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1912 New Haven High School Yearbook in Connecticut
1912 New Haven High School Senior Class Book
1912 New Haven High School Mr. Charles Kirschner
1912 New Haven High School Senior Year Information
1912 New Haven High School Member of the Class
1912 New Haven High School Class Officers and Committees
1912 New Haven High School Building
1912 New Haven High School Senior Members of School Circle
1912 New Haven High School Senior Basketball Team
New Haven High School Athletic History of the Class of 1912
1912 New Haven High School Vintage Advertising
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1912 New Haven High School Yearbook in Connecticut
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1912 New Haven High School Senior Class Book
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1912 New Haven High School Mr. Charles Kirschner
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1912 New Haven High School Senior Year Information
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1912 New Haven High School Member of the Class
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1912 New Haven High School Class Officers and Committees
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1912 New Haven High School Building
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1912 New Haven High School Senior Members of School Circle
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1912 New Haven High School Senior Basketball Team
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, New Haven High School Athletic History of the Class of 1912
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 1912 New Haven High School Vintage Advertising

1912 New Haven High School Yearbook in New Haven, Connecticut *Senior Class Book 1912

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Digital download of 1912 New Haven High School yearbook in New Haven, CT. This item is a scanned copy of the original yearbook. This yearbook has photos of the school and students, including individual portrait photos of seniors. The yearbook also has information about students and activities at the school. The yearbook is about 104 pages long. There are numerous photos in the yearbook, some faculty, some students, and some athletic teams. However, the seniors are in one class photo. The name of the yearbook is The Senior Class Book 1912.  The City of New Haven is located in New Haven County, Connecticut. ***DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ONLY (PDF Format File)*** Please review all of the sample photos. Send us an email if you want us to check to see if a name is in the year book.

Yearbook Name

Senior Class Book


New Haven, Connecticut (New Haven County)

Additional Information
Senior Book
Baton Bifil) Srtool
Members of the Board
Alexander L. Taks.
Robert E. Persky,
DeLancy Colvin,
Margcerite Hull,
Thomas Dough an,
Clayton Phillips.
Florence Beecher.
William T. Gran field.
\lfred E. Fitzsimmons, Marion Gilbert,
Chester Mills, James Foley.
This Book is Gratefully Dedicated
By Tile
Recognition of His Fine Work and Regard
Freshman Year
THE most important events of the Freshman year of any
class may generally be summed up in these few words.
Toward the middle of January the braids of the young
ladies go up and the trousers of the young gentlemen go
down. Each year, of course, has its own ups and downs, but
these that have been mentioned belong more especially to the
Freshman class.
Another distinguishing occurrence of our Scrub year was
the rise and fall of the pompadour. That. in truth, was a sad
happening. Just when we got used to seeing an inverted shoe
brush on the head of everything masculine, the fad died a sudden
death and there ensued frantic and unsuccessful efforts to hide
the former slvle of hairdressing.
The Freshman Athletic history of our class has been told
in another place. But of one of the football teams the poet has
said :
A little gasp. Farewell! 'Tis o’er.
Another soul in heaven ;
Is what our inmost hearts would fear
As we view the Scrub "eleven.”
W’e were the last Freshmen who had the privilege of meet-
ing certain “distinguished seniors” at Sorority teas and receptions.
Only think of the 1913 Scrubs and all the rest who will never
have a chance to make their first “break” (both meanings, please)
—into society by standing on one foot in a crowded room for
about an hour and wondering uneasily just how long one ought
to stay at a reception.
New Haven High School Class Book.
Still, those receptions were given in a kindly spirit and
brought about better understanding and friendliness between
the various classes.
Could the Freshman class of 1912 have gazed into the
future and seen the graduating class of to-day, they would have
wondered very much at its restricted membership. For the
original class of 1912 was one of the largest on record. We
certainly think it was the best, and no one can dispute the fact
that it was one of the liveliest. For the doings of some of the
rooms have passed into the legendary history of New Haven
High. There was room ten, in which our weightiest Freshman
sat. This personage settled all his disputes when he was a Scrub
by the simple method of sitting on anyone who opposed him,
thereby proving the truth of the ancient saying. “Some people are
born great, others acquire greatness, and others have greatness
thrust upon them.”
W ell, time went on. and we became Seniors. Soon we will
be Freshmen again in the school of life, and may we. looking
back, see all our sorrows in the softened, humorous light in which
we now view our little pig-tailed, bloomcred selves of four years
Hazel M. Robinson.
Sophomore Year
ON THE ninth of September. 1909. the members of the
class of 1912. rejoicing, returned again to I I igh School,
no longer objects of derision and scorn, no longer an-
swering meekly to the name of “Scrub." but instead, care
free Sophomores, eager to display their new dignity before the
school and intent upon giving the Freshmen lessons in manners
that wotdd long be remembered. But alas, where were the
Freshmen! They were banished from the sight of the upper-
classmen and were enjoying a special session in the afternoon,
much to our sorrow, for we were the first class deprived of the
sight of the verdant, embarrassed "Scrubs.’’
Scarcely had we settled down to the routine of the year when
the football season opened with a victory for New Haven, as
usual. Sad to relate, however, the good work did not go on. but.
owing to some changes made in the team, out of eight games New
Haven won only three. The basketball season was very success-
ful though, and elated by many victories we took heart again.
\\ hile the boys were cheering for the football team the girls
were busy attending the teas given by B. T.—. Alpha Alpha, Phi
Sigma, and Kappa Mu Sigma. The Junior Fair, even more suc-
cessful than usual, was another event of interest about that time.
Returning from the Christmas vacation we all began to look-
forward to the Radiator entertainment and dance to be given
January 28th. Needless to say we all attended it for. as Sopho-
mores. we felt our presence was needed to make the affair a suc-
cess. Later came the Crescent, another great social event for us,
and even now we remember with pleasure the clever farce. "A
Substitute Romeo." given as part of the entertainment.
New Haven High School Class Book.
The coming of spring brought the call for candidates for the
baseball team, and as a result of the enthusiastic way in which
the boys responded we had a most successful season.
Interested in following our victorious baseball team we
failed to notice that the spring months had down and that June
and "exams'' were rapidly approaching. The preparations of the
Seniors for graduation, however, made us suddenly realize that
our Sophomore year was drawing to a close, so we immediately
began to study, or rather, to “grind.” Our excuse for our sudden
industry was that we were just getting in practice for Junior
year, though it seems to me that examinations were the greatest
cause. Thus, while busily engaged building bridges for Caesar,
battling with Geometry, and being initiated into the mysteries of
German or Greek, our Sophomore year ended, a most happy and
successful one for 1912.
Just before the closing of the winter term there came an
event which will long be remembered by the members of the
school. This was the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of
Hillhouse High School. 'Hie graduates gave tis a very interest-
ing and enjoyable entertainment in honor of it. and, filled with
awe for such learned people, we Sophomores turned out in ftdl
force to hear the speeches and songs.
Ruth C. Monson.

Junior Year
WILL we ever be able to forget how dignified we felt, as
we returned in the fall of 1910! W ith what spirit and
determination we entered into our Junior Year! We
were proud to be Juniors, although the Seniors were
still above us.
\\ e were now fairly started and had become used to the
routine of life in our third year. Everyone had been told that
this would be the hardest of all four years; but we, nevertheless,
took things as they came and I believe no Juniors of Xew Haven
High School have ever done as well as our Juniors of this class
of 1912.
'Die bovs were struggling hard in their athletics, while the
girls were busy trying to make the annual Junior Fair a success.
On the afternoon of December loth, many people, young and
old, went to the school library, where they found numerous
dainty and useful articles which they might purchase. The idea
of a Japanese affair was seen throughout the hall with its decora-
tions and even our pretty classmates transformed themselves into
Japanese maidens. W hen it was over, it was voted by all the
most unique and pleasing fair ever given by the girls of any
Junior Class. Their proceeds were turned into the Gymnasium
In relating these facts of this year, let us not pass over the
dances of the season, which were given by different fraternities.
Among them were “Radiator Entertainment and Dance" and
“Crescent Entertainment and Dance." The people attending
these dances voted them both a great success. Another dance.
which came about this lime, was the Senior Prom, to which only
a verv favored few were invited.
New Haven High School Class Book.
I 1
The real excitement of the whole year began with the usual
preliminary election of officers for the coming year. Our presi-
dent was chosen from Hillhouse. Mr. Pardee being the honored
one. The officers were certainly worthy of their positions and
all except the president stood by us until the end of the Senior
A day which will never be forgotten by us was when we
first wore our class pins with “1912” on them. The term was
nearing a close and we were looking forward with great expecta-
tion to our summer vacation. Thus, the joys and sorrows of our
Junior year in this beloved school were ended. Still, we were
gaining one more step toward our goal of learning and content-
ment seemed to be our king at the closing of this eventful year.
Florence F. Beecher.
Senior Year
i. f/q
NOTHER vacation quickly passed and we returned to
school tilled with a sense of our responsibility as Seniors.
“ Old friendships were renewed and new ones formed.
Under the direction of Mr. Kirschner, as Headmaster,
s started with a vim. For three years we had regretted the
?r in which we had started each year, and were determined
cit by our xperience.
: the fall Bernard Tommers took up his duties as coach for
teams. A former high school pupil himself, he took
interest in raising the standard of athletics. The football
with Granfield as captain, responded nobly to his efforts,
four games, tying two, and losing only three. More
pirit was shown than before, both boys and girls attend-
■: games in numbers. The Thanksgiving game with Crosby
> hool drew the largest crowd of the season.
?.e I'hi Sigma Dance opened the social season on November
roJowed by the Alpha Iota Epsilon Dance, both of which
; with flying colors.
• December 8th our Senior Class elections took place, and
e :.r-t time since J908 the office of president went to Hill-
Olr.er receiving the honored position. Almost all of the
'/•Y. cr- were re-elected.
■ next day the Junior girls held their fair in the High
Eibrary, adding a good round sum to the gymnasium fund.
:’>r -cized this opportunity to celebrate the election of
'"ding day.
*ma began the twenty-second of December, and in
' Gamma Subscription Dance took place, proving a
p ' '
Xew Havex High School Class Book.
()n the second of January we returned to school for the
largest and hardest term of the year. I he social season was now
at its height. I'he Sigma Lambda Xu. the Theta Sigma, and
I'heta Kho dances followed each other in close succession, leav-
ing pleasant memories behind Meanwhile the basketball team
was gaining laurels for itself and the school. Manager Toole
had arranged a line schedule and the team was well supported
by the students. Out of twenty-seven, we won eighteen.
This year there were several girls’ basketball teams, but
that of the Academic course was the best, winning nearlv even*
game which was played.
The ninth of February saw the “Radiator Entertainment and
Dance’’ at Music Hall. The entertainment, consisting of stunts
by Chester De \ ere and a one-act farce entitled. “Too Much
.Married.’’ was greatly enjoyed.
Although there have been more members in the Athletic
Association this year than formerly, the treasury was none too
full. An entertainment given on March 15th and the hard work
of the committee, coaches, and those who took part was fully
repaid. About $220 was handed over to the association.
()n April 19th the Senior Class Dance was held at Music
Hall. The decorations of light blue and while were, in places,
completely hidden by scores of pennants and banners, represent-
ing a large number of schools and colleges all over the country.
The grand march, led by I'resident ()liver. was an impressive
sight, about 150 or 200 couples participating. This dance added
about eighty dollars to the treasury.
The “Crescent Entertainment and Dance " took place on
May 3rd at Music Hall. After a program by the Yale Fresh-
men Musical Clubs, a one-act play. “ I'he Burglar.” was pre-
sented. followed by a program of sixteen dances.
Then came the Focus. Sigma Lambda Xu. and Alpha lota
Epsilon dances, each one proving successful and a lilting close
to the Senior vear.
New Haven High School Class Book.
Now we have at last reached graduation, the goal to
which we have looked for so many years. W e arc all glad to
receive diplomas, but regret to leave the school where we have
passed four such enjoyable years. In after years may we look-
back from them with great pleasure, ever inspired by our school
motto. ‘‘Quod facis, bene fac.”
R. G. F. B.
Members of the Class
BERNICE ADAMS, Gen. Acad. 1162 Chapel St. Prepared at
Dwight School. Member Phi Sigma, N. 11. H. S. A. A., Senior Dickens
Chib, Senior Shakespeare Club. Will enter Mrs. Langszetelle’s School,
N. Y.
ERANK WILLIAM ADAMS, Col. 1’rcp. 194 Dixwell Ave. Pre-
pared al Winchester School. Member of Police Club, Regular Baseball
and Senior Football Teams. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, stud^
of law.
JAMES R. AHEARN, Col. i'rcH 82 Poplar St. Prepared at
Orange St. School. Associate Editor Focus; member of N. H. I I. S.
Debating Society, Forum. Police Club, Junior Baseball Team and Focus
League. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, study of law.
JOSEPH ALDERMAN, Hill. Scicn. 8 Factory St. Prepared at
Cedar School. Member Gollikels. Will enter Yale. Future occupation.
MARTHA .ALDERMAN. Com. 102 Davenport Ave. Prepared at
Cedar St. School. Member Senior Dickens and Shakespeare Clubs and
I'ocus League. Future occupation, stenographer.
ESTHER B. ALLEN, Girls’ Grit. 285 Alden Ave. Prepared at
Westville Grammar School. Member Theta Rho. Mather Debating
Society, Senior Shakespeare Club. Future occupation, study domestic
science at Drexel Institution.
J. SHELDON ALLING. Hill. Scicn. Tyler City, Conn. Preparol
at Orange Center School. Member A A. —Freshman and Sophomor-'
Debating Clubs, Sophomore Baseball Team, Senior Hockey Team, Busi-
ness Manager Radiator. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, electrical
New Haven High School Class Book.
JACOB ALPERT, Board. Scion. 680 Dixwell Ave. Prepared al
Washington School N. H H. S. A. A., Mather Debating Society. Will
enter Shelf.
ALEXANDER R. AMOS. Com. 7 Eld St. Prepared at Orange
School. Member Senior Football Team. Member Senior l ootball Team.
School. Member Senior Football Team. Captain Senior Basketball
Team. Member of Class Day Committee. Future occupation, traveling
ESTELLE ARMSTRONG, .lead. 70 Lyon St. Prepared at Sacred
Heart School. Member New Haven Girls’ Baketball Team. Membci
Senior Dickens Club. Future occupation, teacher.
EARLE 1). BAILEY, Board Scion. 88 Clark St. Prepared at
Orange St. School.
OTIS BACON. Com. Taylor Ave.. East Haven. Prepared at
Union Grammar School. Future occupation, stenographer.
