chaperone.
Members of the Senior Class enjoyed a
weiner roast at Camp Roe, April 9th. There
were about fifty present although the par-
ty was lacking in members of the fairer
sex due to bad weather.
The whole party being duly chaperoned
by Mr. E. J. Wilson enjoyed roasted Wein-
ers and toasted marshmallows.
Wednesday evening, April 29, 1925 the
Debate Team of L. II. S. held their annual
picnic. The supper was given at the school
in the domestic science room. Everyone
agreed that this was one of the best sup-
pers ever served. After the banquet part
of the program the members motored to
Logan to see a picture show. Great fun
was obtained through this. One special
feature of the evening occurred at the
show at Logan. The pianist, a modern
flapper, quit playing soon after the show
began to meet her beau, so John Work de-
The Junior Class of L. H. S. delightfully
entertained the Senior Class at the annual
banquet on May 1-1, at the Elks’ Home. A
large number from both classes were pres-
ent and the hall was tastefully decorated
in green, white and gold those being the
colors of both classes.
Splendid talks were received with en-
thusiasm from Miss Aten and Mr. Phillips.
A feature of the program was a senior boys
impersonation of different members of the
This banquet was as usual the climax of
all the social activities of L. H. S.
Sherman was boiling over with
ideas, crammed full of feeling, dis-
cussing every subject and pronounc-
ing O"
Page Ninety
September 23-24
Miss Aten presented one of the best mus
ical programs ever staged in Lancaster
High School today. The talent was reco--
Septcmber 25-26:
Mr. Phillips gave us a
talk on this school year.
be wailing and nashing <
struck cheating in school
September 30-October 1:
Rev. Mr. Blume, new Methodist minister,
spoke in
gives us
with Rev
assembly this morning. This
a chance to become acquainted
October 1:
We all yelled with pep and vim at cheer
meeting. Rah! rah! coach.
October 2-3:
Miss Griffith presented a number of the
Latin Club girls who sang in that ancient
language. There was also a playlet en-
titled “A School Boy’s Dream.”
October 7-8:
Our assembly program contained much
delightful variety this morning unde- the
direction of Miss Soule. Lucile Phillips,
reading; Maurice Ostrofsky, talk, "Schools
in Russia”; Harold Marburger, vocal solo:
Guy Rockey, cornet solo. The solists were
accompanied by Dorothy DcLancy.
October 21-22:
Mrs. Picker:
program of variation
October 9-10:
The talk on forestry this mor
to be of great
uated from a
able to impart
presented an assembly
and merit this morn-
ruing proved
merit. Mr. Aten has grad-
con rse in forestry and was
some useful knowledge.
Miss Richard’s direction a playlet
on for assembly. The story took
an office, featuring two girls, a
was conscientious about her work
who was not. Let's have more
(Assemhlu -Notes
very emphatic
"And there will
of teeth." He
1 a blow to be
October 28-29:
Saxaphone duet, Ray Rcop and Leo Klise.
Billy Radebaugh, reading; cornet so o Guy
Rockey; vocal solo, Vernon Kistler. Miss
McCoy in charge.
October 23-24.
Mr. Smart introduced to us the presi-
dential candidates. We all decided to vote
for Andy Gump.
October 30-31:
Miss Long who was tn charge sang beau-
tifully. Some of her Freshman girls put
on a very delightful hallowe’en playlet.
November 4-5:
Virginia Radebaugh, vocal solo; Mildred
Van Gundy, reading; Ray Roop, saxaphone
November 18-19:
Mr. Hickson
the profession
ers. Here’s to
gave an interesting talk on
of teaching and good teach-
more good teachers.
November 20:
The pep meeting emphasized playi: g the
game and giving all. Miss Aten, Coach,
Marquis and Hickson talked.
December 2-3:
Our assembly p-ogram presented some
pupils who had not appeared before, but
although it was their first appearance the
quality was excellent. Mr. Buell had
December 11-12:
was put
place in
girl who
and one
December 16-17:
An excellent musical program was gf
cn by Mr. Sands. The girls' chorus san
Page Ninety-one
Clinton Cloud, violin solo, and Eilima
Krietz, piano selection.
Rev. Robertson, the first speaker of the
series of vocational talks, presented the
work of the ministry in a very fair and
square way. There is also an opening for
girls as deaconesses in this great work.
Mr. 11. B. Peters presented the bankers
work in life. If all bankers arc as fine as
Mr. Peters, we’ll all be bankers.
Mr. Walkey explained manufacturii
isiness which is a main factor in
Adrian Ful
of journalism.
in journalism in L. I-L S. there should be
r brought us the message
Although we have no class
journalists among us.
Walter Graf told us about surveying.
He told about the different kinds of work
in engineering and the great opportunity.
He presented his work as a man's work in
a man’s way.
Our superintendent, Mr. Phillips, told us
what is most in his heart. He defined a
good teacher and how to be one. Mr.
Phillips has been in the school work for
many years and is certainly a successful
Dr. Mondhank traced medical science
from the beginning of time. Surely a pro-
fession of such value would be worth while
as a life work.
Mr. Johnson, real estate man, talked on
selling things. Mr. Johnson is certainly
sold with his idea and is determined to
have all his hearers sold. We’ve all de-
cided to buy lots on East Sixth Ave.
Mr Pe.tty and Mr. Kutz were on the
platform for this last program. In clos-
ing Mr. Kutz left with us the thought that
we must work, work, to win.
Sherman had sandy hair, sharp
featured, his nose prominent, his lips
thin, his grey eyes flashing fire as
fast as lightning on a summer’s night.
Rage Ninety-two
y, September 2. First day of
Everybody goes to Assembly won-
Mr. Smart gets the
Berry the seniors'
iber -I. Miss Clark, a
to a
F eshies whi'e Mr.
Thursday, Septet
new teacher, is on duty in the hall.
evidently hasn’t taught school veiy
because this morning she came up
sophomore hen-p Tty i
“Scottv, scoot'" The
M nday, Septcmbe
Be 1
best part is,
Fo eman and
in 36—come
Wednesday, September 10.
ard width of leather belts for young
The stand-
Friday, September 12. Mary Sturant fell
down the steps. These freshmen don’t
seem to be used to going up and down
Monday, September 15. A
99 girls has been organized.
Wednesday, September 17.
Junior classes have nominated their class
Friday, September 19. A Freshman girls
mixer is being held tonight. Stir hard,
Glee Club of
Now for the
COS''»«»"O^lUCkTb°y°rr0"' "e P'">’
- -ho more
nounce their Vs” ° Ceased to Pr°-
Spell Eurip1des°CtObCr 8‘ M*SS Lawrence:
Carl Rider: Her what?