MORRIS BAILEY, Hill Scion. 90 Prince St. Prepared al Cedar
St. School. Member Focus, Forum, member regular basketball team.
sect. Golikclls 1911 and 1912 football teams, All-Star Basketball Team
Will enter Yale. Future occupation, forester.
DAVID BAKER, Hill Scion. 125 Court St. Prepared at Cedar
St. School. Member regular Basketball Team 1911-1912. Member Inter-
class Football Teams 1908. 1909. 1910, 1911. Future occupation, agri-
Scranton School.
Will enter Yale.
BALD, Hill Scion. 53 Kensington St. Prepared at
Member 0. —. Fraternity. Golikclls, N. H. H. S. A. A.
pared at Washington
N. H. H. S. A. A.
BARRY, Col. Brel'. 226 Washington Ave Pre-
School. Member of Senior Shakespeare Club and
Will enter Normal School. Future occupation,
ROLAND BROOKS BARNUM. Board Scion. 250 Sherman Ave.
Prepared al Roger Sherman School. Member Delta Sigma Kappa.
Mather Debating Society. Junior Hockey Team. Senior Hockey Team
Will enter Yale. Future occupation, electrical engineer.
Members of the Class.
ELEM T. BENEDICT, Hamden. Prepared at Orange St. School
Member of Theta Rho and N. H. H. S. A. A. \\ ill enter lasstl
ETHEL C. B ENG IS, 577 George St. Prepared at Cedar St. Schoo!.
Member of Junior Fair Committee, N H. H. S A A., Dickens Club
Shakespeare Club. Will study elocution.
WILLIAM M. BLAKESLEE, Hoys Gen. North Haven. Prepares
at Strong School. Future occupation, mechanical engineer.
Highwood, Conn. Pre-
pared at Ivy St. School.
HATTIE BORMAN, .lead. 152 Farren Ave. Prepared at Strong
School. Member of Senior Dickens Club. Senior Shakespeare Club.
Future ccupation. teacher.
Prepared at Orange St. School. Member of Phi Sigma Sorority, Maine.'
Debating Society. Senior Prom Committee, Associate Editor of Senior
Class Book, 1912. Will enter Simmons. Future occupation, teacher.
EVELYN ELIZABETH BOOTH. Board Gen. 43 Dorman St.
Prepared at Ivy St. School. Member of Kappa Mu Sigma Sorority
Treasurer of Junior Fair, Secretary Class of 1012, Member of School
Circle. N. H. H. S. A. A., Mather Debating Society. Will enter Normal
JANETTE BOYER. Board Gen. 269 Lighthouse Rd. Morris Cove.
Prepared at Orange St. School. Member of Senior Dickens Club.
Senior Shakespeare Club.
JAMES LEENEY BRACKEN. Hill Scien. 82 Elliot St. Pre-
pared at Scranton St School. Member of Senior Hockey Team.
HERBERT E. BREWER. Board Gen. 503 Ferry St. Prepared at
Strong School. Member of 1912 Pin Committee, Regular Baseball
Team 1912 Future occupation, architectural draughtsman.
Prepared at Strong School.
New Haven High School Class Book.
x, RUCK INGHAM, Board Gen. I University Pl. Pre-
DWIGHT M. BUG hcniber of sigma Lambda Nu Fraternity.
pared at W ebster Sc . , Regular Baseball Team, Class Baseball
Upsilon Sigma SooJ • s Coinmittce> School
X 'S,"t ii^oeiety. Win enter Ya.e Forestry Schoo,.
Future occupation, forester.
ROBERT BURRELL, Board. Scion. 91 Ward St. 0. -
at Cedar St. School. Assistant Treasurer Class 1912. Member
Pin Committee, Upsilon Sigma, N. H. H. S. A. A., Regular
Team 1911-12. Will enter Sheffield. Future occupation, civil
of Class
ELIZABETH BUTLER, Board Gen. 31 % Broadway. Prepared
at Dwight School. Will enter Normal School.
FREDERICK CHURCH BUTLER, Board. Scion. 310 Exchange
St. Prepared at Strong School. Will enter Sbcff. Future occupation.
electrical engineer.
MAY G. BARRY, Coni. 82 Asylum St. Prepared at St. John’s
School. Member of Junior Fair Committee, Senior Shakespeare ami
Senior Dickens Clubs. Future occupation, stenographer.
GEORGIA P. BEALL, Coni. 76 Hudson St. Prepared at Rogf
Sherman School, Future occupation, stenographer.
ALICE BEDELL. Com. 94 Nash St. Prepared at Lovell School.
Future occupation, stenographer.
ESTHER C. BENSON, Com. 227 Pine St. Prepared at Lovell
School. Future occupation, stenographer.
GLADYS M. BLAKESLEE, Col. Pref. 84 Norton St. Prepare.,
Radiator ® 'Cr™an Sc?ooL Member of School Circle. N. H. H. S. A A..
. . oard. Junior Fair Committee. Alpha
l air Committee. Class Dance Committee A A
Vassar. ' ’
Alpha Sorority. Junior
Committee. Will enter
WesS?r'S & BOTS17ORD. Col. Pref.
Dielen nr.a,',m,ar Scl'001' Memb" Of Phi
-tns C Inh and Senior Shakespeare Club.
•57 Blake St. Prepared at
Sigma School Circle, Senior
Will enter Mt. Holyoke.
Member of N. H. S^AR\N W-/03 St‘ Prepared at Webster
A. A. M 111 enter Wellesley.
Members of the Class.
ELSIE E. CARMICHAEL 172 East Rock Rd. Prepared a:
Worthington Hooker School. Will enter Mt. Holyoke.
VERONICA BOLAND, Coni. 180 East St. Prepared at Greene
Si. School. Future occupation, stenographer.
BESSIE BOTV1N1CH. Com. 608 Grand Ave. Prepared at Orange
St. School. Future occupation, stenographer
CLARE B. CALLAHAN. Board Gen. 25 Mai by Pl. Prepared at
Strong School. Member of Kappa Mu Sigma, N H. H. S. A. A., Junior
hair Committee Class of 19:2, Class Day Committee, 1912. W ill ente“
Normal School.
EARLEY E. CAPLE, Col. Brel'. Prepared at Cedar St. School.
Member of Freshman and N. 11. H. S., Debating Society Forum, Police
Club, N. H. 11. S. A. A., Focus, Senior Octette, Executive Committee
of Debating Society. Will enter Yale Law School.
IRENE E. CARMEN, Girls’ Gen. 230 Exchange St
Strong School. Future occupation, trained nurse
Prepared at
CECILIA MARGARET CARR, .lead. 84 Greene St. Prepared at
Hamilton School. Member Senior Shakespeare Club. \Vill enter N01
mal School.
MABEL CECI LI.A CASEY. Board. Gen. 268 Wallace St. Pre-
pared Orange St. School. Member of Senior Dickens Club and Senior
Shakespeare Club. Will enter Normal School. Future occupation,
PATRICK J. CARNEY. Board. Scicn. 2>7 Summer St. Prepared
Hamilton School. Futtue occupation, electrical engineer.
DOMINIC CELOTTO. Col. Brel'. 109 Wallace St. Prepared at
Hamilton School. Member of Police Club, Forum. Focus. N. H. 11. S.,
Debating Society and N. H. H. S. A. A. Will enter Yale.
MARJORIE V. CODY. Com. Cliff St Prepared at Worthington
Hooker School. Member of Kappa Mu Sigma Sorority.
MARJORIE A. CATLIN. Col. Brel'. 181 East Rock Rd. Pre
pared at Worthington Hooker School. Member of Alpha Alpha and
N. H. H. S. A. A. Will enter Vassar.
New 11.wen High School Class Book.
IDA E. COHEN, Com. 776 Grand Ave. Prepared al Orange St.
School. Member of Shakespeare Club, Dickens Club, N. H. H. S.
Debating Society and A. F. O. Will enter Normal School.
ROSE COHN. Com. 543 East St.
Prepared al Lovell School
Future occupation, stenographer.
VINCENT !•'. COFFEY, Col. Prep. 165 Grafton St. Prepared at
St. Francis. Member of Focus, Forum, N. 14. H. S. Debating Society,
Police Club, Assistant Business Manager of Focus. W ill enter Yak
Future occupation, doctor.
pared at Orange St. School.
MARION G. CLARK, Board. Gen. 360 Sherman Ave. Prepared
Scranton School Member Mather Debating Society. Future occupa-
tion, domestic science teacher.
GERTRUDE CLARK. Board. Gen. 31 Bishop St. Prepared al
Lovell School. Member of Mather Debating Society, N. H. H. S. A. A.,
Senior Dickens Club, Senior Shakespeare Club. Will enter Normal
FLORENCE CARLILE CO1T, Girls’ Gen. 22 Baldwin St. Pre-
pared at Cedar St. School. Member of Mather Debating Society.
Senior Dickens Club, Senior Shakespeare Club. Will enter Normal
St. Prepared at Roger Sherman School. Member of Kappa Mu Sigma
HARRIETTE GARFIELD CLARK. Acad. 341 Townsend \ve.
Prepared at Orange St. School. Member of N. H. H. S. A. A.. Senior
Dickens Club and Senior Shakespeare Club. Will enter Barnard College.
Columbia University.
DELANCEY W. COLVIN, Col. Prep. 567 Whalley Ave Pre-
pared at Corning Free Academy. Corning. N. Y. Member of Sigma
I.amda Nu. Upsilon Sigma. Senior Class Book Committee. Golikells.
1912 Class Basketball Team, Upsilon Sigma Declaration Prize Com-
Members of the Class.
JOHN GEORGE CONFREY, Board. Scien. 51 Lincs St. Pre-
pared at Washington School. Member of Freshman Debating Society.
Membership Committee, Indoor Track Team 1911, Outdoor Track Team
1911, Captain Track Team 1912. Member of IV E 3 Club. Senior Peace
Conference. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, student interpreter,
United States Consular Service.
pared at Lovell School. Member of XXX-j- Society.
Future occupation, civil engineer
Linden St. Pre-
Will enter Yale.
KENNETH ELLIOT CRAMPTON, Board. Scion. 51 Linden St.
Prepared at Hooker School. Will enter Yale. Future occupation,
mechanical engineer.
IDA CROOG, Com. 97 ’/s Elliot St. Prepared at Cedar St. Schcjl.
Member of Shakespeare and Dickens Clubs. Will enter Normal Schoo’..
MARY FRANCES CROWLEY, Acad. 246 Putnam St. Prepared
at Sacred Heart School Member of Freshman and Soph. Glee Club.
Senior Dickens Club and Senior Shakespeare Club.
NELSON HOTCHKISS CONE, Board. Gen. 21 Park St. Pre-
pared at Webster School. Captain Senior Hockey Team and Member
of Track Team. Future occupation, architect.
STANLEY DAGGETT, Col. Pref. 284 Orange St Prepared at
Hopkins. Member of Gamma Della Psi, N. H. H. S. A. A., School
Circle, Editor of Crescent Annual and Monthly, Police Club and Senior
Football Team. Will enter Yale
HELEN DANIELS. Col. Brel’. 577 Elm St. Prepared at Roger
Sherman School. Member of N. H. H. S. A. A . Shakespeare Club.
Dickens Club. Will enter Mt Holyoke.
WILLIAM CUMORY DANNER. Boys’ Gen. 25 Judson Ave.
Prepared at Forster Grammar School. Member N H. H. S. -\. A.,
Class Football Team. Future occupation, commercial traveler.
LILLIAN M. DANIELS. Com. 158 Greenwich Ave. Prepared at
\\ ashington School. Captain of Blue Rivals and New Haven Girls’
Basketball Teams. Future occupation, stenographer.
New Haven High School Class Book.
JEANETTE DANZIGER, .hud. 171 Meadow St. Prepared at
k St School. Member of Senior Shakespeare Club. Will enter
\.> '.'..d School.
UF1 EX G. DEANE, Com. 455 Howard Ave. Prepared at Sacred
•wait School. Member of Kappa Mu Sigma Sorority and XXX-J-
KATHERINE DEI-OREST, Col. Pref. 335 Orange St. Prepared
Miss Johnstone’s School. Member of B. T.—, O. R. E., Shakespeare
Cub and X. 11. 11. S. A. A.
WALTER J. DAILY, Board. Scion. 419 Edgewood Ave. Prc-
X.T.V. at Roger Sherman School. Member Sophomore Baseball Team,
S'... Junior and Senior Hockey Teams, Member 1911-12 Regtdar
H.xrkey Team. Will enter Yale.
MAY DOHERTY, Com. 72 Brewster St. Prepared at Ivy St.
S.‘ Will enter Normal School.
RUTH DE LACEY. Col. Pref. 179 Exchange St. Prepared at St.
,'rancis. Member of Senior Shakespeare Club and X. H. H S. A. A
’ L enter Pratt Institute.
RUTH MARGUERITE DOHERTY. Acad. 25 Hallock St. Pre-
care 2 at Cedar St. School. Captain Senior Acad. Basketball Team.
Me—‘>er of Senior Dickens Club Will enter Normal School. Future
ation. teacher.
IRA B. D1CKINTSON, Col. Pref. 92 Dewitt St. Prepared at Hor-
a:e Day School. Will enter Yale Forestry School.
JOHN' VICTOR DOPPENSMITH, Board. Gen. 90 Bassett St.
Prepared at Shelton Ave. School. Member of Senior Football Team.
. occupation, machinist.
MARGARJ'l E DOUGHAN, Acad. 15S Olive St. Prepared a*.
:.‘on School. Member of Senior Dickens Club. Senior Shakespeare
X. H. H. S. A A. and Kay Kays Basketball Team. Will enter
. ’ ~' C. School.
- -'--■.NCES A. DOYLE, Acad. 65 Hallock St. Prepared at Cedar
.'/'/I. Member of Senior Shakespeare and Senior Dickens Club.
. >,■■< upation, teacher.
Members of the Class.
MARY E. DOYLE, Head. 122 Putnam St. Prepared at Sacred
Heart School. Member of Senior Academic Basketball Team. W ill
enter Normal School.
CHESTER ROOT DOWNER, Hill. Scicn. Prepared at Worthing
ton Hooker School. Member of T. A. 'I'., Golikells, N. H. H. S. A. A.
Manager 1912 Baseball Team. Will enter Yale. Future occupation,
mechanical engineer.
ROSE DRAZEN, Com. 80 Broad St Prepared at Cedar St.
School. Member of Debating Society, Shakespeare and Dickens Clubs,
Junior Fair. Will enter Normal School.
LOUISE DRURY, Girls’ Gen. 144 Peck St. Prepared at Orange
St. School. Class Prophet. Will enter Pratt Institute. Future occupa-
tion, kindergarten teacher.
77 Grafton St.
Prepared at
Strong School.
KATHERINE P. ENGLISH 390 Prospect St. Prepared at
Worthington Hooker School. Member of B. T—. Senior Shakespeare
Club. Will enter Vassar.
THOMAS F. DOUGHAN, Board. Scicn. 603 Congress Ave. Pre-
pared at St. John’s R. C. School. Member of 0. and Upsilon Sigma,
Member of Class Dance Committee. Associate Editor of Class Book,
Member of Regular Baseball Team 1911. Captain of Regular Baseball
Team 1912. Member of XXX-|- Society, D. M. A. and N. H. H. S. A. A.
Will enter University of Pennsylvania. Future occupation, bacterio-
logical researches.
WILLIAM G. S. DUCHANNE, Boys' Gen. 398 Edgewood Ave.
Prepared at Roger Sherman School. Member of Senior Hockey Team.
Future occupation, elect! ician.
FRANCIS J. DUNN. Board. Gen. Prepared at Roger Sherman
School. Member of 0. —. Fraternity, Upsilon Sigma, Sophomre, Junior
and Senior Baseball, Basketball and Football Teams. Will enter Yale.
HONORA M. EGAN, Com. Foxon St.. East Haven. Prepared at
Strong School. Will enter Normal School.
New Haven High School Class Book.
MARJORIE EDMUNDSON, Guls’ Gen. 18 Bishop St. Prepared
at Lovell Schoo). Wih enter Drexel Institute. Future occupation,
domestic science teacher
Prepared at Washington School. Member of Senior, Shakespeare and
Senior Dickens Clubs. Will enter Normal School.
THERESA ENGLANDER, Acad. 841 Howard Ave. Prepared at
Cedar St. School. Member of Senior Dickens Club and Senior Acad
Basketball Team. Future occupation, teacher.
WILLIAM BEULL FIELDS. JR.. Board. Scion. 124% Hallock Ave
Prepared at Horace Dax School. Chairman of Senior Peace Conference
Committee. First Tenor IV E3 Octette. Sergeant-at-Arms of the "Nutty
Nine” Club, Member of the Criminal Club. Will enter Yale. Future
occupation, civil engineer.
LOLHS FEINMARK, Col. Prop. 329 Grand Ave. Prepared at
Strong School. Member of Debating Society’, N. H. H. S. A. A., Police
Club, Forum. Will enter Yale Law School.
JOSEPHINE FEELEY, Com. 196 James St. Prepared at S’.
Francis’ School. Future occupation, stenographer.
MABEL FINLEY. Col. Prep. Hamden. Prepared at New Britain
Grammar School. Member of N. II. H. S. A. A. Will enter Wellesley.
CHARLES EVANS. Col. Prop. Stony Creek. Prepared at Hop-
kins School. Will enter Yale.
ROBERT SHERMAN FISHER. Hill. Scion. 734 Orange St. Pre-
pared at Lovell Grammar School. Member of Focus and Golikells
Will enter Yale. Future occupation, architect.
Ave. Prepared at Horace Day School. Member of N. H. H S. A. A.,
Golikells. Alpha Iota Epsilon Fraternity. Chairman of Class Motto Com-
mittee Future occupation, physiological researches.
ALFRED EDWARD l-TTZSlMMONS, Board. Scion. 146 Wash-
ington Ave. Prepared at Sacred Heart. Assistant Business Manager of
Senior Class Book. N. H. H. S. Debating Society. Member Senior Peace
Conference Committee. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, civil
Members of the Class.
JAMES McK. FOLEY, Hill Scion. 5- Derby Ave. Prepared «•
Dwight School. Member of (-). Golikells. Class Book Committee, N. 14.
H. S. A. A., Class Day Committee and Freshman Debating Society.
Will enter Johns Hopkins University. Future occupation, doctor of
RUTH FOOTE, Col. Prep. 285 Lenox St. Prepared at Strong
School. Member of Alpha Alpha and N. H. H. S. A. A. Will enter
Mt. Holyoke.
RUTH ANNA FOWLER, Col. Prep. 121 Grand Ave. Prepared
at Strong School. Member of B. T—, School Circle. N. 14. H. S. A. A ,
Chairlady Class Pin Committee, Trophy Room Committee. President of
Senior Shakespeare Club, Senior Class Treasurer, Editor-in-Chief of
Freshman Hand Book. Will enter Wellesley.
ETHEL MILDRED FOWLER, Girls’ Gen. 114 Kimberly Ave.
Prepared at Horace Day School. Member Theta Rho and Mathc"
Debating Society.
TIMOTHY J. FOX, Col. Prep. Prepared at Orange St. School
Member of 0 -., Police Club. Will enter Yale.
IRENE FONDA. Com. 636 Quinnipiac Ave. Prepared at Strong
School. Future occupation, stenographer.
CLIFTON 14. FRANKLIN. Com. 18 Court St. Prepared at
Orange St. School.
LOUIS I'REEDM \N. Hill. Scion. 126 Washington Ave. Prepared
at Cedar St. School. Member of Golikells, University Preps., Forum,
Senior Basketball and Football Teams. Will enter Yale.
ESTHER FROM AN. Com. 7 William St Prepared at Orange
St School. Member of Shakespeare and Dickens Club. Debating So
ciety and A. F. O. Will enter Normal School.
ETHEL ELINOR PROST, .lead. North Haven. Prepared at
Strong School.
MAE GA1LER, Col Prep. 365 Winthrop Ave. Prepared at Scran-
ton School. Will enter Normal School.
New Haven High School Class Book.
AGNES GARDNER, Com. 360 East St.
School. Future occupation, stenographer.
Prepared at Hamilton
MARGUERITE A. GERTSCH, Com. 624 Quinnipiac Ave. Pre-
pared at Strong School. Future occupation, stenographer.
Strong School. Will enter Shelf.
Scicn. 79 Broadway. Prepared at
Future occupation, electrical engineer.
MARION GILBERT. 61 Kensington St. Prepared at Scranton St.
School. Member of Alpha Alpha Sorority, Mather Debating Society,
School Circle, Assistant Editor Class Book, Junior Fair Committee. Will
enter Normal School of Gymnastics. Future occupation, gymnastic
THOMAS LOUIS GINGOLD, Col. Brep. 109 Sherman Ave. Pre-
pared at Cedar St. School. Member of Focus, N. H H. S. A. A., N. H.
H. S. Debating Society, Police Club and Forum. Will enter Yale.
CHRISTINE GILBERT. Col. Brep. 356 Oak Pl.
Dwight School. Future occupation, undecided.
Prepared at
RUTH GOERING. Col. Brel'. 210 Goffe St. Prepared at Dwight
School. Member of Kappa Mu Sigma and U. of F. Will enter Normal
RUTH GRAVES, Col. Brep. 232 Bradley St. Prepared at Orange
St. School. Member of Theta Rho. Theta Beta Gamma, Shakespeare
ALICE MARGARET GRAHAM, Acad. 252 Poplar St. Prepared
at St. Francis’ School. Member of Kappa Mu Sigma Sorority, Junior
Fair Committee, Assistant Treasurer of N. H. H. S. A. A., Shakespeare
Club. Will enter Norina! School. Future occupation, teacher.
WILLIAM THOMAS GRANFIELD, Board. Scicn. Prepared at
Cedar St. School. Member of 0. School Circle, Assistant Treasurer
N. H. H. S. A. A. 1911. Member of Freshman Football Team and
Debating Society. Regular Football Team 1909-10. Captain Regular Foot-
ball Team 1911. Member Regular Baseball Team 1909-10-11-12, XXX-f-
Society, Senior Peace Conference Committee, Chairman D. M. A. Com-
mittee, Business Manager Senior Class Book. Volume V, Class of 1912
\\ ill enter Princeton. Future occupation, corporation attorney.
Members or the Class. 27
BERNARD GREENBERG, HUI. Scion. 537 George St. Prepared
at Webster School. Member of Golikells. Will enter Yale.
ALEXANDER E. GREENBERG, Com. 21 Spruce St. Prepared
at Webster School. Played on Regular Basketball Team, Freshman
Baseball Team, Senior Football Team and Junior Basketball Team.
Future occupation, stenographer.
ELLA MAY GUILD, .-lead 191 Ivy St. Prepared at Winchester
School. Will enter Normal School.
VERA MARIE HABERLE, Com. 81 Cove St.. Morris Cove Pre-
pared at Strong School.
FRANK HANLON, Boys' Gen. 707 State St. Prepared at Orange
St. School. Member of 0. -., Sophomore Football and Baseball Teams.
Regular Football Team 1910-11, Regular Hockey 1910-11. Regular Bas-
ketball 1912, Regular Baseball Team 1911-12, and XXX-j— Will enter
University of Pennsylvania. Future occupation, electrical engineer.
JOHN THOMAS HAYES, Com. 170 Franklin St. Prepared at
Hamilton School. Future occupation, stenographer.
MARGARET GILL HEALY, .-lead. 3’7 Edgewood Ave. Pre-
pared at Dwight Schooi Member of Thanksgiving Committee, Secre-
tary of the Senior Shakespeare Club. Will enter Normal School
Future occupation, teacher.
GLADYS ETHL1ND HOMAN, .lead. 164 Howard Ave. Pre-
pared at Bay View Seminary, Providence. R. I. Manager of Senior
Acad. Basketball Team. W ill enter Miss Kimball’s School, Worcester,
ROSE ELIZABETH HEYL, Board. Seicn. 19 Foster St. Pre-
pared at Lovell School. Will enter Normal School. Future occupation,
ington Ave. Prepared at Washington School. Member of Junior and
Senior Dickens Club. Will enter Normal School. Future occupation,
HARRIET LUM1NA HITCHCOCK. Board. Gen. 63 Harrison St.,
Westville. Prepared at Westville Grammar School. Future occupation.
New Haven Hic.h Sc hool Class Book.
MARION R. HALL, Col. Prep. 81 Pearl St. Prepared at Orange
St. School. Member of B. T.—. School Circle, N. H. H. S. A. A,
Shakespeare Club, Trophy Room Committee, and Girl Editor of the
CHRISTINA HEDOL1N, Com. 18 Gilbert St.
Heart. Future occupation, stenographer.
School. Future occupation. stenographer.
Heart School.
HORAN, Com. 439 Howard Ave.
Future occupation, stenographer.
GOLDIE HORWITZ, Com. 304 Wallace St.
School. Future occupation, stenographer.
Prepared at Sacred
Prepared at Lovell
Prepared at Sacred
Prepared at Lovell
JAMES HAROLD HOWARD, Board. Gen. 162 Blatchley Ave.
Prepared at St. Francis’ School. Member of Constitution Committee,
Freshman Class Football Team and Regular Football Team in 1909
10-11. Future occupation, electrical engineer.
EDWIN SYDNEY HALL. Hoard. Scicn. 82 Grand Ave. Prepared
at Strong School. Member of N. H. H. S. A. A.
FRED CHRISTIAN HUPICK, Board. Scicn. 555 Congress Ave.
Prepared at Cedar St. School. Member of Regular Track Team ami
N. H. H. S. A. A. and IV E3 Octette.
JOHN W. HEGEL. Board. Scicn.
18 Asylum St. Prepared at
North Branford. Conn. Future occupation, bacteriologist.
ROBERT B. HOWARD, Board. Scicn. 13 Wolcott St. Prepared
at Strong School. Member of N. H. H. S. A. A. Future occupation.
electrical engineer.
BENJAMIN HEYMAN. Hill. Scicn. 37 Silver St. Prepared at
Barrington School. Newark, N. J. Member of Focus Staff, IV ’.
MORRIS HILLMAN, Hill. Scicn. 136 Orchard St. Prepared at
Wooster School. Member of Debating Society. Golikells. Forum, Focus.
N. H. H. S. A. A. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, doctor.
Members of Tin: Class.
ROGER TYLER HOTCHKISS, HU! Scieit. Prepared at Orang:
St. School Member of Gamma Delta Psi, Golikells, Regular Hockey
Team, Class I'ootball Team. Business Manager of Crescent Annual
Assistant Business Manager of Crescent Monthly. Will enter Yale.
MARION HUGHES, Girls’ Gen. 290 Forbes Ave. Prepared at
Strong School. Member of Senior Octette.
MARGUERITE C. HULL, Girls’ Gen. 74 Howe St. Prepared at
Horace Da\ School. Member of Phi Sigma Sorority, School Circle, Sub-
scription Committee, Chairman of the Committee on Drinking Fountains,
Chairman of the Junior Fair Committee, Secretary of the Senior Dickens
Club, Assistant Editor of Senior Class Book, Volume \ , Class of 1912,
and XXX-f Society. Will enter Normal School. Future occupation,
CHARLES H. HUNTLEY, Board. Scien. 223 Lenox St. Prepared
at Strong
Will enter Yale.
FLORENCE A. HURLEY, .-lead. 241 Putnam St Prepared at
Sacred Heart School. Member of Senior Acad. Basketball Team. Will
enter Normal School.
ELLSWORTH A. HURD, Board. Gen. 162 Scranton St. Prepared
at Lovell School. Member of Senior Class Dance Committee. On
Sophomore Football Team and Regular I'ootball Squad in i«>io. Future
occupation, electrician.
CLARK HOPKINS. Col. Pre/'. 299 Lawrence St. Prepared it
Worthington Hooker School. Member of N. H. H. S. A. A.. Tennis
Team. Police Club and Debating Society.
ELIZABETH HOTCHKISS, Col. Prep. 565 Orange St. Prepared
at Miss Johnstone’s School. Member of School Circle, B. T.— and
Shakespeare Chib.
HELEN HORAN. Col Prep. 88 Asylum St. Prepared at St.
John’s School. Member of N. H. 11. S A A. W ill enter Smith College.
Future occupation, teachc r.
FLORENCE HOWARD. Col. Prep. Springside Home. Prepared
at Westville Grammar School. Member of Kappa Mu Sigma and N. II.
H. S. A. A.
New Haven High School Class Book.
MATILDA MAY JOHNSTON, Board. Gen. Highwood, Conn
Prepared at Ivy St. School. Member of Mather Debating and N. H.
H. S. A. A. Future occupation, teacher.
MARY G. JACKSON. 79 Lake Pl. Prepared at Stamford H. S.
Member of Dickens Club.
DORCAS V. JACOBS, Com. S3 Mansfield St. Prepared at Ivy
St. School. Member of N. H. 11. S. Debating Society, Junior Fair and
L. A. D. Club. Future occupation, stenographer.
FREDERICK JOHNSTONE, Com. Whitneyville, Conn. Pre-
pared at Worthington Hooker School. Future occupation, stenographer.
HAROLD JOHNSON, Board. Scicn. 114 High St. Prepared at
Orange St. School. Member of 1912 Baseball and Basketball Teams,
also Regular Baseball Team. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, civil
ERNEST O. JOHNSON, Hill Scicn. 96 Eaton St. Prepared at
Winchester School. Member of Senior Class Football Team and 1910
Class Football Team. Will enter Y ale.