Friday. October 10. Mjss At
«-stmn is very though, provokmg. '
in™alter Oberd rfer. 1 kn ,w its provok.
Monday, October 20. Well we’re back
from the great Fairfield County Fair. Kate
and Leo were seen
penny picture
for some time
his mind and
Purple Pepper" has appeared.
Monday, October 27. Mary
spelling Latin wo d for c< n 'emu.
Miss Griffith:
investing heavily in
October 22. We’ve thought
that Jack had something- on
now the seciet’s
out The
That’s a bad place to stop,
Senior and
October 29. Miss Soule.
the paragraph at the bottom of the
ence \\ilson( Freshie) What’s that
thing before 21 mean (s21)?
Wonder who she is?
Mr. Buell—I'H
that nearly
Monday. September 22. What’s all
noise in front of the building? Just
fellows playing leap-frog.
Wednesday, September 2-1. First of
year Mr. Sands called on “William Rade-
baugh” to explain angles but now its just
Friday, September 26. Boyd Boerstler is
reading “Characteristics of Blondes and
Monday, September 29.
have to tell your father
your problems were wrong again.
Don Selby -Better not tell Dad.
Mr. Buell—And why not?
D. S.—Dad worked ’em.
Wednesday, October 1. Miss Secoy
Girls’ Glee Club d°wn to the tOP
°f page live.”
cu rlv
A Freshman for you.
Friday. October 31. Rain? Well rath-
er. It rained so hard that the big school
parade couldn’t make its appearance.
Monday, November 3. Tomorrow’s elec-
tion day and our fate will be decided as
far as a new building is concerned.
Thursday. November 6.
Monday, November 10.
scandal? Mr- Marquis h
Wednesday, November 12. Mr.
And where was the Declaration of Inde-
pendence signed?
Martha Bell T.:
tom. I suppose.
-ri.nrMav. November
All the teachers
For once we’it
No school to-
going to grand
glad they can
Hear the latest
has a dirty face'
Her - y.
Why-er-a at the bot-
Today’s the

Pag-e Ninety-three
loll owed
Miss Griffith to
Ecky and Happ.
Monday, January
have SK’.OO and you
five limes as much
>. Coming down
be anything new
Friday, January
aroma of
13th and a pretty blacl-
Miss Perfect to school! „.ainc
Friday. November 14. 1 ooin.u s
with Athens this afternoon _
Monday, November Loien ■■
cussing popular music with Helen ■
"Do you know 1 love you
Tuesday, November 18.
Walter Oberdorfer who has just told David
Godown a Latin word. "Walter, if you
care to take Caesar, please enroll through
the office.”
Wednesday, November
think it’s almost lime for
clause to come.
Thursday, November 20.
baked beans and katsup from the domes-
tic science room, burning sulphur fi om
the lab.
Monday, November 24. Mrs. Pickering
startled her English class by telling Mary
B. to read true story.
Wednesday, November 26. Drcams of
turkey and cranberries. We have much to
be thankful for. So-long till Monday.
Monday, December 1. Languid looks,
and gentle sighs. All because of hot
mince pies.
Friday. December 5.
the morning, is the
Monday, December
church last night.
Wednesday, December 10. Heard over
radio last night: “Minerva, Minerva come
home to Poppa”. Could
Friday, December 12.
more angelic every day.
the calendar!
Monday, December 15. ..........
Does carbon dioxide have a smell? Sniff'
Wednesday, December 17. Mrs Picker-
ing: “And now we must all have good
re-book ports.”
tl.rs^von’ ,DeC""lb?r 19’ Last day of school
tins year! Don’t forget the
Monday, January 5, 1925. \\re
t0 start the new year. Let’s go!
Wednesday, January 7. The
Oh, how lovely is
morning! Glorious
8. Mr. Neff went to
Getting religious,
that be our Min-
Fresliies waxing
Why? -Look at
James Sweelv
•ire ready
mail ser-
as you but in the op-
n Donald Bowling. It
means that you have five times less than
nothing as much as 1 have.
Wednesday, January 14. Alice Loyd On
page 91, 1 don’t understand the last one.
Mr. Jackson: Which last one?
Friday, January 16. Mrs. Pickering: “I
don’t want you to read your book in less
than two weeks, because you might get
Friday. February 13. First debate. Lan-
caster vs. Circleville at home, 3-0 m our
favor. Lancaster vs. Washington C. II. at
Washington C. IL, 2-1 in our favor. Hur-
rah for the debating teams.
Monday, February 16. Betty Silbaugh
was reading’ the sentence, “And he came
to the city Gwan.” She stopped before
the word Gwan Mrs. Pickering, “Gwan."
Betty, “I can’t till you pronounce that
word for me.”
Wednesday, February 18. Mr. N
“Dorothy when was the barometer
Dorothy Hewetson—“In the fall
briday, February 20. Not yet?
1 11 be- Oh there he goes! What?
Jackson and his buckle.
Monday, February 22
has a—sh! dirty neck.
Wednesday, February
just more rain! Mr. Shaffer
six kegs of nails.
Friday, February 22. Paul
hold your Palm Olive?”
Olive D.: “Not on your Lifebuoy?”
Monday, February 23. Mr. Sands took
unaccustomed c.xetcise this morning
Lizzie took a vacation.
Edwi n
i nvert-
of the
Wei 1
Rain? No,
has ordered
Wednesday, February 25. Rav
Father wants a slice of ham pIp-ls .
,.ol)ld you wrap it up m the continuation
Friday, February 27. J ;
is at home 2-1 in our f
Portsmouth 3-0 their
Monday, March 2. Blow, winds blow for
March is here. .All the freshies are get-
Wednesday, March I. Wi'ber Ta-zan
Stamm’er does hereby announce himself
as candidate for May Queen.
Friday. March 6. Junior play went off
with a flourish! Three cheers for “Blackie ”
Mond y, March 9.
and Middy” begin.
Wednesday, March
appointed head usher.
show them their
them the door.
Pi act ices
Oh von
nounced to be
June <L
Yes Prank.
his nose.
con rse.
in the ladder
e stepped up
IL S. to have ten
the monkey?
C. C. got a splinter
Was that all?
— -• John Rauch sees
— pm on crossword puzzles?
Wednesday, April 1. Miss
her hair bobbed. Frank Lancaster has a
Dot and Amelia aren’t friends.