JOHN R. KEMPF, Board. Scicn. 676 Ferry St. Prepared at Lov-
ell School. Future occupation, banker.
JOHN T. KILBRIDE, Board. Scicn. 406 Dixwell Ave. Prepared
Ivy St. School. Member of Senior Hockey Team. IV E3 Octette.
Boardman Chemistry Club. N. H. H. S. A. A., Senior Peace Conference
Committee. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, mining and electrical
DANIEL J. KEANE. Col. Prep. 635 Howard Ave. Member of
N. H. H. S. Debating Society, Police Club. Will enter Y ale Law School.
MAE H. KENNY. Col. Prep. 429 Howard Ave. Prepared at
Sacred Heart. Member of Senior, Shakespeare and Dickens Clubs.
N. H. H. S. A. A. Will enter Smith College.
RUTH E. KNOWLTON. Col. Prep. 68 Park Pl. Prepared at
Dwight School. Member of Dickens Club, N H. H. S. A. A. Will
enter Mt. Holyoke.
Members of the Class.
LOUIS KING, Hill Scion. 619 Congress Ave. Prepared at Nathan
Hale School, New London, Conn. Member Golikells, Class Basketball
Teams 1909-10-11-12, Class Football Teams 1910-11-12, Class Baseball
Teams 1910-11-12. Will enter Sheff. Future occupation, electrical
IRENE KINSGLEY, .-lead. 313 Howard Ave. Prepared at Horace
Day School. Member of Senior Dickens Club and Acad. Basketbai'
Team. Will enter Normal School. Future occupation, teacher.
KATHRYN M. KAVANAGH, Coni. 792 Howard Ave. Prepared
at Washington School. Member of Senior Dickens Club. Senior Shakes-
peare Club, Freshman Glee Club, Junior Glee Club, Com. Junior
Basketball Team.
Prepared at Strong School. Member of N. H. H.
Future occupation, stenographer.
178 Blatchley Ave.
S. Debating Society.
Prepared at Lovell School. Future occupation, stenographer.
ELSIE ELIZABETH KRAI LI NG, Com. 55 Thompson Ave., East
Haven. Prepared at Union Grammar School, East Haven. Member
of Debating Society. Future occupation, will study music.
GEORGE ARTHUR KURTZ. Board. Scion. 29 Gibb St. Pre-
pared at Shelton Ave. School Member 1912 Hockey Team. Future
occupation, toolmaker.
ISADOR KURHON, Col. Prep. 159 Orchard St. Prepared at
Welch School Will cntei Yale Medical School.
DENISON D. LAMBERT. Col. Prep. 163 Bradley St. Prepared
at Orange St. School. Member of Gamma Delta Psi, N. H. H. S. A. A..
Police Club. Assistant Business Manager of Crescent. Will enter Yale.
HAROLD R. LEEKE. Col. Prep. Hamden. Prepared at High-
wood. Member of Police Club. Will enter Yale Forestry School.
PAULINE LAW. Col. Prep 142 Norton St. Prepared at Roger
Sherman School. Member of Alpha Alpha, President of Senior Dickens
Club and N. H. H S. A A. Will enter Yale Music School.
New Haven High St iiool Class Book.
MARGARET LEIGHTON, Col. Prop. 154 Grove St. Prepared at
Orange St. School. Member of B. T.—. N. H. H. S. A. A. and Shakes-
peare Club. Will enter Smith’s College.
REBECCA B. LAP1DES, Board. Scion. 553 Oak St. Prepared it
Scranton St. School.
Strong School.
B. LATTA. Board. Scion. 79 Pine St. Prepared at
Member of Mather Debating Society, N. H. H. S. A. A.
HAROLD S. LEDERER. Board. Scion. 273 Dwight St. Prepared
at Dwight School. Will enter Yale. 1'uture occupation, civil engineer.
NELLIE C. LEDW1TH, Com. 1397 State St. Prepared Lovell
School. Member N. H. H. S. Debating Society. Euture occupation.
ERANCIS LEI BOX 1TZ, Com. 233 Columbus Ave. Prepared at
Cedar St School.
BURTON EDWARD LOVESEY, Board. Scion. 63 Grove St.
Prepared at Strong School Member of Mather Debating Society. N. H.
H. S. A. A.. Delta Sigma Kappa Fraternity and Senior Octette. 1'uture
occupation, study of med.erne.
NATHAN LABOX ITZ. Hill. Scion. 12 Temple St. Prepared at
Orange St. School. Member of Porum. Univerity Preps.. Golikells,
Captain Senior Basketball Team, Senior I'ootball Team, Member o!
Junior I'ootball. Basket! all and Baseball Teams. 1'uture occupation,
study of medicine.
SOLOMON LEVENSTE1N, Hill Scion. 153 Ward
at Cedar St. School Member of Golikells. Honors XX ill
St. Prepared
enter Yale
JOHN LENAHEN. Hill. Scion. 5.1 Williams St. Prepared at
Orange St. School. Member Golikells, Class I'ootball and Basketball
Teams. XX ill enter Yale Euture ccupation. forester.
1SADORE MAURICE LEVINE. Hill. Scion. 126 Oak St Pre-
pared at Cedar St. School. Member of N. H H. S Basketball Tear>
1910-11-12. Capt. 1912 Golikells Will enter University of Pennsylvania.
Euture occupation, dentist.
Members of the Class.
DANIEL FREDERICK LEVY. Hill Scicn. 32 Gold St Prepared
at Cedar School. Member of Executive Committee Freshman Debating
Society. Winner of Mary A. Marshall Prize in Botany. Member of
Gohkells, Assistant Treasurer N. II. H. S. A. A.. Member Senior Con-
stitution Committee, School Circle, Committee on Resolutions on the
Leaving of Dr. Cushing, Chairman of the Committee to Secure Athletic
Coach, Member Sophomore Thanksgiving Committee, Honor Four
Years. Will enter Yale.
ELSIE E. LEINZAPF. Hoard Scicn. 65 Foster St. Prepared at
Lovell School. \\ ill enter Normal School. Future occupation, teacher.
HELEN LOEWENBAL’M, Board. Scicn. 64S Elm St. Prepared
at Cedar St. School. Treasurer of Senior Dickens Club. Member of
Senior Octette and Class Pin Committee. Will enter Normal School.
Future occupation, teacher.
MARY FRANCES LOGAN, dead. 483 East St. Prepared at Ham-
ilton School. Member of Senior Shakespeare and Dickens Club and
N. H. II. S. A. A. Will enter Normal School. Future occupation.
ROBERT MAILHOUSE. Board. Scicn 45 Elm St. Prepared ax
Orange St. School. Member of Basketball Team. School Circle. N. H.
H. S. A. A., Class Football Team. N. H. A. A. Gym. Committee and
the Class Motto Committee, Winner of the Carl Monson Prize in Fresh-
man Year. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, scientific work.
CECIL JOSEPH MARLOWE. Board. Scicn. 84 Asylum St. Pre-
pared at St. John’s Parochial School. Will enter Yale. Future occupa-
tion, electrical engineer.
JAMES JOSEPH MARKHAM. Board Scicn. 45 Wolcott St. Pre-
pared at Strong School Will enter Yale. Future occupation, chemist.
THERESA AGNES MARINAN, Com. 395 Orange St. Prepared
at Strong School. Member of School Circle, N. H. Id. S. Debating
Society, Otsitsia Club. Served on Junior Fair and Member of L. A. D.
EDITH M. MALMQUIST. Com. 278 Peck St. Prepared at Lov-
ell School. Member of New Haven Debating Society. Future occupa-
tion, stenographer.
Nkw II/.7I-. ■ Class Book.
\NNA MA' FAP L/C \s,C< St\. Prepared at Ivy School.
I illuii' i " ‘ llflllt loll, 'A' h'>7 T-.
n-IOMAS >'■ McAVIXEY, Board. Scien. Prepared at Sacred
lh.nl Sfl...I. Member of -Z-. .- Track Teams 1909-10-
ii 1 •, M. iiiIx i of I t- Lman a" and Baseball Teams. Member of
Sop!10more and Junior Football and Baseball Teams, Regular Football
rram |>)|<> II. N. 11. H. <A C.^ss Picture Committee.
Member of <->. Fraternity. Will enter Tale. Future occupation, elec-
trical engineer.
JOHN FREDERICK MCCARTHY. Hill. Scien. 354 Whalley Ave.
Prepared at Strong School. Member of 0. Member of Senior Prom.
Committee and Golikelk Society. N. H. H. i. A. A. High School
Orchestra in 1908, Manager of Soph. F'.ot’.ali Beam. Delegate to Inter-
society Council 1911-12, Member of Ser.: r Octette. Will enter \ale
WALTER JAMES MCCARTHY. Hi.". Scien. 86 Edwards St.
Prepared at Lovell School. Member or Golikells, X. H. H. S. A. A and
1910 Debating Society, Manager of II 32 Football Team. Will enter
Yale. Future occupation, doctor.
Prepared at St. Mary’s School. Future occupation. stenographer.
JOHN ROBERT McCELLAXD. 5. ard. Scien. 485 Winthrop Ave.
Prepared at Roger Sherman. Member of Alpha Iota Epsilon Frater-
nity, N. H. H. S. A. A., Manager of Junior Basketball Team. Member
of School Circle. Assistant Manager of Freshman Hand Book. Treas-
urer of A. A. 1911-12. Member of Mather Debating Society. Chairman
of Class Day Committee. Member of Grafters’ League. Played on
Senior Football Team. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, doctor.
J. RALPH McKAY. Board. Scien. 87 Harrison St. Prepared at
Strong School. Member of Delta Sigma Kappa Fraternity, Upsilon
Sigma, N. H. H. S. A. A.. Mather Debating Society. Senior Peace
Conference. W ill enter University of Pennsylvania. Future occupation.
WILLIAM McKAY, Com. Sot Howard Ave. Prepared at W’eb-
•ter School.
I.XGLISII N. McLAUGHLIX. Hill Scien. 480 Elm St. Prepared
Dwight School. Member of High School Orchestra, Member o:
Members of the Class.
Sophomore Baseball Team and Junior Football Team, Member of
Golikells. Will enter University of Pennsylvania. Future occupation,
GERTRUDE M. MALCOLM, Col. Prep. 106 Bishop St. Prepared
at Lovell School.
SARAH MANTZ, Col. Prep. 144 Minor St. Prepared at Cedar
St. School. Member of Senior Dickens Club, N. H. H. S. A. A. Will
enter Normal School.
MADELINE MASON, Col. Prep. 844 Elm St. Prepared at
Horace Day. Member of Phi Sigma, Shakespeare Club, Dickens Club,
N. H. H. S. A. A. Wil! enter Vassar.
RUTH MONSON, Col. Prep. 314 Humphrey St. Prepared at
Orange St. School. Member of B. T—, School Circle, Senior Dickens
Club, Secretary of School Circle. Will enter Yale Music School.
MOLLIE MONGILLO, Board Gen. 78 William St. Prepared ax
Orange St. School. W ill enter Normal School. Future occupation,
FREDA MENDEL, Gen. Acad. 571 Orange St. Prepared at
Dwight School. Member of Senior Shakespeare Club. Will enter Yale
Music School.
CHESTER D. MILLS. Board. Scicn. 12 Dixwell Ave. Prepared
at Dwight School. Member of Delta Sigma Kappa Fraternity, Upsilou
Sigma, N. H. H. S. A. A . President of Mather Debating Society,
Manager of Senior Football Team, Assistant Business Manager of
Senior Clas Book, Member of Sophomore Football Team. Thanksgiving
collector in 1909.
CHESTER D. MILLS, Board. Scicn. 12 Dixwell Ave. Prepared
at Dwight School. Member of Delta Sigma Kappa Fraternity, Upsilon
Sigma, N. H. H. S. A. A., President of Mather Debating Society.
Manager of Senior Football Team. Assistant Business Manager of
Senior Class Bok, Member of Sophomore Football Team. Thanksgiving
collector in 1909.
JAMES E. MURRAY. Board. Scion. 75 Carlisle St. Prepared at
Washington School. Member of the Yama Gama Club. Senior Peace
New Haven High School Class Book.
Conference, IV E3 Octet. Junior Baseball Team, Senior Baseball
Team. Bearcat Chemistry Club. Will enter Harvard, Future occupa-
tion, engineer.
pared at Sacred Heart School. Member of Senior Dickens Club, N. H.
Debating Society. Junior Fair Committee, Com. Juniors’ Basketball
Team. Otsitsia Chib. Will enter Normal School.
RUTH MORSE. Com. 28 Henry St. Prepared at Ivy St. School.
Member of Junior Fair Committee. Future occupation, stenographer.
E. MAY MEAGHER. Com. 487 Howard Ave. Prepared at North-
field Academy. Northfield, Mass. Member of Junior Fair Committee
Will enter Normal School.
GUSSIE M. MUNZNER, Com. 15 Read St. Prepared at Ivy St.
School. Member of Junior Fair Committee. Future occupation, sten
ARTHUR LEROY MURRAY, Board. Gen. 68 Day St. Prepared
at Scranton St. School, Future occupation, machinist.
LESLIE G. MURRAY. Board. Scien.
ville. Senior Baseball Team. Will enter
electrical engineer.
234 Welton St., Whitney-
Yale. Future occupation,
pared at Dwight School
Gen. 246 Park St Pre-
Prepared at Lovell School.
occupation, stenographer
Member N.
Com. 175 Cedar Hill Ave.
H. Debating Society. Future
ANTHONY F. MASSA, JR., Col. Prep. 100 Wooster St. Pre-
pared at St John's School. Member of Junior Football Team. Will
enter Yale Medical School.
JOHN McDONOUGH. Col. Prep. 38 Hallock St. Prepared at
Sacred Heart School. Member of Class Day Committee. N. H. H. S.
A. A.. Police Club. Junior and Sophomore Baseball and Football Teams.
Track Team. Future occupation, Latin instructor.
Members of the Class.
ARTHUR I*'. MOI’RILL, Col. Prep. 44 Trumbull St. Prepared
at Orange St. School. Will enter Yale.
JOSEPH T. NEWMAN, Col. Prep. 50 Lawrence St. Prepared at
Lovell School. Member of Police Club, Junior Baseball Team, Fresh-
man Debating Society and N. H. H. S. A. A. Will enter Yale.
MATTHEW NEWMAN, Col. Prep. 1418 State St. Prepared at
Lovell Member of Police Club and Freshman Debating Society. Will
study law.
ROBERT S. OLIVER, Col. Prep. 166 East Rock Rd. Prepared at
Worthington Hooker. Member of Alpha Delta Sigma, Upsilon Sigma.
President of School Circle, President of Senior Class, Manager of
Regular Football Team, Track Team, Basketball Team. Editor-m-chic:
of Radiator, Preliminary Treasurer of Senior Class. Assistant Business
Manager of Senior Class, N. H. H. S. A. A.. Member of Grafters’
League, Junior Baseball Team, and President of Police Club.
FRANCES C. NOLAN, Acad. 188 Poplar St. Prepared at St.
Francis School. Member of Kappa Mu Sigma Sorority. Will enter
Kindergarten Preparatory School.
MARY C. NOLAN, Acad. 52 Pearl St. Prepared at Hamilton
School. Member of Senior Dickens Club. Future occupation, English
Prepared at Orange St. School. Member of Debating Society.
MABEL E. PARMELEE. Acad. 425 George St. Prepared at
Webster School. Member of Theta Rho, N. H. H. S. A. A . Senior
Dickens Club, Senior Shakespeare Club. Class Day Committee. Future
occupation, teacher.
MARJORIE PAYNE, Col. Prep. 159 Blatchley Ave. Prepared at
Strong School Member of School Circle, Phi Sigma. Will enter Vale
Music School.
EVA E. PEARNE, .-lead. 191 Edgewood Ave. Prepared at
Horace Day School. Member of Shakespeare Club. Future occupation,
New Haven High School Class Book.
IRENE MAY PERKINS, Acad. 186 Grand Ave. Prepared at
Strong School. Member of Focus League. Future occupation, study of
CLAYTON L. PHILLIPS, Board. Scicn. 174 Blatchley Ave. Pre-
pared at Strong Schoo' Member of Delta Sigma Kappa, Upsilon
Sigma, Mather Debating Society, N. FI. H. S. A. A., Associate Editor
of Senior Class Book. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, civil engi-
ETTA BREWER POWELL, Board. Gen. 1201 Townsend Ave.
Prepared at Strong School. Will enter Normal School. Future occu-
pation, teacher.
CHARLOTTE JUANITA PRATT, Board. Gen. 42 Ivy St. Pre-
pared at Ivy St. School. Member of Mather Debating Society, Seniot
Shakespeare Club. Will enter Normal School. Future occupation
ROBERTA UN ICY PRESTON, Board. Gen. 324 Humphrey St
Prepared at Orange St. School. Member of N. H. FL S. A. .A, Seniot
Shakespeare Club and Senior Dickens Club.
ETHEL PRICE, Coni. 694 Howard Ave. Prepared at Cedar St
School. Member of N. FI. H. S. A. A.. Senior Dickens Club, Juniot
Fair Committee, and Senior Shakespeare Club. Future occupation,
ROBERT PERSKY. Col. Prep. 882 Howard Ave. Prepared at
Webster Grammar School. Member of School Circle. 1912 Regula.
Football Team, N. Fl. Fl. S. A. A., Freshman Football. Basketball,
Sophomore Football and Basketball Team and Junior Baseball Team,
Police Club, Grafters’ League. Assistant Editor of 1912 Class Book
Manager of Senior Hockey Team.
EDGAR M. PICKETT. Com. 68 Stevens St.
ster School. Future occpation. stenographer.
Prepared at Web-
KENDRICK JAMES RALPFI. Board. Scicn. Mt. Carmel, Conn.
Prepared at Orange School. Member of Alpha Iota Epsilon. Will
enter Yale. Future occupation, civil engineer.
Members of the Class. 39
MADELINE REICH EL, Col. Prep. 43 East Pearl St. Prepared
at Strong School. Member of Dickens Club and N. H. H. S. A. A.
Will enter Vassar.
CORNELIUS RATHKE, Col. Prep 276 Humphrey St. Prepared
at Middle St. Grammar School, New Bedford, Mass. Member of
A. 1. E., Police Club, Sophomore Glee Club, Forum. Will enter Pratt’s
JOHN L. REBACH, Col. Prep. 57 White St. Prepared at Booth’s.
Member of Debating Society, Forum, Police Club, Assistant Editor of
Focus. Will enter Yale Medical School.
JOHN M. ROSS, Col. Prep. 285 Orchard St. Prepared at Dwight
School. Member of Focus League, Forum, Debating Society and Police
Club. Will enter Yale Law School.
LILLIE ELANORE RAKIETEN, Com. 76 Truman St. Prepared
at Cedar St. School. Member N. H. H. S. A. A., Junior Fair Committee
and N. H. H. T. W. E. Future occupation, stenographer.
ROSE RABINOWITZ, Com. 598 Grand Ave. Prepared at Orange
St. School. Member of Debating Society. Future occupation, sten-
FANNIE RESNIKOFF, Com. 340 West Portsea St. Prepared
at Cedar St. School. Member of N. H. H. S. A. A., Junior Fair Com-
mittee, N. II. Debating Society, Senior Dickens Club and T. W. C. Club.
Will enter Normal School. Future occupation, teacher.
Prepared at Sacred Heart School. Member of N. H. H. S. Debating
Society. Future occupat-on, stenographer.
MAY CATHERINE REYNOLDS. Com. 9 Dyer St., Westville.
Prepared at Westville Grammar School. Member of Junior Fair
REBECCA M. ROBERTSON. Com. 207 Edgewood Ave. Pre-
pared at Milford Grammar School. Member of Junior Fair Committee.
Future occupation, stenographer
JOHN P. ROGERS, Hill. Scien. 62 James St. Prepared ar
40 New Haven High School Class Book.
Central Grammar School, New Britain. Member of Golikells. Will
enter Yale. Future occupation, electrical engineer.
EDNA E. RIGBY, Acad. 322 Greenwich Ave. Prepared at Horace
Day School. Member of Senior Class Prom. Committee, and Committee
on Preparation of Class Constitution. Will enter Normal School.
Future occupation, teacher.
Prepared at Lovell Grammar School. Member of Theta Rho, Senior
Dickens Club, and Senior Shakespeare Club. Will enter Normal School.
AGNES ROBERTSON, Col. Prep. 446 Edgewood Ave. Prepared
in Hillsdale, 111. Member of Phi Sigma, N. H. H. S. A. A., Shakes-
peare Club. Will enter Simonds College.
HAZEL M. ROBERTSON, Col. Prep. 1320 Quinnipiac Ave. Pre-
pared at Strong School. Member of N. H. H. S. A. A. Will enter
Normal School.
BENJAMIN ROSENBAUM, Hill. Scieii. 86 Prince St. Prepared
at Woodbine High School, Woodbine. N. J. Member of Golikells,
Forum, and Senior Chemistry Club. Will enter Cornell. Future occu-
pation, agriculturist.
GRACE LOUISE ROWLEY, Board. Gen. 27 Gibbs St. Prepared
at Ivy St. School. Member of Senior Dickens Club.
HAROLD D. RHYNEDANCE, Board. Scicn. 256 Edgewood Ave.
Prepared at Webster School. Member of A. A. S., Upsilon Sigma,
School Circle, Assistant Baseball Manager 1911, President of Freshman
A. A., Mather Debating Society, Radiator Dance Committee 1912, Asso-
ciate Editor Radiator 1010 and 1911, Senior Prom. Committee. W ill
enter Yale
LOUIS RUBIN. Col. Prep. 102 Avon St. Prepared at Commerce
H. S.. N. . Member of Debating Sciety, Forum, Assistant Editor of
Baseball Team, Assistant Editor of Focus. Will enter Yale Law School.
Yale Law School.
ROLER T RUSSELL, Col. Prep. 88 Lombard St. Prepared at
Lovell School. Member of Police Club. Forum. Debating Society, Junior
Baseball Team, Essistant Editor of Focus. Will enter Yale Law School.
Members of the Class.
ESTHER SARASON, Board Gen. 2 Garden St. Prepared a*.
Cedar St. School Will enter Yale Music School.
JOSEPH BARNUM SALSBURY, Hill. Scion. 2 Dwight St.
Prepared at Lovell Grammar School. Member of Golikells, N. H. 11.
S. A. A. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, forester.
JOHN SANDS, Board. Gen. 173 Goffe St. Prepared at Dwight
School. Played on Senior Football Team. Future occupation, elec-
CHARLES F. SCHALL, Hill. Scion. 165 Livingston St. Prepared
at Worthington Hooker School. Vice-President of Freshman Debating
Society, Member of 1912 Hockey Team. A. A. S., Golikells, and
e. m. s. club.
EDNA A. SHEA, Com. 30 Canal St. Prepared at Ivy Grammar
School. Secretary of N. H. H. S. Debating Society, served on Junior
Committee and Class Picture Committee. Future occupation, sten-
Prepared at Strong School. Member of N. H. H S. Debating Society.
Future occupation, stenographer.
ANNA BELLE SCHNEIDER, Com. 325 Shelton Ave. Prepare 1
at Cedar St. School. Member of Dickens Club, N. H. Debating Society.
Junior Fair and Shakespeare Club. Future occupation, stenographer.
DOROTHY SCHROEDER, Col. Brel'. 4-I-’ George St. Prepared
at Webster Grammar School. Member of Alpha Alpha Sorority. Future
occupation, undecided.
GERTRUDE SCOFIELD. Col. Prop, too East Pearl St. Pre-
pared at Greenwich High School. Will enter Gouden College. Balti-
more, Md.
KATHRYN E. SCANNELL, Board. Gen. 216 Spring St. Pre-
pared at Horace Day School. Member of Kappa Mu Sigma Sorority.
Mather Debating Society and N. H. H. S. A. A. Will enter Normal
School. Future occupation, teacher.
New Haven High School Class Book.
MARY SCARMOZA, Board. Gen. 71 County St. Prepared at
Roger Sherman School. W ill enter Normal School. Future occupa-
tion, teacher.
WALTER A. SCHUBERT. Board. Scicn. 1015 State St. Prepared
at Lovell School. Member of Sigma Lambda Mu Society, N. H. H.
S. A. A. and Class Picture Committee. Will enter business.
E. D. SCHWANER, Board. Gen. 317 George St. Prepared a:
Webster School. Member of Mather Debating Society, Shakespeare
Club and N. H. H. S. A. A.
FRED SCHWICHTENBERG, Coin. 171 West St. Prepared <-t
Lovell Grammar School. Future occupation, stenographer.
RUTH SEETMAN, Gen. .lead. 120 Howe St. Prepared at Dwigl t
School. Member of Sen’or Shakespeare. Will enter Yale Music Schoo’.
FRANCIS H. SHERIDAN, Col. Pref. 711 Orange St. Prepared
at Worthington Hooker School. Member of Theta Rho, School Circle
and Senior Shakespear C lub. Future occupation, undecided.
NORMAN SHEPPARD, Col. Prep. 215 Lombard St. Prepared at
Lovell School. Member of N. H. H. S. A. A. and Police Club. Will
enter Yale. Future occupation, doctor.
ALICE RHETA SHEA. Acad. 321 West Water St. Prepared at
Sacred Heart School. Will enter Normal School.
REUBEN SHENITZ, Board. Gen. 858 Grand Ave Prepared at
Stuyvesant H. S., N. Y. Future occupation, electrical engineer.
HARRY H. SILVER. 77ill. Scicn. 269 Hamilton St. Prepared at
Orange St. School. Sophomore and Junior Football Teams, Freshman
Debating Society, Golikclls. Will enter Yale. Future occupation, civu
FLORENCE SIMS. Girls’ Scicn. 223 Norton St. Prepared at
Roger Sherman School. Member of Theta Rho. School Circle, N. H.
H. S. A. A., Mather Debating Society, Senior Shakespeare Club. Will
enter Yale Art School Future occupation, study art.
Members of the Class
CLARENCE BEATTIE SHUBERT, Board. Scicn. 71 Admiral Sr.
Prepared al Winchester School. Member of Mather Debating Society
and N. H. H. S. A. A. Will enter Yale.
Orange St. School. Member of Debating
23 Pearl St. Prepared at
Society. Future occupation.
EDNA LOUISE SMITH, Girls’ Gen. (Latin). 23 Brewster St.
Prepared at Shelton Ave School. Member of Mather Debating So-
ciety and Senior Shakespeare Club. Future occupation, stenographer.
DONALD W. SMITH, Com. 82 Dickerman St.
Dwight School. Future occupation, stenographer
Prepared at
ANNA SNEIDERMAN, Girls’ Gen. 102 Rosette St. Prepared at
Cedar St. School. Member of Senior Dickens Club and Shakespeare
Club. Will enter Normal School.
MINNIE ELIZABETH STAHL, Com. 332 Winchester Ave. Pre
pared at Worcester, Mass. Member of N. H. H. S. Debating Society,
Focus League, Dickens Club and Shakespeare Club.
Prepared at Webster Grammar School. Kappa Mu Sigma Sorority,
Assistant Treasurer of the Senior Class. Member of Shakepeare Club.
Chairman of Thanksgiving Committee, Subscription Committee, N. H
H. S. A. A., U. of F. Club. XXX-f- Society, and Senior Octet. Will
enter Normal School, l uttire occupation, teacher.
OLGA HELEN STEELE. Acad. 164 Derby Ave. Prepared at
Dwight Grammar School. Member of Senior Acad. Basketball ream
Will enter Normal School. Future occupation, teacher.
FRANCES R. STEINBACH. Col. Pref. 191 Sherman Ave. Pre-
pared at Cedar St. School. Member of School Circle, Chairman of
Thanksgiving Entertainment Committee 1911. Membership Committee
1910-’! i-’t2, Chairman of Auditorium Exercises 1912, Class Motto Com-
mittee, Resolution Committee, Efficiency Club Committee, Chairman of
Thankgiving Entertainment Committee of 1912, Hackett Loving Cup
Committee 1910, Assistant Editor of Freshman Hand Book 1911-’!.?,
Chairman of Printing Committee of Junior Fair, A. A. Subscription
Committee 190c), N. H. H. S. A. A., and Tag Day Committee 1910.
NEW Haven High School Class Book.
St. Prepared at
Club and Senior
Future occupation, doin.
ELIZABETH ELLA STEVf^ef"“'Senior'Didcens^Club
- X. ... «. S.A. A.
EVELYN STOCK. Board Gen. 509
Washington School. Member of Senior
Shakespeare Club. Will enter Pratts Institute.
science teacher.
MOLLY BAKER STILLMAN. Col. Prep. 875 Grand Ave. Pre-
pared ai Orange Si. School. Member of Senior Shakespeare Club.
Will enter Normal School. Future occupation, teacher.
EARLE HOWARD STOWE, Board. Scien. 121 Fountain St.
Prepared at Westville Grammar School. Member of A. Vice-
President of Class, Manager of Junior Baseball Team and Regular
Baseball Team, Vice-President of N. H. H. S. A. A., Vice-President of
School Circle. Business Manager of Crescent, Vol. LA II, Assistant
Business Manager of Crescent Annual. Vols. XX\ 1 and XXVIII, Vice-
President of Mather Debating Society. Crescent Dramatics, Associate
Editor of the Crescent. Vol. LVI, Crescent Dance Committee. Will
enter Yale.