General Science—
for “Maid
11. “Dot”
AVe hope Dot can
seats. She sure can show
Thomas is
13. Orchestra concert an-
day 5. Commencement
Busy time .'.oming for seniors.
March 16. Did you not
Frank Lancaster. A boil.
Between his eyes which
F rom
The boil
Club initia-
te be found
Tuesday, March 18. Latin
tions: mothballs and oysters
in 22. Peg. color blind. Maiy Jane’s shoes
aren’t mates, Frances is all braided and
Amelia is jabbering in assembly.
Friday, March 20. More power to thee
Oh King in thy Davis.
Monday, March 23. Bi ool
a comb? Gentle Hint.
Wednesday, March
An I didn’t mean
T laughed up my
do yon want
Gri ffi th.
loud but
there was
w hen
a hole
Clme to Miss
to laugh out
Miss Long has not
received her daily letter yet.
on the Freshie Latin students.
Monday, March 30. What
saUJ c • • ■ ’ —■ ■ oes Mi»s
‘iiflith do with the time that she used
lo°k at the date
. Friday, April 3.
ri"? Circus- "ho’ll be'
Monday, April 6. C
in his eye.
Wednesday, April'8*
*Ct’ Francis King sees Bali
„ Friday, April B“h—'>»««•
Phillips desk this •
of vio’ets on his desk.
Monday, April 13.
knows some perfectly
ask her.
Wednesday, April 15.
for "Maid and Middy.”
once more.
I rid,i\, Apiil 1,. Operetta great suc-
cess! That’s the idea! And oh my be-au-
ti-tul Anita!
Monday, April 20. B ooks, our exchange
editor, is learning not only to exchange
papers but also looks.
Wednesday, April 22. Wilson and Hust-
ler are next year’s basket ball captains.
\\ e know Ted and Mary can do it.
Friday, April 2-1. Thief! thief! Where
from? Bagdad.
Monday, April 29. Style show. Rachel
Bell scrubbed the floor beautifully. The
rest strutted correctlj' showing of their
well made dresses.
Wednesday, April 29. Commencement
play “Within the Law”. John Work and
Dot Del.ancy play leading roles.
Friday, May 1. The month for Senio-s
leisure has arrived at last. By leisure we
mean everything that goes vith
Thursday, May 21. Senior Class
“Mirage” out, best ever published.
"Monday, June 1. “Within The
best play ever given in L. H. S.
the “Thirteenth Chair
Tuesday. June 2. Senior play great suc-
cess Three days till commencement.
Goodbye dear Alma Mater t.H next year.
Farewell beloved Seniors.
0. As I went past Mr.
morning he had a bunch
Who was so kind?
Venia Radebaugh
jokes —no!
paint and
Our old friend SleVe is back
off the map.
-a-—._ Ov, • -~'»v
Page Ninety-live

Will] a piclteb banb of men chosen from
ttje bartons army corps, fjarasseit on all
sibes by enemy forces, foraging tlje lanb
for supplies, JBlprman carrieb on tl|ts ,
unprecebenteb “JiHarcI] to tip JBea,” f]is
army slpfoing tip same traits of grit
anb betermination tljat slpulb be ex-
presseb by any athletic teams represent-
ing tlpir school. 0 0
Page Ninety-six

Lancaster High School’s football season was not the most encourag-
ing but we may in many ways condone the rather poor showing that the
team macle. In the first place the boys had a hard time getting into the
swing of things. The first few games were discouraging because the
team itself lost heart, but before the season was far advanced the boys
caught the true spirit of athletics in the school—not to win games, merely,
but to show a true sportsman’s grit, and from that moment on, although
games were often lost, yet the team fought bravely till the final
in every contest and no one could ever say that Lancaster
always play a clean, plucky game of football.
We had a team composed mainly of lower classmen
playing their first season at football. We played against
did not
or of
strong teams
as we always do, and, though we lost, maintained the high standards of
sportsmanship for which L. H. S. is known.
We will enter te 1925 season with almost a veteran team and can
hope lor a glorious season.
Page Ninety-eight
Ft )() IB.
Keeley was a
mainstay of the
team because of
his ability in
punting and end
r u n n i n g He
started the sea-
son as guard and
later was shifted
to half-back.
Lantz was kept
out of the lineup
on account of in-
juries for the
greater part of
the season, but
proved an excel-
lent center when
he was able to
Selby made the
tea in in his
Freshman y e a r
and was partic-
ularly skillful in
\\ ELLSTON—September 27
Tn spite of a brave fight the Lancaster
boys, outweighed almost ten pounds to the
man, bowed to a 34 to 13 defeat before
Wellston in their opening game at Miller
Wellston scored early in the game, the
ball being carried by Krtiscamp after sev-
eral big gains through the line. Most of
Wellston's scoring was done by long runs,
Kruscamp’s of seventy yards in the third
quarter being the largest.
Lancaster tried every means of attack
without avail until in the last quarter for-
ward passes brought two touchdowns. Re-
ceiving passes from Haines, Veidt carried
the ball over the line twice. At other
times during the game Haines passed to
Veidt for gains of 15. 20 and 25 yards.
The team went to Coshocton with fire in
their eyes. For a long time they seemed
destined to another defeat. In the second
quarter Elder of Coshocton kicked a goal
from the 28 yard line giving his team their
only score.
The third quarter passed without either
team scoring. In the last quarter Coshoc-
ton forced the ball to om five-yard line.
Then when our chances seemed smallest
Keeley broke away for a twenty yard run
around end. On the next play Haines
passed to Veidt for thirty-five yards. Safe
in Coshocton’s territory Lancaster finally
carried the ball to the 15 yard line. Then
Haines shot a pass to Noice who ran over
the goal for our only touchdown. A few
minutes later the game ended with the
Page Ninety-nine

Although h e
was only a Fresh-
man, Noice won
distinction b y
his brilliant play-
ing at halfback.
Reed played his
first season on
the football team
this year. He will
be a Senior next
year and we ex-
pect that he will
develop into a
strong player.
Though handi-
capped by being
so small, Bitler
made the team in
his Sophomore
year and served
the school well
playing a t left
score 6 to 3 and we came home victorious.
NEWARK—October 11
Lancaster was defeated 33 to 0 by New-
ark on a hot Indian summer day. Newark
scored in each of the first three quarters
and twice in the last. The charges of
Brickies contributed largely to our defeat.
The third Newark touchdown was made by
him on an 80 yard run.
This does not say that our boys did not
put up a good fight. Keeley especially-
played a good game. He made several end
runs and large gains and did well on line
plays. His most outstanding work was his
punting. Lancaster’s aerial attack failed
sadly in the Newark game. The visiting
team had too strong a defense for our boys
to make very heavy gains by any attack.