AGNES STUMPF, Board. Scion. 39 Barrett St.. Westville. Pre-
pared at Westville Grammar School. Will enter Normal School.
Prepared at Strong School.
1114 Townsend Ave
Orange St. School. Wil]
Board. Gen. 95 Wooster St. Prepared at
enter Normal School. Future occupation.
St. School. Mender* of N^Ij ’h Hq11Onk Preparc<1 at Cedar
Shakespeare Club. N. H. H. S A \ ’ S” Senior D«ckcns Club.
Future occupation, bookkeeper sen cd on Junior Fair Committee.
mahion g..sugrue,
on. l-ulure occupation.
,orilnngion Hooker \i,.„,,' ' ,24 Nicoll St.
Junior Fair Committee °f Otsia Club. N. |.| H
Com. 188
Franklin St.
Prepared at
Prepared at
S. D. S. and
Members or Tin: Class.
MARION LOUISE TAW, Board. Gen. 420 Main St., East Haven.
Prepared at Union School, East Haven. Member of N. H. H. S. A. A .
Senior Dickens Club and Senior Acad. Basketball Team.
EVA SMI RNOW, Board. Gen. 142 Orange St. Prepared at
Orange St. School. Will enter Pratt's Institute.
ALICE AUGUSTA TENNIEN, Com 52 Arthur St. Prepared at
Horace Day.
JEANETTE TH ALLHEIMER, Board. Gen. Sio Orange St. Pre-
pared at Worthington Hooker. Future occupation, study music.
East Haven. Prepared at Union School, East Haven. Member of N.
H. H. S. A. A. and Debating Society.
PAUL EDWARD TIESING. Hill. Scien. Prepared at Loved
Grammar School. Member of 0. ~. Fraternity and Senior Golikells
Future occupation, bacteriological researches.
FREDERICK MERLE TOMPKINS, Board. Scien. 105 Atwater
St. Prepared at Strong School. Member of 0. —. Fraternity, Sergeant-
al-Arms of Senior Class and Member of Senior Octet.
HOWARD B. TREAT. Board. Scien. Orange, Conn. Prepared at
Orange School. Will enter Yale.
pared at Horace Day
Club and N. H. H. S.
TERRELL, Col. Prc[>. 320 Edwards St. Pre-
School. Member of Shakespeare Club. Dickens
A. A. Future occupation, teacher.
HAZEL J. THOMPSON. Col. Brel'. 1134 Quinnipiac Ave. Pre-
pared at Strong School.
ALEXANDER TAKS, Col Brel'. 3&> Orchard St. Prepared at
Cedar St. School. Member of Freshman Football and Debating Teams.
Vice-President of Debating, of Freshman Society, \\ inner of a Focus
Prize Story Contest. Member of the Executive Committee of H. S.
iqio-’i 1-12, President of Debating Society. Member of Debating Society
Team 1911-T2, Member of Focus, Assistant Editor of Focus. Vol. XV,
Editor-in-chief of Focus. Vol. XVI. Member of the Forum, \ ice-Presi-
New Haven High School Class Book.
dent of the Forum ipn-’i2, N. 14. H. S. A. A., Founder of the Police.
Club, Chairman of Constitution Committee of the Police Club, Member
of School Circle, Holder of Record for Consecutive Victories in Speak-
ing, Editor-in-chief of the Senior Class Book, Senior Octet. \\ ill enter
Yale. Future occupation, journalist.
WALTER TOOLF Col. Pref. Hotel Duncan. Prepared at
Dwight Grammar School Member of A. I. K, Police Club, N. 14. 14.
S. A. A., Vice-President and President of School Circle, Grafters’
League, Class Basketball 1910, Manager of Class Football Team 1911,
Business Manager of Freshman Hand Book, Assistant Manager of
Baseball Team 1911, Manager of Regular Basketball Team I9ii-’i2,
Chairman of Senior Class Dance Committee 1912. Will enter Yale.
HARRIET ISABEL VATSKE, Com. 65 Arch St. Prepared at
Cedar St. School. Served on Junior Fair Committee. Member of T.
W. C., Senior Dickens Club, and N. 14. H. S. Debating Society. Future
occupation, stenographer
OLIVE UNGER, Board. Gen. Hard St.
Grammar School. Will enter Normal School.
Prepared at Westville
A. 14. VIEBRANZ, Board. Gen. 81 Edwards St. Prepared at Love'l
School Members of N. II. H. S. A. A., Class Day Committee, and
1912 Hockey Team. Future occupation, architect.
Ivy School.
Member of Senior Dickens
374 Dixwell Ave. Prepared at
Club and N. H. H. S. Debating
Scranton St. School Will enter Yale.
Parmelee Ave. Prepared at
EVA EDITH WAGNER, Acad. 38 Whalley Ave. Prepared at
Cedar School. Member of Senior Dickens Club, Shakespeare Chib and
Kay-Kay Basketball Team.
AMELIA WALKER, Col. Pref. 28 Edward St. Member B. T—,
Crescent Board, N. 14. 14. S. A. A. Will enter Vassar.
ETHEL WALKER, Acad. 205 Orchard St. Prepared at Cedar
Grammar School. Member of Kappa Mu Sigma, Shakespeare Club,
Dickens Club, N. H. H. S. A. A., and U. of F. Will enter Norma!
School. Future occupation, teacher.
Members of the Class.
CORA BELLE WATERS, Board. Gen. 98 Shelton Ave. Prepared
at Strong School. Member of Mather Debating Society and Senior
Dickens Club. Future occupation, trained nurse.
pared at Strong School.
giving Committee ’o8-’o9
WELCH, Board. Gen. 171 Chapel St. Pre-
Member of N. H. H. S. A. A., and Thanks-
KATHER1NE WElCHAUS, Board. Gen. 28 Ashmun St. Pre-
pared at St. Mary’s School. Future occupation, undecided
ISRAEL WEIL, Hill. Scion. 666 George St. Prepared at Scran-
ton St. School. Member of Golikells. Will enter Yale.
SAMUEL WEINTHROP, Com 17 Spruce St. Prepared at Web-
ster School. Future occupation, stenographer.
ALBERT WORDEN WILLIAMS. Board. Scion. 1456 Boulevard.
Prepared at Union Grammar School, West Haven. Member of Delta
Sigma Kappa, N. H. H. S. A. A., Mather Debating Society and Class
Day Committee. Will enter Cornell University. Future occupation.
veterinarian and agriculturist.
EDGAR HENRY WILLIAMS. Board. Scion. 81 Clark St. Pre-
pared at Orange St. School. Member of Sigma Lambdu Nu Fraternity
and Upsilon Sigma. Future occupation, draughtsman.
ERNEST K. WILLIAMS, Board. Scion. Mt. Carmel, Conn. Pre-
pared at Ivy St. School. Member of Sigma Lambda Nu Fraternity,
N. II. H. S. A. A., IV E3 Club, and Mather Debating Society. Future
occupation, civil engineer.
GEORGE WEISS. Col. Prep. 384 Whalley Ave. Prepared at
Orange St. School. Member of 0. -. Fraternity. N. H. H. S. A. A .
Freshman Debating Society, Sophomore Debating Society, N. H. II. S
Debating Society, Manager of All-Interclass Basketball Team, Senior
Basketball Team, Manager of Senior Baseball Team. Will enter Yak-
Future occupation, journalist.
HELEN VERONICA WHITE, Com. 31 William St. Prepared a:
Orange St. School Member of Class Pin Committee and Captain of
N. H. H. S. Girls’ Basketball Team.
New Haven High School Class Book.
HAZEL GRACE WOODCOCK. Com. Highwood. Prepared at
Ivy St. School. Served on Junior Fair Committee, Member of N. 11.
H. S. A. A.. and N. H. H. S. Debating Society.
CATHERINE H. WOODRUFF, Col. Prep. Orange, Conn. Pre-
pared at Webster Grammar School. Member of Alpha Alpha Sorority
and School Circle. Will enter National Park Seminary.
ROSE C. WOODRUFF, Col. Prep. Mt. Carmel, Conn. Prepared
at Miss Johnstone’s School. Member of 13. T.— and N. H. H. S. A. A.
Will enter Vassar College.
STANTON HALL WOOSTER. Board. Scicn. 22 Hobart St.
Prepared at Dwight School. Member of
Sigma, School Circle and N. H. H. S. A.
Alpha Delta Sigma, Upsilon
A. Future occupation, naval
CLARA VANNESS WRIGHT, Col. Prep, n Cottage St. Pre-
pared at Lovell Grammar School. Member of T. B. L. G. Future occu-
pation. teacher.
MILDRED STUART YOUNG, Com. 10 Parmelee Ave. Pre-
pared at Scranton School. Member of N. H. H. S. Debating Society,
Thanksgiving Committee and Senior Dickens Club.
Class Officers and
President—Robert Oliver.
V ice-Pres id ent—Earl Sto w e.
Secretary—Evelyn Booth.
Treasurer—Ruth Fowler.
Assistant Treasurers—Madeline St. Cyr.
Robert Burrell.
Sergcant-at-Arms—Merle Tom pkins.
Thomas McAviney, Chairman.
Grace Rowley,
Kathryn Woodruff,
Edna Shea,
Miss Kingsley,
Walter Shubert,
I. Harold Howard.
Louis Friedman.
Thomas Fitzsimmons, Chairman.
Frances Steinbach, Robert Mailhouse.
Gladys Blakeslee.
Florence Beechfr.
Edna Rigby.
John McCarthy,
Toole. Chairman.
Ellsworth Hurd.
New Haven High School Class Book.
Miss Farm alee.
James Foley,
John McDonough,
McLelland, Chairman.
Arti iuk Vi edrantz
Albert Williams,
A lex a n der A m os,
Alexander L. Taks.
William T. Gran field.
Senior Members of School Circle
Frances Steinbach
Fobert Oliver
Marguerite Hull
Gladys Blakeslee
Walter Toole
John McClellan
Ruth Monson
Frances Botsford
Ruth Fowler
Florence Sims
Marion Gilbert
Archibald Richardson
Daniel Levy
Cat h eri n e Woodru ff
Evelyn Booth
Harold Rhynedance
Stanley Daggett
Earle Stowe
Richard Spreyer
Marion Hall
William Granfield
Robert Persky
Dwight Buckingham
Frances Sheridan
Stanton Wooster
Eliza bet 11 Hotch kiss
Alexander Taks
Robert Mailhouse
N. H. II. S. Dabating Society
First Term.
President—Alexander L. Taks.
Second Term.
Pice-President—Earley E. Caple.
Secretary—Edna A. Shea.
Alex R. Amos, Irene E. McTiernan,
James Ahearn, Agnes Mari nan,
Otis Bacon, Edith Malmquist,
Ida E. Cohen, Gertrude Niemeyer,
Rose B. Drazen, Margaret C. O'Brien,
Vincent Coffey, Edgar M. Pickett,
May Doherty, Gertrude Reynolds,
Thomas Doughan, F.\N N IE RESNI KOFF,
Lillian M. Daniel, Rose Rabinowitz,
Esther Fro man. ] .1LLIA N R A KI ETAN,
C. H. Franklin, Rebecca Stein,
William T. Granfield, Anna Schneider,
Alex E. Greenberg, Frances Smith,
John Hayes, Minnie E. Stahl,
Clark Hopkins, Edna A. Shea,
Goldie Horwitz, Marion M. Schott,
Agnes Horan, Frederick Schwiciitenberg
Fred L. Johnstone, Jane M. Sullivan,
Dorcas V. Jacobs, Alex L. Taks,
Elsie E. Kraeling, Marjorie Thompson,
Daniel Keane, Ruth Visel,
Margaret Keane, Helen White,
Nellie Ledwitii, Hazel Woodcock,
William E. McKay. Sa m uel \\j NT 11ROP,
New Haven High School Class Book.
Marjorie Edmunson,
Lillian Fanslow,
Esther Froiiman,
M. D. Hippolitus,
Marguerite Hull,
Irene Kingsley,
Katherine Kavanaugh,
Ruth Knowlton,
Mae Kenny,
M argaret Leigh ton,
Anna Sneider,
Evelyn Stock,
Eva Smirnow,
Frances Steinbach
Rebecca Stern,
Charlotte Terrell,
Ruth A’is el,
Cora Walters,
Ethel Walker,
Eva Wagner,
Senior Dickens Club
— 1911 —
President—Pauline Law.
Secretary—Marguerite Hull.
Treasurer— H elen I .owen i?au m .
Estelle Armstrong,
Bernice Adams,
Mae Barry,
Ethel Bengis,
Frances Botsford,
Jeannette Boyer,
Hattie Borman,
Mabel Casey,
Mary Crowley.
Gertrude Clark.
Ida Croog,
Ida Cohen,
Florence Coit,
Harriette Clark.
Frances Doyle,
Ruth Doherty,
Rose Belle Drazen,
A1 argaret Dougiia n,
Helen Daniels,
Pauline Law,
Helen Lowen baum,
Mary Logan,
Irene McTiernan,
Sarah Maretz,
Ruth Monson,
Madeline AIason,
Al ary Nolan,
Roberta Preston,
Irene Perkins,
Ethel Price,
Grace Rowley,
Katiiari n e R(>c 11 fort,
Edna Rigby,
Minnie Stahl,
Ella Stevens,
Anna Sneiderman,
Senior Shakespeare Club
Preside n I—R ur 11 F< >\v ler.
Secretary—M argaret Healy.
Treasu rcr— R ct n Mo x so x.
Dr. S. S. Sheridan,
Dr. E. Cleaveland.
M \rtiia Alderm an.
F.tiier Allen.
May Barry.
Florence Barry,
Ethel Bengis,
Harriet Borman.
Franc es Botsford,
Jeannette Boyer,
Ethel Price,
Mabel Casey,
Henriette Clark,
Ida Cohen,
Florence Coit. *
Helen Daniels.
Ruth DeI.acey,
Louise Drury,
Lilli \x Fan slow.
Jeannette Fisher,
Juanita J’ratt.
Roberta Prest »n.
Rath arine Roc iifort,
Esther Sarason.
J'.lizabetii Sc hwa.ner,
Ruth Seltman.
Florence Sims.
Edna Smith.
Anna Sniderm an.
M innie St mil.
Carolyn Steel.
Rei ecc.a Sterne,
Ella Stevens,
Mollie Stillman.
Evelyn Stock,
Ruth Graves.
Frances Sheridan.
Madeline St. Cyr,
New Haven High School Class Book.
Esther I‘‘roman,
Alice < Iraiiam,
M arion 11 all,
Mary Logan,
M adeli ne Mason,
Freda Mendel,
Ruth Monson,
Ethel W alker,
Eva I’erne,
Gertrude Clark.