Lancaster entered this game against
heavy odds and a heavy team. Since
many of our regulars had left the team we
began the game with many new players.
If a team can ever be glorious in defeat
Lancaster was this day. The first quarter
our new line never gave in, but the strain
proved too great and we suffered a defeat
which seemed inevitable under the cir-
cumstances. Among the new players who
fought so pluckily against Portsmouth
were: Baumgardner, Reed, Fisher and
Moore. Before the game an airship of the
Scott aviators dropped the ball wrapped
with purple and gold streamers upon the
The final score was 73 to 0.
The game at Westerville ended in a
heart-rending 6 to 0 defeat. Some folks
were inclined to blame it on the referee
whom Lancaster and Westerville students
alike considered utterly incompetent. But.
defeated or not, the team played a splendid
game; indeed, they outplayed Westerville
for most of the game to such an extent
that the ball was hardly ever out of West-
Page One Hundred
Fisher gained
a varsity posi-
tion although he
was a Freshman
and played well
at center.
Haines has been
a d e p e n dable
quarterback f o r
three years. He
graduates this
year and his ser-
vices will be
sorely missed on
next year's team.
A I t h o u g h it
was only his sec-
ond year in var-
s i t y athletics.
Veidt was one of
our leading play-
ers d u r i n g the
season. He play-
ed at end and in
the back field.
erville territory. Lancaster nearly scored
in the last quarter when Haines made a
place-kick from the 30 yard line that bare-
ly missed going between the goal posts.
Westenbarger was captain of
this game as in the one with
the team in
back in the
Our best
end runs
Some ex-
done by
forward passing was
lis best pass being one to Acton
which was good for 31 yards. \ eidt made
our first touchdown in the first quartei.
soon came back at us and
game again. There was no outstanding
hero in this game. It was one of straight
football and played well by both teams.
MURRAY CITY—November 8
Lancaster made a strong come-back in
this game which turned out to be a victory
for us by the score of 29 to 6.
gains were made by Keeley on
and by Veidt on line plunges.
scored once also. Both teams were weak
on defense but Lancaster's backfield was
able to pound its way through Murray
City faster than they could get through
our line. Haines and Acton each scored
a touchdown in the second quarter and
Haines crossed the goal again in the last
frame. Our othtr points were gained by
a safety.
ATHENS- -November 1 5
Athens was too fast for
home game ended in i
The visitors possessed a
who had a bad habit of getting started at
just the wrong times and running never
less than half the length of the field for
his touchdowns. The lad’s name was Algco
and his first run was for 80 yards after
which he made several more.
At different periods Lancaster showed
excellent form although they never threat-
us and our final
51 to 0 defeat.
marathon racer

Page One Hundred One
Darbyshire was
unable t o play
much in 1923 but
made a good
showing this
year at tackle.
Reinschield has
been on the team
for three years
and has always
been a depend-
able guard.
Acton, playing
his first season
on the football
team, was known
for his tackling
and his ability to
get down under
At one time,
on successive plays they made
forward passes which gained 47
for the team. Every one missed
Keeley from the lineup. His in-
indeed caused us all distress, for
ened the opponents’ goal.
we felt certain that with his skill to help
his comrades the defeat would not have
been so crushing.
seemed to
around. In
This game was played at
and the town or something
bring us bad luck all the way
the first place we lost 60 to 0.
the casualty list included almost the en-
tire team, though fortunately there were
no serious injuries. All of Lancaster’s fol-
lowers were impressed with the exceptional
playing of Captain Eby of the home team.
Lantz acted as team captain for this game
in the absence of Westenbarger.
MT. VERNON—November 27
The Thanksgiving game was played away
from home and was the last one of the
season. The game was played mostly by
straight football although Haines made
several successful passes, the longest one
being the last play of the game. This
pass was caught by Veidt, who made 38
yards on the play Mt. Vernon played the
first half with a second-string backfield,
but their strongest players were sent in
the last part of the game. The substitu-
tion helped their score none for they made
two touchdowns in each half.' The final
score was 26 to 0 against us.
Six of our boys, Acton, Veidt, Keeley,
Lantz, Haines, and Foreman played their
last football game for Lancaster High. The
greater part of our team was composed of
under classmen, and we hope that with
them in the line-up L. IL S. will have a
successful season next year.

Page One Hundred Two
As usual Lancaster High had a very successful season at basketball.
three regulars had been lost by graduation from the champion 1921.
team but Keeley, Lantz, Haines, Baumgardner and Wilson, all lettermen,
were left, and Veidt, a seasoned athlete made the team easily and proved
to be a strong- guard. Under the leadership of Harry Keeley the team
got a fine start and won game after game. We met our match in Newark,
however, and bowed to our first defeat.
The team made a two-days’ trip to Mount Vernon and Lima and re-
turned after having played two of the best teams in northern Ohio and
beaten them both. This was the longest trip a Lancaster High School
team had ever made and is an event in school history.
After the Lima trip, our team was badly crippled by the illness of
Lantz and Veidt, and the showing made the last part of the season, al-
though very creditable, was not so remarkable as that made before th
mid-year examinations.
Noice, Dilger, Bauman and Reinscheild were members ol the team
Who did excellent work and will probably be seen o ten nex year. Ik-
second team, captained by Bob Acton also made a splend.,1 m„.
Page One Hundred Three
ski 1 Hid
• RUSHVILLE—Deo-mlx.
Lancaster opened the season uith ai
Lanca.tci 1 ,9 8 Haines
easy victory by the score of -
| led in number of points made with eleven
to his credit. The Rushville team
only one basket owing to the
guarding of Wilson and Veidt.
playing his first game as captain.
his right to the honor by all-around
Haines started this game oil right with
a basket. Lantz made two more within
thirty seconds from each other. Aftei
that our boys had everying just as they
wanted it and soundly defeated Coshocton,
the final score being 28 to 7. Lantz made
five baskets during the game several of
which were either very long
thrown from a difficult angle.
Lancaster won this game by
whelming score. Our opponents
men in a futile attempt to stop
shots or
an over-
used ten
the scor-
ing. The score was 29 to 6 at the end of
the first half but the final count was 38 to
Keeley was cap-
tain and center
of the Lancaster
H.gh team and
led trie League at
his particular po-
sition, scoring 27
points to his op-
ponents’ 26. Hai-
ry also will grad-
ual ■ this year.
shot in the last forty seconds of play and
the game ended 20 to 18. The stellar role
was played by Don Lantz who made twelve
of the team’s points. Of these he made six
fouls out of six attempts.
LIMA-—January 31
Lancaster won another close victory here
obtaining 22 points to their powerful op-
ponents 13. Lima had beaten all the lead-
ing teams of northern Ohio. The leading
16. Wilson and Lantz each scored six
baskets and Haines got four. A merry
band of rooters followed the teams to
scorer of this game was Wilson, who made
nine of the team’s points. The trip to Mt.
Vernon and Lima is one that will stand
Westerville and returned well pleased with
the showing.
NEWARK—January 23
Although Lancaster lost this game by a
score of 12 to 2, they fought hard and the
game was much more closely contested
than the score indicates. T1 e Newark de-
fense was so strong that our >oys were re-
quired to make most of their shots from
the center of the floor. Five of these
shots came so close to going through the
basket that every one held his breath. Our
one basket was made by Ted Wilson on a
fine throw.
M T. VERNON—January 30
1 his game was the most exciting one of
the sea-on. The score was tied often dur-
the game and two overtime periods of
minutes each were needed to decide
contest. Wilson made a one-handed
Keeley was the great
out in the history of athletics at L. H. S.
Lancaster laid their ancient rivals low
for a second time when they beat Wester-
ville 24 to 15. Our boys were trailing 11
to 8 at the half, but got their bearings at
the close of the game and came through
with colors flying.
star of the game and shot four baskets.
All the rest of the team showed their good
old championship form all through the last
NEWARK—February 13
On Friday the thirteenth the Lancaster
High team bowed for a second time to
Newark and Brickies, the score being 26
to 17. The peerless Newark forward made
five baskets and two fouls. Haines, our
leading scorer, did almost as well with
three field and three foul goals. The team
ige One Hundred Four
Lantz scored 42
points i n four
games and was
chosen a forward
o n the All-Cen-
tral Ohio League
team. Don was
out of the game
several weeks on
account of sick-
ness and we will
lose his service
by graduation.
Wilson made his
letter for the sec-
ond time in this
h i s Sophomore
year. He was an
All Central Ohio
League guard.
and is captain-
elect for next
Veidt played
back guard fo r
the team and
proved a capable
man in that posi-
tion. Bob is a
Senior and will
be miss e d by
next year’s team.
was handicapped immeasurably by the ab-
sence of Don Lantz. We even felt that
with him the tables might have been
MT. VERNON—February 20
This game was a decisive victory for the
Lancaster boys who literally crushed their
opponents by a score of 19 to 8. Lantz
was still out of the line-up, and Mt. Ver-
non was weakened by the loss of their star
player, Pugh. Eleven of our points were
made by Wilson and Haines, six by the for-
mo e and five by the latter.
ATHENS—February 23
The most striking thing about this game
was the peculiar behavior of the Athens
team. They forgot that they weren’t still
trying to beat us in football and conse-
quently will not likely be given another
opportunity to do so. In spite of such an
a thrilling contest at
unusual reception Lancaster made the best
of affairs and put up a sturdy resistance.
They were beaten 17 to 11.
COSHOCTON—Feb ruary 27
Lancaster lost
Coshocton by the score of 16 to 15.
score was tied at the eno of the first half,
each team having 8 points. Our boys made
more field goals than their opponents but
succeeded in making only one of their free
throws good while Coshocton made four.
Haines led the team in scoring again with
seven points.
This game was played at the Delaware
tournament and though the team lacked
the services of Lantz, Veidt and Baumgard-
ner, it made a strong fight against South
distinguished himself by holding Cutchins,
High and lost by the score, 18 to 12. Keeley
Page One Hundred Five
center scoreless and
L. H. S.
our opponents’ strong
throwing three baskets himself.
ALUMNI—March 21
Our boys got a poor start and by the
end of the third quarter were 12 to 6 to the
bad. Then Haines got started and doubled
our score for us, but the Alumni made one
more basket while he was doing so, and
we lost in the end by the score 14 to 12.
Haines was by far our best scorer in this
game and Schromme starred for the
Wilson, rf., rg.----------110 3
Lantz, rf. ............... 0 0 0 0
Haines, If._______________ 2 2 2 6
Keeley, c. _______________1 1 2 o
Page One Hundred Six
®irls gasket ^all JBeason
The girls’ team suffered more by graduation than the boys, but never-
theless they began the season with a strong team. Anne Murtaugh had
been selected as captain and was very capable in that position.
Although the team did not make any record equal to those of the
two previous years, nevertheless it upheld the reputation which the girls’
basketball teams in Lancaster High have earned. It lost only three
games during the whole season, and all these three games were lost to
teams which we defeated at other times during the season. Westerville
defeated us early in th seeason but we got revenge on them at the Armory.
With the Plains and Coshocton also we broke even.
One of our most important victories was over the Alumnae team
which was composed of the stars of several teams which had won cham-
pionships for L. H. S.
The outlook for next year is good and we are hoping for-ai sixthsuc-
cessful season for the High School girls who will be led by Mary
Page One Hundred Seven
Pauline was one
of the most de-
pendable players
on the team. She
was always in the
plays where the
most grit and
pluck were need-
Anne, playing
her last season in
Lancaster II i g h
served the team
well as guard
and captain and
by her art of
leadership made
the season a suc-
R u t h played
cen ter a n d was
known as one of
the best jumpers
in the league.
She was a sterl-
ing guard and a
very faithful
worker. She will

with the
CARROLL—December 19
Under the leadership of Ann
the girls opened their season
plucky Carroll team and defeated them
22 to 3. Carroll never succeeded in mak-
ing a goal from the floor. Foreman was
the leading scorer, being credited with
five baskets.
COSHOCTON____January 9
Although they were facing a veteran
team the Lancaster girls got an early lead
on Coshocton which they increased until
they defeated their rivals by the decisive
score of 34 to 10. Our team showed them-
selves superior to the visitors at every
stage of the game.
This was the first defeat for our girls
teams for a number of years and it was a
rather crushing one too. Westerville
kept on piling up points until at the end
of the game they stood 18 to our 8. Our
team scored three baskets, one by Mur-
taugh and two by Moody.
Lancaster held her opponents in the hol-
low of her hand in this game. They scor-
ed just about when it pleased them. Nel-
sonville put up stout opposition in the first
quarter and scored the greater part of her
points. The final score was 20
our players Black led the scoring
THE PLAINS—January 31
This game ended in an 8 to
for Lancaster High.
leading scorer with
also made a basket.
only one field goal.