Etta Powell,
Katharine De I-'orest,
Cecilia Carr,
Mary Scarmoza,
Mabel Parmelee,
Mae Kenny,
Rose Drazer,
Margaret Dough an,
T cnors
Mr. Earley E. Caple
Mr. Reuben Shernitz
Miss Hughes
Miss Lowenbaum
. I Itos
Miss St. Cyr
Miss Bristol
Mr. T. M. Tompkins
Mr. Alex L. Taks
Members of Secret Societies
Katherine English,
Catherine De Forest,
Kith Fowler,
Marion Hall,
Elizabeth Hotciikiss.
Ruth Monson,
Rose Woodruff,
Amelia Walker,
Gladys 1 Jlakeslee, Marion Gilbert,
l\ AT 11 ERI N E W'OODR U FF, Pauline Law,
Marjorie Catlin, Dorothy Senroeder,
Bernice Adams, Madeline Mason,
Flore n ce 1 > eec i i er. Marjorie Payne,
E. Francis Botsford, Marguerite Hull, M AT 11 1 LDA 1011 NSTON,
Evelyn Booth, Alice Flo ward.
Clare Callahan, Frances Christine Nolan,
M \rjory Colbert, K AT 11 R Y N St A N N ELL,
Helen Deane, M \deline St. Cvr,
Ruth Goering, Em el Walker.
Esthe r Allen, Marion Clark,
J EA N N ette Fisher, I can it a Pratt,
Et 11 EL Fowler, Agnes Robertson,
Ruth ( iRAVES, Dor ETTA Sen WANER,
Xew Haven High School Class Book.
Mabel Farm elee.
Katherine Rochefort,
Florence Sims,
Eli a Stevens.
Gertrude Clark.
Florence Coit,
Cora W aters,
Carolyn Steele,
Roberta Preston,
Paul Tiering.
Robert Burrell,
Frank Hanlon,
Francis Drury.
John McCarthy.
Merle Tompkins,
Timothy J. Fox,
Henry Bald,
James Foley,
Thomas Doug han,
Thomas R. McAviney,
Robert Oliver,
De Lancey Colvin,
A r c 1111 :a ld Rich a r dso n ,
Dwight Buckingham,
Edgar Williams,
Ralph McKay,
Rich \rd
K I • N N ET11
DeLancey Colvin,
Ernest W illiams,
Edgar WTlliams,
Dwight Buckingham.
Paul D. Wright,
Fred Voos,
Stanton Wooster, Archibald Richardson,
Robert Oliver.
Secret Societies 69
W alter Toole, Thomas Fitzsimmons,
John R. McLelland, Cornelius Rathke,
Kenric Ralph,
Chester Mills, Albert W illiams,
Clayton Phillips, Ralph McKay,
Roland Barnum, Burton Lovesey,
Stanley Dagget, Dennison D. Lambert,
Earle H. Stowe. Roger T. Hotchkiss,
Chester R. Downes,

Mather Debating Society
Albert Williams, President
Florence Sims. Secretary
Ethel Fowler. Treasurer
Evelyn Booth.
Marion Gilbert,
Esther Allen,
Florence Beecii er.
Edna Smith,
Cat i i er i ne Sca n n ell,
Clayton Philltps,
Chester Mills,
J acob Alpert,
Earl Stowe,
Ernest Williams,
Fred Voos,
Ralph McKay,
Earl Bailey,
Ralph Barnum,
Clarence Shubert,
Robert Latta,
Burton Lovesay,
Fred Butler.
Athletic History of the Class
of 1912.
There have perhaps been classes whose athletic records have
been more brilliantly scintillating than the present one; there have
perhaps been classes whose representatives have won more
championships than have ours; there have perhaps been mem-
bers of other classes who have attained higher renown in the
athletic world than any of our own, but one thing is certain, no
class in the history of our school has had so tremendous influence
for the better on the future welfare of New Haven High’s ath-
letics as has our own class of 1912.
The four years just passed have been the critical period for
athletics in our school. Il seemed as if with our advent into New
Haven High that athletics had begun on the decline. The teams
were becoming woefully weak as compared with the stalwart
aggregations of previous years and the support accorded was
disgraceful. The situation went from bad to worse,, and Sopho-
more year found matters at their lowest ebb. Twice teams on the
verge of disbandment were saved by heroic methods. Conditions
were little altered at the start of Junior year and at one time the
basketball team actually disbanded. But the spirit and enterprise
of a few staunch hearts won the day and the crisis was safely
weathered, The basketball team finished the season in fairly suc-
cessful manner and it was left to the baseball team to “make or
break” athletics in our school. Their performance is history.
W ith a team composed almost entirely of 1912 men. the team
went through the season without an interscholastic defeat. It was
the turning point in New Haven High’s athletic career. And
now. with an able athletic director at the head of affairs, memo-
ries of successfid football, basketball and hockev seasons still
Athletic History of the Class of 1912.
fresh in our minds, and with prospects the brightest in years for
another championship nine, the sun is again shining on New
Haven High's athletic horizon. And can it be gainsaid that to
1912 is due the lion’s share of the credit for this achievement?
Whether it was due to the timidity of our star men to go
out for the regular teams or to the superior material in the
upper classes no Freshman earned one of the coveted *’N. H.'s"
during our first year in school. Football was. of course, the first
sport to claim our interest, and Captain Davis’ eleven did much to
give us a favorable impression as to the calibre of our athletic
representatives. Connolly was the star man of the team, which
numbered among its achievements a 21—o victors’ over Manual
Training High in Brooklyn. Our class team was put out of the
running in its first game, losing to the Sophs, who in turn met
defeat at the hands of the Seniors.
On the track Captain Connolly’s men worked hard and made
an enviable record and was well supported. Our class team also
showed great form and were only nosed out by the Juniors for
the title in the last game.
The hockey team, under Captain Burton, was only enabled
to play two games, defeating Hartford and losing to Taft School.
Efforts were made to organize class hockey teams, but proved
On the track Captain Connoly’s men worked bard and made
a good record both in the indoor and outdoor meets. Perhaps
the best performance was the winning of the cup in the Naval
Reserves’ meet, against such opponents as Springfield and Hart-
ford High schools.
With the first signs of spring, baseball candidates were
called out. Captain Flannagan’s men played uniform ball
throughout the season and ended in a triple tie for first place in
the league standing with Bridgeport and Middletown. Although
the latter was made to acknowledge defeat. Bridgeport Look our
measure, and we were forced to be content with second place.
Once again our dreams of numerals faded away when the bunch
of “hopefuls." playing under the name of 1912. were put out of
New Haven High School Class Book.
the running by 1911 in the very first game. We left school that
year, however, determined to “come back” with a vengeance and,
as Sophs, shows the school our real calibre.
Our first chance to make good was when football practice
was begun the following October. The team started out under
Captain Frankel's guidance with the brightest of prospects, but
injuries to him and other star men. as w7ell as the “D” list, de-
moralized the team soon after the season’s start and only a
mediocre showing wras made. 1912 wras represented in the
persons of Gran field, Williams, Howard and Phillips, who, in-
cidentally, were the first of the class to receive their letters.
In the interclass series the lowly freshman team proved a dark
horse and walked away with both our game and the championship.
On the basketball court again the team suffered the loss of
several of its best men at the start of the season, but after a
struggle picked up w’ell and fought its way with varied success
through a hard schedule under Captain Geraci, succeeding Saxe,
who wras forced to resign. Levine, the star guard of later years,
wras the only 1912 man awarded his insignia. 1910 again
proved too much for us in the class team series and once again
we were forced to be content w'ith second place.
On the ice, because of weather conditions, the regulars were
only able to play one game, a no score tie with Hartford. “Arch”
Richardson wras our lone representative. Class hockey wras in-
augurated and 1912 lost to 1910 in the initial contest, but the
series w?ere not finished, lack of ice being the cause.
Irwin. Gibson and Max Cohen, all 1912 men, together with
Captain Carroll, formed the nucleus for the track team. The
team captured second place in the Hartford meet and Cohen's
third place in the interscholastics and Irwin’s tw-o points in the
W aterbury meet were the only other points corailed by New'
Haven during the season.
Spring and, as a natural consequence, the baseball season.
rolled around again. Carlton Gesner was elected captain to suc-
ceed Flannagan, resigned. The team held the strong Yale
Freshmen to a 4—1 score, and played hard, steady ball all year,
Athletic History or the Class of 1912.
finishing second in the Interscholastic league after a hard light
for first place with Hartford. Five Sophs made the team, namely,
Granfield. Adams, Phillips. Richardson and Sullivan, and their
stellar playing was no little factor in the team’s success. The
scrubs turned out another champion team on the diamond and
sent our heroes down to defeat on their upward climb. Again
numerals were postponed until the next season.
During.Sophomore year fears had been felt as to the future
of athletics in the school, and the football team of Junior year
did little to allay them. The team was in a demoralized state
throughout most of the season, and showed more and more the
need for an athletic director, although Captain Osborn and his
men worked hard. The support was poor and the season's ending
was the one bright spot upon its record, Meriden being defeated
10—o before the largest crowd of the season. The team was
largely made up of Juniors, Granfield, Bunnell. McAviney, Han-
lon. Williams, Howard, Persky and Phillips all winning their
letters. Perhaps it was due to this that our class team made
such an ignoble showing, for it followed the path of its predeces-
sors and dropped out of the running after the first game.
Conditions now seemed to go from bad to worse. Following
the football season the basketball team at the start gave promise
of rehabilitating our sadly shattered athletic reputation, but
again because of faulty troubles the team was put on the verge
of disbandment, in fact at one time had actually ceased to exist.
a condition unparalleled in the school’s history. Captain Rowley.
Bates, Aiderman and later Levine, were forced to leave the team.
Oneto becoming captain and Phillips, a 1912 man. manager.
The team recovered gradually and although suffering some severe
setbacks, because of the loss of more star men at various times.
made a creditable showing. Cohen. Buckingham. Sneiderman
and Levine were the Juniors who helped pull the team together
and were awarded their “B. B.'s" for their work. I he class
team jinx was still in evidence and our team ended in a lie for
last place with 1913.
New Haven High School Class Book.
Again the hockey team’s schedule was cut short and but
two games were played, with Taft school and Cheshire Academy,
both of which were defeats. Hanlon, Richardson and Pardee
were the Junior puck-chasers. In the interclass series but one
game was played, and as in the previous year, 1912 was the
victim, being forced to bow to the 1911 team, which was prac-
tically the regular seven under the class name.
J o
On the track Captain Irwin labored faithfully to turn out a
creditable team and met with fair success. Irwin, Gibson, Oliver,
Cohen. McDonough and McAviney of 1912 all showed up well.
The Interclass meet was captured by the Seniors, 1912 with 18
points, practically all of which were taken by McAviney and
York, landed in third place.
Then came that baseball team, the team which served to
show that New Haven .High was still athletically alive, and the
team whose performance undoubtedly marked the turning point
in the school’s athletic life. Nothing daunted by an overwhelm-
ing defeat at the hands of the Yale Freshmen, the team worked
hard and faithfully under the able coaching of Mr. Hackett and
the leadership of Gesner. who had again been elected to the
captaincy. Although not in the league, New Haven’s record of
winning every interscholastic game played proved conclusively
that it was the premier team of the state. 1912 men were much
in evidence. Granfield. Hanlon. Doughan, Adams. Phillips and
Richardson all being awarded ”N. H.’s.” Gesner’s phenomenal
pitching was largely responsible for the team’s showing. Falsey’s
third base play, Granfield’s backstopping and Doughan’s outfield
work were other important factors in the team's success. The
class team made a hard fight and almost achieved the unheard
<>f feat, for a 1912 team, of winning an interclass series. In the
final game with 191 1 we were defeated in a heart breaking contest
and once more our fond hopes were shattered. But we were
encouraged and with confident hearts awaited the time when,
as Seniors, we should return and resume the struggle to uphold
the honor of our school and class on the gridiron.
Athletic History oe the Class oe 1912.
For once our hopes were not without foundation, and Cap-
tain Granfield’s eleven had a very successful season. In the
interscholastic league we finished second to New Britain, losing
to the latter team by the narrow margin of a goal from touch-
down. That game in New Britain before a crowd of 10,000
people will never be forgotten, either by those who participated
in or witnessed it. The team was the first to have the benefit of
Bernie Tommers’ coaching, the new athletic director taking hold
shortly after the New Britain game. His presence soon made
itself felt and the season was finished in rousing fashion, with
victories over Stamford, reputed to be state champions, and
Crosby by good scores. The great work of Hanlon and.Captain
Granfield deserves especial mention, while McAviney, Bunnell,
Howard and Persky. the other Senior representatives, all did
splendid work. But mention of the football season would not
be complete without paying due attention to that championship
Senior team, the first 1912 team to win its numerals in any sport.
The sturdy gridiron “giants” trounced every team they met in the
scries and even made a creditable showing against the regulars.
And what is more surprising, the usual protest from the de-
feated eleven was not forthcoming, a fact worth v of comment.
Memories of the basketball season are still fresh in our
minds. The team was a credit to the school and to Bernie Tom-
mers’ coaching. The only series lost to a Connecticut five was to
Stamford, and but two defeats were registered at home the entire
season. Among the notable achievements were the victories
on the home court over Storrs and New Britain, it being the
latter’s first defeat at the hands of a New Haven team in four
vears, and the two decisive trimmings handed the haughtv Yale
Freshman five. Captain “Nig" Levine. Hanlon and Greenberg
were the 1912 members of the regular five and all did splendid
work. Oliver, Baker and Mailhouse were the other Seniors to
receive their insignia. The class team could not live tip to the
standard set by the football team and finished third in the race.
W ithout a doubt the best hockey team in several years was
the one which represented New Haven High on the ice last
bO New Haven High School Class Book.
winter. Three games were played two of which were victories
and the other a defeat by a close score al the hands of the strong
Tait school seven. Of late years it has been a novelty for a
New Haven hockey team to win a game, and consequently the
work of Captain Richardson's men was most gratifying. Cap-
tain Richardson. Hotchkiss and Schall were our class’ representa-
tives. The interclass series, the first to be completed since they
were begun, two years previous, went to the Sophs when they
trimmed our speed boys for the title in a hard contest.
The only disappointing feature of the year's athletic achieve-
ments thus far is the track team. Although the men worked hard
the best material could not be gotten out and little or no interest
was evidenced. It is sincerely hoped that Captain Confrey may
yet pull the team together in lime to make a creditable showing
in the outdoor meets to come.