4 victory
was the
to 5. Of
with four
six points.
The Plains scored
Page One Hundred Eight
Scotty always
played conscien-
tiously and was
never satisfied
with less than
two baskets in a
game. She was
the team’s lead-
ing scorer w i t h
52 points.
Lolabel i s a
Junior and play-
ed forward. Al-
though she did
not play in every
game, she was
one of the fastest
and most accur-
ate forwards
Carmen played
guard an d can
not be too highly
complimented on
her ability. She
was w i t h o u t
doubt one of the
team’s best play-
Our team was determined to get revenge
for their defeat at Westerville cost what
it might. The game was a rough and
tumble affair and twelve fouls were called
on each side. We did win and gloriously
too, for the score was 18 to 5.
This game was distinguished by the de-
fensive work of both teams. In
half neither side scored a field
the count was 2 to 0 against us.
Lancaster braced up in the last
came out ahead by a score of 8 to 4.
THE PLAINS—February 20
An epidemic of sickness which had made
such inroads on the boys’ team caused
Trimble and Foreman to forego playing.
and Lancaster was defeated for the second
time this season by the close score of 3 to
Our only basket was made by the cap-
, Ann Murtaugh.
the first
half and
COSHOCTON—February 27
Three girls made futile attempts to stop
Courtright, the Coshocton center, who
made four baskets and did much toward
soundly defeating us 19 to 10. Moody
made most of our points including one
field goal and four fouls.
The girls owed this victory mainly to
their splendid team work. The score
stood one to one at the end of the first
cpiarter and four to four at the end of the
third. The best showing of our team was
in the last quarter when they
their score up to such an extent
won 9 to 4.
ALUMNAE—March 21
Our team finished the season in
style by beating the Alumnae 20-7.
game was hotly contested and well played
throughout. A number of fouls were call-
ed on both teams.
that we
Page One Hundred Nine
®lje ®itg n' 3Mar
Every one agrees that the Freshmen-Sophomore tug-o’-war of 1924
T? was the best one that has ever been held. Altough this success was due
especially to the splendid organization and hard work of the two teams,
a large part of it may be attributed to the interest taken by the whole
school in the event. On September the twelfth, after school closed, the
entire student body—or most of it at any rate—marched down to Miller
Park behind the band. When we reached the park, the Freshmen lined
up on one side of the wading pool and began cheering enthusiastically
for their boys, while the Sophomores answered defiantly from the other
side. The whole school was excited, and the lower classmen became
almost frantic at tense moments.
The first of the three pulls was the hardest fight of all. For a long-
time—we thought it was a long time, but it -was only two minutes—it
looked as though neither side would win. But finally the Sophomores
pulled so hard that the Freshmen began piling up on the rope at the very
brink of the pool. At the end of three minutes no one had gotten his
feet wet; however, it was without doubt a
a few seconds more would certainly have
The second pull the Freshmen dragged
the pool in considerably less than the three minutes allowed.
Sophomore victory, because
witnessed the doom of the
their opponents clear across
Every one,
especially the Freshmen rooters, was certain that the first year boys were
going to win the thud lound, too; but the Sophomores, althoug-h they
had the slipperiest ground over which to pull, turned the tables on the
Freshmen and won the tug-o’-war gloriously.
Mi. Emmet Wilson was the Sophomore coach and Frank I left the cap-
tain. The Freshmen were led by Mr. Sands and Edward Ray.
Page One Hundred Ten
(Sfielb dHHeef, 1924
■Tlie U_-l field meet yas held in May. We were fortunate enough to
have a cleai day on which to hold the meet. About noon according to
otii custom all the schools of the city assembled with their banners and
the grand review took place. The students marched by the grandstand
and into the arena where they saluted the flag and disbanded. Three
thousand boys and girls marched past the reviewing stand and about two
thousand of the citizens of Lancaster witnessed the spectacle. Later in
the afternoon a beautiful May pole dance was held before the throne of
the Queen of the May, .Marcella Rabe.
The athletic events continued all day and on either the field or track
some interesting contest was taking place all the time. Great credit is
due to Mr. Wallace for managing the events so that they progressed with
so much precision.
The fair grounds was alive with spectators as it might have been
during fair week, and every one went home in the evening with the same
mingled sensations of satisfaction and weariness as they do on those
pleasant autumn days. , 2 . , . .
The standing of the classes in the meet was determined from then-
success in the events of the day, and also from the points gained in the
baseball and tennis tournaments and from the showing in the i e\ iew .
Orval Stuckey and Edwin Davies were the track managers, and these
boys received letters for their valuable services and honest efforts to make
the day a success.
Page One Hundred Eleven

©Ips Vigorous (varrior fnljo feareb no
man yet lobeb eberu man, fount* Ips
greatest moments of relaxation romping
fuitlj Ips son. JBfuorb ant* tljougl]ts
of military strategy fuere put asibe to
play Ijorse foiflj gillie. tljongljts
of tlje bailu tasks must be laib asibe by
tlje stubent, to lauglj anb play tfyat to-
morrofo may be brighter. 0 0

Talk About Hard
Not the Queen of May
But Queen of Many
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips
Newly Weds
Oh, Come On
Cleopatra On The
Page One Hundred Fourteen
A Western Story
Gypsy Rover Guarding The Gate
Boys Relva and Frances
A Terrible Bunch
Two Headed Oliver
Little Catherine
A Thomas But
Still A Girl
Why Men [.eave Home
Sure Good
Making Their Men of Snow
I low Domestic
Babies Drink From Bottles
Looking At The Sun
The Universal Housewife
Off For a Hide
The Strain
On The Fence
Page One Hundred Sixteen
j-o u
for his soup, ‘'have
Well you ought to go. You would
joy seeing the turtles whizz past.”
(gnns anil Wisr (Erarks
It is estimated that a vocabulary of 800
words is sufficient for ail purposes except
a tire blowout.
eyes as she entered the butcher's and said
in a withering voice
Mr. Eichboan, how do you account for
the fact that there was a piece of rubber
tire in the sausage I bought here yester-
“Ah, my dear madam,” responded the
meaningly. "Good
ed the young swain
Saturday night
fifteen minutes
ever been to the
butcher, rising to the occasion, “that just
serves as an illustration of how the motor
Tor the
he said
car is replacing the horse everywhere now-
Two gentlemen wee uncertainly flivver-
ing their way' home from a party. “Bill,”
said Henry, "I wancha to be very careful.
At a local movie, recently, one of the
actors was a big champanz.ee,
"Oh. look at the bamboo,” said one
"That ain't no bamboo,” corrected her
companion. "That’s a boomerang.”
First thing ya know you'll have us in the
“Me?” said Bill in astonishment, "Why I
thought you were chivin'.”
Cheer Leader (to girls): “Lets go, girls.
Show them your purple and gold sup-
Pa. “I reckon daughter, that young
man’s watch must be fast.”
Blackie: “What makes you think so. Pa?"
Pa; “Why, when you were seeing him
out the door last night, 1 heard him say.
‘Just one,’ and it was only eleven o’clock."
A certain young man (not Harry Lauder)
took his lady love to the movies recently.
No mention was made of refreshments
when the show was over. Back at her own
doorway the girl, feeling his neglect, sar-
Anatomy Professor:
names of the bones
Mr. Page: “Dice.
Does she
i n
" W hat
are the
hand, Mr.
cute little dolly.
“Oh. what
say ‘mamma’ when you squeeze
"Naw, my dolly’s a modern doll.
oh boy’ when you squeeze her.’
Principal Hickson (at the banquet): “But
why haven't you brought your wife?
Supt. Phillips: "Dear, dear, how care-
less of me—and I tied a knot in my hand-
kerchief, too.”

Hickory, dickory, dock,
The mouse ran up her sock;
I looked in fun;
She socked me one.
Hickory, dickory, dock.
Pat was along a river on a fine summer
day, and to his surprise, noticed a person
struggling in the water, and shouting,
"help, help, I cannot swim, I cannot swim.”
"Neither can I.” shouted Pat. "but I don’t
go around bragging about it.”
Don Lantz:
of shoes that
Clerk: “So
“I would like to see a pair
would fit my feet.”
would I.”
Page One Hundred Seventeen
'K Prof. Johnson (excitedly over the tele-
\ phone): “Is this the Fire Department?
"Yes” answered a voice, “What do you
fe-,'? ■ want?” . ..
V C/ Prof. Johnson: “How far is it to the
A A nearest alarm box. My laboratoij is on
tire and 1 must send the call in at once'
C-* Clock: "Cuckoo, cuckoo!"
tt Outlate: “Hurrah -prings here.’’
a “All aboard,” cried the conductor.
p- “Hol’on,” cried a feminine voice, “wait
i . till ah get my clothes on.”
The entire car full turned and craned
their neck expectantly. Auntie got on
with a basket of laundry.
Manufacturers of lamp posts report a
"I hear Ted is wearing glassses now. Do
they improve his looks’
“Yes, about fifty feet or so.”
Oliver drove up and stopped, it was even-
ing, Wilber approaches.
“Ah, 1 see your beacon has ceased its
“What!” gasped the astonished Oliver.
"Your illuminator, I say, is shrouded in
inmitigated oblivion.”
“I don’t quite—”
“The effulgence of your irradiator has
“My dear fellow—”
“The transversal ether oscillations in
your incondenser have been discontinued.”
Just then a little boy came over and
said, “Hey, fellow, your lights out.”
falling off in business.
Teacher: “Give me an example of a col-
lective noun.”
Freshie: "Garbage.”
Breddern and sistern, I exportations yo’
befor’ de Lord and dis congregation, neb-
ber to, on purpose aforesaid, disrespect a
man because his clothes iss po’. Many a
patched pair of britches covers a kind an'
honest heart.
Our idea of a dumb guy is one who
strikes a match at midnight to see what
time it is by the sun dial.
Mother: “What are you studying now?"
Student: "We have just taken up the
subject of molecules.”
Mother: “I hope you will be very at-
tentive and practice constantly, I tried to
get your father to wear one, but he could
not keep it in his eye.”
The time is now here when a young
man has to make one of his most import-
ant decisions. Where to put a dozen dif-
ferent dew dads after he stops wearing his
"Abbie’s cold is better and we’ve still
got a box of cough drops left.”
“Oh, vot extravigance. Tell Izzie to go
out and get his feet wet.”
"Gwan man you ain’t go no sense no-
“Well, if I ain’t go no sense what’s dis
yere haid for?”
“Dat thing? Dat ain’t no head, man,
dat’s jest the bottom on top your body to
keep yuh backbone from unravelling.”
Ethel (just after operation for appen-
dicitis.: “O doctor, do you think it will
Doctor (musingly); “It should not.”
Officer: "Say are you looking for trou-
Citizen: “Yeah, you seen my wife?”
Ros: “I hear you received a letter the
other day from your brother.” yj//
Ed: “Yes I did.”
Ros: “Did it say anything important?”
Ed: "Darned if I know, I didn’t open it. //
It said on the outside of the envelope, /”/■ pj,
‘Please return in five days,’ so I sent the
darned thing back.” zip,
‘Liza, didja wear them flowahs ah sent / f
T didn’t wear nothing else but, Black
Boy.” H7
‘Lawd, gal wheah did ya pin iin?" V’T-?
Page One Hundred Eighteen
A man was going down a very steen in-
cline on a very icy day. When he got to
the steepest part, his feet slipped out from
under him and he sat down. Immediately
in front of him a large lady was proceed-
ing down the incline with great care ami
dignity, when his feet slipped, they struck
the feet of the large lady and she promptly
sat down on him. They were going too
fast to change their position and by the
time they arrived at the bottom, his sense
of humor had asserted itself. He said,
“Madam, you will have to get off now; this
is as far as I go."-
Dear Old Lady (as broadcaster sneezes):
“O dear, now I suppose I shall catch a
It happened at a dinner in honor of a gr
number of famous artists. The conversa- •
tion turned to art. iC\
Said one of them: “The other day I
painted a deal board in imitation of marble
with such accuracy that on being thrown z'd
into the water it immediately sank to the AM
Faugh! said another. “The other day I
hung my thermometer on the easel sup-
porting my picture of the north pole. It
fell at once to twenty degrees below frecz-
That’s nothing, remarked a third artist:
“My portrait of a prominent millionaire
was so lifelike that it had to be shaved
twice a week.”
June (relating story):
burglars entered the clock
Dick: “Which one?”
“Just as two
struck one.”
“How many children have you, Rastus?”
“Six, my wife had twice three times and
we named them Kate and Duplicate, Max
and Climax, Pete and Repeat."
"What’s all the noise?”
“Oh, that’s just a barber trying to shave
“But why all the noise?”
“He’s trying to persuade himself to have
a shave.”
Mother: "Jessie, the next time you hurt
that kitty, I am going to do the same thing
to you. If you slap it, I’ll slap you. If
you pull its ears. I’ll pull yours. If you
pinch it, I’ll pinch you. There now.”