And now. at this writing, the baseball team, the last athletic
team in which 1912 is permitted an active interest, appears to
have been moulded into form, which seems even superior to that
displayed the year previous. Its feat of defeating the Yale
Freshmen. the first time in live years that a High School nine
has turned the trick, has already (irmly established its rank in
the school’s roll of honor, and with such a man as Captain
Doughan at the helm and Bernie Tommers and Mr. Hackett in
charge of the coaching department, prospects are certainly of a
roseate hue. Five veterans, namely. Captain Doughan, llanl n.
Gran field, Adams and Richardson are representing New Haven
High for the last time, and the present outlook is that at least
three more Seniors, in the persons of H. Johnson, Brewer and
F. Johnstone, will be in the regular line-up and do their part to
make the team a credit to the class and the school.
Before closing this feeble attempt at chronicling our class’
athletic achievements, it is but fitting that some slight mention
should be made of those members of the class who in particular
devoted themselves so unselfishly to advance the interests of our
school on gridiron, diamond, track, court or rink. First and fore-
most the name and fame of ‘‘Hank” Hanlon stands forth as 1912’s
Athletic History of the Class of 1912.
most shining light. W ith “N. H.'s” won one or more times in
football, baseball, basketball and hockey, his performances stamp
him the greatest all-around athlete who has represented our
school since the days of “Bill” Connolly. Following close be-
hind is ‘‘Bill” Granheld, who, although perhaps not so versatile a
performer as “Hank,” held a place on both the football and
baseball teams for three years past. McAviney, with insignias
won in football and track, “Arch” Richardson of hockey and
baseball fame, and “Bobby” Oliver, wearing letters gained in
basketball and track, besides the “N. H.” earned as football
manager, are others who have shown their ability in more than
one direction. Following a long list of those who specialized in
some particular sport such as Captain “Tommy” Doughan of the
baseball team; “Bob” Bunnell, Howard and Persky of the eleven:
Frank Adams, the veteran second baseman: Levine and Green-
berg of the basketball live, and Captain Confrey of the track team.
are all names to conjure with. “Honor to whom honor is due."
and it is upon these fellows that the lion's share of the credit for
1912’s athletic deeds should fall.
The athletic history of our class is told. Mayhap in after
years it may be of interest to again turn these pages and perhaps
bring to memory the high school deeds of classmates risen to a
higher station in the athletic world. If this be the case, the aim
of this history shall have been attained. And well may we rest
assured that in athletics as well as our other endeavors, the class
of 1912 has done its share and more to uphold the fair name of
New Haven High.
George M. IVeiss.
Opinions of the Class
Oliver (214) is by far the most popular person in the school.
Taks (39) knows a few people. Earle Stowe has twelve girls.
Miss Mull (28) is liked by one more than Miss St. Cyr (27).
Miss Blakeslee (26) is popular. Miss Booth (9) also is known
in Boardman.
Caple (39) is so bright his father calls him son (sun), b'cin-
mark (27) is a knowing little chap. “Jawn” McClelland (24) is
there with the brilliancy. Levy (23) is bright enough to win the
Botany Prize. Sixteen think Cowes bright. Kogers is bright, in
the opinion of eleven of his friends. Sidney Hall (10) has his
name read off for honors. Mailhouse (21) was bright enough
to make School Circle.
Miss Mae Kearney (24) has also her place among the stars.
Miss bowler (10) is naturally brilliant.
McCarthy (93) has been to every dance this year. Waller
Toole (52) knows a great many girls. Oliver has been to twenty
dances. Stowe has been to as many.
Miss St. Cyr (40) is the constellation among the girls. Miss
Blakeslee (27) goes to every dance. Miss A. Walker (15) evi-
dently must chum around with Miss B. Miss Hull is also ranked
among the stars.
Miss Gilbert’s dignified appearance has appealed to 34. Miss
Kenney (14) shows her brilliancy. Miss Shea has the appear-
New Haven High School Class Book.
ance of a scholar. Eleven of her friends think so. Miss
Moretz is small, but is very scholarly. Miss E. Shea and Miss
Feeley are evidently scholarly, according to statistics.
Feinmark (20) is by far our most scholarly. “Stan.” Dag-
gett (20) is hardly ever known to flunk. Levy (20) is called
the human dictionary, while Caple is there with a string of H.’s.
A. Fitzsimmons is scholarly.
Granfield (46) is so good natured they call him ‘Hap ’
Hanlon will grin no matter what the occasion. “Jim” Foley’s
bright smile is always going. Miss R. W oodruff is good natured
enough to write everybody’s work.
Miss Callahan (14) does not have to be told a joke twice.
W ill Miss A. Walker’s sunny smile cause every one around to
Bill Fields (48) is the most clever comedian we have ever
seen or heard; if you don't believe us read his history. J. Mc-
Clelland (38) “pulls off” some pretty classy jokes. Tim Fox
(27) is funny enough to make a wooden Indian laugh. Bob
Reisky (24) gives a good imitation of Weber and Fields. 'Paks’
jokes are appreciated by a host of friends. Tom Doughan's jokes
are the life of the B. B. team.
Miss Clark (29) is as witty as she is bright. Mary Crowley
( 15) is witty; those who saw her in the sketch will recall that.
Ruth Fowler (9) has a pleasing wit.
Walter Toole (60) is so busy that he has office hours.
Granfield (49) is busy; the team and Class Book give him all he
can take care of. John McClelland (38) hustles around with his
book. Bobby Oliver (25) is hard working. Hillman (16) burns
the “midnight oil.”
Ruth Fowler (41) is busy giving out checks. Peggy Hull
is pestered to death by the plaguey Class Book. Ida Cohen (25)
Opinions of the Class. 85
is always on the march. Miss A. Shea (9) is here, there, and
Taks (t88) is our most eloquent orator. Levy (9) has a
powerful voice.
Miss Shea (26) is the crack girl speaker of the class of
1912. Mary Crowley is some speaker. Miss Gilbert and Miss
Bengis recite just for pastime, but you ought to hear 'em.
John McCarthy (22) is fussy enough to be a woman.
Thompkins (21) is always fussing with something. Hank 11 an-
ion is a fussy "guy.” Henry Bald (45) is the biggest fusser in
the class, and believe me, he can fuss. Rynedancc is forever
fussing with the crease in his trousers. Rathke and Bacon (14)
are fussing all the time. Evans, our newcomer, is another fussy
individual. Jimmy Markham fusses, so thirteen friends say.
Miss St. Cyr is a fusser of the first water. Miss Beecher is
fussy. Look at her desk if you don’t believe us. Florence Barry
(14) is fussy. She is fussy even about being called Miss F.
Oliver is admired by everyone who knows him. Granfield
(56) claims admiration. Taks is admired for his good nature,
while Toole, Stowe and Markham (9) are admired by the girls.
Miss Hull (57) is another whom everyone admires. Ruth
Fowler (29) is warmly admired (No?). Not because she is
Class Treasurer, but because she is Ruth Fowler. Rose Wood-
ruff claims admiration because of her ways.
Bill Granfield is our great big brother Silvest, with 115.
Hank Hanlon is close behind with 113. Levine and Doughan,
our doughty captains, are some athletes.
Ruth Dougherty is our best basketball player. Lil Daniels
is next. Anyway, thirty-seven of her friends say so. Miss
New Haven High School Class Book.
Sullivan is some classy basketball player, while Miss Kingsley
played one great article of ball for the Seniors.
B. Rosenbaum (18) is the grindstone. Cowes (17) can
burn the midnight oil. E. Pickett (12) is cither grinding or doing
something just as bad. Sid. Hill will sharpen knives as a voca-
tion. Miss Guild (31) can do the knife sharpening act. Miss
Cody studies the morning stars. Miss Smith can tell you when
the sun comes up and Miss Kenney's father pays higher bills
for lighting than anyone else.
Our Class President. Oliver, would naturally be our most
prominent. Taks (28) is prominent enough to have his name in
every department of the school. Happy Granfield (12) is promi-
nent enough to be our best athlete, while Toole is prominent
enough to get into the Senior Class Book.
Miss Blakeslee is the most prominent girl in the school. Miss
Hull (38) is another whose prominence is gained because of
her sterling qualities. Miss St. Cyr (32) is prominent because
of a certain reason (that smile). Miss Booth (13) and Miss
Fowler (13) are prominent with the class (Secretary and Treas-
urer ought to be).
Bob Burrell is always smoothing out that first-cure. John
McCarthy’s tic will never stay straight. Henry Bald's pockets
look like a ladies’ dresser. Tiesing always has one hand on his tie.
Hugh Gibb (10) has the prettiest little smile ( ?). but can you
blame him with hair that never will stay straight? Herpich’s
tailor never works. Hcrp takes care of that. Thompkins.
Ahern and \\ illiams break the looking glasses in the school.
Miss Benedict (62) carries everything which she needs with
her. Miss Beecher (33) manicures her finger nails whenever
she gets a chance. Miss Steinbach certainly does have trouble
with her hair, while Miss St. Cyr owns 90 per cent of the stock
in the looking class in room 103.
Opinions of the Class.
\\ hen it comes to sporty people, John McCarthy is in a
class all by himself. Miss Stillman’s stunning gowns give her
first choice as the sportiest girl. Miss Wagner (22) does not
fall far below the mark', while Miss Price and Miss Sullivan
can tell the latest six months in advance.
Taks (135) intends to study journalism in later life. Miss
W alker (27) has done very fine work on the Crescent Board.
Stan. Daggett and Miss Booth (18) are there with ink splash-
ing. Miss Monson and Miss M. Barry can write. Miss Monson
wrote our graduation song. Miss Drurey wrote for the Focus.
Jake Adams won the letter writing contest. Miss IL Robinson
wrote the Freshman year for the Class Book, while Miss Fowler
(10) and Fisher (10) can handle a pen a bit.
Hugh Gibb has the smile that won't come off. Tiesing
smiles at lunch hour only. Buckingham wouldn't smile if paid
a salary. Murray smiles every Christmas while Stowe could
play the part of Minos to perfection.
Bill Fields (53) could bluff St. Peter. Thompkins can
throw the Durham. Taks (30) puts the kibosh on study some-
times. Leeke has the fastest horse in the Virgil class. Keane
can bluff you into believing that he is a Senior. Gran field bluffed
the school to be elected business manager, and Wright just got in
here on a bluff.
Peggy Doughan (42) is there when it comes to the hot air
stuff, while Miss Lapides (19) and Miss Sterne (14) can make
your hair curl with the answers they give.
Thompkins is too lazy to go to the lunch counter, so he sends
an under classman. Alling shows action whenever the Radiator
New IIaven High School Class Book.
comes out. otherwise he sits and yawns. Tim Fox is too lazy
to say not prepared; he says it takes away my breath.
Miss Price (20) would like an elevator installed for her own
private use. Miss Bengis yawns seven times an hour, while Miss
Boyer-would rather sleep than do anything.
E. Bailey (37) is so meek that if a Freshman should call him
‘‘Scrub” he would take it in silence. Dickinson is too meek even
to complain about the continual pecking of Jimmy. A. Moreill
and M. Newman are so meek that they would submit to anything.
G. Scofield (35) is so meek that if you were to say bah!
you’d frighten her. Miss Munzner (17), Miss W aters (16) and
Miss Powell (15) are so meek that they huddle close together
for fear of the wind.
Tales (207) made Oliver president and elected seven other
friends to other positions. Tim Fox is Taks’ righthand man,
while McAviney and Burrell are the lefthand men. Levy (26)
was euchered by the above combination, but nevertheless put up
a strong fight.
Miss Booth (21) takes the honors for the girls, with Miss
Hull and Miss Steinbach as suffragettes. Miss St. Cyr can reel
political economics off like a man.
Bobby Oliver (72) is our Ad---------, with Bobby Burrell’s
pleasant smile not far behind. The C. Course think Otis Bacon
(23) a dream, and Billy (notice the first name) Fields is a cute
Betty Hotchkiss (75) is our Venus and Miss Mason’s
dreamy eyes have caused thirty to fall. Miss Deane is another
heart-breaker, while Miss R. Woodruff’s pleasing way appeals
to twenty-three.
Opinions op the Class.
Taks (98) can talk from morn until night, without any let-
up. Dan Levy (34) can spread the salve a bit. Bill Fields (22)
never gets tired, while W right (12) can become a con man easy.
Miss Steinbach (57) can talk anyone deaf, dumb, blind
and crippled.
Mr. Fields (47) exists on his nerve. Taks (35) is never at
a loss. Levy (27) has nerve enough to oppose the giving of fifty
dollars to the Class Book. Burrell just gets in this on his nerve.
Miss Steinbach has nerve to sell. Miss Lapides is a second
Nervo. Price (15) can tell you black is blue.
Mr. Booth (100) is Boardman’s best bet, and Dr. Mac-
Farland’s pleasant smile has captivated 26. Dr. Zimmerman
(56) is still the king of Hillhouse. Mr. Bunnell has loomed up
on the horizon as a close rival of Dr. Zimmerman. Mr. Storey
is beloved by the B. and C. courses while Mr. Porter is beloved
by all the students who have ever had him.
Dr. Sheridan still holds, and long may she hold, the place as
the most popular teacher in either school. Miss Mange’s clever
jokes are greatly appreciated by the H. course. Miss Holbrook’s
pleasant ways captivate thirty-four supporters. Miss Kingley,
Miss Marsh and Miss Maher are beloved by their classes.
Bobby Oliver (106) has done more than any one has ever
done. Taks’ (30) great success in the N. H. H. S. D. S. and
the school paper entitle him to second place in this group. loole
(22) is another whose work is held up as a model. Bill
Granfield (10) is working all the time.
Peggy Hull (31) works continually for the good of the
school. Ruth Fowler’s name will remain a by-word as long
as the school remains. Miss G. Blakeslee (17) is working con-
tinually, while Miss Booth (10) is one of our hardest workers.
Advertised ents.
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How to Make Ice Cream Cones like Bill
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YOU will always find
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Newman’s Dancing Academy
916 Chapel Street Opp. the Green
J NEWMAN, Principal.
One of the attractive features of the Academy is the
simple method of teaching the Waltz, Two Step,
Three Step and Five Step in the shortest possible
time, without a failure The system taught at this
Academy is the very latest and is taught by all
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The Kingsbury Co.
For High School Affairs
Awnings, Tents, Flags and Canopies for Weddings
393 State Street
?5he Herpich Co.
Heating and Metal LVork
543 Congress Ave.
New Haven, Conn.
J. B. Hooghkirk
S. H. Moore
John McQuiggan
1054 Chapel St., Opp. Yale Art School New Haven, Conn.
Shgli ^hntngraplrs
1101 Chapel Street
Official Photographer to the Classes of I 909-* I 0-* I 1
Special Rates to Seniors
Three points well worth your consideration
are here assured
Quality first always!
2nd, Courteous and liberal treatment
3rd, Satisfaction
Ready Always to Please