Jessie (after a moment’s thought)
“Mamma, what’ll you do if I ptdl its tail?”
Mr. Neff: “Why do you sit there and
scratch your head?”
Guy R.: “I’m the only one that knows
its itching.”
A stranger walking along the road, pass-
ed an old darkey. He began talking with
him and found out that the old darkey
had known George Washington.
Ham: “I ain’t never fell for no woman,
iak no where, no time.”
•"•csv Parker: “Niggah you may not a fell.
you sho’ has done some slippen’ an’ slidin’.”
Captain: “Did you give the prisoner the
third degree?”
Copper: “Yes, sir. We browbeat and
badgered him with every thing we could
think of.
zk Captain: "What did he do?
Copper: “He dozed oft and merely said
L now and then, ’Yes my dear, you are per-
GshjtJi fectly right’.”
Jinks: “I’m a man of few words.”
U Smith: “I’m married, too.”
"I suppose you remember when Wash-
ington crossed the Delaware?" he asked.
“Deed I does, boss. I steered dat boat,"
was the reply.
"And do you remember when he took a
hack at that cherry tree?”
“Deed I do. I drove dat hack myself."
A young lady not familiar with the
language of the railroad men happened to
be walking near the depot where a freight
train was being made up. One of the
brakemen shouted: “Jump on her when she
comes by, run her down by the elevator
and cut her in two and bring the head up
to the depot.” Screaming “murder" the
young lady fled from the post.

Page One Hundred Nineteen
Mary had a little lamp,
\ ’Twas trained without a doubt,
,5?\ For every time her sweetie came
Qj , The little lamp went out.
y*1 In this life’s battle we’re forced to crow,
Or be beaten by another—this you know.
O Call it brag, or bluster, or shout,
[1 It’s spread the "bull” or 'down and out.
The near-sighted man and his wife were
inspecting the latest art exhibition with
i critical care.
"That’s the ugliest portrait I’ve ever
seen,” striving vainly for a better view of
the abomination.
"Try the next one then,” advised the
wife. “You are looking at yourself in a
mirror now.”
"Santa Claus certainly was good to that
Overheard in a cell house:
Officer: "Why do you stand before the
mirror with your eyes closed?”
Inmate: "I wanta see how I look when
I'm asleep.”
Jones, a gloomy sort ol fellow, decitied
to turn a new leaf so he went home whistl-
ing, kissed his wife and the kids, then pro-
ceeded to shave and clean up for dinner.
When the meal was over, he insisted on
washing the dishes and sang lustily as his
wife looke don in amazement. l ite job
finished he took off his apron and found
his better half in tears.
"Why, what’s the matter, my dear,” he
“Oh, everything's gone wrong today,” she
said. “The clothes line broke and let the
wash down in the dirt. The twins got in
to a fight at school and came home with
black eyes. Mary fell down and tore her
dress and to cap the climax, here you came
home drunk.”
“See what he put in her stockings.”
Aunt Dinah (to her son and heir): “Heah
ya Cotton C Doyle Johnsing, yo take dat
here keq outen yo motif. Yo wanta git
Minnie: “Be yo all sneezin’, honey?”
Rastus: “No, ah ain’t sneezin’ honey;
ah’se sneezin’ sneeze. What you think
mah nose is, a bee hive?”
Police Judge: “With what instrument
or article did your wife inflict these
wounds on your face and head?”
Mike: "Witha motter, yer anner.”
Police Judge: “A what?”
Mike: “A motter-won o’ these frames
wid ‘God Bliss Our Home’ in it.”
Roop: "I have a Ford, what car have
Visitor: "A Packard.”
Roop: “Well, that’s a good car too.”
Hattie: “I wish I knew something to
keep the chap off my lips.”
Dolly: “Ever try onions?”
Goof: “I called on Twila last night and
I wasn't any more than inside the house
before her mother ask me my intentions.”
Gob: “That must have been embarrass-
Goof: "Yes, but that’s not the worst of
it, Twila called from upstairs and said,
that isn’t the one, mother.”
A young business man who was deacon
in the church was going to New York on
business and while there was to purchase
a new sign which was to be hung up in
front of the church advertising a new
movement in the church. He copied the 'M'
motton and dimensions of the sign but Zcp
went to New York and left the paper in
his coat at home. When he discovered //.
that he left the paper at home, he wired
is wife. “Send motto and dimensions.” An KiAM
our later a message came over the wire
and the young lady clerk who had just \ V ?
come from lunch and knew nothing of the I11
previous wire, fainted. When they looked
at the message she had just taken they
read, Unto us a child is born, six feet (?
long and two feet wide.” V-T-7
Page One Hundred Twenty
The far-famed Piedmont Quartette arrived in Lancaster last evening via A La
Forda. The High School Sanatorium was filled to overflowing by the artistically am!
dramatically inclined. The occasion marked the farewell appearance of this famous
organization. The Members of the front line are:
Mr. Ralph Hammitt
Mr. Raymond Roop.........................................
Mr. Guy Rockey...
Mr. Rosslyn Cline.
..Coloratura Bass
Soprano Obligato
___Tenor Robusto
..Basso Profanedo
The program was as follows:
Part One
I Overture................................................“The Four Nuts”
If "Laughing Song” from the Opera "Hyena”............Messrs. Rockey and Roop
HI Aria-—“Christopho Columbo” from “Amerique”...................Mr. Hammitt
IV Coo-Coo from “Bombo"...........................................Mr Cline
Part Two
III "Wild Papa”-----
"Vampin’ Sal”
“Nothin' But” —
"Louisville Lou”
"I Wonder What Became of Sally”
_____"The Four Jolly Bums"
-Messrs. Roop and Hammitt
Roekey, Roop and Hammitt
__Mr. Roop
Mr. Rockey
There was thunderous applause from J. J. Phillips and the boys consented to sing,
“California Here I Come,” dedicated to their leader Mr. Ralph Hammitt. They closed
triumphantly, ami magnificently, with a resounding crashing cresei do of voluminous
sound, a farewell to the greatest Coloratura Bass that ever sang. F. L. J.
Page One Hundred Twenty-one
(3ln (Bsneral
®lps (Annual is ilje probuct of a full
gear’s Eoorh. 339e Ijabe abbeb ntano
nefo features, inclubing a] befinite
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torical accuracy anb continuity. (At
tlje same time foe Ija&e attempteb to
slight no plpxse of stubent activity or
stub ent life. 0 0
orc ulus
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Page One Hundred Twenty-four

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